Page name: Valentine Art 08, Page 1 [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-11 11:02:40
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Valentine Art 08, Page 1

Elftown Valentine Competitions


Please see the rules on the main page:
Valentine Art Competition
- Valentine Poetry Competition
See also:

Winners: Valentine Art Competition, 2008

<news:Valentine Competition Winners!>

By [nehirwen]
By [Mom]

Crew Favourite: [Jeccabee]</center>
<center>All submissions: This page.


Thank you to all that contributed!


How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:

1. [insert user name] - "Title"

There is a theme: - Valentine Art Competition#THEME
Make sure the entries fit the theme, or they will be removed.


This contest is closed!


1. [nehirwen] - A romantic spot to be with your valentine :)
(used 3 brushes from [Jitter] @ Digital Art Resources)

2. [Grandamelf] - "Valentine for a Broken Heart"
(goes with poem by the same name)

3. [tabbykitten] - Soldiers Valentine

4. [Ryo-Oni] - Be Mine? I Promise I'll Stop Being Crazy!!

5. [Grandamelf] Love's Song Doth Sooth the Savage Heart!

6.[dragonos]-"Gracefull Valentine" or "G.V" short for "Golden Vurtue"

7. [Cia_mar] - "Happy Valentine's Day, Love"

8. [Jitter]

9. [Artsieladie] - "Pegasus Of Passion"

10. [*akuma*] - "A Kiss for my Nite"

11. [Jeccabee] - "Valentine Morning"
(used 2 brushes from [Jitter] @ Digital Art Resources)

12. [Mom] - "Falling Hearts"

13. [moira hawthorne] - 'Love Lives'

14. [Triola] - "My Heart Will Go On"

15. [Morningstar Rising] - Valentine 08

16. [Elisha Kelly] - Share the Love

17. [Yncke] - Valentine being the busiest time of year for Cupid Inc., they're forced to hire some extra hands.

18. [Iske] - Zoveel Verloren Valentijntjes - (so many lost Valentines)

19. [ArkyLarky] - The Rose Waltz

20. [Moonlit Serenade] - Because It's Not Just a Lover's Day!
The title speaks for itself, methinks!

21. [Paul Doyle] - Pauly the Anthro-Dragon thought Necco "conversation heart" candies were made from sugar and volcanic ash, because he thought they tasted like ash. He sensed a government food-related conspiracy. Silly dragon! An illustration for this equally goofy, gawky poem: Valentine Poetry 08, Page 1 entry #33

22. [Jeccabee] - "Rubies are a girls best friend"

23. [Sunny Silverunicorn] - Your Queen of Hearts!
Sketch itself took me too long to leave anytime for full coloring. Had to enter with as much as I had.

24. [moira hawthorne] - 'Frog Prince'

Username (or number or email):


2008-02-11 [Triola]: It might not, I dunno, I just remember people being told that in other contests *shrugs*

2008-02-11 [Linderel]: I'll tell you to change it.

2008-02-11 [Jeccabee]: everybody happy?

2008-02-11 [Linderel]: Aye, thanks :P

2008-02-11 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: Okay, so my work has base colors, but if it doesn't follow the rules somehow, just remove it. <img:44166_1164145305.gif> My goal is to finish it for the special day itself, and well i thought I'd enter as well. You'll all see the finished work on Thursday though. <img:44166_1164144892.gif>

2008-02-12 [ArkyLarky]: GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! <3

2008-02-12 [Jeccabee]: good luck to all!

2008-02-15 [Yncke]: Congratulations to the winners!

2008-02-15 [Jeccabee]: ooh I gots crew favorite! <img:stuff/shadN-gif.gif>
congrats to the other winners!

2008-02-15 [Jitter]: Congratulations winners :D

2008-02-15 [nehirwen]: <img:44166_1164557391.gif> jeej!
congratulations [Mom] and [Jeccabee]!

2008-02-15 [Iske]: well done to the winners, you deserve it

2008-02-15 [Jeccabee]: I just wish I coulda voted. I was sick and didnt get on my computer. There were some really great entries! Congrats to the other winners! woot

2008-02-15 [Cia_mar]: yes voting was over awefully quick... iknow afew people that did not get to vote since they only get to be on et once a week... :(
but such is the nature of the beast.. i guess...

2008-02-15 [Jitter]: Unfortunately that's the bad side of the holiday competitions :(

2008-02-15 [Cia_mar]: true

2008-02-15 [Jeccabee]: yeah...but it's ok. Is there going to be one for St. Patrick's Day?

2008-02-15 [Jeccabee]: there a way to see the poll even though it's closed? 

2008-02-15 [nehirwen]: St. Patrick's Day Festival is already open. :)
(hosted by: Festivals)

2008-02-15 [nehirwen]: <poll:76173> ;)

2008-02-15 [Jeccabee]: cool thanks on both!

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