Page name: X-Men Kitchen 3rd [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-05-02 20:29:08
Version author: Danboo
Owner: Veltzeh
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Kitchen on the 3rd Floor

The kitchen, those parts of it you can see through the smoke, is nowhere near as tidy as kitchen on the first floor, in fact, it looks rather more like the site of a small explosion than a kitchen. The fridge is annoyingly beer free, and a lot emptier than it's first floor counterpart. There is a TV hanging in the corner.

X-Men - Time
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist1
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist2
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist3
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist4
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist5

Monday, October 31st

Striding into the kitchen, Vlad made a beeline for the refrigerator and started pulling things out of it. He grabbed two eggs, a head of lettuce, two slices of cheese, butter, and a tomato. Setting those things on the counter, he then rummaged the freezer and took out two flat sausage patties as well as a box of pre-made waffles. Despite his ability to cook, he was aiming for haste this morning as his stomach reminded him periodically of its deprivation with groans and gurgles that said "FEED ME NOW." He set up a little kitchen work station, complete with cutting board, sharp knife, and spatula. He dug out a frying pan and set it on the burner, adjusting the flame to medium and slicing a slab of butter to melt and coat the pan as it heated up. He tilted the pan in a circle to apply the butter everywhere and waited for the pan to get hot enough to cook his eggs. While he waited, Vlad took out some buns from the pantry and set them in his workstation, all the while whistling a merry tune that foretold of his good mood.

Daniela walked in and stopped for a split second as she heard someone singing in the kitchen. However, as soon as the girl noticed Vlad's massive figure moving about the kitchen, she relaxed once more. Walked carefully to the kitchen table, trying to keep Vlad from hearing her over his whistling, she climbed on a chair. kneeling on it and resting her elbows on the table itself, unable to keep herself from grinning wide. Finally, she took a deep breath and, hoping the man had no idea she was there, she called out, rather loudly. "Morning Vlad!"

Vlad was bent in half trying to plug in the toaster when Daniela entered, his back to the door and the rest of the kitchen as the whistling continued. His bulk did not fit well between the counter and the cabinets but he managed to find the socket without much trouble. Biting open the package of waffles, he shook four out and popped them into the toaster, pushing the lever down so that the coils got red hot. Standing up straight, he stepped over to the stove with a little slide that fit in well with the tune he was whistling, that was now reaching an impressive trill. Carefully, he took the egg and held it to the side of the pan: cracking an egg was one of those tasks that suddenly became harder after his strength manifested. He paused his song for just a moment to better concentrate, and was about to tap the egg when Dani caught his attention. He jumped and crushed the egg in his hand. He harrumphed for a moment and then looked over his shoulder to see Dani. "Oh, goot morning Dani!" he said brightly, genuinely happy to see her. He ran his hand under the cold tap and then started drying it on a hand towel that looked more like a washcloth in his grip. "Vont some breakfast?" he asked, offering to cook for her with a nod of his head towards the stove.

Daniela was grinning when Vlad turned around, she looked a bit like a mischievous 6 year old sneaking up on her dad, but her expression turned when bits of egg began to fly in all directions. "Ouch.. uhm.. sorry." she said as she headed to the fridge and began rummaging for some stuff, talking to the boy from behind the fridge door as jars and other stuff clinked together. "Sure. I'll take some of those waffles off your hands." smiled the girl as she emerged from the fridge, a carton of chocolate milk on one hand and a new egg on the other. The girl's hair as unruly as ever, slowly snapped back into a bed head from the improvised hand-brushing she'd done in the centre hall as the girl closed the fridge door with right foot, bending her right leg behind her left one. "But..." she began to say, putting the milk carton down on the table and bringing her index finger to one of the straps of her tank top, which had been dangling next to her arm, and bringing it back over her shoulder. "... I'll take care of the egg for you." she chuckled, moving her diminutive shape next to Vlad and commanding him to move, "Scoot!", much like a kitten trying to nudge a Saint Bernard. Though Daniela was still not used to touching people much, she could be standing close to Vlad without any problems by now.

When Dani got up to grab the egg she had helped him to smash, Vlad smiled in relief. Over the past few weeks, the two of them had spent a lot of time together, purely platonic in nature of course, but when it came to things of this sort (asking a girl to crack his eggs for him was simply out of the question) it was nice that Dani took it upon herself. That way all Vlad had to do was grin and scoot over as per instruction and give the girl with her tousled hair the reign over the stove. "Yes ma'am!" he replied, taking a large sidestep so that Dani could have all the room she wanted. While she was tending to the eggs, Vlad took care of the waffles, putting two on each plate and then knifing butter over them. "Do you like syrup or jam on your voffles?" he asked, annihilating the word 'waffle' until it sounded like he was trying to say the most ridiculous thing he could think of. With his head in the fridge, he looked up over the door to see what Dani had to say before he took out one and not the other.

Humming what seemed to be the Tetris theme very quietly and with a smile on her face, Daniela moved in front of the pan and swiftly cracked a pair of eggs over it, gently dropping them without bursting the yolk and moving the pan around a bit to let the white spread. "Sunny side up?" she asked, turning to the boy and looking up, as it was the only way she could really talk to him. A bit of hair had gotten on her face so she blew it away, not like it made any difference, at messy as it was. Then when Vlad asked her about the waffles, her big blue eyes opened like plates, trying to figure out what he had said. "Is that...Klingon or something?" she said with a lot of naiveté, then piecing together the rest of the sentence in her head before adding. "Oh! Waffles! Uhm.. syrup will do, please." she grinned, a bit red at her own silliness as she tried to blow the stubborn bang out of her face again. "Oh! so, what are you gonna be for Halloween?" she asked the boy, twisting around to try to look at him without getting her hand off the handle of the pan. "You could be a semi-truck." she grinned, obviously yanking his chain and blowing on the same small lock of hair one last time, now a bit frustrated by it.

"I am going to put them on a sandvich, so fried and not too runny in the middle, votever that is called here," Vlad replied, letting the fridge door shut as he took out the syrup and blackberry jam. He started whistling, albeit poorly, the tune he caught from Daniela as he scooped some jam onto his waffles and spread it around with the same knife he'd used for the butter. The two of them shared a laugh at her pink, blushing cheeks and, just to be silly, Vlad said "voffle" again, clearly intending to make his tiny friend giggle. He put the buns for his sandwich in the toaster and then set to slicing the tomato, holding it with one ginger little finger so he wouldn't smoosh it, like he seemed to do with all fruit. Looking over just in time to see her battle with the bang, Vlad visibly brightened and said, "Hey, haff you not noticed my great new haircut?" He looked up, his grey eyes perfectly visible now that his hair was no longer shaggy. He stopped when she asked about Halloween, wondering if he'd missed something important. "Hallo-vot?"

While Vlad and Dani were busy filling the kitchen with noise, Korvka stepped into it on the tails of a jump, startling at the loud soundwave Everett had sent at her. Growling a curse over her shoulder, she stepped into the kitchen, intent on a few pre-grown apples to start the day. She froze when she saw Vlad and Dani, looking at them like she'd caught them doing something awful, or unseemly. Standing still, she took the scene in: eggs, toast, tomato - things she could all remember getting plates of years ago, prepared by Vlad when their dad was off early in the morning to work. She watched, speechless with resentment until she could take no more. Seemingly escorted by her own personal rain cloud, Korvka turned around and marched away, leaving without so much as a glare or stomp. On her way out to X-Men Hall East 3rd, she bumped into Mihir and Addy, nearly bowling them over on her way out the door.

Endelyn walked into the kitchen with a stretch and a yawn. She looked at Vlad and Daniela and smiled. "Good morning." she said with a small wave.

Virgil, whom avoided the stomping Korva, and walked around Endelyn, quietly said,"Good Hallow's Eve to all." With a bright smile on his face as he went to the pantry to grab a package of oatmeal.

From here you there is only one way you can go - back out to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

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2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: yay!

2015-02-24 [The Black Goat]: hey would y'all mind if I brought Nadine into the kitchen?

2015-02-24 [Ms. Steel]: I'm cool with that!

2015-03-03 [Ms. Steel]: ARRIGHT what can we do with these three that would be fun?

2015-03-04 [The Black Goat]: Well Nadine is very amendable and will undoubtedly love to get a chance to hang out with the older girls, so whatever mischief they decide to get into she will follow lol

2015-03-04 [Ms. Steel]: Welp, this joint is jumping.

2015-03-04 [twitchboy]: the munchies call at nine o clock, even for asshole cyborgs

2015-03-05 [Ms. Steel]: CC nudge

2015-03-08 [twitchboy]: nadine?

2015-03-08 [The Black Goat]: I'll post sometime today/tomorrow

2015-03-14 [Ms. Steel]: Twitch... yoo-hoo...

2015-03-16 [Vhnori Valmos]: I'll get my post done tomorrow afternoon when I get home. Got a stupid apartment application thing I have to go to.

2015-03-24 [The Black Goat]: working on my posts, I promise, super busy at work

2015-03-27 [Ms. Steel]: I will post tonight!

2015-04-05 [Ms. Steel]: pokle?

2015-04-07 [The Black Goat]: I know I know, will try to type something up today, possibly tomorrow

2015-04-28 [Ms. Steel]: Mark?

2015-05-11 [Ms. Steel]: will post soon.

2015-05-16 [twitchboy]: On vaca will post Mon da y

2015-06-04 [The Black Goat]: yay!

2015-06-05 [Ms. Steel]: ...will post today, at some point.

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