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2014-03-19 23:59:56
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See on wiki-pages:

- Calls_To_Myself
  - ([Hedda] passworded this page on Elftown so the public can't view how he's implicated with the tampering of my phone.)
- Badge-n-Heart-From-Hedda
- Defending-Self_Data-By-Artsieladie
- Handed-Me-Lemons_Hence-Making-Lemonade
- I-Stand-Accused
- Public-Notice_By-Artsieladie
- Truth-Time

#Artsieladie #Cyberstalking #Stalking #PhoneTampering #InvasionOfPrivacy #Hacking #Eavesdropping #SlanderingMyName #ArtTheft #CopyrightInfringement



An Elftown NON-Fantasy Wiki!


Affiliated with: Calls_To_Myself and Cyberstalking.</center>

On this wiki-page there will be listed what would be considered "coincidences. I'll try to keep each one as
brief as possible, but try to simply state the "coincidence". Any names used will be fictitious, because I just
want to post the coincidences and allow the readers to come to their own conclusions as much as I possibly
can without directly pointing any fingers, mainly because I don't want this to be about a name-calling mission,
but rather to show people just some of the reasons why my reasoning has gone in the direction(s) it has.

I am neither paranoid nor crazy as has been said around here and since I am the only one that can tell what
I have witnessed for the most part, with some exceptions when I've had additional witnesses and whom have
also drawn the same conclusions as I have, including a person that does investigative work for a living, then I
have to show as best I can just what I have witnessed. If I do not, then all those that have been influenced to
believe I am crazy, paranoid, a liar, a troublemaker, etc., will be left with no other alternative than to believe
that which they have been told simply because they have no other information to truly and fairly evaluate the
whole scenario with. 

The examples will be easier to read and understand if I use names, although fictitious, rather than the usage
of 'the person', 'the other person', etc., all the time, not to mention monotonous to read along with being con-
fusing. Also, by using fictitious names I'm hoping to protect people whom aren't really deserving of being
named and so, embarrassed as a result.


Coincidence: (title here)

(Explanation and/or examples here)


Coincidence: (title here)

(Explanation and/or examples here)


Coincidence: (title here)

(Explanation and/or examples here)


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May God Bless You and Have a Great Day!

May the love of God always touch and live within your heart!

<i>By [Artsieladie]

All creativity on this site, including but not limited to, the art, writing, poetry, ideas and concepts, etc., created
and brought forth by [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly, is therefore owned by and copyrighted to the same, its creator. It may NOT be used, modified, copied, reproduced, or anything else without my expressed, written permission PER ITEM, including my nearly 11,000 graphics on this site.
To contact [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly:
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2012-12-18 outlet: Hello there , thank you for the time you applied to write this submit! Its amazing to go through a thing about tranny

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