Submissions and gatherings of mixed media.
Contest Began: 2009-06-05.
Contest Ends: 2009-10-01.
This contest is closed!
This wiki-page is created to gather information and combine our efforts to make the wiki-page
Gryphon be the best page about gryphons there is on the entire Internet.
See the writing rules on
Elftown Creature Marathon. Help correcting each others' texts, but if you want to do big changes, it's often better to copy the page to a suggestion-pag
e, or ask first. If you create a new page like "Gryphon Anatomy@wiki", name it exactly like that, and not something like "Heddas gryphon ana". It will, of course, be replaced, if someone comes up with a better page or adds to your page, but please don't kill them for it. ;)
So, if you have any kind of text, image, link or anything that can help, please add it here or make a comment about it! People who help out a lot will be considered part of the work and will get credited on the best gryphon-page on the Internet, when we're done with it, AND we'll also select the best contributor, by voting.
For discussions about the Elftown competitions: Here it's discussed if an entry is in accordance with the rules and similarly more complicated issues that can't be solved with a simple wiki-comment. Go to: <forum:Elftown contests>
Remember: It's not just you against the rest of the team. It's also Elftown against the world!
The Crew:
- ECM Crew
- Elftown Crew
- Elftown Community - Mainstreet Poll for Art
What we want:
Writers for information and prose about the Gryphon,
links about Gryphon art, poetry, prose, mixed-media (internal/external).
Prose entries, informative and stories:
Mixed: More than one media (Info/Stories/Poetry/Art/etc.):
Elftown Links:
External resources (mixed topics) that might be good:
External Poems:

Good writers needed! Please review:
Interested? Please contact:[nehirwen], [Alexi Ice] or [Chimes].</center>
Go or return to:
- ECM Gryphon
- Gryphon / Griffin / Griffin/Gryphon
- Elftown Creature Marathon
- creature_list
Also running:
ECM Orc photo
ECM Mage photo
ECM Witch photo
ECM Troll photo
ECM Fantasy warrior photo
ECM Fantasy dwarf photo
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