Contest Began: 2007-10-01.
Contest Ended: 2009-07-20.
This creature photo session is now closed!
Thank you to all that contributed!
By Poll: <poll:77073>
<news:[ECM Witch Photo@wiki] Results!>

By [Nioniel]!
ECM Witch Photo
Submissions of photo-only artwork images. Read the image-rules on
Elftown Creature Marathon (In short, it has to be your image and it has to be free to copy, but it doesn't have to be new). The goal of this contest is to get a nice image of a typical witch to put on top of the
Witch page.
Add your image and a link to your house here.
To upload your image full-size you can use the feature 'Upload a folder of images' that is shown on your house.
This feature allows you to upload one, multiple images or zip-files in their original size to a wikipage.
Once you click this link you can follow the instructions. See also
uploading images.
Upload a great looking photograph of a typical witch or a
realistically looking photo-manipulation or a dressed up human in case you can't find a real witch...
In regards to 'stock photos':
The stock image has to be that of an Elftown member and for a photo entry, there has to be a substantial amount added/done with it to enter it. - The Council.
Exceptions might be offered if there is a valid reason for it. But, if you do submit more than one image, you will greatly lower your chance of winning, as the votes for your style will be spread out on two entries.
Except for the normal badges and stuff, the winner will get credits on what we hope will be the best page about witches. We will pick one witch-photo or more as winners.
Please note the extremely long deadline! It's because witches tend to be pretty rare and we want the best shots we can get.
Any entry that does not follow the "Witch theme", will be removed.
Photography with a minimal amount of manipulation. We don't want images that look
too artistically modified.
If you have photos of atypical witches, you're welcome to submit them here, but we'll mark them as outside of contest.
- The BEST QUALITY photos
- The MOST TYPICAL "Witch" photos
LARGE PHOTOS represent Elftown having the best Witch Page on the Internet as part of the Elftown Creature Marathon!
This may be helpful: Witch.
Brief description:
Appearance: Most commonly known as of or thought to be of the female gender, but not exclusively. Most widely known to be practitioners of wirchcraft, the casting of spells, the raising of the dead, and so forth.
Three important notations:
---> #1: When the finalists are posted in the Main Street Poll or on a public poll page, the participants are
not allowed to beg for votes for their own entry. Do not ask people to vote for your entry via private messages, guestbook messages, moods, wikis, or by any other means. Your entry will be disqualified if you are caught doing so.
It is perfectly fine to advertise THE POLL, however!
---> #2: If you feel any of the entries break the rules, please speak up
before the entries make it to the polls. You can still speak up even after the contest is closed, as long as the polls have not yet gone up yet. Complaints received
after the aforementioned will not be considered valid.
---> #3: For discussions about the Elftown competitions: Here it's discussed if an entry is in accordance with the rules and similarly more complicated issues that can't be solved with a simple wiki-comment. Go to:
<forum:Elftown contests>
/Thank you - the ECM Mods and the Elftown Council.
Photo Sessions:
For open/closed/deadline info, see: ECM#Photo Sessions' Statuses.
ECM Elf Photo
ECM Fairy/Fae Photo
ECM Fairy/Fae Photo Atypical
ECM Fantasy Dwarf Photo
ECM Fantasy Warrior Photo
ECM Mage Photo
ECM Orc Photo
ECM Troll Photo
Insert number, your name, and your image here, after the last, previous entry. Use "img300" to insert the image if it's bigger than that (And it should be! Please upload big photos!).
Title your entries, please!
A title more than just "Witch" is needed.
Thank you!
1. [
Jitter] - "Witch and her cat"
I hope this photomanip is okay..? All stock used is mine. for more info see Witch manip stock
I prefer this one^ but feel free to use on the page if you find it helpful
2. [
Skydancer] - "Leah - Vintage Witch"
Pure Photograph, young practicing witch
3. [
dew_farie] - "Yuletide Fun"
Kuruni] - my mother - "Witch of the tower".
5. [
Able Insane] - "The Solitary One"
6. [
Aeolynn] - "Follow me-" says the green witch.
7. [
de Morte] - "Forest Witch"
8. [
Skydancer] - Hogwarts Homework

Model -
9. [
Triola] - "Sorcery"
10. [
Cillamoon] - The Dark Witch Watches You
11. [
nehirwen] - The Witch on the Crossing

(original photo by [
Nameless Shadow], photoshopped by me)
12. [
Nioniel] - "A Witch at Work"
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Elftown Creature Marathon