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2008-12-14 [Skydancer]: certainly, coffee, tea, pumpkin juice...
2009-03-06 [jaraden]: skydancer.... brilliant!!!!!
loving all teh photos though but seriously.. skydancer, yours takes the cake for me...
*laughs and falls off chair!!!!*
2009-03-07 [Diiwica]: Thank you [Artsieladie], very much.
2009-03-10 [jaraden]: i agree with the lovely and intellegent Artsie-ladie Diiwica, it's a iconic photo.. it's what i'd picture a mage to be... and yeah, i nearly pissed myself laughing at Skydancer's image.. bloody brilliant!!!!!
2009-03-15 [nehirwen]: Thank you!
It's the prison that's in my neighbourhood, I love that building. :) (not really the function though)
2009-03-16 [nehirwen]: ^_^
2009-03-16 [Falx]: Is that a tiki torch you're using for a staff there, Nehir?
2009-03-16 [jaraden]: that last photo rocks too by the way!! nicely done!!!! diggin the prison/ wicked looking castle like thingy!!! sweet!!!!
2009-03-16 [nehirwen]: I believe that's a tiki torch indeed. xD
I hope it doesn't look too silly. :p
Thanks Jaraden. ^_^
2009-03-17 [jaraden]: i agree with Artsie (i'm doing that alot these days huh) i don't care if it was a plank of wood, you did one heck of a job!!! plus the torch thingy still looks like a staff so i reckon you did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-03-17 [nehirwen]: =^_^=
2009-03-20 [jaraden]: well at least you guys are laughin.. my work here is done!!
*conjures mystic disapearing spell...*
*whacks own head with feeble 2X4 plank of wood staff...*
is an idiot!
2009-03-21 [jaraden]: yeah, atleaste i'm good fer a couple of laughs huh!!!
2009-03-24 [jaraden]: heck yeah.. and we've all had our bloody fair share of rough times huh... it's better to laugh then cry i say... har har..
2009-03-27 [jaraden]: too true!!! pearls of wisdon flowing over here!!!!
*points at Artsie!!!*
2009-03-27 [jaraden]: i hear that, i think anyone who goes through hard times and survives becomes a stronger person by nature.. it is our hardships which define us and make us stronger persons.. it is people who never struggle through life who frustrate me.. one never really knows how strong one is until the surmount a personal tragedy or hardship!!!!
2009-03-31 [Skydancer]: I have a model coming in a week or so, and I will try to talk her into doing a few sets for the various wikis.
2009-04-01 [jaraden]: sweet!!!! skydancer, you must be the jedi master of models and an absolute genuis with your canera!! looking forward to what you come up with!!!!!!! more faries, more sorcery more goreous posses i reckon!!!! brilliant!!!!!
2009-04-15 [jaraden]: by the way Skydancer.. loved your entry here!!! i gotta say again what a wicked great sence of humour you have dude!!! pure genius!!!!!!!!
2009-05-27 [Silver Moon]: can it be an image of my dad?
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