# of watchers: 15
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| D20: 2 |
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2009-04-18 [moira hawthorne]: the one love doesnt exclude other loves!
2009-04-20 [jaraden]: *laughs* i can always count on you moira to booste my ego!!! your too kind to me!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-04-20 [moira hawthorne]: *hides trout behind my back* your welcome
2009-04-20 [jaraden]: yeah i know, i'll watch what i say from now on or i'll get the floppy fish to the back of the head.. i get it!! hee hee hee hee hee
2009-04-20 [moira hawthorne]: =D see I can train an old dog new tricks!
2009-04-20 [jaraden]: ohh you can train me anyway you want kiddo!!!!!! winks!
2009-04-20 [moira hawthorne]: ok lets stop spamming this official wiki
2009-04-20 [jaraden]: stop.. spamming?? what the heck is spammin.. other then a wretched so called food....
2009-04-20 [moira hawthorne]: spamming can mean a long drawn out private conversation that is more suitable for messages than a public wiki that alot of other people will get updates for...
it can also mean a few other more or less disirable things...
see http://www.urb
2009-04-20 [moira hawthorne]: make a troll jaraden ... than we can talk about trolls again!
2009-04-20 [jaraden]: i could try and photoshop one of my old pics.. hmm.. never thought of that..... interesting idea moira!
2009-04-20 [moira hawthorne]: too bad twitchi [inte här] left... she was an awesome troll
2009-04-20 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: What about you moira? Why don't you enter ?
2009-04-20 [moira hawthorne]: I have an idea... but the photo wouldnt be mine... only the manuip of it... so I have to ask permission
edit... I never got that...
2009-09-13 [Nioniel]: Hmmmm....
*wheels begin turning*
2010-01-23 [AuroraLumos]: I only found this wiki the other day ^^' (we still going? or had people given up??)
2010-01-23 [nehirwen]: This contest is still open, there is just no deadline yet. Awesome entry you have! =D
2010-05-25 [moira hawthorne]: gooood one!
2010-05-26 [Urmando The Elfling]: ThanX, I have so many pictures from the Elf Fantasy Fairs from the past years. So there was a "good looking" Troll picture as well...
2010-05-27 [Hedda]: Very nice!
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