Page name: fantasyC~Ccontest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-31 05:55:45
Last author: kay-chan
Owner: kay-chan
# of watchers: 16
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Hosted by [kay-chan]

Here is your chance to face down a challenge! Enter the FantasyC~Ccontest. What does FantasyC~Ccontest mean? Fantasy Characters or Creatures Contest!

And with all good things, this too must end.


First place: [Kuruni]

Second place: [Kaimee]

Third place: [moira hawthorne]

Administrators favorite: [Asrun]
 (This was really hard for me to choose... There were SO many good artists here. But for some reason, I kept coming back to [Asrun]'s. I figured this was telling me something.)

Thank you to all who participated, you guys are awesome to the power of infinity!

The Lovely Rules

1. This contest is for fantasy. Your entries must be fantastical. This can be set in nearly every place imaginable, past to future, as long as supernatural elements are involved. That is what fantasy is: fiction characterized by highly fanciful or supernatural elements.
       a. This means: people in medieval clothing are NOT fantasy. There is nothing fanciful or supernatural about chainmail. If the person wearing chainmail, however, had wings, then he/she would be allowed.
2. Your own artwork, please. Tracing, as well, is not allowed. Fanart shall be kept to a minimum: say, 1 entry maximum of fanart per person.
3. Maximum entries per person: 3. You may also enter in art that has previously or is currently in another art contest, as long as the person running the other art contest also allows this.
4. All mediums and styles are embraced (except for modern art. We hate modern art. No red dots that are supposed to mean something. Arrr!).
5. Nudity, strong language, violence, all that stuff is actually allowed. But no porn. We do not appreciate pornography and neither does Elftown.
6. Do not have fun. Having fun is AGAINST THE RULES. With the powers vested in me, I forbid it. (X3)
7. Rules subject to change at any moment. They might even be changing right now.

Here is a participation badge for all ye who entered here!

Poll Goodness!

Rules for Voting
1. No soliciting votes. If I catch you asking for votes in your diary or mood or anywhere, you will be automatically disqualified. And if everyone on your relation’s list is suddenly voting for you, we’ll… “talk.”
2. Don’t vote for yourself. That’s lame. There was a farmer had a you. And Lame-o was its name-o.
3. You CAN advertise that we’re voting now. Just don’t say ‘vote fer meh!’
4. Good luck! (That was less a rule than a statement or a wish, but since it’s down here, I guess it’s mandatory that you have good luck. Sorry.)

1717) Who should win the fantasyC~Ccontest? (No administrator)

Number of voters: 37
a) 1. a) [Kaimee] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

b) 1. b) [Kaimee] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 2 (5%)

c) 1. c) [Kaimee] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 5 (14%)

d) 2. a) [Jitter] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

e) 2. b) [Jitter] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

f) 2. c) [Jitter] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 3 (8%)

g) 3. a) [Cia_mar] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

h) 3. b) [Cia_mar] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

i) 3. c) [Cia_mar] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

j) 4. a) [Duredhel] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 1 (3%)

k) 4. b) [Duredhel] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 1 (3%)

l) 4. c) [Duredhel] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 3 (8%)

m) 5. a) [Leara] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

n) 6. a) [The Femme Fatale Problem] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

o) 7. a) [Aeolynn]/[Zephire] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

p) 8. a) [Asrun] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

q) 9. a) [moira hawthorne] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 4 (11%)

r) 9. b) [moira hawthorne] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

s) 9. c) [moira hawthorne] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

t) 10. a) [Kuruni] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

u) 10. b) [Kuruni] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 2 (5%)

v) 10. c) [Kuruni] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 8 (22%)

w) 11. a) [Dil*] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

x) 11. b) [Dil*] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

y) 12. a) [Elisha Kelly] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

z) 13. a) [jsun] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 2 (5%)

A) 14. a) [Veltzeh] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 1 (3%)

B) 14. b) [Veltzeh] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

C) 14. c) [Veltzeh] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

D) 15. a) [Dragonartist] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

E) 15. b) [Dragonartist] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

F) 16. a) [Lothuriel] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

G) 17. a) [dayah] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

H) 17. b) [dayah] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

I) 17. c) [dayah] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

J) 18. a) [Dracontiar] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 3 (8%)

K) 18. b) [Dracontiar] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 1 (3%)

L) 18. c) [Dracontiar] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

M) 19. a) [Lady of Lore] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

N) 19. b) [Lady of Lore] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 1 (3%)

O) 19. c) [Lady of Lore] <img100*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

Deadline: March 8th.
Prize: A prettyful badge created from your art (prettyfulness not guaranteed), and gift art for the first-place winner of the poll.
Judging tactic: there will be a poll to decide first, second, and third (ties will be broken by moi), and a [kay-chan]'s favorite so nobody complains about the polls. [kay-chan]'s favorite might not be totally decided by [kay-chan] if she gets the help of outside friends. Rawr.
Love: freely given.

Well, the contest is closed, so no new participants, but the old ones are... gold!

1. a) [Kaimee] All entries of mine may only be placeholders, depending on when, whether and how much time I have to create original entries!
So, entry 1: A grass fae.

1. b) [Kaimee] entry 2: A Kaimee-fae! :P

1. c) [Kaimee] entry 3: A forest elf. So so heavily influenced by winter olympic ice skating ;)

a.Niran and Tivona
b.Battle at the Rainbow Sea
c.Deity Nyx

a."come with me," says the fairie
<img:> elvish princess

4. [Duredhel]

a. Apu, Incan mountain god, according to Inca lore, every large mountain had a great Apu who ruled over the local Huacas (a huaca is both a holy place and a lesser spirit, the spirit of a river, the spirit of a tree, and so on).

b.Demon girl (Inspired by teh [Lunnie], inked now, coloring in process)

c.Death Knight, from Realms of Lemire. Not sure if this would be considered as fantasy, if not please let me know ^_^

5. [Leara]

A. Preview till its finished. >.> Sketchy. And its a M.A.N.

6. [The Femme Fatale Problem]

A. Tis a sketch, one that might actually be colored. Obviously it's up here to make all the other artists look good.

7. [Aeolynn]/[Zephire]

A. This is Saffron, my seal-like thingy that lives in the sea, fear his claws!

8. [Asrun]
Actually for class.. Based on an italian myth about the goddess/nymph Alda (or Alba.. I forget) who cried tears that brought life back to plants and had a child with the sun or something. O_o; 


9. [moira hawthorne]
a... 'Final Kiss Before Death'
Mooncat, my cat deamon chary and Hraem my NPC are © to me ...this is abit of history for Mooncat for the RP she is in right now. She is pregnant with his child... but he died in a war.. so now she is with Tomoyo, a wolf deamon... so she had to explain what his future child would look like and why he would have wings and be so dark... ofcourse Tomoyo is gonna be a great adoptive father. Wolves are very loyal. Tomoyo is © [jaderii] Jade Johnson.

b... 'oh Ive been thru the desert on a horse with no name...'
Niccodemus is an spear welding unicorn horse headed centaur with a deathhead in his breathe fog...
so not a nice fellow... additional points to his character... he has 3 forms... this one... horn horse head man's toros horse body... another all unicorn... and the 3rd all human male... with just a bud of a horn on his forehead that gives him away... as not being mortal

c... 'my computer Bradach'
Bradach is the name I gave my computer. I fantastizing that he is a nasty little fae who I dont understand at all... he pees on things and crashes for no reason and basically misbehaves ... and when he gets pissy he talks in a language I dont understand! o.O

10. [Kuruni]

A. Gnomes.


B. Garden Fairy

I used what i have in my backyard as a background, it was fun to make this one. She takes care of my garden when i'm gone.


C. Mermaid's comb

There are many kinds of mermaids and this one in particular loves to comb her hair and watch her sea jewels sparkling with the sunlight, sitting on a rock on the shore.


11. mmmMmmmm, magically delicious. o.o <3 [Dil*]
Wind Goddess

12. [Elisha Kelly]
Okay new entry done...

13. [jsun]
Helun the Sky Mage

14. [Veltzeh]

A) A hardy Hauken warrior whose epee can transform into water and which the character keeps in his hat (therefore the wet hat).

B) A musket-wielding epicene wind mage and halfbreed. Yeah, I know.

C) And the same wind mage getting its butt kicked (or chest pierced) in a fight by a cleptomaniac fencer.

15. [Dragonartist]

a) Phoenix-my character from Hell's Gate


b.) an angel that I named Mami which means true beauty in Japanese


16. [Lothuriel]
"He Went That Way'

17 a) [dayah]
"Gabrial's Nightmare Revenge"


c.) "Trouble in Space"

18. [Dracontiar]
a) "The Little Victories" Took half the summer to do this, so it better do well! ^.^ jk, of course, though it did take me that long. <img:>

b) "Among The Birds" Deep meaning, and what not. I was gonna add clouds, but I liked the simplicity of it. <img:>

c) "Luke and Diana" Two of Adele Sessler's characters. Sweet couple, doncha think? btw? You can go figure out why she's see-through. <img:>

19. By the [Lady of Lore]
A. The anthromorphous "Jaguar Lord" <img:>

B. The "Ancient Green Dragon Grathmal"

C. The "Watcher of the Elders"

Username (or number or email):


2006-03-30 [Cia_mar]: well that's that eh?!?!!?.was fun!!!!

2006-03-30 [kay-chan]: :D Congrats to all participants for rocking my socks OFF! I haven't chosen my favorite yet because I've been too busy, but I'll have that and the winners badges up ASAP I promise!

2006-03-30 [moira hawthorne]: its been an awesome contest... so many beautiful art

2006-03-31 [Asrun]: Thanks so much Kay.  Great contest. I didn't even vote because I couldn't decide! :O

2006-03-31 [Kuruni]: WOW!!! thanks! i'm so happy! Yes, there is so many great art in this contest. It was great. I will claim for my prize soon :D and congrats to everyone!!

2006-03-31 [Kuruni]: does someone want to enter my contest? i have nice prices, but most of all the idea is to have fun ^_^ see my house!

2006-03-31 [Jitter]: Yay! Congratulations to all :D

2006-03-31 [Lady of Lore]: COngratualtions to all of you! ^^ You're art really is fantabulous ^^

2006-03-31 [moira hawthorne]: This was an awesome contest! Wais Hail to everyone...

2006-03-31 [Lady of Lore]: I think the hail is speaking of the drink rather than hailing someone :P I like your version though ^^ it's wassail (at least in the songs that we did at our Madrical Feast for my show chior). ^^

2006-03-31 [moira hawthorne]: Wais Hail... and wassail are related in meaning... to your health... its a cheer... but its also a congrat... and the drink you drink as cheering...

2006-03-31 [Lady of Lore]: oh ^^ cool! That's good to know, I just figured I could imply it with a double meaning cuz wassail is prety tasty (warm apple cider ^_^)

2006-03-31 [moira hawthorne]: yes... yummy I use to make it at Yule... most old words have multible meanings...

2006-03-31 [Lady of Lore]: that's the beauty of languages ^_^

2006-03-31 [moira hawthorne]: speacial english! >.< its made up of 7 languages...

2006-03-31 [Lady of Lore]: impressive, very impressive

2006-03-31 [moira hawthorne]: little clumb of dirt in the ocean had a lot of invaders... hehehehe

2006-03-31 [Cia_mar]: congrats to all!!!

2006-06-13 [Lady of Lore]: Looking for a competiton? Go to Babies as we see them or Art Store Drunken Fairies Competition

2006-06-14 [Kaimee]: My god people, spam isn't a good thing O.o;;;

2006-06-14 [kay-chan]: Yes, please stop.

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