Page name: Featured Member [Logged in view] [RSS]
2021-12-26 17:50:53
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The Featured Member is a Main Street Featured in which an outstanding member of Eltown is featured each month.
This feature is maintained by the Featured Member Bosses.

[#Featured Members] | [#Criteria] | [#Untouchable Members] | [#Suggestions]


Current Featured Member:





If you are interested in having your house featured on Main Street, you should keep in mind that there are rules/guidelines that will make your House more appealing for the Featured Member Bosses. Your house will more likely be chosen if you take the following into account:

1) Unique and creative
The house must be unique and creative. This means that they'll feature no horribly long surveys. Also unoriginal content (quotes and lyrics) would be there only to bolster the overall feel of the house. This means that the houses should say something meaningful, rather than random babble. (Unless the babble is particularly entertaining, as occasionally happens.)

2) Readable and organized
While the English on the houses doesn't need to be perfect it should be easy to read. With capital letters and punctuation every once in a while. This means no netspeak! If long, it should be broken up in a way that makes it presentable and easy to read, not just be one huge endless paragraph.

3) Proper display of images
Featured houses generally should not have more than the two allotted pictures in their slots and no overly large pictures in their description. And of course, the contents of the house must follow the Uploading Art Rules

4) Active member
Whoever is featured should be an active member of the community. Either a recognised poster from the forums, someone who has created their own forum, or is a listed member of Wiki pages. Being an active member of the community is highly appreciated!

5) Size
Member should fit reasonably well in a glass museum display jar ;)


Untouchable Members

The Featured Member Bosses are well aware that some Elftowners wish to keep their privacy and wouldn't like their house to be featured on Main Street. If this is the case for you, please contact Featured Member Boss [wicked fae mage] through a private message, or leave a comment on this page. A private note will be added to your house so that it won't be chosen as a Featured Member.

Should you ever decide that you want to be eligible again, please request that the note be removed.



You can leave suggestions for features in the comment-box.
Nominating someone doesn't mean he/she will automatically become a Featured Member:
All houses are subjected to our [#Criteria].

To talk about the Featured Member with other members go to <joinforum:735:join> (Featured Member)


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Username (or number or email):


2005-04-02 [Vampress Bloodreign]: u hav somebody nomitanate u!! is that right sun

2005-04-02 [Sunrose]: Yes, someone must nominate you. But that doesn't mean you'll be a featured member. You'll be a featured member if you were picked by the featured member bosses. And you can get picked if your house doesn't break the Uploading Art Rules, contains not too much images, preferably good spelling of texts and something that makes you stand out from others. Generally a nice looking house, that's original and such things. Other bosses add things I forgot ;)

2005-04-03 [Fizban]: that sounds perfect, balance and originality would be the keys id think, but hey i am just a commenter lols, i am not a boss or anything lols

2005-04-03 [All_Most PUNK]: Also, things that caught our eyes and that says, in some way, that you can be an interesting person to interview.

2005-04-03 [Fizban]: balance origianlity and interesting, hmms, hey can you look at my house i dont care about featured member or anything, but how does my house compare??

2005-04-03 [Fingon]: I would like to Nominate [Artil Kordiestra]

2005-04-03 [Sunrose]: Well your house looks like it may need some freshing up [Fizban], though it is very organised :) // [Fingon]: noted :)

2005-04-03 [Fizban]: thank you:) hmms,...freshing up...what exactly do you mean freshing up?? can you give me some tips lols?? oh well i will simply need to find a different divider for where you took out thinrose...

2005-04-03 [Vampress Bloodreign]: hey can u look at my house too sun??? tank u very much if u do!!!!!

2005-04-03 [Sunrose]: Both of your houses contain a lot of things that either do not say much about you or are just not very original. Wikibanners and tests you took...those are things to put on wikis. Since you asked for my opinion, don't be mad when I give it. ;)

2005-04-03 [Vampress Bloodreign]: i wont be mad!!!!!!! tank u again for adding [Ryuk Kannagi]!!!!! hey do u think he'll be up there???

2005-04-03 [Sunrose]: I don't know, we have many people nominated on our list and he was only recently nominated :)

2005-04-03 [Fizban]: hmms, your right there, wiki banners dont say much other than a commenly used way of saying am whatever...but i like them, i would have a ton more individual stuff but i only have the one half baked poem and the few internet drawings, i dont really have much that i could put up there except my viewpoints and i do that all over the place...hmms, and i only have what one test up there?? but then again i could care less about that test so i think i will take that down anyway...hmms any tips for how we can improve them??

2005-04-03 [Sunrose]: The things you apparantly find not worthy enough, the individual stuff, are things we appreciate more than the tests and wikibanners :)

2005-04-03 [Fizban]: hey!! not worthy enough!! i never said that! i said i dont have individual stuff, i mean okay take individual stuff what individual stuff is there minus poetry and art?? because i am not a poet or an artist despite how much i would love to be....

2005-04-03 [Sunrose]: You speka of your poetry and art as if it is nothing. Your house should be your poetry and art!

2005-04-03 [Fizban]: well, me it is? its not like i just filled it with what you would call trivial things i arranged everything the way i thought it looked best and i put everything i liked there, if you go to my house i think you can see that i am a nice opinounated aggrivated animefreak, i express myself through my words my description, you know my view points on most things except religoun because i would prefer to openly engage a person about that not simply read it, i dunno what do you see when you look at my house what kind of a person do you think i am when you read my descrip and look at the pics in it??

2005-04-04 [Sunrose]: I see a lot of images, a test and some text... :)

2005-04-04 [Fizban]: lols dammit with the test its gone allready lols, the images are representative of my opinouns and the wikis i support, my favorite wiki in the world is kitiaras blue dragon tavern, hence the banner i am an anime freak hence the anime freak banner and i love full metal alchemist, i am a god of elftown and i hate bush and am pro-life, i have a ton of adjective describing me in that list and i have a decrip of what i like...i describe my relation to certain pics such as the teenager one and some others that are there to provoke people to message me...i dunno its not like i put a bunch of mindless pointless pics in my house they all mean something or represent a part of me, several of my...

2005-04-04 [Fizban]: obsessions wich are as much me than anything, what do you think should be there then?? instead of text/words describing me and images/of things i like or opinouns i have??

2005-04-04 [Sunrose]: Actually I just said what I saw. Not that it's wrong or right. Also as I pointed out before: we appreciate own texts and images. If that's what you've done then there's nothing further to discuss of course :)

2005-04-04 [dendrite.]: I suggest [Diab Soule] to be a featured member!

2005-04-04 [Erestor]: She's an extremely interesting Elftowner, but some other elftowners may find her house abit affensive with all the swearing. It's up to sunny though, if she wants to note it she can! :D

2005-04-04 [All_Most PUNK]: I (we) don't care about the swearing, but to be honest, she has had too many problems with other members, at least in my opinon. Consider that we have to put the person on the mainstreet, which means people going to her house. Which a lot of times seems to end in insults.

2005-04-04 [Fingon]: Can I nominate my house I would realy liked someones profesional opinion about my house THANKS! He He He He He

2005-04-04 [dendrite.]: ohh I see but it's cool I mean so many people on elftown really like her it's just some of them dont like her opinions

2005-04-04 [All_Most PUNK]: It's not a problem about opinion in general, but the way she puts them. Even into people who never asked about them. I have no doubt she's likeable (I even think I would like her if I knew her) but still it's a problem.

2005-04-04 [dendrite.]: yeah it's cool

2005-04-04 [Fizban]: lols, i am trying to make more pics anyway...if i cant make my own art i will take other artwork and minipulate it in my own fashion to make it my own:) and sunrose i think it adds just the needed touch with a smile at the end of every sentence...;)

2005-04-07 [Patri]: I suggest [Aidan Ryuko], he should be a nominee...

2005-04-07 [Balthizar]: i nominate [there's a bluebird in my heart]

2005-04-10 [Lil Homie 99]: I suggest [babii~*~mamii] because her house is filled with inspiration and sweetness. No hate, no anger, and because she deserves it. People like her, make the world go round. Plus her house fills the Featured member criteria

2005-04-10 [Sunrose]: All noted ;)

2005-04-11 [Fingon]: I would realy liked someones profesional opinion about my house THANKS! He He He He He

2005-04-13 [x-xVanityx-x]: me nominates [Dollie VOMIT], bcause her house is haunting and somehow moving. Oh, and [IzzyKSK]

2005-04-13 [Sunrose]: Okay :)

2005-04-13 [Baen]: Hey, I think I'd like to nominate me! *nods* Yup, I'm doing that. Big bad, isn't it, but HAH! too late!

2005-04-14 [Augi]: I'd like to suggest my big brother [Moorn] as a featured member because he's an awsome person. He always has new pictures in his house to look at, and he has created and managed many interesting wikis. He's very intelligent and his diary entries are never pointless. He's also a wonderful role player and has started a few art contests!

2005-04-15 [Sunrose]: Okay, both noted ;)

2005-04-16 [nowheremontana]: If I may be allowed I would enjoyably nominate [losthero] his house it is very well put together and it is easy to navigate. Plus he is a wonderful person.

2005-04-17 [Janouk]: I would like to nominate [Erestor]. He has a very neat, orginised and nice house, with interesting stuff. Besides that, he's also a member who brings joy to Elftown, while many other members do not. And he just deserves it ;)

2005-04-18 [Sunrose]: I think [Erestor] has been nominated before *checks* / Edit: Yup nominated before ;) // Noted both nominations :)

2005-04-19 [Ihsahn]: i am so bored that i would like to nominate myself

2005-04-20 [Sunrose]: Okay ;)

2005-04-29 [Baen]: And I'd like to nominate [spiritee], unless she's been nominated before, which she probably has. She's got really good art, a nice and ordered bio with some fun thrown in.

2005-04-29 [Sunrose]: Notererered :)

2005-05-02 [imsdal]: [Silver Wind] has the most exellent of houses. Brilliant design. ^__^

2005-05-02 [Sunrose]: Okay thanks for the nomination! :)

2005-05-02 [Balthizar]: i nominate [Sunrose]

2005-05-02 [All_Most PUNK]: I won't even bother to point out why that's not possible.

2005-05-02 [Balthizar]: cause shes a judge? was worth a try

2005-05-02 [All_Most PUNK]: Between other things. She's a boss and she's part of the council too.

2005-05-02 [Balthizar]: Ahhh i see,well atleast she knows her house is awsome!

2005-05-03 [All_Most PUNK]: I second that she has a really nice house. People, look at it and learn!

2005-05-03 [FiSHr.]: *hails the mighty Sunrose goddess*

2005-05-03 [Ihsahn]: hail her at Sunrose's fan club :D

2005-05-03 [FiSHr.]: ok

2005-05-03 [Sunrose]: Wow, thanks for the promoting (my house isn't that great btw :P)! *hugs everyone* Now let's get back to official business ;)

2005-05-04 [All_Most PUNK]: Yeah, business. Do you have the money for that... merchandise? *misterious attitude*

2005-05-04 [Sunrose]: Hmm like sell souvenirs of me? >_>

2005-05-04 [All_Most PUNK]: You know, you know, the "merchandise" *wink wink*

2005-05-04 [Sunrose]: oh that merchandise! (>.>)

2005-05-04 [Ihsahn]: o.O

2005-05-04 [All_Most PUNK]: Yup, that one. *is creating expectative so the price will get higher*

2005-05-04 [Ihsahn]: i want it!

2005-05-04 [Balthizar]: Hey,can i get a professional thought about my house?

2005-05-04 [Sunrose]: It looks nice :)

2005-05-04 [Balthizar]: YAY! thank you

2005-05-05 [losthero]: ...Is mine okay?... : (

2005-05-05 [Ihsahn]: to many pictures

2005-05-05 [losthero]: really?

2005-05-05 [Ihsahn]: in ur description yeah thats my opinion

2005-05-05 [losthero]: oh okay...dangit it took 13 hours to put all that together just right...

2005-05-05 [True, plain and simple]: I think your house is pretty neat..Of course, I don't notice the download time for the images with my connection much, so that isn't a problem for me. :)

2005-05-05 [losthero]: thank you ^^

2005-05-14 [crowfeather]: I have been seriously thinking of completely re-editing my page just don't know what format I'm going to do.... any suggestions?

2005-05-14 [Ihsahn]: lesss pink

2005-05-14 [crowfeather]: yeah I know what you mean... honestly don't like that color.. thought it was purple when I first put up the borders....^^;;

2005-05-14 [Ihsahn]: its annoying to a lot of members, if you want colors then donate :)

2005-05-14 [Balthizar]: Its not annoying...

2005-05-14 [Ihsahn]: to a lot of members it is to be honest

2005-05-14 [crowfeather]: actually I like the gradation of how the divider goes from the pink to the black... I don't really mind it and it works with the welcome mat

2005-05-14 [Balthizar]: well,some people cant donate...cause...there parents wont let them><...this summer...ohhh...will that be differnt..anyways,it atleast gets color on the page...even if it is pink

2005-05-14 [crowfeather]: exactly... ^^ nice to meet you Balthizar...

2005-05-14 [Balthizar]: HI!! i think its fine,aslong as its not over the whole house..unless it matches..then its good,and nice to meet yo Crowfeather,you have a pretty cool house by the way^^

2005-05-14 [crowfeather]: really? thanks... been thinking or re-designing/ re-organizing it but not sure yet... was just trying to get some ideas

2005-05-14 [Ihsahn]: please keep random chat off the wikis

2005-05-14 [crowfeather]: sorry about that

2005-05-14 [Balthizar]: True..sorry about that Guardy person^^,anyways,i would like to nominate [crowfeather] cause well,her house is neat and tidy,its looks awsome and...great art and poems^^

2005-05-14 [Ihsahn]: I am not a guard, just a patroller, i am nothing

2005-05-14 [Balthizar]: Patrollers are just as important

2005-05-14 [losthero]: anyone know what is up with the links appearing?

2005-05-14 [Sunrose]: [Balthizar]: noted :) // [losthero]: what links?

2005-05-15 [losthero]: where the word welcome mat became a crowfeather's comment

2005-05-15 [Sunrose]: I don't see the word 'welcome mat' as link anywhere in [crowfeather]'s comments..

2005-05-15 [True, plain and simple]: You must have some adware. Remove it from your computer and then it won't be there..

2005-05-15 [Sunrose]: Huh, but adware should also show up in the comment shouldn't it? And it would then be on [crowfeather]'s computer. Or am I behind on the workings of adware?

2005-05-15 [losthero]: oh...thanks....I had to re-install my computer...had 2 spyware, and 16 adware...

2005-05-15 [Sunrose]: Wow! @.@

2005-05-15 [losthero]: ...yeah...FORSAKEN POP-UP ADS!!!

2005-05-16 [nowheremontana]: They slow it down a bunch huh?

2005-05-16 [losthero]: yeah...I swear if I ever find anyone creating spyware or adware I will torture them...then kill them...

2005-05-16 [Erestor]: Rigjt back to the nominations, I would like to nominate [Janouk] becasue her house is so tidy adn she is great and really friendly person to talk too. I think she really deserves this as she is one of the kindest people on ET.

2005-05-16 [Sunrose]: Noted ^_^

2005-05-19 [Zab]: ehm...don´t think I´ve got a chance...but it would be nice to see what you thoughed of my house^_^

2005-05-27 [Rennie]: I would love to nominate [TheRogue] because he is one of the few people on Elftown that have sub-wikis to organize his house, as well as a very nice presentation. Above and beyond that, he is a public SERVANT in Elftown and one of the sweetest people you could ever hope to meet! Thanks!

2005-05-27 [Sunrose]: Thanks for the nomination! :)

2005-05-27 [Rennie]: welcomes ^_^

2005-05-27 [Sagacious Turkey]: I would like to nominate [Sunrose]!

2005-05-27 [Sunrose]: Ahw thank you! As a boss though I can't be featured ;)

2005-05-27 [Sagacious Turkey]: How sad...

2005-05-27 [FiSHr.]: well sunrose your loved...

2005-05-27 [Janouk]: Let me replace you for one day so I can feature you! :P

2005-05-27 [Sunrose]: *blushes and grins* ^_^

2005-05-27 [Ihsahn]: I thinks sunny needs a break.............she needs to be faetured, like 8 times <.<

2005-05-27 [Janouk]: *nods* Let's fire her as boss for a while so the other bosses can feature her :P

2005-05-27 [Ihsahn]: no not fire, she just takes a break, for a few months

2005-05-27 [Sunrose]: =P

2005-05-27 [Janouk]: But if she takes a break she still is a boss, and thus can't be featured...:(

2005-05-27 [Ihsahn]: ah well then uhm.............make her retire!!!!!!!!

2005-05-27 [Janouk]: :P *keeps pretending Sunrose can't read what plans we're making behind her back* ^__^

2005-05-27 [Sunrose]: *grins* I saw :O

2005-05-27 [Ihsahn]: no you didn't!

2005-05-28 [All_Most PUNK]: Ok, people, could you keep the comments section free of chatter? *even as he is saying it, he knows it's useless :P*

2005-05-28 [FiSHr.]: ahahahahaahahahaaha

2005-05-28 [All_Most PUNK]: I'm so happy I was right :P


2005-06-15 [Sunrose]: Stop writing in huge letters first and start asking at the right wiki, which this is not...

2005-06-15 [FiSHr.]: yeah..wrong wiki

2005-06-15 [PikkuKitaraPoika]: i want to be a featured member, look at my house, doesn't it look cool!

2005-06-15 [Zab]: yup...I suggest myself..*lol*

2005-06-15 [Sunrose]: Actually it is pretty nifty [PikkuKitaraPoika]... :)

2005-06-15 [FiSHr.]: ill wait till someone nominates me

2005-06-25 [nowheremontana]: Have I already nomated [losthero]? If not I nominate him for he is a fun person and his house is awesome!

2005-06-25 [Sunrose]: Noted! ^_^

2005-06-25 [FiSHr.]: *sits on a pillar and watches the featured membember nominations*

2005-06-25 [Zab]: oh, I read the rules! I nominate myself, I would fit in the museum jar-thing..::grin::

2005-06-25 [FiSHr.]: Can I nominate myself then...

2005-06-25 [Zab]: I´m not sure if it´s allowed, but I didn´t see any rule against it... so I try..

2005-06-25 [FiSHr.]: hm....ok i nominate [Zab]

2005-06-25 [Zab]: ::lol:: take away one of the pics above your description and I´ll nominate you. (only two are allowed, if I got the rules right)

2005-06-25 [Sunrose]: done..

2005-06-25 [FiSHr.]: ok...i shall

2005-06-25 [FiSHr.]: done

2005-06-25 [Zab]: Ok, I nominate [FiSHr.], he really have a nice house.

2005-06-25 [Sunrose]: Noted as well..

2005-07-06 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: Hehe bless you two.

2005-07-06 [Zab]: Us two? or Sunrose? Must be Sun..

2005-07-06 [Sunrose]: Why me? :)

2005-07-06 [Zab]: Because here? and doesn´t yell us out for half-random chat on an official Elftownpage. ;P

2005-07-06 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: lol i meant [Zab] and [FiSHr.] for suggesting each other. ^_^ Sorry.. random chat.

2005-07-06 [Sunrose]: But you are also here, so there's no reason to not include yourself ;)

2005-07-06 [Zab]: ::grin:: of course. and I´m not yelling at myself either. Yet.

2005-07-06 [FiSHr.]: woah...

2005-07-06 [Sunrose]: *some comments were deleted*

2005-07-07 [Sunrose]: Noted! ^_^

2005-07-12 [farawaygone]: I nominate [~Altopia~] as a featured member becuase she is beautiful, arty and I adore her she is my lovely sister. *hugs for Altopia yay*

2005-07-12 [Sunrose]: Added to the nominees ;)

2005-07-12 [FiSHr.]: *cant help laughing at this point as he notices the sunrose say some thing different every time*

2005-07-12 [Sunrose]: *grins* saying the same thing all the time gets boring :P

2005-07-12 [Zab]: (Noc isn´t talking with himself, I deleted my comments ;þ)

2005-07-12 [Zab]: Just saw that [~Altopia~] had a lot more than two pictures above her description, isn´t that against the criteria?

2005-07-12 [Sunrose]: We have certain wishes concerning houses, we don't stop people from nominating though and a house can be nice enough to still get featured.

2005-07-12 [Zab]: Oki.

2005-07-18 [New Killer]: I think [I stabbith ye] should be considered...his house unfortunatly does not meet all of the criteria but his house is amusing, he's a member of many wiki's, he's entering Elftown contests atm and people seem to like he's helped me and many people go ask people like [Sad Lonely Angel] she'll tell you :P

2005-07-19 [Sunrose]: Alright, thanks for you nomination ^^

2005-07-19 [Sagacious Turkey]: I nominate [nokaredes]!

2005-07-19 [Sunrose]: Okay! :)

2005-07-26 [Vanlandinghale]: I nominate [Celtic Rain] for her creativity and bubbly personality ^_^

2005-07-27 [Sunrose]: Noted :)

2005-08-03 [~Angelo~]: I nominate you [Sunrose]!

2005-08-03 [Sunrose]: That's great, but I can't be featured member :P

2005-08-03 [FiSHr.]: sadly...we've tried so many times ;_;

2005-08-03 [Ihsahn]: I still say we get her to retire or what not so they can feature her =p

2005-08-03 [Sunrose]: I'd still be on the crew and we don't feature any of them either :P

2005-08-03 [Ihsahn]: damnit >.> hmmmmmmmmmmmmm perhaps we should make a featured crew member?? =p

2005-08-03 [FiSHr.]: good one

2005-08-03 [Ihsahn]: I have already made it

2005-08-03 [FiSHr.]: i can see that

2005-08-03 [Ihsahn]: it looks pretty spiffy for something I just made, they usually just consist of text and <hr>'s

2005-08-03 [FiSHr.]: :)

2005-08-06 [Morrigon]: I nominate [Ironballs "the Preposterous One"] for his creativity and generosity (unless he has already been nominated then I will jump off a cliff)

2005-08-06 [Sunrose]: Hehehe thanks for the nomination, don't jump off a cliff please. Remember someone else might have to clean up after you =P

2005-08-07 [FiSHr.]: its always me

2005-08-10 [Dil*]: did I get here (walks confusedly off)

2005-08-16 [I stabbith ye]: Wow Hello *never knew this was here* Erm...if it's ok I would like to nominate [Poindextra]...erm...yeah just for being her I suppose lol...erm well yeah...bye

2005-08-16 [Sunrose]: Aaaalrighty then :p

2005-08-23 [Erestor]: I would like to nominate [Keii] as even though I don't actually know her, all you have to do is look at her house. Such style and organisation could be achieved by a great ETer.

2005-08-23 [Sunrose]: Okay, thank you for the nomination :)

2005-08-24 [losthero]: I nominate [Sunrose]! ^_^

2005-08-24 [Sagacious Turkey]: *smacks head*

2005-08-24 [losthero]: what?

2005-08-24 [Dil*]: everyone wants to nominate sunrose all the time.

2005-08-24 [Sunrose]: *stutters* can't nominate me because I am a featured member boss and council member...but thank you anyway *^_^*

2005-08-25 [All_Most PUNK]: I'm starting to be pretty tired of this. It's becoming really annoying.

2005-08-25 [Erestor]: Nothing against Sunrose - but instead of always nominating her why don't you just join her fan club?

2005-08-26 [Poindextra]: *Looks at what Sunny said* Damn.....I was going to nominate [Hedda]...Why shouldn't he be a featured member? Is very essential to this place and....I'll shut up now.

2005-09-03 [Dark Tears]: i think you shud put [Vader] on this page! i'm nominating him!

2005-09-03 [Sunrose]: Noted! :)

2005-09-10 [pixish]: *pouts* where does it say council members cannot be nominated? :( I wanted to nominate [ally]...but she is council now...

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