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2006-09-10 [Kaimee]: Also, is this a short story contest or a novel contest?
Rule 4. Prologues are ONLY necessary to make it easier for voting at the end, does that mean it's a novel contest but you only want the prologue? :S
What's the minimum/maximu
2006-09-10 [iippo]: Ah, it was the "the sci-fi world" that was the "specific world"... I never read so much into a sentence. :P
And http://en.wiki
2006-09-10 [Kaimee]: Yeah, I just wanted to know what Darkside was accepting as "scifi", as I've written spec.fic and had it both accepted and rejected from different scifi contests before, I didn't want to waste time writing something that wouldn't be accepted ;)
2006-09-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: *sighs and bangs head on the wall* I wish I was better at making contests *sighs again*...now i'm confused....
2006-09-11 [iippo]: Ahw *hugs* Don't worry about it.
Well Darkside, do you want to set a limit on how long or short the entries have to be?
And do you agree with http://en.wiki
2006-09-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: Thanks. ^_^ *hugs back* Yes, I do because that way it's easier for judges to read them and judge them quickly. that's why I said "prologues only". Yes, i agree with that. ^_^ I was also thinking as star wars type sci-fi and a stargate atlantis/ stargate sg-1 type sci-fi.
2006-10-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Oh, Wow! That's fantastic, Bleu! Awesome work!
2006-10-22 [blu.nation]: ^^ Thanks. I wrote it a while ago, but i'm still rather proud of it.
2006-10-22 [The Dizzy Raven]: You're welcome! ^_^ That's good
2007-01-04 [Linderel]: Hello, will you be extending the deadline? The currently set one was about a month ago, so I was just wondering what you will be doing with the contest next.
2007-01-04 [The Dizzy Raven]: Actually, it doesn't end until december 2007 seven. Contestants have another year yet
2007-01-04 [Linderel]: Ah. You hadn't specified the year on the Writing Contests page, that confused me. ...or then I'm blind. My bad. Shouldn't work when tired, clearly. :) I'll just take that back, then. xD
Good luck with the contest. Might even consider participating myself, depending on my muse...
2007-01-04 [The Dizzy Raven]: No worries. ^_^ I actually just checked it myself when I went to the wiki page. lol. Thank you ^_^
2008-03-08 [Wednesday]: When will judging be done?
2008-03-15 [The Dizzy Raven]: I need help getting judges. I haven't had the time recently to find any until now
2009-04-25 [Linderel]: Anything happening here?
2009-04-26 [The Dizzy Raven]: no, not really. I can't find any other judges willing to help me outbecause I don't have the time to read all of them T.T
2009-04-26 [The Dizzy Raven]: thanks so much! ^_^
2009-07-28 [Linderel]: Hello? *poke* When will we be handling this and the other contest?
2009-07-28 [The Dizzy Raven]: now actually lol
sry ><
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