To get your wiki added to the index: leave a comment at the bottom of this page with a link to your wiki.
This is not a chat wiki: please don't leave random comments or carry on conversations here. Also, keep comments to a minimum. Use the comments for linking to wikis that you think should be added.
Do not leave messages saying "There should be a wiki about _____": if you have the time to type that out, you have the time to make a wiki about it. Our job is not to make the wikis, but to list them.
Don't ask us how to make a wiki: if you need help setting up a wiki, please see:
Wiki Guide
Do not resubmit your wiki into multiple branches: this is unnecessary! Adding multiple posts with the same information in different branches of this wiki will only cause us to update this wiki at a slower rate.
Don't ask us to add a wiki if it doesn't exist: if you know the wiki is empty, please do not even ask to have it added until you actually do have the wiki active.
If you want your wiki removed from this list: just leave a comment, or message one of the moderators, and we'll delete it for you.
If you think we have miscategorised your wiki, or even another person's wiki: leave a comment, and we'll look into it.
Current Wiki count: 2457
Wiki Founder and page boss: [
Yoruno] (retired)
Penguinlord] (retired)
CelebriänEluch] (retired)
xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx] (retired)
Jewl] (retired)
#9437] (retired)
Gone123456789] (retired)
Blaithin] (retired)
ArchangelGabriel] (retired)
kittykittykitty] (retired)
~username~] (retired)
ugursarac] (retired)
Death's Die-Ary] (retired)
Alphabetic list of wikis
Categoric list of wikis
Animal Lovers Wiki Do you want a pet? Or simply love them?
51 wikis.
Anime wiki Wikis devoted to anime.
80 wikis.
Anti wiki Do you hate something? Go for it.
93 wikis
Artist wiki For artists, and for those looking for artists.
101 wikis
Clubs wiki Do you wanna be part of a club?
56 wikis
Countries wiki Wikis about different countries
20 wikis
Crafts Wiki Wikis for all things craft, jewellery making, costume making, tattooing, etc.
1 wiki
Crazy wiki Looking for someone just as mad as you?
33 wikis
Creatures wiki for angels, demons and everything in between.
49 wikis
Dreaming Wiki In case you wanna know about dreams and their creatures.
7 wikis
Education wiki for students of anything.
22 wikis
Elfwood wiki All about the woods!
4 wikis
Emotion Wiki Sadness and joy, and all your feelings.
39 wikis
Evil Wiki Some really bad people in here.
17 wikis
Fan Wiki Are you a fan of somebody or something?
8 Subcategories
376 wikis
Fighting for Wiki Do you support a cause? Join them!
27 wikis
Find Love Wiki Looking for that special somebody?
14 wikis
Gay Support wiki Why not? They are like everyone else.
15 wikis
Have fun wiki Looking for a good moment?
59 wikis
Hobbies wiki Find people with likes the same as yours!
61 wikis
Hot Wikis Just for HOT people.
5 wikis
How to wiki Do you wanna know how to do something in the town or outside?
21 wikis
Life and dead wiki Memoriam and the celebrations of life and death.
13 wikis
Literature Wiki Wikis about books, writing and poetry.
Love it Wiki Do you love something?
86 wikis
Meetings Wiki Come and have a chat and a cup of coffee.
59 wikis
Members fan clubs Fan clubs for the elftowners.
80 wikis
Nature Lovers Wiki Help them make this a nicer place to live.
9 wikis
People United Wiki Are you a
something united?
104 wikis
Personal Help Wiki Just in case you need a helping hand.
48 wikis
Pointless Wiki For those random wikis that appear from time to time!
56 wikis
Religion wiki Tolerance please! We all believe in what we want to.
43 wikis
RPG wiki RPG´s in wiki.
8 Subcategories
372 wikis
Sister Wikis Some other wiki-searchers
12 wikis
Vampire Wiki Just for the creatures of the night
28 wikis
World Domination Wiki Join one of these armies!
39 wikis
Contest wiki Looking for a nice contest? Come here to find some!
Always changing
Various Unlabeled Wikis
Other language wikis Wikis not in English
9 wikis
Adults Only Wiki Enter only if you're more than 18 years old.
19 wikis
Private Wikis This is a list of private wikis, but be warned that you will not find the links, you must ask their owners to join in.
2 wikis