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2006-10-11 18:53:16
Last author: Delladreing
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Body Image

Some of you may be familiar with the rantings of [Delladreing], most popular being Playgans which is currently being written up into a book. For those of you who are [Delladreing] virgins (i.e. your mind has not yet been corrupted by her work) in short, she is a sarcastic, often short tempered maniac who dislikes fakers with a passion. It just so happens that in her opinion, current body image and fads surrounding it are fake in her eyes.

Why is Dela doing this? Well to some it may come as a surprise that underneath the arrogance of her mind, she is an extremely shy individual with serious problems over how she views herself, bordering on an inferiority complex. In the past few years it has lessened to the point where the self hatred has dulled to a small ache in the back of her mind. That too is slowly being diminished. So why again is she doing this?

Because no one else should ever have to feel that way about themselves and by writing all of this down, she hopes to help other people realise their true beauty and self worth.

There are any number of insecurities imposed upon people today, the most common being brought about by exposure to the media, and more commonly the Internet. In these pages [Delladreing] will try to do her duty for the good of humanity in exposing these standards for the falsehoods that they are in an attempt to shatter the myths of modern day "beauty".

These pages are being primarily written for women, who tend to be the ones who suffer most at the cruel lying hands of the photoshopped media. However there has been a rise in male insecurities due to similar aspects of society and she would love to include some of them. All she needs is a male writer willing and able to write about them. If you wish to take part in this contact her via her house. Male members are of course still welcome, all support, any support is welcome.
Same applies to the women out there, if someone would like to put in their points and views, contact me. I'll see what I can do.

The topics in these pages being discussed will be as honest as possible and also as frank as possible. Some issues may not be suitable for persons under the age of 18, however it is of a personal opinion of what is suitable for you to read and what is not.

Bearing this in mind, some topics will be restricted to forum members. I am not about to get myself into trouble over various things although really, if you are mature enough to be wanting to fight back against the myths of the body image then you are really old enough to be exposed to all aspects of this.

The topics will range from weight, height, size, healthy body image, what is not a healthy body image, the slaughtering of pro-anorexia, healthy living, cosmetic surgery, beauty products and many more.

That all said and done, sit back and enjoy the read.
I hope that in some way what you read you will find reassuring and possibly even inspiring to you.

At least I hope they will be.
Much love,


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2006-10-14 [Delladreing]: I still cant fathom what the hell that might have been :\

2006-10-14 [iippo]: Maybe they'll name it after you.

2006-10-14 [Fireblade K'Chona]: ....I kind of hope not. I just never want to have it again. Or know anyone who has it again. Because it's hell.

2006-10-14 [Delladreing]: You freaked me the hell out I can tell you that much.

2006-10-14 [Fireblade K'Chona]: -squeaks- I'm sorry! I was just as freaked out, actually.

You know, I found out a few months ago that my mom thought I was dying. O.o Because my head felt like it was filled with lava, I didn't want to turn my head and apparently having a stiff neck is a symptom of something where you have it for 24 hours and then you die. Even though my neck wasn't stiff, it was just my head. -sigh-

I remember when I went back to school...I'd lost 14 pounds in a week and my friends flipped out in rapid succession when they asked why I looked so thin/could barely walk up the stairs/could hardly use my left hand/had a cushion/didn't call them back.

-sigh- I would've had M. type a longer message to you, but she was sorta...hyperventilating at the time.

2006-10-20 [Zab]:
Maybe that is something for this wiki? ;)

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: It really is, thank you Zab :D

2006-10-20 [Zab]: No problem, I stumbled across it :P

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Eh I am hunting for the Dove videos like mad, or anything that supports my cause, if anyone finds anything like that post them ;)

2006-10-20 [Zab]: Dove videos?

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Or any other form of self esteem videos :)

2006-10-20 [Zab]: OK, I'll let you know:P I found a few quizzes...>_> but nothing special

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Ok thanks Zab :)

2006-10-20 [Zab]: It's on their homepage..x)

2006-10-20 [Zab]: (Whee! I have good workout habits, had a good relation (except that I still feel used that he left me..>_>) and a fairly good self esteem, tho I tend to criticize myself too much..

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Apparently my self esteem is horrendous...but I kinda knew that >.>

What gets me though is, its better than what it was before <.<

2006-10-20 [Zab]: Good! ^________^ *hugs* I love you anyway:P

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Hehe *Hugs* thank you :)

2006-10-20 [Zab]: *grins*

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: how's working all those hours working out for you? :\

2006-10-20 [Zab]: I'm not doing it, I didn't get the job. I'm a girl. >.<

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: ...ah *hugs*

2006-10-20 [Zab]: *hugs* Well..there is some sense in it..>_> They needed mostly people who can lift 25kg bags a lot..and afterall, men are generally better at that. In return they hired women to sort the annoying carrots, since that's not as physically demanding.
Meh..I can still carry around 25kg bags, I've worked in a stable and am used to it... (but my back is pretty damaged so I suppose it's as good I didn't get it)
Still annoying tho.

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Its a shame but you dont want to hurt your back anymore :\

2006-10-20 [Zab]: Yeah..>_> *has to find another job* meeeeh...I hate it.

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Eh I need a new job too...I can't stand mine right now.

2006-10-20 [Zab]: We can change..x)

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: True true.

2006-10-20 [Zab]: Hehe....>_>

I feel bad about my drawings, I keep drawing thin women..XD

2006-10-20 [Angelic nightmares]: Dont worry Zab, I do the same thing.

2006-10-20 [Zab]: I think we all do..

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Weeeell I'm running something soon, maybe you can try something else ;)

2006-10-20 [Zab]: XD You want a gallery with normal bodies?

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Normal healthy beautiful bodies yes :)
Which = all shapes and sizes, but it will be a competition.

2006-10-20 [Zab]: Hehe...could be fun:P And how will it be judged?

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: not sure yet o.O

2006-10-20 [Zab]: XD Thoght so..

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Its still in the works ^^

2006-10-20 [Zab]: could judge it yourself:) And clarify that it's the art you'll judge, not how thin or fat the women/men are?

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: That's exactly it to be frank, but I want to make it more fair as most of the people on the ml are my friends. I dunno though, I'' think about it some more.

2006-10-20 [Zab]: I trust you to judge it fairly :)

2006-10-20 [Delladreing]: Thanks hun

2006-10-20 [Zab]: Well, I do. hehe..

2006-10-21 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Oh, Dela! I had a birthday party last night and there's something that MUSt be included on this wiki-go to youtube and look for 'Evolution of Besuty'. This computer's all weird and stuff, so I can't really type very well (as you may be able to tell) but it's amazing. I saw that and immediately went, "Oh, Fi needs that!"

2006-10-21 [Delladreing]: Seen it! Thanks hun :D

2006-10-22 [Fireblade K'Chona]: *beauty. Not 'besuty'. whatever the fuck that is. wow, I'm really tired.

And good good, I need sleeeeeeep I'm glad you have that thing!

O.o my need for sleep is poking into my ordinary comments and i'm typing like e.e. cummings. bedtime.

2006-10-22 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Okee-dokey, I left and got some sleep, and so now I am going to ramble just a little bit! My soapbox isn't very big today. :P

topic one: A poem idea for this wiki beaned me over the head while I was walking down the stairs. It's a present for Dela. When I finish it.

topic two: I was having a chat about art with one of my friends the other day, talking about this lovely painting she did of St. Sebastian (for a project; he was leaning against a tree shot full of arrows, but it was beautifully done) and somehow our conversation wound around to art models. I ended up volunteering to model if she needs me for something; not nude (proooobably not allowed at our school no matter how awesome our art teacher is; we want to KEEP her not get her fired) but I have a wide collection of leotards, tights, etc etc, all of which cover you up but kinda don't leave things like muscle definition (pokes squishy tummy) to the imagination.

I do have good legs, though. </ot>

Sooooo...yeah. I think I mentioned before that if you're a dancer, you probably have a close, personal relationship with spandex and lycra in all forms, as I do (and it gets itchy) so if you're not comfortable with yourself, you're not going to be a happy person.

I just don't really want to waste the energy on hating my body. :P Plus I'm a not-so-undercover hippy; share the love, dude!

2006-10-22 [Delladreing]: w00t Dela likes presents ^^

You so are an undercover hippy, but I'll forgive you as I'm secretly one too.
You're right though, although a lot of dancers I know have severe paranoia over their bodies. One of my friends in the royal ballet company even went so far as to say "God I hope I don't get boobs, I want be able to play the good parts if I do" o.O which is fair enough really, but unusual really.

2006-10-22 [Estantia]: I looked ridiculous in my leootard, but I'd heard so much about it by then I ended up just ignoring it.

2006-10-22 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Meh, if I remember to keep my stomach muscles tight (which I'm actually supposed to do to help with balance and such but I'm a lazy arse about it) the roundness goes away, but there's still squish there. :P Still, I'm only about three pounds above what I think I should be, so that's fine, and probably when all this Halloween candy disappears (cough) I'll be back to what I prefer to be. It's not that I want to starve myself, (please god nononononono) but the tendency to overweightness runs in my family, so I need to keep an eye on it.

Though on the days when I dance I say "Bugger it, I'm going to eat what I want." :P I'd rather eat a small amount of what I'm craving and make myself happy no matter how little socially redeeming value it possesses than be unhappy and hungry. I mean, really. Food!

And you know, tap dancers live in a different world from ballet dancers. O.o I hear that sort of thing from the ballet-ers I know, and if I listen too long I run away clutching my tap shoes protectively and babbling about how all you need for tap is flexible ankles.

2006-10-22 [Delladreing]: I hear that sort of thing from the ballet-ers I know, and if I listen too long I run away clutching my tap shoes protectively and babbling about how all you need for tap is flexible ankles.

*lmao* I can see that, I really can. But it makes sense I suppose. Glad I quit ballet really. Or I'd be depressed about never getting a lead role :P

Heh, Halloween, hurrah. I might gain back the entire stone I just lost in weight, which is 13+ lbs for you non uk folk >.<

2006-10-22 [Estantia]: And i ended up with foot and ankle problems... still do jazz though, and despite me being slightly overweight I am stronger, limberer, pick up routines faster and am able to perform them faster.

That makes me feel good, i can beat them even if I'm fat :)

2006-10-22 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Of course, I also do jazz and for that you need to be bendy (which sadly, I am not, though I'm very excited lately-I can touch the floor after three years of work! Yaaaaaay!) but really, jazz is more about the style and attitude you put into it than flitting about like a butterfly.

I'm working on a very sassy piece in my class right now. It's loads of fun. Yay for hip and shoulder!

And again, Dela, you should make benoffee pie, you deserve it. That or Dutch magic torte.

I took a ballet class once and it bored me stupid. All that standing at the barre and prancing slooooooowly across the room. Drove me mad, it really did. We got to go FAST in my class yesterday (utterly crazy fast, I haven't gone that quickly in quite a while) and even though I'd been dancing for an hour I was bouncing at the end of it going, "Can we do it again? pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease? Can the CD go even FASTER?"


2006-10-22 [Estantia]: Try dancing to dragonforce, that is bloomin fast. and it sounds lovely, but I live quite well on little.

2006-10-22 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I was dancing to Dave Matthews Twostep. I think that's what it's called. It's FUUUUUUN!

2006-10-22 [Estantia]: oh yeah, just get dragonforce next time

2006-10-22 [Zab]: (loves them)

2006-10-22 [Estantia]: they're fast though aren't they?

2006-10-22 [Zab]: hm? No..or..I dunno..I just like to listen to them..

2006-10-23 [Avoral]: Oh my god.
So they know who Dragonforce is around here, eh?

2006-10-23 [Estantia]: oh yes :) blame my friend for introducing me though

2006-10-25 [Rondel]: I've done various forms of dance over the years, myself, from ballet to English Country dance, folk dance of various nations, jazz, belly dance, Scottish Highland Dancing, you name it (okay, there are a few kinds I haven't done, tap among them, but I counted once, and if you count folk dance of all nations as one type, I came up with 8 types -- and I can't remember whether that was before or after I studied Ballroom and Latin dance with my husband)... and I know that body types matter to varying extent in different types of dance.

But as body image goes, I think the weirdest problem I've ever encountered was when I was studying belly dance as an underweight athletic late teen -- it was bad enough not having much hips (I hit puberty twice, the second time in my early twenties when I went off of the pill), but I could make up for that with flouncy skirts, fringe, etc. Not having a BELLY, on the other hand, is NOT an asset for belly dance! I managed to do the moves, and do them well, but they really don't look right unless you have CURVES, and those curves are CONVEX, not CONCAVE! LOL

Now that I'm in my mid-thirties, overweight for the first time in my life (thanks to a medication reaction which entirely altered my body shape, and ended a decades-long problem absorbing the food I ate (by the peck -- I used to go through a lemon cake by myself every three days, and my husband made multiple batches of cookies for me each week, all to try to keep me above 100-110 pounds, at 5 foot 8 inches tall), with the result that I had to completely relearn how to eat), but at long last healthy enough to exercise some, and getting some muscle tone again, I'm quite looking forward to getting back into belly dance. Stomach jewellery can make the moves visible when you're flat-to-concave, but it will be nice to see the moves look the way that they're supposed to. And it will make me feel better about my entirely altered physique. :D

As it is, I'm still happier with my current shape than I was with being under 100 pounds and light green. After all, my thighs may be bigger than ever before in my life, but a significant part of that is because I've got more muscle on them than I did even when I was a scholarship student at a local jazz dance academy. It's weird -- I go to do side leg lifts, and I can feel my body rocking back and forth across the bulge of my muscle, as it pushes my bones away from the floor.

I still run toward the wiry side, but even wirey muscles are starting to bulge enough to show significantly on me. It's a very weird feeling.

I already had shoulders like a linebacker, and now with the added muscle and remaining fat, I look like someone stuck the "football armour" on me, under my clothes. I'm starting to face the realization that I'm never again going to be that shape, even if I get down to solid bone and muscle -- the muscle alone makes me bigger than I ever used to be.

Ah well, good thing my only real goal is healthy. I'd like the energy, flexibility, and stamina back, too -- and if I get that, to hell with the size/shape issues.

Whenever I start fretting about my weight, I watch shows like "The Biggest Loser", and remind myself that the weight I'm worrying about being is the (realistic) goal weight for much of the 1/3-1/2 of the country that's overweight.

If my clothes don't fit, that's because I haven't had the health to go shopping since I stopped being underweight. And, now when I get a bug and can't eat for a day or three, I don't land in the ER!

Add in a little modeling for my own artwork (for now, until I get my nerve up a little farther) and that of my husband, and exposure to the figure art resources available here on Elftown and elsewhere on the web, and I find that I come away with a far more realistic view of my own physique as compared to that of the rest of the world -- among which the models are the freaks, and not happy freaks in most cases, as they have to live without even getting adequate nutrition, much less enjoyment, out of their food. I've done that, I like this better. But it still feels weird...

2006-10-25 [Rondel]: Oh, and now that I've seen it, [Fireblade K'Chona], I want to thank you for the link (reference) to that video (at ) -- it's excellent. Interestingly enough, they showed that on tonight's news, here -- as part of a piece on young girls getting into modeling.

2006-10-25 [Synirria]: Wow

2006-10-25 [Delladreing]: I hope that's a good exclamation :P

2006-10-25 [Estantia]: that is officially a rant...

2006-10-25 [Azuri]: Jah rantage right there.

2006-10-25 [Fireblade K'Chona]: quite definitely!

And I have now officially contributed. Because Dela now has a poem I wrote for this wiki in her possession. ^_^

2006-10-25 [Estantia]: :) You certainly deserve it...

2006-10-25 [Linderel]: Poem? Hmm. I wonder if a poem of mine would fit in this wiki... It's a bit morbid, though. <_<

2006-10-25 [Delladreing]: Send it my way ;)

2006-10-26 [Zab]: Hi.
My dentist just told me I had bulimia.
... ><
How odd, I've never noticed that I use ti throw up after every meal..wonder why..*le sigh*

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: oh dear :\
Was he able to tell because of the state of your teeth? Throwing up all the time makes them rot :S

2006-10-26 [Zab]: Yes..she said it was because the backside of my upper front teeth is blank.
(which of course can't be because I broke both those teeth when I was about ten and they+the proteses has growed odd in my mouth so that I have a little more contact with the opposite teeth in my lower jaw than I should... which maks the lower front teeth ''polish'' the upper ones when I eat, talk or just move my mouth. >_>)
Stupid thing. She also said I had holes in all my teeth..shouldn't I at least notice in one of them if I had? Meh.. and soon I'll have to pay for coming, it's free untill you're 19..

(I don't throw up..if I'd get an eating disorder that would be anorexia, it's easier not to eat than to eat and then throw up, which I can't do unless I'm ill. >_>)

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: Hmm :\ maybe you just have something wrong with your teeth o.O

2006-10-26 [Zab]: x) I doubt I even have that..XD

2006-10-26 [Rondel]: Sorry about the "rantage" -- I've gone back and added some line breaks, if that helps any. I hadn't realized that the block of text had gotten that large. Of course, that's an inherent risk when not posting irrelevant trivialities -- saying something with actual meaningful content can take time and space. And since this particular issue *is* a very meaningful one to me, on an immediate and personal level, I've been meaning to write and contribute some comments since I first became aware of the existence of the wiki.

BTW [Zab], I'm sorry to hear about your problem with either your dentist or your teeth. If you can afford to (you mentioned you don't have to pay for your visits just yet, yes?), you might want to see about getting a second opinion, if the dentist's report is so completely at odds with your own sensory perceptions and self-knowledge. There's always a chance that there *are* some problems you can't feel (say on the outside of your teeth, where your tongue doesn't normally feel them), or that are worse than you realized (say from your lower teeth grinding against your upper -- I had a retainer once that wore holes right through the enamel of my upper teeth, especially my canines), so it's worth getting it checked out if you can -- but I wouldn't *just* take this dentist's word when he's saying so much that doesn't add up.

2006-10-26 [Zab]: Thank you. :)
I know pretty much about the problems, I've had them for ages ;)
I always see different dentists and well, I just don't trust this one. I'll get one hole fixed in a few weeks, but except from that I don't worry too much about it.
And about the 'polish'-ing problem; I'll replace my half proteses to full proteses as soon as the dentists will let me (when I'm 25) it'll cost a whole lot but won't break as easily. And then it won't matter how much I take down on them, I won't feel it and people won't see it there either ;) Unless it becomes so bad they'll get too thin and break, but it's nowhere near that and it hasn't been worse since they discovered it last year.
So I don't really worry:)

2006-10-26 [Keii]: I may need help from all you lovely people in a few weeks :) If Dela doesn't mind that is ;p

2006-10-26 [Zab]: Help with what? :P

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: Not at all, depending :p

2006-10-26 [Keii]: It's for my dissatation/presentation. I'm doing it on how far digital photography can be taken until it is no longer photography, and part of it will contain issues such as body image. I've been told to see about asking people - maybe showing different types of photoshopped images ranging from 'hardly can tell' to 'that's not a person' - and get a non-photographers perspective on things.

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: Ah cool I see, yea sure I'll help :)

2006-10-26 [Zab]: ok:P

2006-10-26 [Keii]: Thankies :D

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]:

What man alive, thinks a bikini wax is like a pillow fight. Seriosuly, I can't believe a man to be THAT STUPID. If so I may just take my ovaries out now and freeze them to prevent them being fertilised by teh st00pid x.X

2006-10-26 [Keii]: Still haven't plucked up the courage to go get a bikini wax done professionally. Should do though >.< Wish it was like a pillow fight though, would make it much nicer to go through >.<;

2006-10-26 [Zab]: *doesn't do it* I'm not that unhappy with my body..*shudders*

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: I do it myself, but I also get it sugar waxed professioanly when I have the money. Its sore the first few times, but after that it barely takes any effort to get the hair out so its fine with me :P

2006-10-26 [Zab]: ^__^'' hehe..well, I've never been much into shaving/waxing/getting rid of hair..I shave if I have to..

2006-10-26 [Estantia]: shaving is fine for me thanks... *pales at idea of waxing*

2006-10-26 [Keii]: It's just too much effort to shave. You always forget until it's too late o.o

2006-10-26 [Zab]: XD really..I don't shave much..

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: I've never shaved, although I imagine the stubble would be annoying o.O

2006-10-26 [Zab]: *shrugs* nah..not really..

2006-10-26 [Keii]: If I wasn't such a wimp I'd convert to wax.

Ha! Anybody remember this:

2006-10-26 [Estantia]: I don't find it annoying...

2006-10-26 [iippo]: Shaving dries my skin, can't do that. But then again I'm not particularly hairy either so I just let it be most of the time.

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: lol I screamed the first time too lol.

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]:
Altough in that one you can tell where they are judging by her screams >.>

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: But seriously, after the first time its not so bad :P

2006-10-26 [Keii]: Yeah, everytime I used to go get my eyebrows done, it always hurt the first time (or if I hadn't been in ages), but now it's totally fine.

Might start off small and work inwards - no brazillian (sp) straight away XD

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: God no don't do that the first time round x.X Start off gradual :P One time out of curiosity I had all the hair removed (sorry if thats tmi) and oooomg never again never again, theres just parts of that part that hot wax and ripped out hair should never feel.

2006-10-26 [Keii]: *flinch* Ouch

2006-10-26 [The Blood Angel]: He He now that was some funny shit! Sorry I've never laughed so hard for a while :p

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: Laugh all you want, I got my revenge on male kind by waxing my ex XD

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: His leg I would like to point out. I put a strip on his right leg and when I ripped it off the big sissy screamed like a girl and ran away from me T.T XP

2006-10-26 [Estantia]: *smirk* me? sadistic? no... well ok at times...

2006-10-26 [Delladreing]: Hehehe ;)

2006-10-26 [Estantia]: No, what was really freaky was when there was a sponsored male leg wax and one of the boys was acting as if it was completely normal O.o

There were some boys who had to be chased around the garden to come back though :)

2006-10-26 [shotokan_gal]: For those ladies who're used to waxing, you might find epilating useful too. At least I hadn't heard of it at all for a long time. Same sort of principle (pulling hairs out) but without the hot wax and losing of skin (or was that just me?), although it does take longer.

2006-10-26 [Linderel]: *doesn't shave* I haven't bothered to in a pretty long while... :3 I just don't feel the need. I might be a little hairy on the legs, but so what? :P

2006-10-26 [Keii]: To be honest my leg hair is about half a centimeter at the moment. I just haven't had the time to get around to it. It bothers me when I notice, but most of the day trousers cover it all, so I don't think about it. I still like being all smooth though :D

2006-10-26 [shotokan_gal]: Wish I couldn't, my hair is far too dark. Maybe in the winter can go a few more days than usual without >_>

2006-10-27 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Lucky for me, I am blonde! well, sorta. My leg hair doesn't really show. Neither does my arm hair, from a distance.

2006-10-27 [sequeena_rae]: W00t for ripping the hairs out of the opposite sex >_>

My leg hair is a beat ._. Erm, should I have really said that? :P

2006-10-27 [Delladreing]: Eh up to you really :p

2006-10-27 [sequeena_rae]: Erm, beast even >_> <_<

2006-10-27 [Delladreing]: I didnt even notice that :p

2006-10-27 [sequeena_rae]: Luckily, I did >:D

2006-10-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: there is a page in progress called curves that I just stumbled on. perhaps we should all go join and swarm around her like the crazed people we are offer support.

don't mind me, I feel quite strange today! wheee! -bounces off-

2006-10-28 [Delladreing]: Looks like it might be worth a look.

2006-10-29 [BarleySinger]: First there is nothing wrong with body hair, but if you like that "silky skin" look enough to pay for it in pain - try halawa instead of wax. 

It is basically a type of candy and very easy to make at home. It is also known as "sugaring" or "honeying". The advantage is that it is supposed to be less painful due to not grabbing the live skin in the same way (just dead skin and hairs).

2006-10-29 [Delladreing]: *nod nod* I use sugar waxing if I am going to be accurate. I even use the recipes that you and Rondel gave me.

2006-10-29 [Zab]: (mind sending the recepy to me, Dela? :P I want to try to see how much it hurts..x)

2006-10-29 [Estantia]: I'm just going to watch this.. *mildly amused*

2006-10-29 [Linderel]: Another reason for not shaving is that my legs are as pale as the rest of me, and not that pretty to look at, hair or no hair. xD

2006-10-29 [Delladreing]: (I'll send it to you Zab)

Eh, someone just said to me "why remove your body hair for men" I don't do it for men, I do it for me. I don't like "excess" hair, it makes me feel...I dunno, I just prefer having smooth skin over having hair. That could also have something to do with my BDD and my tendency to pick at blemishes on my skin (dermatillomania) to "make them smooth", which is utter rot because even when I do it I know I'm going to cause myself a bigger mark and it'll take longer to heal. Since I started using sugar waxing, which not only removes the hair but also as Barley said, the dead skin cells I've felt the compulsion to take most of my skin off went away. So it serves more than one purpose for me, in that it satisfies my need to see nothing but skin, but also that my skin is smooth and relatively unblemished with no dead or dry skin on it :P

But agreed, the removal of hair is not for everyone, it just so happens that it works for me.

2006-10-29 [Zab]: Thanks:P

2006-10-29 [Azuri]: One of these days I'm going to try waxing

2006-10-29 [sequeena_rae]: Me too.
Shame I just chucked out my waxing kit >_>;

2006-10-29 [Azuri]: Lol Ive never had one of those >>

2006-10-29 [sequeena_rae]: I looked at it and just chucked it in the back of my cupboard xD

2006-10-29 [Azuri]: lol ish scary stuff O.o

2006-10-29 [sequeena_rae]: Indeed ._.

2006-10-29 [Estantia]: *would be scared if she HAD a waxing kit*

2006-10-29 [Delladreing]: Wusses the lot of you :P

2006-10-29 [Estantia]: no, i am just really lazy.

2006-10-29 [Azuri]: Id go to a professinal once or twice before i ever attempted it myself.

2006-10-29 [sequeena_rae]: If I'm a wuss for not wanting the hairs to be ripped out of me, then fine, I can deal with that XP

2006-10-29 [Delladreing]: Heh fair. But that is why waxing is so good, it lasts longer thus = minimal effort in the long run.

2006-10-29 [sequeena_rae]: Waxing is t3h ebil T_T
It buuuuuurns :P I've seen pictures X_x

2006-10-29 [Azuri]: I hate shaving. I imagen i could take a bit of pain if i didnt have to buy razors and all that junk.

2006-10-29 [Delladreing]: Waxing only burns if done wrong :P

2006-10-29 [sequeena_rae]: Then it was certainly done wrong and looked like a bitch >_> ._.

2006-10-29 [Delladreing]: The skin goes a bit red, and sometimes bleeds (bikini line tends to spot because of the blood level in that area) but it shouldn't burn :S

2006-10-29 [sequeena_rae]: I saw a picture, in some random magazine about this girl who went for a brazilian. My mind is blurry on the facts, but she ended up in hospital with 1st degree burns ._. it was all yellow and scaly and err I should shut up now before I put anyone else off ^_^

2006-10-29 [Estantia]: burn like a carpet burn then

2006-10-29 [sequeena_rae]: Worse

2006-10-29 [Estantia]: i know worse but same principle

2006-10-29 [Delladreing]: Eek, yea, thats waxing gone wrong. Chemical burn possibly, or just a burn from wax too hot :\

That happened to my under arm once, took ages to heal.

2006-10-29 [sequeena_rae]: o.o;
And you wonder why I don't want it done xD

2006-10-29 [Estantia]: I don't want it...

2006-10-29 [Delladreing]: Oh that only happens if you get an idiot doing it :p

2006-10-29 [Fireblade K'Chona]: occasionally I nick myself shaving under my armpits, but eh, it works. What is all this about a sugar waxing recipe, though? -interested- I hate plucking my eyebrows, but they need it. Or, rather, I'm happier when they look the way I want them to.

2006-10-29 [Delladreing]: I'll send you it too Fire :)

2006-10-30 [Fireblade K'Chona]: yaaaay! -hops-

I have had noooooo sleep. oh well. Who needs sleep?

2006-10-30 [Azuri]: Ooo you make it yourself? *wants to know how*

2006-10-30 [Delladreing]: O_o oook then. I guess I will be creating a beauty tip page then :p

2006-10-30 [Azuri]: Lol yay

2006-10-30 [Delladreing]: Maybe I'll do a "how to" over it with conjuction to Cooking With Dela.

2006-10-30 [Azuri]: well it is a recipe of sorts ^_^

2006-10-30 [Delladreing]: its edible too :P

well for the most part <.<

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Recipe for sugar wax (by squee) - Boil water and sugar.

2006-10-30 [Delladreing]: ...err....yea >.>

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: That's it? o.O; xD

2006-10-30 [Delladreing]: No :P

Sugar as a high boiling point, so that is not all there is to it :p also need other things to make it go kinda carmaley looking.

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Like erm, butter? xD

2006-10-30 [Delladreing]: I'll post the recipe soon :P

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: *gives up guessing* x)

2006-10-30 [Azuri]: Lol its no use !

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: I know ;-; can't blame me though xP

2006-10-30 [Azuri]: Yea i know *pets*

2006-10-30 [Fireblade K'Chona]: so what's your next actual COOKING project going to be, Dela?

2006-10-30 [Delladreing]: Not sure dear, I'm thinking of a soup.

2006-10-30 [Fireblade K'Chona]: oh. That could work.

2006-10-30 [Delladreing]: Well I was thinking of soup, bread, something else. Starter meal or something.

2006-10-30 [Fireblade K'Chona]: True. Or you could work backwards. Start with the dessert, end with the soup du jour, sorta thing. -grins-

2006-10-30 [Draugluin]: Nobody can beat my tomatoe curry soup.^^

2006-10-31 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I have a noodle salad that's very very awesome.

Hey, maybe all of us should just go do a recipe exchange!

2006-10-31 [Linderel]: There's a recipe forum. ;) <joinforum:214:cheese> (Recipes)

2006-10-31 [Fireblade K'Chona]: oh, I see! -toddles off for a look-

2006-11-01 [Rondel]: For home "sugaring", the other ingredient is lemon juice; and, FWIW, you actually don't necessarily need any water, the simplest version uses only lemon juice and sugar. But you DO have to know *exactly* how long to cook it, how to tell if it's been long enough, and how to work it so that it's usable.

The result is a sticky candy which you use AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (or within a few degrees, anyway), so there's NO BURNS. There *is*, however, a risk of burns in the preparation process, and you can give yourself some nasty blisters in working the stuff, if you're not careful about it. It's made a lot like salt-water taffy, you pull it to make it soft and sticky; also, it *works* a lot like salt-water taffy -- ever get any into your hair? It grabs it, but it'll peel away from your skin just fine, unless you've gotten it too warm (or too moist, say from sweat in the course of handling it).

I wouldn't have chosen to start off doing it completely on my own with no previous experience either waxing/sugared or being waxed/sugared, but I needed it done for medical reasons (I was getting "blemishes" which focused around hair roots, resulting from a systemic illness (rickettsia, it's the family of illnesses that includes Lyme Disease), and were made much worse by retained moisture in any given area -- so, the hair had to go, and I hate the regrowth process from shaving), and I can't go to a salon.

So, fun fun fun, I had to learn to do it at home, and my dear darling husband had to learn how to do it for me on the areas I can't see/reach well. Definitely a trust exercise, I can tell you, but the results have been worth it. Far less problem with this particular manifestation of my overall health problems.

The important thing to you, the readers, is this: you CAN learn to do this at home, even if you've never done anything like it before, and you can make the stuff up yourself, even if you've never made candy before. BUT, a good candy thermometer is invaluable, and you have to have a GOOD set of instructions, and be willing/able to follow them closely, or you can expect to ruin 2 out of your first 3 batches, or so. Even with good instructions, and an accurate recipe, with accurate tools, you can expect to flub at least one of your first half dozen batches, but as long as you don't screw up BADLY (say, by losing track of the process entirely), the worst result is that you wind up with what is basically a batch of lemon drops, or some soft lemon candy/sauce (depending on how you screw up).

Me, I'm a neohippie and happy to be, but every now and again, I find my furry legs annoying, or the disparity between the hair on my forearms bothers me (I have one furrier than the other, due to having gotten confused when young, and shaved one arm before my sister caught me); but I hate shaving, even then, because no matter how hard I try, I always end up with nicks -- especially on the tiny mole on the back of one knee, right over the tendon, on the extra soft skin.

I vastly prefer halawa (the traditional Arabic name for the candy, which means "sweet", as the traditional sugaring process is millenia old, and comes from that part of the world; even the ancient Egyptians used it, as they preferred the human body to be hairless -- and many modern Islamics use it, in order to comply with certain of the self-care requirements of their faith), as it hurts less than the alternatives, for me.

And the first time is far and away the worst -- after that, the hair DOES grow back softer and silkier, not as thick, and with less tenacious roots -- at least, in my experience.

As a middle-aged woman with a creeping bikini line (something I never had to worry about before, as I had a perfect hairline there when I was younger), I've found the grooming process useful and remarkably low in pain, after the first couple of times it's done on an area. It's pretty speedy, too, if you know what you're doing (using cold packs to chill the halawa into stiffness helps too -- any stretching or slippage vastly increases the pain, as the hair is pulled, rather than being pulled out).

So I find I'm at much more risk of being chilled than burned, or of getting friction burns in the process of pulling a fresh batch of halawa to make it work well. But I really prefer it to the other options -- sugaring with thinner mixes that require strips sounds like more work, more equipment, and more mess, as well as more likely to have a risk of heat issues, since I think those are used slightly warmer.

With real halawa, you can use and reuse the same batch of halawa many times, and if it gets too moist or too filled with the hairs it's removed, you can just melt it and sieve them out, then use it again. It's very materials-efficient that way.

[Delladreing], would you like me to post the file of information I originally sent you, to save you the typing? If you're starting a grooming and self-care tips page, I'd be glad to link it to that. Besides, I like your step-by-step photos, and our digital camera doesn't like indoor shots -- and this is one recipe that would REALLY benefit from them, as the colour change in the cooking process is a key sign of when to pull the candy off of the heat. So even if I post the recipe, I'd love it if you'd contribute photos and any tips you'd like to add. :)

2006-11-01 [Rondel]: Good gods that got long...

2006-11-01 [Delladreing]: As always you're a fountain of knowledge.

I still have the recipes you sent me, but they are...somewhere in my message history *cringes* I will one day get around to printing it all off. I was planning to do my step by step photos with at least one of the recipes to begin with (though maybe not the actual removing hair part, might be hard to rip the hair off my legs whilst trying to stay in focus...not to mentiond I'd probably bruise myself oy)

Hmm I wonder...yes Rondel I think I may well ask that favor of you :)
A link to the file would be great, would mean I could work out ingredients and methods and get on to photos.

2006-11-01 [Delladreing]: lol! Yes it rather did. Its one of the things I have found with these extended comment boxes, you never know quite how much you have written x.X

2006-11-02 [Asrun]: I use a razor. Call my old school but I tried to wax my legs.. Blood was all I got. My legs were a MESS

2006-11-02 [Delladreing]: o.O blood?

2006-11-02 [Asrun]: yesh.. :(

2006-11-02 [Delladreing]: Sounds like you ripped the skin :\

2006-11-06 [Asrun]: Yeah. :( 

2006-11-06 [Delladreing]: Eek. I had that happen once, but it was because I didn't have the skin held taught enough x.x

2006-11-06 [Estantia]: i just use a razor, it's safer, and there's always the option of using it as a weapon if someone assaults you in the bath :P

2006-11-06 [Fireblade K'Chona]: of course, of course! :P

2006-11-06 [Delladreing]: Razors arent safer :P
They are only safer if you have never waxed before and you are experienced with using a razor. If anyone wants to try waxing I would always advise getting it done proffesionaly first after a bit of research in finding out if they have a good reputation/

2006-11-06 [Estantia]: I know, I was trying a bit of lightheartedness, though I'm supposing hot wax would be a pretty effective weapon too.

2006-11-06 [Delladreing]: Especially if aimed at the eyes ;)

2006-11-06 [Estantia]: ouch, yes that would really hurt...

2006-11-06 [Delladreing]: And probably blind...hmm note to self to stock up on the microwavable wax.

2006-11-06 [Fireblade K'Chona]: of course, of course!

I had a lockdown drill at my school the other day and my first period class is in a room with no windows, just one entrance/ basically, if there's a mad gunman in our school, we are screwed because we can't get away.

My teacher told us all to use our mad ninja skills and throw chairs.

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