1224) What is/are your favourite genera(s) of music (Administrator: [Ich ]) Number of voters: 194
a) Rock Number of votes: 108 (56%) Voters: [Rambert ], [Marco ], [Elmiira ], [kabutali ], [dmwr ], [nakor ], [burning bodies hanging from poles. ], [Aiah ], [amalie ], [Maethoriell ], [Froya ], [Xx Manga-Girl xX ], [{{Jessicuh!}} ], [evil beavle ], [Akayume ], [lazyboy13 ], [Rosalina ], [Ocean Soul ], [FeckErseDrink! ], [1BadassWarrior ], [Drakien ], [Wunjo* ], [Sweet Tatia ], [BornFromSilence ], [Skw3rlch4n ], [Theblondphantom ], [Byne ], [saraaa. ], [Lady Vader ], [JonR.Key ], [Thrice ], [SephirothFFVII ], [~Sparky~ ], [Human Casualties ], [Nevenomi ], [merihevonen ], [Gwenn* ], [Mirime ], [Penfalathion ], [Teufelsweib ], [dreamer 1988 ], [hominous nocturnam ], [I.Twitch ], [lightasdark ], [Caterin S. ], [schitzo ], [Baked ], [tenshi-ryuu ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [Ylaraniala Majere ], [Pillowthief ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Frenk ], [affyboy ], [Expendable ], [redharmful ], [de Morte ], [Alexis! ], [Viking ], [Keno ], [Listen to the Sirens ], [Blade Chick ], [Alfonzo ], [cgart ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [silent_voice ], [peacefrog ], [Junko987 ], [Chimes ], [Night Prowler ], [Orouriel ], [Gl1tt3rn1nj4 ], [inuhime ], [Eat me,drink me ], [Wised Up ], [MidSuMMer.Nights ], [Acronymous ], [Torn blue jeans ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [bullet in the head ], [Mystereality ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Arwen Elf Friend ], [Panthalassa ], [kay-chan ], [Aliz ], [Ramirez ], [Six_dragons ], [Once upon a dream ], [captain_sam ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Swollenfish ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [† Plankje † ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [Iske ], [..What dreams may come.. ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Elros Nénharma ], [erturk ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Nightwolf Moonhowler ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [Galatea ], [BlondeGoth ]
b) Classical Number of votes: 50 (26%) Voters: [Ich ], [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [Ladywood ], [Maethoriell ], [Yncke ], [Ocean Soul ], [~Lady Morgana~ ], [hymer ], [Pyruvate ], [bitStellar ], [Charybdis ], [BornFromSilence ], [Skw3rlch4n ], [Byne ], [Lady Vader ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Human Casualties ], [Gwenn* ], [Teufelsweib ], [tenshi-ryuu ], [Brind'Amour ], [Ylaraniala Majere ], [Elodicressida ], [Frenk ], [Elgaed the Bard ], [Expendable ], [Viking ], [Grimmloch ], [roobea ], [DeadSockMonster ], [Chimes ], [Wised Up ], [Acronymous ], [Ludwig van Beethoven ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Arwen Elf Friend ], [Panthalassa ], [Aliz ], [Ramirez ], [Six_dragons ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [Muerta ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [hannes ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [Galatea ], [q1 ]
c) Folk Number of votes: 31 (16%) Voters: [Rêveuse. ], [Aiah ], [amalie ], [kduncan ], [Wunjo* ], [~Lady Morgana~ ], [BornFromSilence ], [Byne ], [evil beavle ], [Mirime ], [time and space distortion ], [earthkynd ], [Ylaraniala Majere ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Viking ], [Grimmloch ], [peacefrog ], [Junko987 ], [Orouriel ], [Wised Up ], [Acronymous ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [pelv13 ], [Arwen Elf Friend ], [Aliz ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [hannes ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Galatea ], [1a2 ]
d) Metal Number of votes: 77 (40%) Voters: [kabutali ], [Aireiathiel ], [nakor ], [death_wing ], [burning bodies hanging from poles. ], [Aiah ], [amalie ], [Maethoriell ], [{{Jessicuh!}} ], [evil beavle ], [Swollenfish ], [1BadassWarrior ], [slipknotchick_12 ], [~Lady Morgana~ ], [SoulfulSin ], [BornFromSilence ], [Byne ], [tyger ], [JonR.Key ], [Thrice ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Human Casualties ], [merihevonen ], [Mirime ], [Teufelsweib ], [hominous nocturnam ], [I.Twitch ], [lightasdark ], [Caterin S. ], [schitzo ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [Pillowthief ], [Sombre ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Frenk ], [Elros Nénharma ], [Paladin ], [Expendable ], [de Morte ], [Listen to the Sirens ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [Junko987 ], [Chimes ], [38hmk ], [mfc ], [Orouriel ], [Tableau Vivant ], [Gl1tt3rn1nj4 ], [Eat me,drink me ], [Wised Up ], [MidSuMMer.Nights ], [fortunatesnowman ], [sky fox ], [Arwen Elf Friend ], [Panthalassa ], [Aliz ], [Ramirez ], [Ansem ], [Six_dragons ], [Once upon a dream ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [† Plankje † ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [cosmosilence ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Cureless_Toxin ], [meme138567 ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Nightwolf Moonhowler ], [Galatea ], [Industrial Iconoclast ], [Helob ]
e) Pop Number of votes: 22 (11%) Voters: [Elmiira ], [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [BornFromSilence ], [Gorilla_Chick ], [merihevonen ], [Penfalathion ], [dreamer 1988 ], [starry_bellend ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [XxTsomexX ], [sequeena_rae ], [Expendable ], [Alfonzo ], [GTO500 ], [Night Prowler ], [Orouriel ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [Devil Wolf ], [kay-chan ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [Madhalf Heatlump ]
f) Trance Number of votes: 22 (11%) Voters: [Marco ], [kabutali ], [death_wing ], [Aiah ], [Maethoriell ], [M1CH43L ], [~*~Amanda~*~ ], [Thrice ], [Penfalathion ], [lightasdark ], [Sombre ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Expendable ], [Junko987 ], [Chimes ], [Eat me,drink me ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [FrankoPhWN ]
g) RnB Number of votes: 8 (4%) Voters: [kabutali ], [R.I.P gregory huge ], [dreamer 1988 ], [XxTsomexX ], [Expendable ], [Wised Up ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Ego Diligo Tu ]
h) Gothic Number of votes: 50 (26%) Voters: [Ich ], [Marco ], [kabutali ], [nakor ], [Cureless_Toxin ], [Aiah ], [amalie ], [Maethoriell ], [{{Jessicuh!}} ], [~*~Amanda~*~ ], [SoulfulSin ], [Pinup_princess ], [BornFromSilence ], [saraaa. ], [Thrice ], [Human Casualties ], [merihevonen ], [Veil of Shadows ], [Teufelsweib ], [hominous nocturnam ], [Caterin S. ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [Ylaraniala Majere ], [Pillowthief ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Frenk ], [Paladin ], [de Morte ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [Junko987 ], [Orouriel ], [Eat me,drink me ], [Wised Up ], [MidSuMMer.Nights ], [HOMICID3 ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [pelv13 ], [Arwen Elf Friend ], [Aliz ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [† Plankje † ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [cosmosilence ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Elros Nénharma ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [Mrs Vicious. ]
i) Grunge Number of votes: 33 (17%) Voters: [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [{{Jessicuh!}} ], [~*~Amanda~*~ ], [Sillydeadweight ], [~Lady Morgana~ ], [Deadlock jester ], [BornFromSilence ], [saraaa. ], [Thrice ], [Human Casualties ], [Teufelsweib ], [spongemonkey ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [Pillowthief ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Listen to the Sirens ], [Wised Up ], [MidSuMMer.Nights ], [Six_dragons ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [Zanther Corvenus ], [cosmosilence ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Elros Nénharma ], [meme138567 ], [hannes ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [Galatea ], [Trist ]
j) Punk Number of votes: 62 (32%) Voters: [kabutali ], [burning bodies hanging from poles. ], [Aiah ], [Maethoriell ], [{{Jessicuh!}} ], [~*~Amanda~*~ ], [FeckErseDrink! ], [Wunjo* ], [Sillydeadweight ], [7sevin7 ], [BornFromSilence ], [Skw3rlch4n ], [saraaa. ], [Lady Vader ], [JonR.Key ], [Thrice ], [SephirothFFVII ], [~Sparky~ ], [Human Casualties ], [evil beavle ], [Eyes like Aster ], [hominous nocturnam ], [I.Twitch ], [lightasdark ], [schitzo ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [Pillowthief ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Expendable ], [Viking ], [peacefrog ], [*save my soul* ], [Chimes ], [Orouriel ], [Gl1tt3rn1nj4 ], [Eat me,drink me ], [Wised Up ], [MidSuMMer.Nights ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [~~Butterfly Angel~~ ], [Mystereality ], [pelv13 ], [Panthalassa ], [kay-chan ], [Aliz ], [Ramirez ], [Six_dragons ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [damned 2 t grave disorder ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Elros Nénharma ], [meme138567 ], [Jiten ], [hannes ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [Trist ]
k) FuturePop Number of votes: 9 (5%) Voters: [Ich ], [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [~*~Amanda~*~ ], [lightasdark ], [merihevonen ], [Alfonzo ], [cosmosilence ], [Ego Diligo Tu ]
l) Rock&Roll Number of votes: 48 (25%) Voters: [communal-highway ], [Marco ], [Elmiira ], [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [{{Jessicuh!}} ], [FeckErseDrink! ], [1BadassWarrior ], [~Lady Morgana~ ], [Skw3rlch4n ], [Byne ], [saraaa. ], [Lady Vader ], [Thrice ], [Human Casualties ], [evil beavle ], [merihevonen ], [Hairyfoot ], [Teufelsweib ], [dreamer 1988 ], [schitzo ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Expendable ], [Listen to the Sirens ], [roobea ], [Alfonzo ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [peacefrog ], [Night Prowler ], [Orouriel ], [Wised Up ], [Acronymous ], [Mystereality ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Arwen Elf Friend ], [Ramirez ], [Once upon a dream ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [† Plankje † ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Elros Nénharma ], [meme138567 ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Nightwolf Moonhowler ], [Galatea ]
m) Opera Number of votes: 21 (11%) Voters: [Ich ], [kabutali ], [Maethoriell ], [Ocean Soul ], [~Lady Morgana~ ], [Charybdis ], [BornFromSilence ], [Frenk ], [Expendable ], [roobea ], [DeadSockMonster ], [Chimes ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Arwen Elf Friend ], [Aliz ], [Ramirez ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [Galatea ]
n) Jazz Number of votes: 22 (11%) Voters: [kabutali ], [Maethoriell ], [davy_22 ], [Ocean Soul ], [FeckErseDrink! ], [Pyruvate ], [3.00 x 10^8 Meters/Second ], [Skw3rlch4n ], [tenshi-ryuu ], [XxTsomexX ], [Grimmloch ], [roobea ], [Alfonzo ], [Wised Up ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Six_dragons ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Panthalassa ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [Galatea ]
o) Black Metal Number of votes: 37 (19%) Voters: [Marco ], [kabutali ], [nakor ], [Aiah ], [Maethoriell ], [{{Jessicuh!}} ], [~Lady Morgana~ ], [Deadlock jester ], [SoulfulSin ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [BornFromSilence ], [Thrice ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Human Casualties ], [merihevonen ], [Mirime ], [Teufelsweib ], [hominous nocturnam ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [XxTsomexX ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Frenk ], [Paladin ], [de Morte ], [Vampire Akis ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [Eat me,drink me ], [Aliz ], [Six_dragons ], [Once upon a dream ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [† Plankje † ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [cosmosilence ], [Asator Stormbringer ]
p) Industrial Number of votes: 30 (15%) Voters: [Ich ], [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [amalie ], [undertow ], [Maethoriell ], [~*~Amanda~*~ ], [Superman666 ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Human Casualties ], [merihevonen ], [Mirime ], [Pillowthief ], [Sombre ], [Expendable ], [de Morte ], [Grimmloch ], [Eat me,drink me ], [Wised Up ], [BillyThePsycho ], [pelv13 ], [Ramirez ], [Six_dragons ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [cosmosilence ], [Elros Nénharma ], [hannes ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [The Dark Wolf ], [Teufelsweib ]
q) HipHop Number of votes: 11 (6%) Voters: [kabutali ], [R.I.P gregory huge ], [JonR.Key ], [dreamer 1988 ], [XxTsomexX ], [Expendable ], [Alfonzo ], [cgart ], [Wised Up ], [Mystereality ], [Ego Diligo Tu ]
r) Acid Number of votes: 5 (3%) Voters: [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [Grimmloch ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Mortified Penguin ]
s) TripHop Number of votes: 7 (4%) Voters: [kabutali ], [Pyruvate ], [JonR.Key ], [Expendable ], [Eat me,drink me ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Sabbe Fhtagn ]
t) Techno Number of votes: 30 (15%) Voters: [Marco ], [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [Maethoriell ], [~*~Amanda~*~ ], [Skw3rlch4n ], [Lady Vader ], [JonR.Key ], [Thrice ], [Human Casualties ], [lightasdark ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [Ylaraniala Majere ], [Sombre ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Expendable ], [de Morte ], [Alfonzo ], [cgart ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [Wised Up ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Six_dragons ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Iliria Iterum ]
u) EBM Number of votes: 6 (3%) Voters: [Ich ], [kabutali ], [amalie ], [lightasdark ], [Gl1tt3rn1nj4 ], [cosmosilence ]
v) J-Pop Number of votes: 20 (10%) Voters: [kabutali ], [amalie ], [~*~Amanda~*~ ], [Skw3rlch4n ], [Lady Vader ], [JonR.Key ], [Penfalathion ], [merihevonen ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [cgart ], [Chimes ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [Ramirez ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [Nightwolf Moonhowler ]
w) Doom Metal Number of votes: 21 (11%) Voters: [Ich ], [Marco ], [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [Maethoriell ], [Thrice ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Human Casualties ], [Teufelsweib ], [hominous nocturnam ], [merihevonen ], [Pillowthief ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [de Morte ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [Six_dragons ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [cosmosilence ], [Asator Stormbringer ]
x) Country Number of votes: 16 (8%) Voters: [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [R.I.P gregory huge ], [JonR.Key ], [~Sparky~ ], [dreamer 1988 ], [Iske ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [Ylaraniala Majere ], [XxTsomexX ], [Midnight Artist ], [Expendable ], [Chimes ], [~~Butterfly Angel~~ ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ]
y) Emo Number of votes: 28 (14%) Voters: [kabutali ], [burning bodies hanging from poles. ], [Rachel. ], [{{Jessicuh!}} ], [~*~Amanda~*~ ], [Byne ], [saraaa. ], [Lady Vader ], [JonR.Key ], [Thrice ], [Penfalathion ], [I.Twitch ], [.Dα√εя. ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [XxTsomexX ], [Expendable ], [Alexis! ], [Listen to the Sirens ], [wolf of angels ], [Chimes ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [Aliz ], [Ramirez ], [Draven Darkfell ], [theworm ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [Trist ]
z) Thrash/Speed Metal Number of votes: 16 (8%) Voters: [kabutali ], [Aiah ], [SoulfulSin ], [Thrice ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Human Casualties ], [Teufelsweib ], [hominous nocturnam ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Aliz ], [Swollenfish ], [Erubeus ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [Elros Nénharma ], [Ego Diligo Tu ]
A) Ambient Number of votes: 14 (7%) Voters: [Ich ], [kabutali ], [Ocean Soul ], [~Lady Morgana~ ], [Viking ], [Listen to the Sirens ], [Grimmloch ], [Chimes ], [Wised Up ], [Acronymous ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Arwen Elf Friend ], [Ramirez ], [Ego Diligo Tu ]
B) Latin Number of votes: 7 (4%) Voters: [kabutali ], [Aireiathiel ], [Elodicressida ], [Expendable ], [roobea ], [Chimes ], [Wised Up ]
C) Hardcore Number of votes: 27 (14%) Voters: [Wunjo* ], [SoulfulSin ], [saraaa. ], [Thrice ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Human Casualties ], [Penfalathion ], [hominous nocturnam ], [I.Twitch ], [merihevonen ], [Blood Sucking Beauty ], [Pillowthief ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Expendable ], [Viking ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [Chimes ], [Gl1tt3rn1nj4 ], [Wised Up ], [fortunatesnowman ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [FrankoPhWN ], [Trist ]
D) Rap Number of votes: 11 (6%) Voters: [Michael Asher ], [JonR.Key ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Expendable ], [Alfonzo ], [cgart ], [Wised Up ], [~~Butterfly Angel~~ ], [Mystereality ], [*Lee-Lee* ], [Ego Diligo Tu ]
E) Progressive Metal Number of votes: 30 (15%) Voters: [Thrice ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Human Casualties ], [merihevonen ], [Mirime ], [Teufelsweib ], [hominous nocturnam ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Expendable ], [Grimmloch ], [Vampire Akis ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [Junko987 ], [Chimes ], [Eat me,drink me ], [Wised Up ], [MidSuMMer.Nights ], [Ramirez ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [cosmosilence ], [Madhalf Heatlump ], [Elros Nénharma ], [Nightwolf Moonhowler ], [Asator Stormbringer ], [Galatea ]
F) Death Metal Number of votes: 32 (16%) Voters: [Thrice ], [SephirothFFVII ], [Human Casualties ], [Mirime ], [Teufelsweib ], [hominous nocturnam ], [lightasdark ], [merihevonen ], [Vampire Akis ], [Pillowthief ], [XxTsomexX ], [Beki in Wonderland ], [Lexi. Short and Sweet! ], [Paladin ], [Expendable ], [de Morte ], [proud_mommy_127 ], [Chimes ], [Sisk is Metal ], [Eat me,drink me ], [Aliz ], [elvenstarr ], [Six_dragons ], [Once upon a dream ], [Erubeus ], [Ego Diligo Tu ], [† Plankje † ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [Elros Nénharma ], [meme138567 ], [Nightwolf Moonhowler ], [Asator Stormbringer ]
G) Southern Rock Number of votes: 7 (4%) Voters: [Thrice ], [XxTsomexX ], [Alfonzo ], [Wandering Wonderer ], [Arwen Elf Friend ], [Draven Darkfell ], [Galatea ]
H) Darkwave Number of votes: 9 (5%) Voters: [Thrice ], [Sombre ], [XxTsomexX ], [Eat me,drink me ], [kanashii-shinzo ], [Mystereality ], [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice ], [Iliria Iterum ], [Ego Diligo Tu ]