Page name: FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-07 05:35:12
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured

Chapter Seven: Return to Hell

The guards noticed movement and looked in Angela's direction. They paused for a moment before realizing she was one of the ones that they were after. "Over this way! Get her!" One of the guards shouted. They rushed at her; the branches scratched their faces and limbs but they did not give up in their chase. "Come now girlie, we won't hurt you!" One of them called as he lost sight of her for a brief moment. "Over here, there she is!" Another guard called motioning to Angela. "After her! We can't let her get away!" The guards changed their course and folllowed in close pursuit to Angela, trying desperatly to catch hold of the young girl.
Angela continued running, not daring to look back. She jumped over a fallen log and continued on in her path, blindly. She didn't know where she was going, but she prayed that she could lead the guards far enough from her brother, and at the same time, not go straight towards the main mansion of town, where more of Yoko's tormented victims awaited.
The path began to grow more narrow for the guards to pass through all together. This is when they became smarter; they slowly began leaveing the course and scattering themselves in various areas. Preparing to attack Angela at any moment, soon they became still. Their breath barley moved the tiniest leaf from its original place. Thay all sat in waiting for the young girl to come in their direction. Soon Angela passed one of the younegr guards who charged from his place of hiding and wrapped his arms tightly around her; pinning her arms to her sides. "You can't get anywhere now little girl!" He turned his head to the side and motioned to the others with his head. "I caught the little brat! I think it's time to teach 'er a lesson!" One of the guards laughed as he approached. "No, we best be gettin' 'er to the Priestess befor' she 'aves our 'eads for not brining 'er." The younger guard who held Angela nodded to his older companion. The older of the two took hold of one arm while the younger held onto the other arm. Both of their grips were like iron upon her skin, they slowly forced her forward towards the main mansion.
Angela kicked and struggled her hardest. "Let me go!" she yelled, but to no avail. Her heart sank to her stomach as they led hear into the mansion, the very place she never wanted to be again. She whispered a silent prayer to anyone watching over her that her brother would not find his way to the mansion, and that in this hellhole, she would not go insane from the ghosts' screams or die from Yoko.
The guards held tightly to Angela's arms as they carried her into the mansion. The descenceded into the dark depths of the spiral stairwell to the pathways that lie below the mansion. The guards threw Angela into a cell and locked the door securly behind them. "The 'Igh Priestess 'ill be in ta c'ya sort'y." One of the two men told her before follwing his comapnion out of the room.
Angela got up and hurried to the door, pulling on it frantically, but it wouldn't budge. She kicked with all of her strength, but it held fast, refusing to move for her. She sighed. "Great....Come on, Ang...think. You're strong, you'll get out of this."
But what about Rosiel?
A few moments later Yoko entered into the room with a smirk on her face. "Well look at this, I have quite a big rat in a cage tonight." She glared at Angela with pure hatred. "I wonder what I shall do with it. What should I do to you little rat? What should I do?" Yoko smiled as she continued to watch Angela.
"You're a sick, disturbed little girl, Yoko. You killed your own mother!" Angela cried. "You are going to destroy this entire island with your sick nightmarish ideas!" Angela glared icy daggers at this woman who tried to take her brother away, the woman who almost killed them.
"Sick? Idealistic ideas? What ever are you talking about?" Yoko smiled as she continued to look at Angela. "I must contemplate for a while what I will do with you little rat. I'll return in a bit." Yoko turned on her heels, her robes billowing out behind her as she left.
Angela growled as Yoko left, continuing her earlier struggle to open the door to the cell. She kicked at it, punched it, then slammed her shoulder into it. She had no luck, and after several minutes of her struggling, she had to sit down and relax. Her shoulder throbbed, but she put the pain behind her. What's going to happen to me? If I get hurt....what will happen to Hize...and Rosiel?
A few hours later Yoko returned followed by two guards. She still had an evil smile platered on her face. "Remove her from that cell and follow me." The guards opened the cell slowly and grabbed hold of Angela's arms. "Mizeru," Yoko looked to one of the young men that had hold of Angela. "...take her to the guest room, and prepare her for her punishment." Yoko's eyes narrowed as Mizeru took hold of Angela's other arm and forced her through the doorway. Yoko's eyes watched them for a moment as he led her into one of the corridors and pushed her into a room. He followed her swiftly inside and locked the door behind him. He threw two pieces of clothing at her, the cloths resembled amazon's garb. "Get changed."
Angela looked at the pieces of clothing, confused, but a bit embarrassed. "I'll change where you can't see me."
"I would say fine, but..." Mizeru blushed a little. "The high priestess has eyes in all rooms, they see everything, they don't hear just see. And if she knows I let you out of my sight I will be killed." Mizeru looked at her apologetically. "So you have to get changed where I can see you."
Angela sighed and turned around, taking off her shoes and then her clothes. She wasn't ashamed of her body, but no one other than Rosiel had seen her this naked, and that was only because they shared a room since they were little. She slid the top down over her head and then put on the bottom portion of the cloth, fixing it so it didn't reveal as much skin. She then put her boots back on - she was sure to need them sooner or later.
Mizeru sighed after a moment. "Okay I am going to make a deal with you. I will help you get out of here, if you don't act like you know that. I have to act brutal, but I will try my best to get you out of the labrinth."
"How can you trust me? More importantly, how can I trust you? What's in this for you?" Angela asked, confused. In her mind, she was quickly considering helping him, if only for her brother's sake.
"Because the High Priestess is brutal and unkind. She killed her own family to get her position. I will do anything to make that woman suffer." Mizeru looked to her and then to the wall. He glanced to the ceiling and noticed a small glint. "Act like you're doing something." He said quickley and silenty as he made random gestures that a person would make if they were screaming.
Angela gives the impression that she is holding her arm in pain from something as she fixes her garb to keep herself looking a little bit better and to not expose so much skin.
"Do we have a deal?" Mizeru asked as he approached her and forced her to her feet. "Either way I have to start getting out of this room. But do we have a deal?"
"Deal," Angela replied. "I'll trust you, for now. Let's go."
Mizeru hearded her towards the door, trying not to make his grip too tight on her. "You have to act unwilling, just like you would act if I wasn't helping you." He hurrried her through the door and began down the hallway. He noticed on of the other guard advancing on him. Angela pulled at him. "I said let me go!" she yelled angrily, acting like she had been arguing with him for a while. "You're just as dumb as your master if you think I'm going anywhere!"
"Stop fussing! I told you already and I will tell you again the mistress will have her way with you!" Mizeru held to her as the guard passed by them, he nodded to the man as he passes and continued to struggle with Angela down the hallway. "Stop struggling wench!"
Angela cried out in mock pain as his hand was supposedly grasping her too tightly. "Stop it! AH!"
"This way." Mizeru muttered under his breath so only Angela could hear. He led her down a small vacant passage, which led to a stair well. He usered her forward slowly until they reached a large oak door. "Go on now, I'll say you ran away. I have to wish the best of luck. This door leads to the underground passage, no guards can go down but the door is left open always. Be careful, the priestess wanders about down there quite a bit. You'll have to find your way from here."
"Thank you," Angela said. "I'll try to return the favor." She ran down the passage as quietly as she could, keeping an eye out for anyone in her way. She reached another door some time later, and she opened it cautiously and slipped inside. She came to a large, dark room, which she maneuvered about carefully. She could see a table and chairs, along with a small cabinet, but not much was illuminated. She saw a door nearby and hurried towards it.

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