Page name: FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-07 05:34:54
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured

Chapter Six: Embrace of Fire

Angela continued looking for an available exit in the room. "We need to leave here....someone's going to find us, or know where we are, eventually..."
Hize nodded. "Yea you're right." He tucked the book away in his shirt and roamed about the room looking for an exit. He felt a slight wind brush his hair and he turned towards it. he made his way around a shelf of books to find a small hidden door. "Angela, I think I found something. " He slid the door open and glanced down the dark passage. "An escape route maybe?"
Angela goes over to him. "Maybe. It's our only shot right now. Let's go."
Hize nodded. "Yea. Lets." he slowly made his way into the passageway and waited for Angela to enter before closing the entryway. "Damn its dark in here." He glanced around him for a moment. "But at least its cooler then what we came through." He smiled to Angela before heading forward a bit. "There's a slight breeze coming from somewhere up ahead, lets try and find where it comes from, it'll probably lead us to the surface."
Angela let her light go before Hize to show them the way. She followed him closely. "It may bring us out to somewhere near the sea. I can smell the water on the breeze," she commented as they went down.
Hize nodded. "Yea I think you're right." After a little while of walking they reached a small opening that led into a cave that peered out to the ocean. "Is it just me or is the fog less dense here?" Hize asked watching the few tuffs of fog lull over the water in the setting sun.
"No, you're right," Angela replied. "Maybe something....or here."
"You might say something would be more appropriate." A woman sat on one of the rocks in the cave. A white flower tucked behind her ear. Her long black hair was tied in a braid. At first glance she looked like a normal woman, until you looekd closer to see the slight transparency in her body. "Good evening. I'm Nakako, Nakako Nagahara. It's nice to meet you." Nakako's voice was very soft and kind, she did not move from her place. She was no threat, she did not want to cause any harm. She smiled to Hize and Angela. "Might I ask your names?"
Angela looked at her with surprise. "I'm..I'm Angela. This is Hize. Why are you here, at this place, if I may ask?"
"It's fine that you ask. I don't blame you for your curiosity. I am here because ever since my death none of those that have died have been able to pass on. My daughter I know has been much trouble. I hope though she will realize her wrongs. She must be stopped. I have meerely tried to calm many of the spirits, the fog is denser when there are more angry spirits around that area. If none of them are angry the fog is light, but not light enough for any to escape. It seems to provide something like a reverse forcefield, not allowing things out, but allowing them in."
"How can we stop Yoko? She has several powers unknown to me, and she has us cornered on this island. We can't go anywhere without her probably knowing where we are. And if she gets a hold of Rosiel and I.....well, there will be more death on our hands," Angela replied.
"My daughter knows the island but she can not find you as easily as you think. Where you are right now is very difficult to get to if you don't know how. I use to come here all the time when I was alive. I found it when I was smaller, its difficult to get to and many people are too afraid to venture down the rocks. This cave is not visible from up above. If you wish you can hide here. I can show the way in and out of the cave to get to the surface above us. And you can get your brother and bring him here if you so wish." Nakako smiled to Angel. "Besides I believe Yoko has a more pressing matter right now." She looked to Hize for a moment then back to Angel. "So what do you think?"
"That's very kind of you," Angela replied. "But....what will happen to Hize?"
"Yoko is trying to find her brother without anyone finding out that he is her twin. Do you understand how difficult a matter that is for her? Darkness can not always hide the light you know." Nakako smiled again. "She will try and find him on her own, which will take her much longer then she thinks it will. Hize will just have to figure out his move on his own." Nakako smiled. "Though I'm sure he will have help with that as well."
Angela nodded. "We'd better go get the others, then, Hize," she said, turning to him.
Hize nodded before turning to Nakako. "How do we get in and out of here?" Nakako slowly stood and made her way to the entrance. "Follow me, I will show you the way." She led the two of them out of the cave slowly for the way up to the surface was hard to manage and was very rocky. Once they reached the top she pointed in the direction of the place Hize had been kept captive. "In that direction you will find where your brother is, you must hurry and bring him back here as quickley as possible."
Angela nodded. "Of course. Thank you. Come on, Hize," she said, hurrying off in that direction towards where her brother and the others were.
Hize followed Angela quickley and silently in the direction that Nakako had pointed in. "I hope Yoko's followers have not found them as of yet."
Angela nodded, but stopped a few minutes later as she spotted Yoko's guards searching the area. She sighed. "Hize, go get my brother and bring him back. I'll distract them. They'll want to find me, and they don't know about you. I won't be long."
"Right." Hize nodded and quickley dashed off in the direction of the place Rosiel and the others were in. "Meet me back at the cave." He called silently back to her. He would make sure to bring the others with him.
Angela ran towards Yoko's goons and whisteled. "Hey! Over here!" she cried. When she got their attention, she ran off into the village, deeper and towards the shrine.
Hize made his way back to the place where the others were and slowly entered into the hideaway. "Hey, Angela and I found a better place, harder to find. She's going to meet us there but we have to hurry." He said as he entered into the cavern to find the others.

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