Page name: Ft-Chapter Ten:Safety [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-04 02:58:23
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured

Chapter Ten: Safety

Hize leaned close to the door. "Angela? Is that you?" He breathed deeply as he held a dagger in his hand that he had found earlier. Just in case it was someone trying to fool them.

Angela sighed in relief. "It's me. Open up, quickly....we have problems." Briefly, her eyes wandered down to her clothing....what would she tell her brother? She shrugged it aside - the problem at hand was more pressing.

Hize nodded to Rosiel who quickley opened up for Angela to come in as Hize jumped in front of the opening ready to strike if it wasn't her. The tension eased from his shoulders when he saw her standing in front of him. Hize jumped down and hugged her. "We were so worried about you, we thought something happened to you." He sighed inwardly as he continued the thought in his mind. "I am so glad you're safe Angel."

Angela returns the hug. "Something DID happen to me. Yoko grabbed me, but a guard allowed me to escape." She let go of Hize and was grabbed by her brother in a hug. "I ended up on the other side of the island, and on the way over here, my guide turned INTO YOKO!"

Rosiel hugged her tighter. "I need to breathe sometime, Ros," Angela said. He let her go, grinning.

"Don't leave us again....I was afraid you'd never come back.." Rosiel murmured.

Angela smiled. "I'll stay, don't worry."

Hize looked around. "Lets continue inside, even the trees have ears you know." Hize ushered them inside and closed the door quickly after one last glance around. "Another Yoko, how is that possible?"

"I don't know," Angela said. "She took my clothes and my things, leaving me with these things." She gestured to her new "dress". "But an old woman on the other side of the island gave me this." She pointed to the scroll. "It kept the new Yoko from touching me without getting hurt."

"A scroll of Rays?" Hize looked at it with interest. "Who did you say gave it to you?"

"A girl named Mina, her grandmother on the other side of the island gave it to me. Her name was.....Emma. She is the high priestess there," Angela said, sitting down.

Hize nodded his head as he sat back from her. "So this thing helped you get away from this Mina girl?"

Angela nodded. "She tried to grab me when she turned into Yoko, and when she touched me, the scroll hurt her. Then, this mist surrounded her once we were outside of the cave, and I just ran off."

"Well I guess thats a good thing, we don't want Yoko number two dragging you off to see Yoko number one." Hize smiled at her and gave her a quick hug. "I'm glad you're safe Angel."

Angela smiled, returning the hug again. "Safe....and exhausted, and missing my clothes," she said with a smile.

"At least you didn't come back in the nude." Hize thought to himself. After a moment he realized what he was thinking and his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. "Well at least they gave you new ones..." He laughed nervously, "right?"

Angela shrugged. "I suppose," she said, blushing lightly with both Hize's and Rosiel's eyes on her clothes. "But...Yoko was using the advantage of skin to make me bleed if she ever caught me."

Rosiel grabbed his sister. "I won't let her hurt you, Angel....I won't let her take you again."

Angela smiled. "She wants you, not me."

"She has a point Ros, they want you not her. They are just trying to get rid of her because she keeps getting in the way." Hize looked over at Angela. "Of course I am not saying that its a bad thing."

"No, I understand," Angela replied. "She doesn't know that you're here....but Mina might...Emma knows, but I don't think Mina heard...but she could have. And if she finds the real Yoko..."

"In other words, we should fine a new place to hide until we know our next course of action." Hize said as he looked at Angela, his cheeks still a faint pink.

Angela nodded, standing. "Yeah, we have to go, and we should go now. If Yoko knows you're out there, she'll stop at nothing to find you and bring you back."

"I am so tempted to just be found..." Hize looked at Angela. "... well then Yoko would have to go through with the ceremony....... at least I think."

Angela looked at him in alarm. "No! If they find you....she'll convince them that you're the dark one and that you need to die!"

Hize blinked a few times. "I guess you're right." His voice was uncertain as he looked at Angela. "That was a mighty quick reaction Angel."

Angela turned her head to the side and blushed lightly. "I just....I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want you to go through the ritual because of me. I was...worried about you. I was afraid that someone found you even if they caught me."

Hize blushed bit before standing quickley. "I'll go out and find a new place for us to hide. Angel why don't you stay with Ros, I think his missed you more then anyone else." Hize looked to Ros who was clinging to her arm. "I'll be back."

" careful," Angela called after him as he was walking out. "Shout if you need us."

Hize stopped and turned around. he walked slowly back over to Angela and kneeled in front of her. "Don't worry I'll be fine." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and hurried out the door, before she could say anything to him.

Angela blushed a light crimson and smiled sheepishly. Rosiel glanced over at her, then grinned and poked her in the side. "What?" she asked.

"I saw that."

"Saw what?"

"You like him....don't you?" he said, grinning.

Angela blushed deeper. "No! I..I.."

"Yeah yeah, sis, tell it so someone who believes you," Rosiel replied. Angela smiled and sat back. "Go ahead and rest, sis. I'll wake you." Angela nodded and curled up a little, trying to doze off, despite their terrifying situation.

Meanwhile Hize made his way through the forest trying to make as little noise as possible. After a while he heard movement and hid in the bushes right by him. He kept his eyes wide open so he could see who it was that was coming in his direction. Yoko emerged from the foliage, her eyes wide with anger. Though her cloths were not what they should have been. "This must be that Mina chick." Hize thought to himself. Mina's eyes darted in his direction, as if she had heard his thoughts.

"Come out little girl, i won't hurt you... much." Mina's voice was hostile as she spoke, thinking that Angela was hidden in the brush. "Just tell me where your brother is and no harm will come to you." She smiled as she began appraoching the brush. Alarm bells went off in Hize's head as she was appraoching.

"No time to hesitate." Hize thought as he launched himself out of the bush and hit Mina full on in the stomach knockingt he wind out of her. She tried to regain her balance but fell quickly. Her breathing became regualr and deep, she had passed out. Hixe looked down at her for a moment and then took off running. After a while he found a small cave, it wasn't that far from the place they were in now. He turned on his heels and hurried back. Once he reached their hideaway he opened the door quickley and jumped inside closing the door quickley. "We have to go, now." He whispered harshley. After a moment he caught his breath and saw Angela asleep on the floor. Rosiel was just about to wake her. "Let her sleep Ros, I'll carry her. She needs her rest after what she went through."

Rosiel nodded, picking his sister up carefully and holding her out to Hize.

Hize carefully took Angela from Rosiel and held her closely to him. He slid the door back open with his foot and motioned to the others to follow him. He made his way slowly to teh cavern he had found, making sure Angela didn't wake as he carried her. Once they reached the cavern he laid her own a soft patch of moss that was growing in the cavern. He sighed and turned to Rosiel. "We should be safe here for a while." He looked out of the cave which showed a picture perfect view of the ocean.

Rosiel looked down at his sister, making sure she was comfortable, then stood and looked out of the cave. "Yeah...but how long? We'll just have to be careful," he said. Then, he smiled. "It's still a beautiful view."

"Yea... it is." Hize's face pointed towards the ocean but his eyes were looking at Angela as she slept peacefully. He smiled to himself as a thought crossed his mind. "There's nothing more beautiful."

Rosiel stepped over to his sister, poking her. "Hellooo? Earth to sissy."

Angela opened her eyes. "What?" Then she realized they were not where they were. "Wha...where are we?"

"A new hiding place." Hize said as he turned to face her. "It will be harder for people to find us here, hell I would have missed the place if I hadn't tripped over a rock." He smiled. "By the way... I ran into my sister... or the girl who looks like my sister.... ummm geez I'm trying to figure out who's worse right now. My sister... or...... my sister!"

Angela giggled at his humor. She looked at them. "I slept through all of that? Geez, I'm sorry."

Rosiel smiled. "No worries, sis. I carried you here."

Angela laughed, and then Rosiel joined her. He finally stopped a few moments later. "What's so funny, Ang?"

"You can't carry me, Ros, you're not strong enough. Don't lie to me," she replied.

Hize laughed. "Hey he was able to pick you up though." Hize smiled. "No Ros didn't carry you Angel I did." He smiled again. "But don't get on your brother's case he's a lot stronger then I thought he was. Still can't beat me in arm wrestling though." Hize smiled to Rosiel, when Angela had been gone that was about all they could do.

Angela smiled. "Thanks for carrying me, Hize." She turned to Rosiel. "Arm wrestling?" she asked.

Rosiel looked sheepish. "Well, yeah. We were arm wrestling. I only one once, but he was getting tired. Other than that, I lost." Angela smiled.

"Why don't you sleep, Ros? It may be a long night...or day, or...whatever..." Angela said. Rosiel nodded and walked over to another part of the cave to curl up and sleep.

Hize walked to the mouth of the cave. "I'll keep watch." He smiled again and turned his attention to the ocean.

Angela walked over to him and sat down beside him. "You can sleep, you know. I can keep watch. I've slept."

Hize shook his head. "I'm alright." His eyes were on the horizon as the sun was sinking along the ocean, the mist curling in waves along the bank. "I like the night, gives me time to think." He glanced at Angela for a second. "Besides I wouldn't get much sleep anyway, I'm too awake." He slid his jacket off and placed around Angela's shoulders. "You're going to get cold missy."

Angela smiled. "Blame your sister." She looked out at the sea for a while. " there another scroll like the one I have somewhere?"

"I don't know, I only know what I read in my father's journal that he wrote before he died. There is suppose to be a scroll of rays and a scroll of beams. they oppose each other, one stands for the sun rays the other for moon beams." Hize laughed. "Pretty dumb names in my opinion, but they are suppose to be one scroll actually, one ends where the other begins. According to the island legend, they have a inscription or spell that transcends time. To undo evil, or to vanquish it. But I'm not to sure, it is a legend after all." Hize turned to look at Angela. "But there could be I guess."

"If we could find the other one..." Angela mused, "...we could stop Yoko. And if that doesn't work, we could always use the scrolls for protection."

"Yea we could. We could also try my option." Hize looked at her. "I don't mind, if it gets you and Ros to safety." He smiled.

Angela shook her head. "No, Hize. I want to leave this island with my brother AND you."

Hize laughed. "When we get back to the mainland we probably aren't even going to see each other again after we say our good byes." He turned his eyes back to the ocean. The sun had fully set and the stars were beginning to shine.

"Wh...why?" Angela asked, looking both upset and scared for him.

Hize looked to her. "Because we live in different places maybe." He laughed and then noticed that she looked upset. "Don't be upset Angela, its makes me sad to see you upset. Besides you look much more beautiful when you smile." Hize smiled, then noticed what he said. "I mean.... ummmm.... nevermind." He quickly turned his head to look at the stars again, hoping it was dark enough to hide the blush on his cheeks.

Angela quickly moved towards him and grabbed him in a hug, burying her face in his shoulder. "I...I don't want you to go...I don't want to be without you, Hize. I care about you."

Hize didn't react at first bt after a moment he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. "Angela..." He pushed her back a little and took his hand to tilt her face up. "I care about you too." He leaned in to her and kissed her softly on the lips, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Angela returned the kiss gently, putting her arms lightly around his neck.

After a moment, she could hear snickering, and she drew back from him and turned. Rosiel lay on his stomach, waving to them with a grin like the Cheshire Cat.

Hize looked over at Ros and blushed. "And just what is so funny Rosiel? I thought you were going to sleep!"

"Whaaaat? I like to know what my twin is doing, thank you very much," Rosiel replied, grinning at Angela.

"The temptation to take off my shoe and throw it at you, Ros, is emmense. But I won't because your sister will kill me." Hize said as he let go of Angela and turned around where he was sitting to face Ros.

"No, go ahead and do it," Angela said. "Yoko took my shoe, so I can't do it for you."

Hize looked back to Angela in confusion. "You're giving me permission to throw my shoe at your brother?"

"Well, I'd do it," she replied. "But I don't have a shoe."

"Hey!" Rosiel said. "That's not nice..."

Hize took off his show and handed it to Angela. "Then I will not take away the satisfaction from you."

Angela got up and went over to her brother, who tried to get up and run. She jumped onto him and hit him with Hize's shoe.

"OW, HEY!!" Rosiel yelled. He pushed himself up, knocking Angela off. He grabbed her and straddled her, beginning to tickle her. "I'll show you!" he said, as she began laughing.

"Get off!"

"Hey!" Hize came over quickly and kneeled down as if to knock Rosiel over but then started tickling Angela. After a few moments he stopped and laughed and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "I told you that you looked more beautiful when you smiled."

Rosiel stopped tickling her.

Angela looked up at Hize and smiled. "That was a very sweet thing for you to say..."

Rosiel looked at Hize, then his sister, then Hize. "Ahem. I'm going to the BACK of the cave." He walked back there, laying down and ACTUALLY TRYING to sleep.

Hize blinked in confusion. "What?" He blinked a few more times and then shook his head and walked back to the mouth of the cave to keep watch.

Angela followed him to the mouth of the cave. "It was sweet of you to say that I'm pretty. That's the greatest compliment I've heard....from anyone."

"I didn't say you're pretty.... I said you're beautiful." He smiled. "And its the truth, I don't see why no one else has told you that."

Angela leaned against the wall. "My brother and I lost our parents. We don't really socialize with people, especially Ros. He was hurt more by them dying than I was. So, I never really left his side."

Hize nodded. "I guess I can understand that. My father died a year ago, and I somehow got stuck with his bussiness. That's why I said we probably won't see wach other when we get out of here. That stupid bussiness is taking over my life." Hize said as he looked to the ground. He sighed and looked up to Angela. "But I think Life has been harder on you." He got up and walked over to her and slide down against the wall to be next to her. He wrapped his one arm around her and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. "So what happened... after your parents died?" He hesitated. "If you don't mind me asking."

Angela leaned her head against his shoulder. "We had the choice of living with family or living at our parents' estate. With their insurance, the house was paid off, and we needed to just get jobs at a young age. But Rosiel was too sad and didn't want to go out there in the world." Angela sighed. "So he cooked and I worked. It was tough, but we managed. But he'd always be sad at night and at home where memories were. So...he never wanted me to leave him. Never wanted to let him be alone in the dark. We'd sleep together, in two beds pushed together, so he wouldn't be lonely..."

"You were his strength." He smiled. He pulled her tighter to him and tilted his head so it rested on hers. "If you want, when we get out of here you and Ros can live with me. Neither of you will be lonely, and you'll both be safe."

Angela looked up at him. "Really? You''d let us live with you?"

"Of course, I don't see why not. I am the owner of the estate now and my father's company. No one is able to tell me what I can and cannot do." Hize smiled. "But it's only if you want."

Angela smiled. "I'd really like that, Hize. Thank you."

Hize sighed and kissed her head. "Then its settled, when we get out of this hell hole you and Ros will come live with me. Now all we have to do is get out of the hell hole we're in. Which means the happy ever after part has to wait for a while."

Angela sighed. "That's going to be tougher than it looks. We could go find that Beam Scroll...but we'd be walking right into the lion's den. Of course...we could take Rosiel back through the tunnel and to Emma. He'd be safe there...I think."

"The problem though is this Mina girl, she knows about the tunnel and where it leads right? So if she tells the real Yoko then there will probably be guards at the entrance." Hize said as his gaze shifted to the entrance of the cave.

Angela sighed. "We're screwed either way. It's better that we take the smaller of the two risks."

Hize nodded. "You're right, at daybreak we'll move, okay?"

Angela nodded. "That probably gives us...three hours at most."

"Then sleep." Hize said as he poked her in the side. "Or do I get to poke and tickel you for the next three hours?"

"You can sleep," Angela said. "I've slept already and you need your rest."

"Fine." Hize said as he sighed. "I'll sleep." He gave her a sidewards glance like she was evil then smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "Good night." He stood up and walked to another area to lay down and rest.

Angela smiled, watching him, then turned and looked out at the view. They only did have a few hours to rest and get ready. They'd need all of the strength they could muster. She rested her head against a rock and curled up a little, getting comfortable as she looked out.

She heard a groan and turned to look back. Rosiel had rolled over onto his stomach, and then curled up a bit more into a little ball. She smiled.

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