Page name: Ft-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-07 05:35:24
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured

Chapter Eight:Rays of Light

A young girl with long blond hair heard a small noise that sounded like it came from within the mountain next to her. She followed the sound cautiously until she came upon a doorway that led right into the mountain. "Why is there a door in a mountain?" She grasped the handle and pulled it slowly open and peered inside. Light streamed into the room from the other side where the young girl stood, she allowed her eyes to wander about the room for a moment before they landed on Angela. "Oh my, I'm so sorry I did not mean to intrude. It just seemed odd for there to be a door in the side of the mountain." After a few seconds the girl relized that Angela didn't look angry, but more relived. "Would you like out?" She stepped aside to let Angela out of the room before closing the door gently. Her long robes rustled against a bush as she turned to look at Angela. She bowed deeply to the new comer. "My name is Mina Laurence, I am one of the priestesses in training in the village of Rays. Welcome to our island."
Angela stepped out, stretching and squinting a bit. "Village of Rays? Where am I? You're a priestess? Do you know Yoko?" she asked all of the questions before realizing how rude she was....not to mention her terrible outfit. "Uhm, sorry. My name is Angela Mikatsu. I've been trying to get out of that cavern for a while, so thank you for letting me out."
Mina blinked a few times in confusion before answering. "It's nice to meet you Ms. Angela. You're on 'lost isle' as everyone calls it now, in the Village of Rays. Yes I am a priestess, but I am still in training, and this Yoko you speak of I have never heard of. My grandmother might have though. I can take you to go see her if you would like." Mina breathed in after saying so much and looked at Angela.
Angela smiled. "Thank you. I'd appreciate that a lot."
Mina nodded. "Follow me." She turned and led Angela down a small path that led directly to the Village of Rays. After emerging from under the trees the sun hit them both at full force, there wasn't a cloud in sight in the sky. Mina looked around at the villagers who had stopped to look at her leading Angela to the temple. "Back to your business, all of you! Shoo, shoo." She caleld to the al, chasing after one little girl who laughed and scurried after her mother. "This way." Mina continued to lead Angela through the village until they reached the temple. Mina hurried to the top of the stairs and waited for Angela to catch up before leading her inside. "Grandmother!" She called as she slid the door closed after they entered into one of the rooms that broke off from the main temple room. "Grandmother I have brought someone wishing to speak with you!"
"I'm coming child." A voice lightly called back. Mina turned her head toward the doorway as it slid open and an elderly woman entered the room keeping herself up with a cane she held in her right hand. The woman's eyes wandered over to Angela before taking a seat before them. "My name is Emma, I am the high priestess here. What is it that I can do for you child?" She asked as she turned towards Angela.
"My name is Angela Mikatsu. I have come from the other side of the isle where I have been hunted by apparitions and the priestess Yoko. I have to go back there to save my brother Rosiel and my friends," Angela explained. She continued on, going into detail a bit more about what all happened since Rosiel and she arrived.
"I see." Emma looked at Angela after she had finished explaining. "This Yoko, does she have a brother of the same face, by the name of Hize?"
"Yes! He's one of my friends, and we almost got caught, but I told him to hurry off and that I'd distract the guards. Yoko doesn't know he's free and around the island with me," Angela replied.
"Mmm." Emma nodded. "I see, so this Yoko is Hize sister. Well then I suppose there might be something we can do. Mina..." Mina looked up at her grandmother. "You are to lead her back to the shadows, understood?" Mina nodded.
"Yes grandmother." Mina slowly stood from her place. "I will make the proper preperations." She looked to Angela. "It will take only a moment Ms. Angela." Mina then left the room leaving Emma and Angela alone.
"Mina can lead where ever it is you need to go. Before the island was split she would play with on either side, sometimes with the girl you speak of. Hize is a good friend to many in this village, any friend of his is one of ours, we will help you in any way. But I cannot stress this enough, you can't leave this island until the curse that girl put on it is lifted, no matter which side you are on, we are bond her." Emma paused for breath. "In a way you could say all the people who remain 'alive' are something like a specter. Yoko is the one you must get rid of though to set those that cannot rest free. Also there is one thing I must tell..." Emma was cut short as Mina entered the room.
"Ready grandmother." Emma nodded to her grandaughter's statement and slowly got up with the help of her cane.
"The two of you should be on your way." Emma nodded to Mina, who nodded back. "Ms. Angela take this with you, it is a talisman that should help keep away any evil spirits lurking nearby." Emma handed Angela a small scroll on a cord and then ushered her out of the room. "Now hurry, find your brother." Emma then closed the door behind her.
"This way Ms. Angela." Mina said as she began to lead Angela out of the temple. "Where is it your brother is?"
"Hize said he would meet me with my brother at a cave on the other side of the island," Angela replied, holding the scroll tightly.
Mina nodded. "Alright, follow me then." Mina slowly led Angela along a different path that headed downwards. "This path leads to a passageway going straight through the mountain. It will take us to the far side of the mountain, close to the shore." Mina looked back at Angela. "Is that alright?" Mina noticed the scroll then and smiled. "It works better if you tie around you, like your wrist or your neck, that's what the cord at the top is for."
Angela puts the scroll around her waist. "Yeah, that's fine, thank you Mina.

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