Page name: Greyfox Poetry [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-09-17 18:33:12
Last author: TheRogue
Owner: TheRogue
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TheRogue Poetry

These are my innermost thoughts. Some cheerful, some not so cheerful. I did not write these poems because they sound good, I wrote them because it is what my heart spoke of at the moment. Each one is a piece of my soul, naked and vulnerable in some way. Take what you will from their meanings, positive or negative, because I wrote them for myself... perhaps to release the emotions from me, or as a reminder of things past. Read on, enjoy if you wish, and I hope I will continue to have thoughts and emotions to share with those most dear to me...

*Means that it was featured in Daily Poems on Mainstreet
-=Owning States=-
-=Melodic Sight=-
-=At My Door=-
-=Lost at Sea=- 4/06/2011
-=Bards and Rogues=- 4/01/2009
-=The Irony of Starch=- 11/17/09
-=Lover's Dirge=- 10/14/09
-=Whispering Daze=- 7/28/09
-=Wisdom and War=- 11/24/07
-=Winter=- 11/24/07
-=I Was there=-
-=Brothers in Arms=-
-=The Old Code=-
-=Though Darkness Falls=-
=-Unequalled Symphony=-
-=Stir of Echoes=-
-=I am=-
-=Forging Destiny=-
-=Frozen Heart=-
-=All That Glitters=-
-=While She Sleeps=-
-=Drifter's Cry=-
-=To Myself...I Bleed=-
-=My Present Darkness=- (Prose)
-=Fools Errand=-
-=Forever's Constant=-
-=The Withering Soul=-
-=Ode to Elftown=- *
-=The Kiss=-
-=Sleep Well My Child=-*
-=Restless Spirit=-
-=Breath and Blade=-
-=Blackbird's Cry=-
-=Tears from the Angel=-
-=Despite of Me=-
-=The Taste of Failure=-
-=Musings of the Oldest Soul=-
-=Winter's Touch=-
-=Gentle Song=-
-=Ferryman's Wage=-
-=Stripped Away=-
-=Prose of a Humble Man=-
-=An Angel's Sigh=-
-=Awash in Solitude=-
-=Where Were You?=-*
-=Cry For Dawn=-
-=Artificial Feelings=-
-=Waking Nightmares=-
-=Dark Penance=-
-=Life Flavored Thoughts=-
-=The Loss of Me=-
-=The Thinnest Web=-
-=Road to Hell=-
-=Into the Mist=-

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2004-01-06 [Kaeirdwyn]: I like the way you set this up!!! Good work, not with just the wiki, but of course with your poetry!! I will be perusing more as time goes by!!!

2004-01-06 [TheRogue]: Thanks, Kae! It was a definite pain.. and time consuming, but i guess it was worth it. :)

2004-01-06 [Kaeirdwyn]: Definitely worth it. I find it a wonderful idea, and am going to enjoy coming back time and time again to read your works!!!

2004-01-06 [Rennie]: wow, this is truly amazing stuff hon...even though I am poetically challenged, being a sciencey person...I can still see the emotion in your words and they touch me...*hugs* you have a wonderful talent with words babe, don't ever quit...

2004-01-06 [TheRogue]: Thank you Erin. I try...

2004-01-19 [Perplexity]: Very revealing... you realy put your everything on the line in these poems. I can only hope that someday I will be able to plumb the depths as readily and skillfully and come back with something so beautiful and meaningful. Thank you for sharing these bits of your life, [TheRogue].

2004-01-19 [TheRogue]: ::bows:: thank you for reading them..i'm glad you liked them.

2004-01-30 [xAntoux]: Your poetry suck dicks...a young boy can do better

2004-02-09 [kamisch]: I got through a few so far, but I have to work on my Anthropology paper now :( I'm watching you though, so I'll be back! There's some VERY good stuff in here...VERY good ;) ~Kay

2004-02-09 [TheRogue]: Many thanks, Kay.. the kind words are appreciated.

2004-02-25 [Raentor]: Excelent poetry your imagery is very well cafted and so is your sense of rhythm and rhyme

2004-02-25 [TheRogue]: Thanks! :)

2004-02-25 [Raentor]: not a problem though you might need to watch the rhyme scheme on some of seem to switch up halfway through on a few of the poems. If this is intended then it is well done but that has a tendancy to throw the flow off so unless you are going for a discordant careful. I hope you take the criticism with a grain of salt though because they are very well done indeed. Just voicing a fellow poets opinion.

2004-02-25 [TheRogue]: no no.. i appreciate the comments.. some of them switch gears, on purpose, to drive home the randomness of emotion.. others are just that way because it's how they came out.hehe.. when i write, i don't go back and try to make it fall within a certain guideline.. what you see is first draft, and last draft.. because i feel that alot of them would lose their intensity if i tried to 'edit' them for a specific format.. most of them are raw, just like the emotion that they portray.. :)

2004-02-25 [Raentor]: That's why i said they were very well done indeed. It does portray the emotion very well. Have you ever considered publishing any of them?

2004-02-25 [TheRogue]: wanted to.. but i don't have the front about everyone i know who is talented with some gift that might solve all their money problems but can't get anything out of the garage.. *sigh*

2004-02-25 [Raentor]: I have the name of a book but there is a very large community out there of magazines and collections etc. that take unsolicoted donations that can get you out on the market and get your work some exposure and earn you a few bucks :D my poetry so far has earned me $12 hehe well on my way to a writing career :P But seriously let me dig through my bookshelf and find you that name of that book.

2004-02-25 [TheRogue]: thanks man... appreciate it

2004-03-26 [Raentor]: Finally got the name of those books for you lol One is the poet's market (diffrent magazines and books accepting admisions) the writer's market (again publishers accepting submissions) and The small press market same thing lol

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