Page name: Mom's List of Homes you "MUST" Visit... [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-12-03 16:06:30
Last author: Mom
Owner: Mom
# of watchers: 12
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Homes you "MUST" Visit...

"Artists and Wits Extradinaire"

[Calico Tiger]
[Elisha Kelly]
[Daisy le Fleur]
[travs the bean]


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2006-03-23 [Elisha Kelly]: *Squeals!!!* I see my name... :D

2006-03-23 [Mom]: Of course you have an awesome house.

2006-03-25 [Elisha Kelly]: thankyou...... *hugs...* I like your house to... that is why I visit :D

2006-03-30 [Evilmonk]: Aww thanks Mommy!! =) You're so sweet to include me with such talents!

2006-03-30 [Mom]: It's not just talent...sense of humor,personality and more are considered. You're an awesome person to get to know. Too bad too many people don't know that.

2006-05-03 [Amphetamine Psychosis]: ^^

2006-05-04 [Evilmonk]: Thats ok Deb. It makes me appreciate the true friends I do have. Like yourself. =D

2006-05-10 [smakeupfx]: Hey... I happened in here an there's my name :-)  how sweet of you, thanks I am honored :-)

2006-05-11 [Mom]: No thank you for gracing us with your talent.

2006-06-11 [Lothuriel]: *gives mom a big hug*

2006-06-20 [Viperess]: This is neat now I see some to go peek at that I have not visited before. Thank you.

2006-06-20 [Mom]: You're welcome.=}

2006-07-15 [Cia_mar]: i feel so honored to be listed among such a talented selection af people! thank you Mom!

2007-07-13 [Yuriona]: OMG! My name's up there!! *HUGGLEGLOMPGROPES* Thanks [Mom]!!

2007-07-13 [Mom]: Of course it is...*gropes back*

2008-05-03 [Kyrinn]: Im on the Mom list! Yay! *hugs* thanks Mom!!

2008-05-13 [Dint]: Holy crud! I'm really honored to be on such a distinguished list! Thank you Mom!!
What a nice surprise to end my day! :D

2010-04-14 [Daisy le Fleur]: O.o When did I make this list!! SWEET!

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