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2009-02-17 [nehirwen]: The art is beautiful! <3 Thanks for sharing these links. ^_^
2009-02-17 [Dark Side of the Moon]: I shall put them on a seperate page now! I thought they were beautiful also [nehirwen]! No point in them staying lost amongst all of the other great stuff at Elfwood. ;)
2009-02-17 [Artsieladie]: They are beautiful! Awesome art and awesome finds! :D
2009-02-18 [nehirwen]: Thanks for the uncluttering, and I definitely agree with that. ;)
2009-02-19 [Dark Side of the Moon]: I think I put my written submission is under the right section. Well, this was fun, but that giant drawing isn't going to finish itself, hee hee! I bid you all adieu for now. *bows*
2009-02-19 [nehirwen]: It is, thank you!! :D
2009-03-10 [nehirwen]: I'm modding this page Artsie, not you. :P
You're very welcome to add stories and links etc. :)
2009-03-10 [Artsieladie]: I appreciate it, [nehirwen]. I really do, but no, I've made my decision that it will be best, because I am the mod that oversees this entire project and have. So I think it is best that I comply. Modding the ECM project has meant everything to me, more than my own stuff. I can always put it elsewhere. It doesn't have to be here. *hugs back* I will be removing it again, not to try and cause any friction, but just because I honestly do think it is best. ...Again I appreciate you putting it back. ;)
2009-03-10 [nehirwen]: Hm, why not add your stuff when the contest itself is closed? :3
There's nothing to win then, and I like too see your stuffs. ^_^
2009-03-10 [Artsieladie]: Yeah, maybe I will. Thanks for reminding me of this option. Thank you, dear. I appreciate it. :D
2009-03-10 [nehirwen]: You're welcome.
2009-03-10 [Linderel]: But what if someone else finds your stuff and adds it? :P
2009-03-10 [nehirwen]: Then we have the stuff already and we don't need to add it after the contest is closed..
(and people can't add stories/art not made by them anyway) x)
2009-03-10 [Linderel]: Oh, yeah, there is that. I wasn't entirely sure if it was in effect here, but maybe my brain is just glitchy again...
2009-03-10 [nehirwen]: You just lost me there. O.o
2009-03-10 [Linderel]: Never miiiiiiiiind xD
2009-03-10 [nehirwen]: *blows bubbles*
2009-03-19 [arthemis_]: I would like to write a short story about Unicorns (fiction), can I just start to write and put the story here?
2009-03-19 [nehirwen]: Yes you can! ^^
(but rather put it in a wiki, and add the link here, in the appropriate section) :)
2009-03-21 [arthemis_]: Yeah, I knew that :p *about putting it in a wiki and then put the link here*
2009-03-21 [nehirwen]: Have fun writing then. ;)
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