Page name: Mystic Zodiac - RPG [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-28 05:20:44
Last author: Cheshire Wolf
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Mystic Zodiac RPG

Mystic Zodiac Chapter 1 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 2 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 3 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 4 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 5 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 6 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 7 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 8 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 9 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 10 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 11 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 12 <--Done
Mystic Zodiac Chapter 13 <--In Progress

Mystic Zodiac Chapter 13

Back to Mystic Zodiac

"I think I remember my mom having to keep dessert from me if I didn't clean my plate. Those were when she'd make brussel sprouts and spinach!" Vander said, making a face.

"I like spinach..." said Robbie.

"Well, then you must be Popeye the Sailor Man!"

"Popeye?" Robbie asked.

"Oh...I don't remember your family, but I love you. They couldn't kill me!"

"I am glad they didn't kill you...I have been on the run, the police believed I was responsible..."

"Well, we'll just have to give you a new look or something...Or at least make sure the police don't find you!"

Semreh nodded. "I agree with mother..."

Hopefully not...but Odin has threatened to take her body and all....and not Siria, Arcadia's cousin is a prisoner of Hera....

Del was upset He's not getting close. She may not recognize me, but that doesn't mean I can't mother her.

Every child needs their mother...

"It is mostlikely he was.... or he was trying to teach you his and your family's history and connections...."

"Oh...he never let on...not until I met you..."

"He just may not have found the right moment..."

"I guess that makes sense. This is all so new and amazing now!"

Helios smiled. "I am glad you think so..."

"Oh my little ones" she said softly thinking of all of them. But then it brought her mind to her other children back in the other world. How long they had been without their mother. She knew though if she went back Myskio would never let her leave again to return to her love Erebus here and her children here. Hugging her knees to her chest she cried softly.

After a while, Erebus stepped from the shadows, and sat down gently on the bed. "Tavia... my Light...please don't cry...." he whispered.

"It feels like my heart is being torn to peices my love" she whispered looking up at him. "I want to know what has become of my children that are alive in the other realm and go to them, I want to see what has become of Myskio but I know if I go there he will never let me return to your embrace" gently she intertwined her fingers with his lovingly. "You are my husband and my love now but it still breaks my heart to know they are alright to wonder what hs become of them."

"I could go with you Tavia...I could tell those here that need to know where we are...and we can go together..." Erebus said as he kissed her forehead.

"What of the children?" she shook her head hugging herself. "Especially little Epoh..."

"They are half of your home realm...and I would never see us just leaving them here, especially our little Epoh...."

"I would love for them to see my home realm But the mother that I am I fear for their safety." She didnt want to admit outloud she feared Myskio meeting her earth side family. She knew he would feel betrayed.

"Then I will have Eos stay with them.... she is their aunt after all... I am not going to let him take you back there by yourself...I am coming..."

"Oh Erebus thank you my love" she hugged him tight. "Thank you so much."

Erebus held her close to his chest. "Always, my bright star...."

"I just hope the little ones will be ok with us not here for awhile." she knew Epoh would take it the hardest but they werent old enough to come with them. It was going to be a very dangerous mission.

"There are guest rooms over there that your sister and the two of you can use...." Delta said. "We all need our rest..."

Arcadia nodded in agreement. "Yes it has been a very long day."

Serapis nodded but first on his mind was his daughter. "Can I get Neafa from your room before we retire to our room?"

Arcadia smiled. "You don't have to ask that at all Serapis follow me"

Serapis turned to his sister. "These people family to me sister just follow Delta and he'l lead you to your room" He smiled before following Arcadia off to her bedroom where the children were.

When they got to the bedroom, Neafa was asleep with her head against Vali's shoulder, while all the other pups were a sleep surrounding them.

Serapis gently picked up his daughter in hsi arms and cradled her close. "My little princess" he whispered lovingly.

Vali opened his eyes. "Mama..." he whispered.

Arcadia stroked his hair. "I'm here sweetheart its ok" She said softly kneeling down near her pups.

"Neafa...?" he asked softly.

"Her father has her baby she's safe" she smiled at how protective he was.

Vali nodded. "Okay mama...."

Neafa snuggled against her father's chest.

Arcadia kissed Vali's forehead gently. "i'll be back in a minute sweetheart" she stood up and lead Serapis out of the room and down the hall to the room Siria was waiting for him.

Serapis bowed his head to Arcadia. "Thank you again for everything."

"Of course we're family." She smiled and headed off returning to her bedroom to be with her kids.

(missed this when I was fixing it all up)
Chyrosa snuggled into Marek's chest more. "Thank you..." she whispered.

"Your always welcome" he hugged her close stroking her hair.

Chyrosa smiled. "Our family is together...its wonderful..."

"Yes it is indeed" Marek slid on hand over her stomach as he held her close just embracing the feeling of being with her like this.

He felt Fenris leave his mind, he laid there cuddled up to Bastet. Anubis was happy that his friend was back.

Bastet curled more into him. "Love..." she whispered.

Anubis looked down at her seeing if she was awake or not.

Bastet was looking up at him. "I wish so much to always be with you again...."

"Oh my love how I wish it as well." pain filled his eyes as he gazed down at her knowing that because of the darkness that posessed her it would not be true. His heart ached knowing that being trapped in this place was slowly killing her.

"you will save me, won't you? Always?" she asked softly.

"Always and forever darling" he stroked her cheek before kissing her softly.

She kissed back. "Thank you, love..."

"No need to thank me for the truth kitten" he said playfully. It was a little nickname he had given her in the past that he called her when they were alone.

"Oh...." she purred. "I will always thank you..."

"Your a cutie you know that?" he asked playfully.

Hyio blushed.


Oracle nodded. "His love.... and it would seem three other guests are on their way here too..."

He looked at his brother. "You have a girlfriend?'

"She's the one that saved me...." he said.

"Oh. Do you think she will like me?"

"I just know she will..."

"I hope so."

"Tashi...I know so..."

He smiled a little. "Ok."

Hyio hugged him.

He hugged back.

Hyio smiled softly.

"You know have a role in much to come... but you two are not the only ones..."

"Will it place mother in danger?"

"No... there are protectors...friends of mine watching her, love..."

" long as she is safe."

Oracle kissed him. "She is..."

He kissed back

Oracle looked off to the side. "Hello Nemi..."

Nemi smiled walking into the temple. "Oracle... how are you?"

"I am good...." Oracle said. She looked at Isaac and Sanzo. "Hello gentlemen..."

"HI!" Sanzo said with a big grin.

Isaac nodded slowly.

Nemi looked over at Tashi and Hyio. "Hello... my name is Nemesis... but you may call me Nemi...."

"Nice to meet you." Tashi said with a bow.

Nemi nodded. "He's cute Oracle.... congrats...."

He blushed. "I...thanks..."

Nemi nodded with a smile, and hugged Sanzo's arm.

Oracle looked at Isaac. "I am glad to see that you have made it here safe.... there are those that would never want you to be whole again...."

"I want to help...I want to stop Oden..."

"Sanzo wants to help!"

Oracle nodded. "I know you both Isaac need to be whole once more..."

"How do I do that? And their is another thing that bothers me..."

"Tell me of what bothers you first..."

"If...I have another half...and we become whole...wouldn't one of us vanish from this world? If I absorbed my other half does that mean I would take him from anyone he may love? And if he absorbs me...I would cease to be wouldn't I?"

"No... your other half and you will be together like you had been.... your other half is your immortal wolf spirit.... you will feel whole with him.... but he also has all of your memories from the past... so it may be a bit of an adjustment...."

"But...wouldn't one of us vanish?"

"You will be able to shift between looking human and looking as a large grey wolf...."

"I...will be me...or will the other side of me be dominant?"

"You will be able to descide who you are now... you were reborn... with your other side you will learn who you were and who you were important to..."

He nodded but still looked a little nervous.

"All will be fine...."

"I hope so..."

" I interrupting something?" asked a woman. She is wearing a sharp business suit with a skirt. "I'm Aria, by the way." she says to whoever she doesn't know in the room. 

Hyio/Aquilla went over to Aria. "Aria..." he said with a hug to her. "I'm sorry I just left the apartment like that..."

"It's okay. Oracle told me before I got done with my shower. You have a brother or something...?" she kissed his cheek, blushing.

Hyio/Aquilla nodded, then gesture over to Tashi. "This is my brother...Tashi...Tashi...this is Aria..."

"Hi...It's a pleasure to meet you."

Tashi bowed in respect. "The pleasure is mine...thank you for helping my brother."

"I didn't really do anything to help him. He was already free by the time I got there. It was someone else we helped..."

"Huh? But...I thought you said she helped..."

"You still did help... I didn't know how or where to go....or where I was....." Hyio/Aquilla said.

Tashi smiled in thanks to her again.

"I'm glad Aquilla found a relative. It's been long since things have happened and they appear to be happening again. We need all the help we can get!"

"This way...' she said, taking him to a room. "There is a pair of clean clothes in side.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Gabriel..." Hecate said with a kiss to his cheek. "Change... and I'll be right back..."

He nodded and waited tell she left than he got changed

She knocked on the door. "YOu changed?" she asked.


"Come... so that I may see you.... and then show you the way..."

He followed

Hecate smiled. "Oh that outfit is perfect on you...."

He blushed. "You really think so?"

"Yes I do..."

"Thank you."

She kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

"This way to the main hall..."

He followed

The main hall had one wall where the doorway they had just walked through stood and the rest was open to the court yard.


"I know...." she said. "I love it..."

He smiled and took her hand

Hecate smiled, and then said, "They've arrived...." A tall man with long black hair, with a deep green cloak around his shoulders appeared. Beside him was a young woman. (I have to get Amathya to post down here what she currently looks like....)

Tallia has a few knives hanging off her body, she is dressed in a corset and short skirt and she is wearing strappy shoes. She looks slightly scared and slightly excited. She has black hair and is slightly shorter than Genbu. She looks like there's something she must find.

Gabriel smiled shyly. "Umm...I am Gabriel..."

Genbu nodded to Gabriel. "Hello...I am Genbu....this is Tallia...."

"It's a pleasure'am."

((We have to wait for Sarah))

"Now that the formalities are out of the way, where can I find my brother?" she asks them. Then she looks at Genbu, "Wait, who do we have to talk to in order to find my brother?"

Gabriel looked at Hecate. "Is twin?"

"Woah, back up...You're looking for a sibling as well? Were you reborn as a zodiac or are you something else?" Tallia asked. (I know I cut off whatever Hecate would say, but that's what she would do.)

"Umm...I am Gemini..."

Hecate and Genbu smiled at each other. "You are both Gemini...for Gemini is the Twins..." said Hecate.

Tallia tackle hugs him. "You like me, right?" She looks really insecure about him not liking her. After all, he is her only family.

Gabrial let out an 'omph' sound and slowly nodded. "I...think so...but you like me?" He asked shyly, he looked slightly confused due to the age difference.

"Huh-uh, of course! You're the only family I have. I got kicked out by them when I was little, because I'm weird and I don't care what you do, you'll always be my brother! I already love you. I don't remember you completely, though. We must have been born at different times in this life, because you're a bit younger than I am. That's okay. Now we can remember who was born first...we did argue about that quite a bit. I knew it was me!"

Genbu laughed.

Hecate smiled. "i'm so happy for the two of you..."

He slowly smiled. "I...umm...I will try to be a good long as you don't think I am a freak..."

"Okay...what's your freakish issues? Then I'll tell you mine."

Hecate sighed. "Gabriel... just as you have gifts...powers... she will have them as well...such as your ability to change your appearance...."

He looked down and slowly explained about his family. ((Sarah.... read Gabriel's profile))

"My family got rid of me when I was really young, because I have some strange tendencies, at least compared to most people...I like killing people...but only the bad guys, or the people who have some sort of bounty on their head. I also own a sex and weapons shop."

Gabriel's eyes widened and he hesitanty backed away. "Ah....oh...."

Hecate hugged onto his waist. She whispered, "She is excepting you for you... get to know her more.... just as she will want to know you better..."

He nodded

Tallia looks really sad when he backs away. She doesn't know why he's nodding. She goes and hides her face in Genbu's chest.
((They are like little kids!))

Gabriel looked at her. " sorry..."

Genbu smiled gently at Gabriel, and then pushed Tallia towards him. "Siblings know siblings.... even if they have been born apart...."

Gabriel smiled hesitantly

Tallia looked at him and just throws her arms around him and starts crying. "I need all the family I can get. I don't care what's happened to you or what you've done. From the sounds of it we're opposites so you probably shouldn't care either."

She looked down. "I am tainted by Zeus.... he would not want me again... but from the way he looks at you...." she whispered.

"Mother...if you are tainted by him so am I...he loves us both...I am willing to let you be with him..."

"But... I don't want to destroy.... the love you have between you both....he... he is...."

"And I don't want to do that to you..."

"It's been so long..." she said softly.

He sighed. "It...if it made you happy..."

"You love him.... be with him... Your happiness is the most important of all to me...." his mother whispered.

"But...what about you?"

"You are alive.... you are in love....what more could I wish..."

he hugged her.

She hugged back. "I love you my little one..."

"I love you too mother."

"I should rest... go to your love..."

"But...are you sure?"

"Yes... go to him..."

He hesitantly went to find him

He found Atrox sitting in a study, reading a book.

He hugged him from behind

Atrox looked back at him. "Nilus...." he said softly. "How is everything...?"

"She is tired and should see her...and talk to her..." He tried to keep the tremor from his voice. He didn't want to lose him...but his mother needed him.

"Your mother is a special woman, Nilus....and you....I love you as I did her... I won't be made to choose between you two..."

"I understand...I wish you and her happiness..."

Atrox turned around fully, and grabbed Nilus, pulling him close. He rested his chin on the top of Nilus's head, as he rubbed his back. "What do you mean by that?" he whispered.

He closed his eyes trying to fight the tears. ""

"Nilus..." Atrox whispered still holding him. "Who is your father....? Who do you know as your father...?"

"Zeus..." He whispered looking down.

"Zeus is the one that imprisoned me in that box... but he also imprisoned your mother in there...."

"Both of you? But...why?"

"I won't use my gifts for him...and she wouldn't be his bride..."

He looked down. "So...I was...a..a..mistake..." He whispered tears in his eyes. He jumped up and rushed for the door.

Atrox reached out at him, grabbing him, and pulling him to his chest. "You can never be a mistake, Nilus...never.."

He closed his eyes trying to fight the pain. "I am...if mother was forced...I wasn't wanted....I...I cause her pain just by existing..."Tears rolled down his cheeks

"Just because she was forced...that doesn't mean that once you came that your weren't wanted.... your mother loves you..." he whispered, holding him close.

He cried into him. "But...I bring her pain..."

"You bring her are her son..."

He looked down not sure how to reply

Atrox kissed him. "Believe me..."

He hesitantly kissed back. "I...but...what should I do...she needs you..."

"She may need my she did in the box... but you are my love...and I can support both of you..."

"You love her too..."

"Nilus.... you have my heart....I care about her...she is my friend..."

"Are you sure?"

Atrox nodded, and then kissed him.

He hesitantly kissed back

"I love you, Nilus..."

" you too..."

Atrox continued to hold him close, not wishing to let him go.

He fell asleep in his arms

Atrox held him, leaning back against the headboard of the bed.

He snuggled closer

"My Nilus..." he whispered.

He whimpered in his sleep

Atrox stroked his hair. "Shhh... I am here love..."

He settled

Atrox kissed his neck, pulling him closer to him.

He moaned softly in pleasure

"I love you darling..."

He slowly opened his eyes

Atrox looked at him in his eyes, smiling softly.

He blushed

"I love you with all of my heart..."

"I love you the same way..."

Atrox kissed him deeply.

He blushed and kissed back

Atrox deepend the kiss, arms wrapped around him.

He blushed and kissed back

"Are you hungry? Or...what would you like to do?"

He blushed. "Umm...."

"You will know much soon..."


"I just know it Isaac..." Nemi said.

He sighed and nodded.

"Isaac....what's wrong?"

"I just want to put a stop to Oden..."

Nemi nodded. "I understand..."

"He has done so much evil..."

Nemi nodded. "Isaac... I am the Demi Goddess of Revenge...."

"You told me."

"Yes... I know... but I have done evil before...revenge is just another many people's eyes.... I prefer revenge in the name of justice..."

"Oden deserves all the pain he gets!"

Nemi giggled. "Yes he does..."

"let's get moving."

Nemi pointed them toward the main temple entrance.

They headed (Up to Tashi and them...)

Chyrosa nodded. "Yes...mother..."

"I don't understand..."

"Please remember me Lyra.... remember your Chy.... remember... your old mother...." Chyrosa whispered.


"Yes...mother.... that was your name...." she said. ((Leo had told her that what she was was like Lamia...))

"Your father side I was like her..."

"Father can't feel it yet.... but I know.... you are my mother... reborn to this world....I...I have really missed you...." she said softly.


Chyrosa nodded softly, looking at Lyra for any sort of reaction.

She hugged her trying to remember

A flash of a young baby in Lyra's arms played in her mind. She didn't really looked like herself, but she knew that she was the one holding the baby. "Lamia...." came a male voice. A man with a helmet over his head came into the room. He took his helmet off, and she saw that is was Abmisleo. "My love..." she heard herself say. He smiled. How is our little Chyrosa...? he asked, coming up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Oh... our little Chy is just growing so much... I know she will break so many hearts with her beauty that I know she will have.... WIth that the flash ended.

She held her closer. "Chy...."

"Mother...." Chyrosa whispered. "I have missed you soo...."


Chyrosa hugged her back. "I'm so glad papa meet you...again...."

"Me too."

"Mother....I'm sorry about all of your loses..."

"I am too...but you lived..."

"Yes... I did....but father died trying to get revenge on the one that had killed you... but he was given new life...."

"Who...killed us?"

"An evil that is trying to consume the world...."

"Does it have a name?"

"It was given a name.... but that name belonged to a man...a god that had no part in this evil..."

"What god?"

"He's name was Atrox.... long ago.... he was imprisoned in a box for disagreeing with the ruler of the gods....he was not the only innocent to have that other had been imprisoned in that box before him.... together they were imprisoned in a box of Evil..... Atrox was a god that had once owned the box.... he had guarded it to keep away the evils of the world.... he was freed though.... I believe everyone knows this part of the story.... of Pandora and the Box...."

"Pandora's box?"

"Yes....the other that had been imprisoned in that box was the imbodiment of Hope..."

"Where are they now?"

"Atrox is being hunted as the evil that is causing the end of this world.... and the imbodiment of Hope.... she was last seen with Zeus....." Chyrosa hugged herself. "Mother...I have something to tell you..."

"What sweet heart?" She asked in concern.

Chyrosa blushed. "I'm...I'm...." She looked down at her stomach as she hugged herself.

Her eyes widened. "Pregnant? Where you...forced?"

Chyrosa shook her head with a smile on her lips. " was willing...I just haven't told father..." she said softly.

She looked relieved. "Who is the lucky man?"

"His name is Marek.... he...was trained by my father in being a knight...centuries ago..."

"I am happy for you...are you planning to marry?"

Chyrosa nodded. "OF course....but...somethings have happened...and..... I'm worried that he will not come back to me...." she said softly.

"Why wouldn't he? If he doesn't than he doesn't deserve you." She said getting upset that the man whould abandon her when she is pregnant.

"I don't know if he is truly dead...or only in a deadlike sleep...." she whispered.

She looked concerned. "What do you mean? Who is he?"

"His name is Marek...he...went with his brother to go save a friend... but his brother brought him back in a deathlike sleep...I don't know if he is dead or not..."

She hugged her in concern. "I am so sorry...where is he know?"

"He is with friends... I had to come back here so none would worry if you or father saw I was gone..."

She hugged her again. "I...wish there was something I could do to help..."

Chyrosa hugged her. "I know you would mother....I am just so happy to have you back again..."

She smiled. " treat your brother as a brother?"

"Why wouldn't I...?" Chyrosa said with a smile. "I've always wanted a brother..."

She smiled. "I am glad.

Chyrosa hugged her.

She hugged back. "I...have another child..."She whispered in awe

"Yes mother...." Chyrosa said. She looked up at Lyra.

She smiled a little still overwhelmed

"I... I'm sorry if this was soo much..."

"No. I am grateful...It will take a little getting use to..."

"I understand.."

"You should get some rest...I know I plan to."

Chyrosa nodded, and then shifting back to being a child, she headed off to bed.

She yawned and headed back

She found Abmisleo asleep on the bed, though he looked like he had waited for her.

She blushed and laid down next to him

Abmisleo rolled over, an arm slipping around her.

She snuggled against him

He pulled her closer.

She blushed

He started to kiss her neck.

She moaned softly

He pulled her even closer to him, burrying his face in her neck.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...." he whispered softly. "Just remembering old memories...." He kissed her neck again.

She shivered in pleasure

Vann smiled slowly. "Anything you wish... to reason..."

"Can we go the the zoo?"

"Of course Falcon..."

He hopped up and down. "YAY!"

Vann laughed lightly. "Go clean up..."

He raced out of the room to get ready

Vann laughed watching him. WHat happen? he questioned to himself.

"I am ready." He said with a smile. He seemed to have absolutely no memory of what had happened

Vann smiled, and stood up. "Alright you... lets get going..."

He hopped up and took his hand. "OK!"

Vann lead him out of the house, locking it behind him. He then walked with Falcon down towards the zoo.

He skipped happily.

"So what shall we see first...?"


"Great..." Vann said softly, and lead them over to the lions exhibit.

He smiled excitedly.

"Look at them..." Vann said with a smile.

He nodded. "They remind me of Chyrosa's daddy."

"You think so?"

He nodded. "Can we take a picture?"

Vann nodded. "Of course...." He pulled out a camera and then took a few pictures of the lions.

He smiled. "Now I wanna see...zebas."

Vann laughed. "Alright Falcon..."

He smiled and took his hand

They made it over to the zebras. "I think we should go off to see the birds next..." Vann said.

"Ok. Take pictures." He said with a smile

"Alright my little Falcon..." he said taking a picture.

He smiled. "Now the birdies."

Vann took him over to the bird. "Falcon... see those birds... those over there are called Falcons...."

He smiled. "Like my name?"

"Just like your name....Falcons are birds of prey, but they are very beautiful...graceful and strong...."

"Can I be like that?"

"Of course you can..."

He smiled happily.

Vann picked him up and hugged him.

He smiled and kissed his cheek. "What should we see next?"

"This is your day..."

"Hmm...the bears?"

"The polar bears or the grizzly bears?"

"Umm...I thought they are the same kind but the polar bear's coat changes due to the env...environment..." He said looking confused.

"Its about their location and their structure...

"Oh...umm...can we see both?"

Vann nodded. "Of course..."

"You chose which one first."

Vann smiled, and took him over to where the polar bears were swimming.

He smiled. "Picture?"

Vann hugged him close as he just smiled, and took a picture of the two of them.

"I want pictures of all the animals!"

Vann laughed "of course..." He took a picture of the polar bears.

He smiled and hugged him

"My Falcon..."

He smiled. "What next?"

"What about the wolves?"

He smiled and nodded

Vann carried him to see the wolves.

He smiled excitedly. After awhile they had seen every animal in the zoo. Falcon yawned tiredly

"Time to head home for a nap...." Vann said, as he carried him to the exit.

"Ok. It was fun though."

Vann carried Falcon home. When they got there, Vann laid him down in his bed. "Rest well..."

He nodded sleepily and soon was asleep

Vann covered him, and then left the room to take care of other things.

Falcon turned over in his sleep

Vann came back in, to watch him.

He turned older once again and was still asleep

Vann sighed. "I wonder what is going on...." he said softly.

He started to stir

"Falcon..." he said softly.

He opened his eyes

"Falcon..." he said again. "How did you sleep...?"

He blinked and yawned. "I slept well...what about you?"

"Anything....for the maiden who's voice rang through my mind..." he whispered.

She blushed. "But...I am a mother not a maiden..."

"You can be a mother and a maiden...." he said, and then kissed her again.

She blushed and kissed back

"My maiden..." he whispered. "If you would be my maiden..."

She blushed and nodded

He kissed her gently. "Thank you..."

She kissed back. "No. Thank you."

Ares hugged her close. "Please know.... I won't force you into anything you don't wish to do...."

"Thank you.'She yawned a little. "Sorry..."

Ares shook his head. "No don't be... you need rest..."

She nodded tiredly. "Thank you."

He nodded, and pulled back the sheets on the bed for her to get in.

"Thank you.' She said with a blush

Ares nodded with a smile, and pulled the covers back over her. He then kissed her forehead. "Sleep well..."

"You too..." She murmured as she fell asleep

Ares left the room. She dreamed of Ares and her little boy and of a happy life.

She blushed.

Ares smiled gently at her, and then left the room.

She sighed in her sleep

She felt a little one crawl into bed with her.

She opened her eyes

Her little one was in the bed with her.

She gently stroked his hair

"Mama...." he whispered.

"Yes my sweet one?"

"Where are we?"

"We are safe...umm...we are staying with Ares..."

"Who?" he asked.

"He...saved me...and you..."

"Saved us...?" he yawned. "That's cool...when are we going home?"

"This is our home now..."

"Why mama? What about papa?"

She bit her lip. "He...doesn't want anything to do with us..."


Amyra gently hugged him close. "He...hurt me..."


She hugged him close. "Luscious...I am sorry...he isn't as nice as I believed he was."

"But...mama...." he whispered with a tear in his eyes.

"What dear?" She asked in concern. She fought tears as well.

"WOn't daddy be lonely?"

"I...he...I...: She looked down. "I don't think so..."

"Oh..." he said softly.

"Why sweetheart?"

"Will you miss daddy?"

"yes...I will."

"This is our new home?"

"Yes baby...this is our new home."

He nodded, and snuggled into her.

She stroked his hair

He snuggled into her more.

She hummed a lulluby to him

He yawned, and was soon asleep.

She held him and gently stroked his hair as she closed her eyes

She dreamed once more of Ares and her little one.

She smiled

She dreamed she was pregnant.

She opened her eyes in shock and placed her hand on her abdomen

She was as she had been before she fell to sleep.

She shook her head in confusion

"Mommy..." came a whisper.

She looked over at Luscious with a gentle smile. "Yes angel?"

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just a strange dream."

"Are you sure mommy?"

She nodded and kissed his forehead.

He smiled up at her. "love you mommy..."

"Love you too angel."

"Do you really wish to know?" he asked with a smile.


Zanos looked at Aliana. "I love to travel to the other side of the western mountains... to run through the sun lite desert...."

"Sounds lovely...but what can the two of us do together?"

"Dancing... a movie....anything..."

"What would you like to do?"

"Aliana.... isn't that my question..." Zanos said with a smile.

She blushed. "Well...what do you like? I want it enjoyable for both of us."

"I would enjoy anything as long as you were there...."

"I've always wanted to horseback..."

Zanos smiled. "That's wonderful... I have a friend that has some Arabian horses...."

"Really? Do you think your friend would let us?"

"I know it...."

"I look forward to it."

"That's wonderful....when would you like to?"


"Really...? But it's late...."

" about tomorrow morning?"

He kissed her. "That would be great..."

She smiled. "Good night..."

"Night..." Zanos said, and then left the room to head back to the guest room.


Zanos smiled back at her, and then headed into the guest room to go to bed.

She went in to her room to sleep

She dreamed calm dreams of him and the scorpion.

She smiled

Then she saw an arrow fly through the air aimed at Zanos.

"NO!" She bolted up.

He father rushed into the room. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Her father was always up early in the morning.

"Bad...dream...sorry dad..."

"I was worried..." he asked.

She hugged him. "I'm ok."

"What happened?" he asked.

"It was a dream...I...Zanos was killed..."

"Oh sweet heart..."

She hugged her father.

"I am sure that he is safe...."

"Can I go check?"

Her father nodded.

She hurried to his room and knocked

There was no answer.

She flung open the door in worry. "Zanos?!"

Zanos jumped in his bed, getting into a fighting stance. "What? What is it?" he asked worried.

She sighed in relief tears in her eyes. "I...umm...sorry for waking you...I...I...will go..." She turned to leave trembling in relief that he was ok.

Zanos quickly moved, wrapping his arms around her's, and hugging her close. "Please...what's wrong?" he whispered.

She burried her face in his chest. " died..."

"I'm here...I'm here... I'm not going anywhere..."

She held on to him for quiet some time until she was more assured he was safe.

Zanos tilted up her chin and gently kissed her lips.

She blushed and kissed back her knees buckled as relief swept through her

Zanos pulled back slowly. "I am not going anywhere without a fight..."

She nodded slowly. "I am sorry...I was just so worried..."

"I understand...."

She kissed him

He kissed back. "I love you..."

"I love you."

Zanos held her closer.

She sighed in relief breathing his scent

"I will protect you..."

"I want to do the same for you..."

"I know you will..." he whispered, before kissing her gently.

She blushed and slowly kissed back

Zanos looked down at her with love.

"I am glad you are safe."

"As am I...and I'm glad you are too..."

She kissed him

He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her more deeply.

She blushed and kissed back

"I'll let you get back to bed..." he said gently.

"Are you sure you are ok?"

She kissed him softly.

He kissed back/

Tamesis soon fell asleep, snuggling up against him.

He held her close and closed his eyes

He dreamed of Ireland and it's rolling hills.

He sighed happily

In his dream he saw his brother Vali... one of the twins. Brother...


Brother... it has been a long time.... ((The twins had been killed... just so you know...))((I know)

"You're dead..."

This is your mind it is possible to see me... but... I... I have been reborn.... Hello....Great-Uncle...

"Great uncle?"

Arcadia...your niece from Fenris....has given birth to pups.... half Wolf...half Coyote... I was reborn as one of the pups....I was even renamed a tribute to me.... as well as Arcadia named the pup Vali in memory for my daughter, Siria....


In a sense....I am only a pup.... but I am here....

"I want to see you again..."

I am currently in Greece with Siria... and her love....but mother and her love are in Ashland....

"I will find you."

Look for the condo owned by the company Epsilon...

"I will..."

Until we see each other



"Be safe."

I will... you be safe as well

"I will try..."

He felt a gentle kiss be placed on his cheek.

He opened his eyes and looked.

Tamesis kissed his cheek again.

He gently kissed her.

"Hi..." she said softly.

"Did I wake you?"

"No....I've never been able to sleep deeply...."

He kissed her.

She kissed him back.

He held her close

"Jarmanger....I am so glad that you and I met..."

"As am I.''

"Do you wish to sleep more....or have you rested enough for the night?"

"I am fine, how about you?"

"I am just fine, my love...." she said with a smile.

He kissed her

She kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you..."

"What do you want to do now?"

"Would you like to walk around the city more?"


Tamesis smiled. "I should change...."

"Me too." He got up and stretched

Tamesis headed into another room.

He started to change

When he was done, he felt like Tamesis was watching him. "I have changed...are you?"

"Yes." He turned to look at her.

She smiled, reaching out her hand to him.

He took it gently and lovingly.

"Breakfast first or would you like to just head out and get something later...?"

"Let's get breakfast."

Tamesis smiled. "Alright...The kitchen is just down this way..."

He followed her

She stopped in the middle of the hall, and then reached a hand out, pushing a door open. "The kitchen..."

He smiled. and kissed her

Tamesis kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you too..."

He started to cook

Tamesis sat down in a nearby chair. "What are you cooking? Or am I to wait til you are done..." she asked, smiling.

"Hmm...I am making eggs and I found some strange meat called 'bacon."

He woke up.

he looked around

He was in the room he had been given.

He got up seeing if Ares was home

He found Ares asleep in his bed.

He went over and crawled into bed with him. He hesitantly started to undress him.

Ares turning in his sleep. He noticed that Ares was bleeding.

He pulled back. "Ares..." He started to shake him awake

Ares moaned softly. "Hmmm?"

"You're bleeding..."

Ares looked at him, and then at the blood. "I... will heal... do not worry...I had gone out last night to save another...."

"Are you sure....?"

Ares sat up, and placed a hand on his side. When he removed his hand, the wound was healed. He then placed his head in his hands.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes...I am...I just should have noticed that before I went to sleep..."

He sat down on the bed next to him and fidgeted. "Umm...I...went out..."

Ares looked at him. "What happened?" he asked, his voice full of worry.

He looked down and bit his lip. "N...nothing..." He lied

Ares looked at him more. "Please tell me..."

Alaric shook his head. "You will get angry..."

"I'm worried about you Alaric... please..."

He slowly told him about leaving and the guy from the theater trying to take him again.

Ares growled and then pulled Alaric into his chest, holding him. "Alaric....I am just so happy you are safe..."

He slowly nodded and gently rubbed against him

Ares pulled back a bit. "Alaric...what are you doing?"

He looked down. "S...sorry..."

"Alaric...I don't have feelings for you that way....but I will protect you..." Ares said gently. "Alaric...please allow me to be a father figure for you...."

Alaric slowly nodded. "You...want to be my father? I never really had one who would care for me..."

Ares nodded. "Yes...I do...I don't want anything to happen to you..."

Alaric slowly nodded not sure what to say.

"Alaric... you are safe here... no one is going to hurt you....ever again...."

"Ok...but what do I do?"

"You learn.... you experience.... I will help you..."

"But what do you get out of it?"

"The knowledge that you are happy and safe..."

"I will try..."

Ares hugged him again. "I know you will...." he said softly.

He nodded. "Umm...what should I do if...I...umm...need..."

"We will just have to work on that alright.... I do have two other guests here...a young woman and her little boy....alright...they need rest..."

He looked down and nodded. "Sorry..."

Ares looked at him. "Sorry?"

" must be tired..."

"I have done with less sleep than this before..."

"Umm...are you sure?" (omg! I just thought of a scary idea...what if he convinces Luscious to 'play' with him?!)

((Holy SHIT!!!! EEPP))

"Yes I am sure..."

"Goodnight..." He said as he started to leave the room.

"Goodnight? Are you hungry?"

"No...just tired."

Ares went over to him. "I want you to feel like you can call this home..."

"Thank you."

They soon got to the icecream shop. "What would you like?"

chocolate and pistachio."

"Rocky Road..." Tyr said, and soon the server was off making it. When he had returned with their icecream, Tyr paid for the icecream.

"I could have paid part of it. But thanks." She kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome..."

"Enjoy." She said with a smile as she licked her icecream

Tyr nodded, and licked at his own.

She smiled.

"Oh my..." TYr said softly, looking at her.


Tyr leaned in and gently kissed her at the corner of her lips. "Just some icecream right there..."

She blushed

Tyr smiled softly. "I think you look beautiful when you blush...."

She smiled and hesitantly kissed him

Tyr kissed her back.

She blushed

"When do you need to be back...?"

"Oh...umm...not till nine."

"Alright..." he said with a smile, and then kissed her again.

She kissed back

"Do you... like horses?"

"I love them...I have always wanted to ride."

Tyr took her by her hand. "Come.... I have a surprise for you..."

She followed

Tyr lead her out to a stable on the western side of the city.

Her eyes widened. "Tyr..."

"Yes..." he said, as he lead her inside of the stables, where each stall had a beautiful horse, and the stable as a whole held several different breeds.

"They are all beautiful...''

"Thank you...They are mine..."

"All of them?" She asked her eyes wide in admiration

"Yes.. they are..." he said with a smile.

"May I pet them?"

"Of course...I wish to share them with you..."

She smiled and hugged him. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome...."

She started to pet them one by one.

Each horse bayed as she pet it.

She smilled, thrilled with them. "Thank you." Selune said with a smile

"Anything....I'd love for you to ride them sometime..."

"Can we now?"

Tyr smiled, and nodded. With a snap of his figures, two of the horses were geared up for a ride.

She smiled and hugged him. "Thank you."

Tyr hugged her back, and then helped her up onto one of the horses, before getting up on one himself.

She smiled happily. "This is wonderful."

Tyr nodded, and then started them out onto a trail. "I am so glad that you are enjoying yourself..."

"I am glad you are sharing this with me..."

"And I am very happy to share it with you..."

She smiled

Tyr reached over, taking her hand and kissing it.

She blushed and smiled at him

"I wish for you to be happy..."

"I want the same for you."

Tyr smiled.

She kissed him

He kissed back, holding their horses together.

She blushed

"I want you happy..."

"I want the same for you."

"Selune..." he whispered.


"You are just so wonderful..."

She blushed. "So are you."

Tyr smiled.

She blushed and kissed him

Tyr kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you as well Selune..."

She smiled happily

"You want to head back...or not?"

"I should...but I don't want to. I am having fun."

"I'm having fun too...and I don't want it to ever end..." he whispered, before kissing her again.

She blushed and kissed back

"We are almost there already.... to Le Nue Del A Mai...." ((The best and fanciest place in the city.... heehee))

"No...I can't is too much...thank you but...I would feel bad."

"Sybil... it is my treat to you....please....allow me to treat you..." he said.

" it really ok, it is so expensive..."

"Yes it is just fine... " he said and then gently kissed her cheek.

She blushed and smiled.

The limo pulled up to the restaurant. Susano-O stepped out of the limo, and then offered her his hand for her to step out. 

She blushed and took it.

He helped her out, and then walked her to the door, which he opened for her.

She blushed and walked in. She felt out of place.

"OMG! It's Thunder!" some of the girls in the restaurant shouted, disrupting all that were eating.

Susano-O nodded to them politely, and then looked at the hostess. "Is the private room available?"

"Let me check sir..." she said and hurried off.

She tried to hide behind him, feeling more out of place and afraid if anyone saw her.

Susano-O pulled her gently from behind him, and wrapped an arm around her waist. "What is wrong?" he asked softly.

"I am not rich...I feel...what if someone sees and gets angry I am with you?"

"I don't care.... I am here with you... as you are here with me... they do not matter to me..."

She blushed and slowly nodded. "Thank you..." She kissed his cheek

"Anything..." he replied.

The hostess came back. "The private room is indeed open...I will show..."

"I know the way...thank you.... just send our waitress back in five minutes..."

The hostess nodded.

Susano-O took her hand and lead her to the back of the restaurant, and through a door way. In said room was a nice sized table with beautiful chairs.

She blushed. "It is beautiful..."

"It's my private room here.... I know the owner, and sometimes eat here to be out of the limelight..."

She smiled. "Oh I see. It is lovely. Thank you so much. I never once believed I would ever dine at a place like this..."

Susano-O smiled. "You can and will.... if you like..."

She slowly nodded

He kissed her gently.

She kissed back

There came a knock at the door. "Sir? Drinks?"

Susano-O smiled and nodded. "How about a 1931 white wine...."

The waitress nodded, and left.

"Umm...I can't drink..."

"I don't truly drink... that wine is is a special that only I get...and ask for...."

She smiled. "Oh...I see."

The waitress brought back the wine and two glasses and left. Susano-O then poured the wine for her and for himself. He took both glasses into his hands and handed one over to her. "My dear..." he said.

She blushed and smiled. She took it gingerly. "To our happiness?" She blushed quickly as she realized what she had said. This was only temporary...she was sure he would find someone else...someone prettier...richer...She though in sadness.

Susano-O smiled at her. "Yes... to our happiness...and to many more happy moments between us..."

She smiled a little and sipped the wine.

"Something weighing on your mind?"

"No...well...I...umm...I am not used to this. Thank you."

"You're welcome.... and I don't want to over whelm you... I just wish to treat you as the lady you are..."

She looked at him sharply. "Am I really a lady?"

"Yes you are..." he said with a smile.

Sybil blushed. "You...actually believe me? About my daughter."

"Why shouldn't I.....You have given me no reason to doubt you...and your daughter is a beautiful child..."

"Thank one else believes me when I say I never was with anyone..."

"Sybil... through the centuries..there have been many unbelievable events....the one that brought your daughter to you is just another such event...."

"I wish others would see it that way."

"Sadly... many have forgotten what it was like centuries ago..."

"Centuries ago?"

"Yes... centuries ago... and allthrough out time...even now... unexplainable things have happened..."

"Oh...can about something yourself?"

"What would you like to know, my dear Sybil?"

She blushed. "What started your interest in you have siblings...what do you like to do...?"

"Music became a way to express myself....because I never truly could before.... I have a brother and sister... I like to go horse back riding...hiking...and many other activities...."

"What are your siblings like?"

"They are opposites, yet very similar.... their names are Rasu and Yomi.... but those are only the short forms of their names... Rasu is my sister and Yomi my brother....Rasu is like a bright light in the room, and Yomi the protector of Rasu.... they are also twins.... both looking like beautiful boys...."

She smiled a little. "Oh. Umm...are they nice?"

"Yes they are... they own one to the worlds best restaurants.... Sunny Night..." ((I had a better name but have forgotten it... lol ))

"Oh. Where is that?"

"It's farther into the city...."

"Oh...why didn't we go there? I'm sorry...that must have sounded rude...I don't want to sound ungrateful...this place is ammazing..."

"We didn't head there because I wished to have the privacy of this room...."

" you think they would like me?"

"I know that they would like you..."

She smiled a little. "I am glad."

Susano-O smiled back, and then leaned forward, and kissed her gently.

She blushed and kissed back

"I wish to be here for you..." he whispered.

She blushed and nodded.

He smiled. Soon their dinner was brought out to them.

"It looks delicious!"

"I thought you'd like that..."

She smiled and started to eat

He started to eat as well, but continued to watch her.

She blushed and ate.

"Is something wrong?" he asked kindly.

"No. I am just happy."

Hel laughed softly. "You three are just so talkative..."

"Is that bad?"

"Of course not, sweet little one....." Hel said softly.

She smiled happily. "Ok."

Hel patted her gently on the head.

She smiled happily

"I am glad to have met you..."

"I am glad I met you too mommy."

Hel took Sya to the local park which had vibrant green grass and a play ground set.

She happily began to play

Hel smiled, sitting down on a bench, watching her with a smile.

She looked for someone to play with

She saw another little girl off playing by herself.

She went up to her shyly. "Wanna play?"

The girl looked at her. "Okay..." she said with a smile.

"My name is Sya."

"My name is Ceto..." she said with a smile.

She smiled. "This is Mr.Ursa, and this is Snow...she may be a little sleepy."

"You have a bat pet... that is so cool..."

"She is nice too...but she isn't a pet. She is my friend."

"Really? Wow...." Ceto said.

She smiled. "Mama gave her to me."

"Your mother did? That is some mother..."

She smiled. "Wanna meet her?"

"Really? That would be so nice...."

"Follow me." She happily started to head toward Hel

Hel looked at Sya. "Oh who is your little friend?"

"This is Ceto. Ceto this is my mommy Hel."

Hel and Ceto just stared at her for a bit. "Ceto? That's you? Wow....where is your big brother....?"

Ceto smiled. "He went to the store...."

"You know each other?"

Hel nodded. "Yes...I know her and her older brother..."

"Oh...she is my new friend."

"I am happy for you sweetheart...she and her brother are very nice..."

She smiled. "Umm...mommy? Can you hold Snow? I think she is tired."

Hel nodded. "Of course Sya...." she said taking Snow. "You two have some fun..."

She smiled and nodded going off to play with Ceto.

Ceto smiled, and said, "You want to go play on the monkey bars?"

"OK! Race you." Sya raced toward the monkey bars with a laugh

Ceto raced after her.

Sya laughed happily

"I'm going to get you..." laughed Ceto.

she giggled as she climbed the monkey bars

Ceto jumped, and started to swing on the bars.

"I beat you I beat you!"

Ceto giggled. "That you did...!"

She smiled happily

Ceto started to swing upside down on the bars.

Sya smiled and stood on the top of the bars. "Look mama I am Wendy...I can fly!" She prepared to jump

Hel jumped up. "'t...." she called.

She stopped. "Why?" She looked curious not understanding.

"You could fall and hurt yourself..."

"But I wanna fly..."

Hel looked at her worriedly. "What do you mean?"

"I want to be like Wendy!"

"Sya... I don't want you hurt.... please..."

She slowly climbed down. "Sorry momma."

Hel picked Sya up, and hugged her. "It's okay baby.... I was just so worried..."

She hugged back. "Sorry momma."

"Don't worry, Sya... I just don't want anything to happen to you..."

"I know momma."

Hel hugged her close.

Ceto just smiled.

"I will be more careful..."

"I'm glad my angel..."

She kissed her cheek

Hel smiled. "You are sweet..."

She smiled

Ceto giggled. "You're cute..."

"I am?"

Ceto nodded. "Yep....a cute family too..."

She smiled

Hel hugged Sya. "That we seem to be..."

She smiled

Zaharie kissed Kyo's cheek.

He blushed and smiled

Jackie started to lead the way back, as Zaku and Zaharie held on to Kyo's and Drak's hands.

Drake yawned a little, the change in routine tiring him

Zaku scooped Drake up, and started to carry him home to the temple.

He blushed. "You don't have to carry me..."

"I wish to carry you....close to me..."

He blushed and slowly nodded

They soon made it back to the temple. Jackie waved to the boys and headed down a hall.

Drake looked to Zaku. "You can let me down now..."

Zaku kissed him, still holding him.

Zaharie kissed Kyo gently.

He blushed and kissed back

Kyo kissed back

Zaku carried Drake off, still kissing him.

Zaharie pulled back from the kiss. "Shall I walk you to your room?"


Zaharie took his hand, and walked with him down the hall to his room.

When they got their he hesitantly tried to pull Zaharie into the room with him

Zaharie let himself be pulled into the room.

He hesitantly kissed him. "Stay with me?"

Zaharie smiled softly, and kissed back. "If you wish me to..."

He nodded. "I do."

Zaharie walked with Kyo over to the bed, and sat down with him on it, and just held Kyo to him.

He kissed him

Zaharie kissed back, sliding a hand up into Kyo's hair.

He blushed

He started to kiss and nibble on Kyo's neck.

He blushed and allowed him to. He hesitantly started to take off Zaharie's shirt

Zaharie looked into Kyo's eyes. "Do you truly wish to do this...?" he asked softly.

He blushed and stopped, looking down. "Sorry...I shouldn't have started..."

Zaharie quickly slipped off Kyo's shirt, and then kissed his chest.

He sucked in a shuddering breath. "Z..Zaharie..."

Zaharie did it again.

He moaned softly

"" he whispered.

He blushed and nodded

"I'm glad..." he whispered, and then nipped his neck.

He moaned softly

Zaharie slowly ran a hand down Kyo's pants, gently rubbing him.

He gasped his eyes going wide as a blush covered his face

"Too much?" he asked softly.

He blushed and hesitantly shook his head. " used to it..." He whispered. "It felt...good..."

Zaharie smiled softly, and did it again. "I'm glad...."

He moaned softly squirming a little

He untied his pants, and then swiftly started to suck on his cock.

He gasped and arched.

Zaharie continued to suck.

He moaned and squirmed

He looked up at him. "You....alright?"

He blushed and nodded. " it..."

"I haven't done this before so...I wasn't sure..." he replied.

He blushed. "I...haven't either..."

Zaharie moved up and kissed him.

He blushed and kissed back

"I don't want to hurt you... if you tell me no... I won't...." he whispered.

"I...wa...want it..."

He kissed him, as he pulled down his pants and thrust inside gently.

He gasped and arched

He worked him slowly.

He moaned and arched

"I won't leave you.....ever..." Zaharie whispered.

He moaned and nodded. "I...won't leave you."

He came inside him.

He gasped and covered his mouth trying to smother the cry of pleasure he lay there exhausted but feeling satisfied

Zaharie smiled, holding him close.

He fell asleep

He dreamed of having more nights like this.

He blushed

He felt someone kiss his neck.

He moaned softly

The kiss became a nibble.

He opened his eyes

Zaharie was nibbling his neck.

He moaned softly

Zaku carried Drake into Drake's room, as he continued the kiss.

Drake blushed even more. "Umm..."

Zaku laid him down on the bed. "You had best get some rest.... you do have class in the morning..."

"Thank you. I liked the movie..."

"I'm glad... I wanted and wished that you would have a good time...."

He smiled. "Thank you can we do something like that again?"

"Yes we can... of course... my Drake..." he said.

He blushed. "Good night..."

"Good night..." Zaku said softly, and then kissed him.

He blushed hesitantly kissing back

Zaku pulled back slowly from the kiss, placing a hand on Drake's cheek. "Sleep well...."


Zaku smiled softly at him. "Night..."

He fell asleep

Images of a fire bird filled his dream.

"What? A phoenix?"

The fire bird landed in front of him.

He hesitantly approached it.

The fire bird just sat there waiting for him.

He hesitantly reached out a hand

The fire bird gently rubbed its head against his hand.

He slowly smiled. "You are pretty..."

The fire brid chued.

He smiled softly.

The fire bird seemed to kiss his cheek.

He blinked in surprise. "Do you...know what I am saying?"

The fire bird nodded.

"where did you come from?"

I have been with you since our first meeting...

"First meeting?"

Yes.... The fire bird kissed at his cheek again. And I will always be with protect you...

"Where did we meet?"

I love you...

He blinked. "b..but you're a bird..."

The fire bird seemed to smile. This is just one of my know the other...


The fire bird nodded. Yes....Zaku...Suzaku....the Vermillion Bird of the South....

Drake looked at him in shock. "But..."

I am the Guardian God that you, as you are now a priest of the Southern Temple, serve and protect.... but I love you and wish to always protect you....

"How can i protect you? I am not strong like you..."

You are stronger than you think....we will take this journey together....

He slowly nodded not trully convinced of his own strength.

The fire bird rubbed its head against his cheek.

He stroked his head blushing

You are much beloved, Drake...

He blushed. "I...know..."

Morning comes soon...


The fire bird kissed his nose.

He blushed

It is time to wake...

He slowly woke

As he awoke he felt someone stroking his hair gently.

He looked up

Suzaku was sitting on the bed, stroking his head, but staring off into space, not noticing that he had woke up.

He blushed and just watched him.

Suzaku kissed his forehead. "I love you...." he whispered.

He blushed. " you too."

"I enjoy dancing with you....Ai...." Rasu said.

"And I like dancing with you too."

Rasu nodded. "I'm glad... though look over there... Yomi and Ai are wrestling with their mouths..."

She sighed. "Let them." She smiled and gently kissed Rasu

Rasu kissed back. "I love you..."

"I love you too."

Rasu kissed her again. "SO how later are you able to stay out...."

"We have to be home by seven thirty."

Rasu looked at her watch. "Then we should be getting you both home....'

" was fun though."

Rasu kissed her. "Hey Yomi...Ai... we should be getting you and Aiko home..."


Yomi nodded and took Ai's hand as they stood up. "We'll walk you both...."

"Ok thank you."

Rasu and Yomi smiled, and took their hands, walking them home.

They talked and enjoyed their company tell they got home.

"Can we..."

"Pick you both up..."

"For school...?"

They smiled. "Yes. See you tomorrow."

Rasu and Yomi kissed the girls good night.

They kissed back


"See you tomorrow."

Rasu and Yomi smiled, and then headed off.

The girls headed inside

"How were your dates girl?" asked their mother.

"It was wonderful, we went dancing."

"They better not have tried anything..." came their father's voice.

"They didn't. We danced and talked that's it.'' Ai said.

Their father nodded. "That had better be it..."

Ai smiled. "Father...have I ever lied to you?"

Aiko stayed silent she knew her father believed Ai, she was the one he never believed.

"No you haven't Ai...." he said.

She smiled. "So please believe me. We danced, they didn't try anything."

"I believe you Ai...." he said. "Go clean up...."

She smiled and went upstairs. Aiko slowly headed that way trying not to be noticed.

"Aiko... come here..."

She stopped and hesitantly went over. "Yes father?"

"I don't want you to see that boy again..."

She froze and looked shocked. "W...what? But why? He is sweet and're letting Ai stay with her boyfriend...why can't I stay with mine?"

"Because I do not think that it is right for both of you to become involved in those boys...."

" will let Ai date but not me?!"

"I trust her..."

She looked at him tears in her eyes. "You trust her but not me...why? Why do you hate me?!"

"You have given me nothing but reasons...!"

Tears filled her eyes and she backed away. "Fine...I am moving out..."

"No you are not, young lady!" her father shouted, grabbing her wrist.

She slapped him. "You hate me anyway! Well I hate you! Let go!"

Ai started to come down the stairs hearing the yelling. "What's going on?"

"How dare you attack me!" he growled.

Ai blinked. "What?"

Aiko rushed up the stairs and slammed her door locking it behind her

Their father looked at Ai. "Go to your room, Ai..." he said as he stormed up stairs after Aiko.

Ai followed uneasily

Her father was banging on Aiko's door. "Open this door! Now!!"

Ai felt that she wasn't in the room.

"Dad...I...think she is gone..."

"Good riddens! The trash is gone from here..." he said and walked down stairs.

Ai froze. "Trash? Aiko is my sister! Do you think I am trash?"

He looked back at her. "You are my sweet Ai... my good Ai...."

"What about Aiko?"

"She has never been right...."

"What do you mean?"

The father shook his head, and then headed down the stairs again.

Ai went in to her sister's room looking around sadly (Don't forget the prophecy and her being promised to a god)

(I know... that is why her father didn't answer her question ^_^ )

"Ai...." came her step mother's voice.

She slowly went to see what her step mother wanted, all the while worried for her sister

"Please go get changed into something nice..."

"W...why? I want to find my sister."

"Do as I said..."


"Ai... now...please"

Ai bit her lip. "I...want to find my sister..."


She jumped. Her step mother was cruel and she knew what she might do. " going to find my sister..."She turned to leave.

She grabbed her wrist. "Do as I told you to do... or I will get your father involved..."

She slapped her hand away. "I am going to find my sister!"

Aiko began to pack.

There was a banging at the door. "Aiko! Open this door!!"

She finished packing and opened her window sneaking out the window and carefully climbing down.

She got down.

She started to run heading to find Rasu.

She saw signs pointing towards the restuarant that Rasu had said that she and Yomi own.

She hurried that way

She made it to the restaurant as some of the workers were leaving.

" Rasu in?"

The worker looked at her. "Oh yeah.... Rasu and Yomi are in the back working on closing for the night..."

"umm...can I talk to them?"

The worker held open the door for her. "There you go..."

"Thank you..." She went to find Rasu

Yomi came out of the back. "Aiko....? What are you doing here...?" he asked politely looking concerned.

She hugged herself. "I...ran away..."

Yomi took Aiko's hand and pulled her into the back where Rasu was counting down the money for the bank. "Aiko...?" Rasu said worried, standing up and going to her.

She buried her face in Rasu's chest and started to cry

"I'm here....shhh..." Rasu whispered rubbing her back.

She slowly told her what happened

Rasu hugged her. "I'm can stay with me and Yomi...alright?"

"Thank you...I am sorry for the trouble."

Rasu shook her head. "You are no trouble, Aiko...never..."

"Thank you..."

Rasu kissed her gently. "Always..."

She kissed back

The cloak fell away, and no one was underneath. Then he heard the voice again. "It is not out dated.... "

He backed away. "What...are you?"

A young boy stuck his head out from behind a tree. "What... or should I say Who do you think I am? I run with the winds....I sleep in the fire...."

"Are you the same as the one who was before me?"

The young boy smiled big. "Yep..."

"What do you want?"

"You looked sad.... I wanted to make you smile...."

He started to walk on. "It's nothing."

"Miach...where are you?" Came Liam's voice.

Miach cursed and rushed away.

The young boy fell out of a tree ahead of Miach. "Why do you run? Some one is calling to you...."

"He is better off without me...leave me alone."

The boy looked at him with an older look. "Don't say that at all... I destroyed too many relationships thinking that why...."

"Leave me alone." He started running again

Boy if you continue to may lose yourself.... a strong male voice said in his head.

"Maybe I want to be lost!"

"Miach!" came Jezza's voice. "I'm sorry..."

The boy just appeared infront of Miach.

He shoved the boy away. "Leave me alone! Or maybe I should feed on you!''

"Miach...please come back!" Came Liam's voice.

Miach cursed. He tried to throw the boy to the side and run faster

The boy grabbed his arm, and was able to hold him from running with unthought of strength. "I will not let you run as I use to....a knight should not run..."

"I am no knight..." He struggled in anger. " brother will hate me now..."

"You don't know unless you stay.... I have run away from so many people.... and now I'm afraid that I will be hated by them just like so many that know me.... don't run..."

He looked down. "I am evil...I am, in love with my brother..."

"That's all....?? In love with your brother? That's not evil at all...." said the boy, still holding his wrist. "I have been called evil... and I am not....just misunderstood...."

He frowned. "Not just love, not like sibling love...I fantasize about him..."

"Again.... that is not evil....I know of...some old friends that felt that same way..."

"He doesn' let me go."

"But that doesnt mean that he will hate sit down and wait for him..."

"No...let me go or else."

"No.... you listen... if you run away... you will always run..." the young boy's grip increased.

Miach winced. "So be it...I don't care...I want him happy and safe...I am putting him in danger. If you don't let go I will bite..."

The young boy looked up at him. "Bite me vampire....none but I can change who I am...."

He tried to pull away with a growl

"I..." the young boy looked down. "I...I didn't mean to threaten you....just that biting me wouldn't do anything to me...."

"Please...just let me go...please..."

"But....please if you run.... nothing will be right any more for you or for them..."

"What do you mean?"

"Running is never the answer... you will regret it if you do...."

"I don't care...they will be safe and happy without me."

"They are probably out looking for you...and most likely won't stop looking....they must really care about you..."

"Just leave me alone! Mind your own bussiness!" Miach snapped and he tried to pull away again.

The boy slapped Miach. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself!!"

Miach growled and bit down on the boy's arm his eyes going red.

The boy snarled, as his own eyes started to glow yellow. "No one bites Coyote...not even when I am actually helping someone....!"

He growled and snarled exposing his fangs.

"MIACH!" Liam called.

Miach shivered tears running down his face. "Look what you have done...I could have been gone by now!"

The boy smiled. "Face your fears!"

He trembled and slugged the boy across the face.

"Miach! what has gotten into you?! why are you running, why are you hurting this kid?!" Liam said as he hurried over.

Miach snarled and ignored him. "I am a monster need to stay away."

Liam looked stricken. "Miach...."

Jezza stopped where she is. "You're not a monster! Never a monster!"

"Listen to them, Miach..." said the young boy, acting as if the hit didn't hurt.

Miach looked down trembling. "I hate you." He said glaring at the boy. He than looked up at Jezza and slowly he looked at Liam. "Not a monster? Ha...I fantasize about my brother all the time...I fantasize about kissing him...about thrusting into him..."

Liam's eyes went wide. "M...Miach..."

Miach got a wicked look in his eyes. "I want to have sex with you make me sick! I hate you. When I see you it makes me go mad. I hate you Liam..."

Liam backed away tears in his eyes. "Miach..."

"I was only nice to you because I needed your blood. Do you really think anyone actually wants to be around you? You are shy and think so little of yourself. You are weak and pathetic." Miach said forcing cruelty into his voice, forcing himself to say the words, anything to keep Liam away from him and safe.

Liam looked at him in pain tears rolled down his cheeks. "Miach..."

The young boy just looked sad.

Jezza went up to Miach. "WHat the hell are you saying!? Snap out of this!"

He smirked looking at her with coldness. "Leave me alone stole him. Enjoy your life. I hope you can protect him." He tried to pull away roughly fighting the pain he felt inside, trying to make it not show.

Liam hugged himself unsure what to do. "Miach..."

Jezza's eyes went wide. "Wha...?" She then, with tears starting in her eyes, smacked him. "Snap the hell out of it, Miach! Just stop lying to yourself!"

He growled and smacked her across the face. "Go to hell...all of you!" He pulled away, rushing off fighting the tears and pain, he tried to savagely desmiss his feelings...he had to protect his brother.

Liam gently hugged Jezza as he started to cry. "Does he...really believe that?"

Jezza just stood there shocked as he hugged her. "I...I dont know..."

There was a loud growl from behind them where the young boy was. "Get back here.... you coward! Don't be like me!!" he shouted in a voice much older than his appearance.

Liam looked over at him in shock. "W...who are you?"

The young boy looked at Liam. "I am Coyote..."

" in...the Coyote?"

The young boy nodded. "Yes... I am like this for my own reasons....but I was wanting him to not do what I had done...."

"Will he come back?"

"I hope so..... I don't want him or anyone to feel the regrent that I feel..."

"What regret?"

"I left the one I loved.... while she was pregnant.... with my son...." he said sadly.

Liam looked surprised. "W...why?"

"Because there were those hunting me...and they had found me, and I ddin't want my love and child harmed...."

"Can't you go back to them? Explain the situation?"

"I know not where my child is...and my wife is it has been centuries...."

He looked down. "I am you think...Miach will be that way...always running from us?"

"I hope not..."

"Me too..."

Jezza nodded. "Will he be safe out there?"

Liam looked worried too

Coyote looked out into the woods. "I hope so..."

Liam looked like he wanted to go find him

The little boy ran off.

Jezza moved over to Liam. "I...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to cause this trouble...."

He hugged her. "It is not your fault...what is important is finding him right now..."

"But...if I hadn't said what I had..." Jezza said softly.

Miach kept running until he was far away from them, and outside the town. He ran to a large tree and threw himself down next to it. He pulled his legs up and put his head in his lap as he cried.

"Are you alright?" came a soft voice, female by the sound.

He looked up wiping his tears away quickly. "Fine..."

A young woman with blonde hair pulled back loosely looked at him. "Are you sure?"

He slowly stood and nodded and started to walk off away from town. "Yea...thanks for asking though..."

"Please... you shouldn't be walking alone...."

"I'm fine..."

"At least for the night stay at the temple... before you journey through the mountains surrounding the city...." she said gently.


"Yes... Draco de Temple...the Temple of the Azure Dragon..." she said.

"I don't know what you are talking about..."

"Really? That is strange... the city is famous for the four templs....please, come stay at the temple..."

He shook his head walking away. "No thank you...I am not buying anything...and I don't need you promoting a tourist attraction..."

"It is not a tourist is a sacred place...I am a high Priestess...and my brother is the high Priest... do not down grade our home... now you are going to set at the temple... you will need your strength..."

He froze. "I told you I am not going!"

"You don't have to be afraid...please...."

He growled and started to walk away

"Don't make me make you stay..."

"Piss off!" He growled as he quickened his pace.

"Do not speak to my sister in such a manner..." came a strong voice from ahead of him. (Pull)

Miach looked up toward the pull not sure what to expect. "I wouldn't have to if she left me alone..."

A tall young man stood there, his long blue hair pulled back loosely. His clothes were that of chinese origin which were blue with gold and red. His silver eyes looked Miach up and down. "Come with us, and rest..."

Liam looked frantically for Miach growing more worried.

Jezza ran up beside him. "Where could he have gotten? I thought we had be close...."

"I thought so too...I hope he is ok..."

"I hope so too.... come on... we have to find him.."

He headed off again

Jezza followed. "Miach!"


They saw two figures up ahead.


They saw him bite a little boy's arm.

Laim froze eyes going wide. "No...he shouldn't be hungry...MIACH!" He ran that way

Jezza followed.

"Ah...I am sorry, it was rude of me not to introduce myself." He bowed in apology.

"The same is said for myself...."

"Thank you."

Ronimleo nodded. "You're off to one of the clubs.... or to the business sector...."

"Ok. Thank you...are you sure it will be ok?"

"Yes it will be..."

"Ok...I will give it a try..."

"Wonderful.... I know you'll love it...."

He smiled. "I hope so.."

"Oh you will trust me.... it is's run by this girl I know... some call her gothic... but that's their opinion..."

"Gothic is an architectural style..." (He doesn't get out much lol)

"Gothic as in Goth.... She has long black hair....wears alot of black clothing....pentacle necklaces...."

" Satan worshiper?"He looked scared (his father told him that's what they are lol)

"No... no... far from it.... far...far... from it.... she does love the moon....and she's very nice...."

"Oh..."He looked confused.

He explained the difference.

"Oh. I see."

"yeah... but her club is cool... it may not look like much at first... but there are surprises there..."


"Yeah... You'll see okay?"

"Ok. It won't be dangerous will it?"

"No it won't be is a very safe place to be..."

"Ok...I will try it."

Ronimleo smiled. "Come on... this way..."

He followed still a little unsure.

"Relax...I would never take someone as nice as you to any place unsafe..."

He blushed. "You think I am nice?"

"Yes I do... you are kind and very nice to talk to..."

He smiled a little. "You are the one who is kind..."

"I was taught to be respectful to all..."

He smiled. "I appreciate it."

Ronimleo nodded. "Are you feeling more comfortable?"

"A little...I am still getting used to being in the looks so different than Japan."

Ronimleo smiled. "Everywhere is different from everywhere...."

He nodded. "I suppose..."

"It is true...I have seen alot of the world..."

"Really? I haven't been able to."

"We should travel together some time... it would be fun..."

"Maybe...but I don't think my father would allow it...of course now it depends on my legal gaurdian Lial Oden while I am here." Takarii said as he walked.

Ronimleo looked at him. "Lial...Oden??"

"Yes...the head of Oden Industries. My father thought it would be a great opportunity to train under him. Do you know of him?"

Ronimleo nodded. "In a way..." 

" he a nice person?"

"I never thought so..." he muttered.

He blinked looking nervous. "What did he do?"

"He went slightly mad with the death of his son..."

"Father never said anything about him having children..."

"It was a long time ago...."

"Oh...will he...treat me ok? He is my legal guardian and employer..."

"If he doesn't legal issues can arise...."

He nodded. "But you said he isn't sane..."

"His madness is aimed at a few individuals...."

"Oh...I see..."

"If you are working for him... you are safe..."

"Why do you say that?"

"He protects what he sees as useful...."

"Oh..."He looked confused

"You work for his company right?"

"I guess...I am going to be more of an apprentice."

He nodded. "I see..."


"I didn't really think people used that term any more..."

"I...should I not?"

"It is all up to you...."

"It's what my father said..." (you forgot below)

"It is a fine word...don't get me wrong...."

"Than...why didn't you like it?"

"I've been an apprentice before... but I never really liked it..."

"Really? Why?"

"It was the treatment I recieved....that's all..."

"Oh...I am sorry."

"They said that it would make me stronger... but... I don't believe that the punishment they gave me was really mant to help me..."

"No big...I guess....." Duncan said.

He looked down. "I hurt you..."

"Don't worry about it Senna..." he said, and then quickly kissed Senna. "I just hope that your version of Oden is the real one....just know that I still feel something for you..."

He blushed. "Umm...can we stay friends?"

"Yes Senna..."

"Thank you."

Duncan nodded. "I know of one place he may go..."

"You do?"

"Yes... though he may have stopped going there...."

"Can we try?"

Duncan nodded. "It's out in the roll hills...."

"Can you take me there?"

"In the morning....alright?"

He nodded a little disappointed. "Alright."

"Hey... think of it this way... tomorrow's Saturday... no school..."

"Yea...I guess that is true."

"Dont' worry... I'll get you there..."

"Thank you."

Duncan nodded. "So shall I walk you back to your house...?"


Duncan smiled softly. "What is the address?"

He told him. "Watch out for my brother..."

"Why?" he asked, as he walked with him.

"He hates me..."

"Why would he hate you?"

He sighed. "I don't know...he just does."

Duncan wrapped an arm around his shoulders in a friendly gesture. "All will be fine..."

"Ok....I hope so."

They made it to his house. "You got a nice looking house...."

"Thanks. Do you want to come in?"

"Really?" he asked.

He blushed and nodded. "I don't get many guests."

"Thank you...." he replied, with a smile.

" you want to come in than?"

Duncan nodded, and followed him inside.

He took off his shoes at the door and sat his backpack down. "Mom? Dad?" He hoped his brother wasn't around

"In the kitchen..." came his mother's voice.

"We have a guest..."Senna called out leading him toward the kitchen

"Oh who is it hun?"

"My new friend Duncan."

"Oh I am so happy you have made a new friend..."

He introduced them and smiled. "Is brother out?"

"He's out on a date..."

"Ok." He tried to hide his relief.

"Will your friend be joining us for dinner?"

He looked to him. "Would you like to?"

"I'd love to..."

He blushed and showed him the way to the kitchen. " This is Duncan.

"Oh... Duncan... it is very nice to meet you..."

"You as well, Ma'am..." Duncan said politely.

Senna smiled a little. "Would you like something to drink?"

Duncan nodded, and said, "Water...please..."

He went over to the fridge and poured a cool glass of water into it with ice cubes. He handed it to him. "I could get you something else if you want..." (you do know he is still in Japan right?))

((Yeah... Duncan is an ambassador's son... ^_^ )) ((ok. Just checking)

"No this is just fine..."


Duncan smiled at him. "Thank you though..."

He nodded "Of course. If you want something else let me know."

He nodded. "I will..."

"Mother, do you want me to set the table?"

"If you would..." she said, heading back to finish dinner.

He did so than looked down at the table. "Should I set a place for dad?"

"He's at a business no..."

"Ok. And you said brother is out so...just the three of us."

She nodded, as she brought in the dinner to the table.

He set out the places and poured all three of them some tea

Duncan smiled at him and sat down.

He smiled a little in return

The mother placed food on each plate, and sat down. Looking at her son, she said, "Would you like to say the prayer...?"

He sat down and did so

When he was done, his mother started to pour out some tea in all of the glasses.

Duncan smiled and nodded. "Thank you ma'am...."

"You're welcome..."

Duncan smiled at him after taking his glass back.

He ate and returned the smile

"Do you two have anything planned for this evening?" the mother asked.

"Artemis has always be welcome here...."

He smiled and hugged Artemis.

"I am happy for the two of you..." Artemis whispered. "Family... back together..."

"I want to marry her..."

Aphrodite smiled. "I'm so happy you do...."

Artemis smiled, and buried her face into his chest.

He held her close.

"Thank you...I...I would love to marry you...." Artemis whispered.

He blushed. "I am sorry I didn't ask you first..."

"You don't need to be sorry at all...." Artemis said to him softly.

He kissed her. "Will you grant me the honor?"

Artemis nodded. "OH yes Sol..."

He kissed her happily

She kissed back.

"Oh what a happy day..." Aphrodite said with a smile. "Artemis.... show him to the room he will be having....I have some things to take care of..."

Artemis nodded, still kissing him.

He slowly pulled back from the kiss. "I will need to get you a ring."

"It's okay..." she said softly.

"I want to."

"Thank you..." she said and gently kissed him.

He smiled and kissed back

Artemis pulled back and smiled. "Love you...Angel..."

"Love you...but I still don't know how to feel about being called that..."

Artemis nodded. "I... okay....Sol...."

He held her close

Artemis hugged back burrowing her face into his chest.

He kissed her forehead

Artemis smiled softly up at him.

"I love you."

"I love you too Sol..."

"What should we do now?"

"Sol...we could go find a ring....or continue my search...."

"I want to help you..."

She kissed him. "Thank you..."

He held her close. "I want you happy."

"I am have made me happy..."

"I am glad."

Artemis kissed him.

He kissed back

"Do you want to rest...?"

"I am a little tired..."

Artemis smiled softly and then lead him to a bedroom.

He gently kissed her. "Thank you."

Artemis nodded, kissing back.

He kissed back. "Stay with me?"


He kissed her heading toward the bed

Artemis blushed, kissing back.

He laid down and gently pulled her down next to him holding her close. "I will protect you."

"Thank you Sol...thank you... and I'll protect you..." she whispered back.

He smiled and kissed her.

Artemis kissed back, and snuggled into him.

He kissed her

"I love you Sol..."

He smiled. "I love you."

"The Moon shall always watch over you...." she whispered.

He smiled and held her close

"Love you...."

"And I love you."

She snuggled into him, yawning.

He stroked her hair. "Rest well love."

"You... too..." she whispered sleepily.

He held her close

Artemis fell to sleep.

He held her close as he closed his eyes

In his dreams he thought he heard his father's voice.



"I am sorry..."

It is not your fault...

"Yes it is...If I didn't ask for icecream..."

It was not your were a child...

He shook his head. "It was....and I ran!"

You were a child.... it was not your fault...

He shook his head not willing to forgive himself

Children run, but they become death was not your fault...

"Kya" or Ryuki (his real name) walked toward his first class of the day. He wore the school uniform but it had added ruffles along the hem of the skirt and he wore a ribbon in his hair. He carried Belladana in his arms. Currently his school supplies were being carried by the most recent boy that was trying to get close to him.

" are really pretty..." the boy said in awe.

"She" smiled politely as he sat down at his desk. "Thank you, and thank you for carrying my things. He waited until he saw the ''prince'' enter the room, he had a crush on him, to stir up trouble he kissed the boy who had carried his things on the cheek. "You are cute too." He said with a shy smile. He loved causing trouble like this. He used his looks to his advantage and put on a kind caring mask. It made it easy to use people and cause fights without dirtying his hands.

The 'prince' stopped, looking at 'her'. He glared at the boy, then went to his seat.

Kya started getting his books out and looked innocent.

THe teacher came in. "Class, I would like to introduce a new student...Kya...Kya, please stand and introduce yourself... tell us somethings about yourself..."

Kya stood and bowed politely. "I am Kya (insert adopted father's last name) I love to read and make friends. It is a pleasure to meet all of you."

"You may sit, Kya...." the teacher said, and then began the lesson for the day.

He sat down and started to take notes.

When the class was over, the 'prince' of the school came over. "Hello Miss Kya...." he said smoothly.

Kya smiled shyly playing up the idea he was a cute innocent girl. "Hi...umm...I am sorry but what is your name?"

"Maxwell O'Dell...." he said with a charming smile.

"Hi Maxwell. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"And you Kya...." he replied with a kiss to her hand.

He feigned a blush, a skill he had mastered since he was adopted. "Umm...can you show me around?"

"I would love to..." he said and offered her his arm.

He took it with a shy smile.

Maxwell then escorted 'her' from the classroom. "I noticed you with that boy from earlier..."

"Oh? He was a friend I just made. Since I am new, he was nice to me and agreed to carry my things."

"That was kind of him...." he said, and gently took 'her' books from 'her'. "What is your next class?"

He took out a small notebook. "History."

"Wonderful... with who...?" he asked with a charming smile.

He told him. "Do you know anything about that instructor?"

"Just that he acts as if he has a stick up his ass...."

He feigned flushed cheeks at his language. "Oh...umm..." (Remember he is playing innocent girl lol)

((I remember))

"Forgive me for my language... but it is very true language..."

"So...he is difficult?"

"He doesn't like anyone, especially students..."

"She" looked nervous and scared. "Will he...try to hurt me?"

"I doubt it.... he just doesn't like people..."

" you have him?"

"Yes I no worrying..." he said with a smile.

"She" smiled shyly. "Ok...thank you. Umm...where is the class?"

He stopped them right outside a classroom. "Right here....miss Kya..."

He smiled. "Thank you."

He pushed the door open, and held it open for her. "After you...."

"she" Smiled politely and looked nervous. "Thank you." Kya headed inside.

ONce inside, he lead her to some seats, and held out a chair.

Kya blushed and sat down. "Thank you."

"Anything..." he whispered.

"She" Smiled and started to get the things needed for the class unpacked.

The teacher began to instruct the class, and he did seem just as he had told her.

Kya took notes as he listened

The teacher looked over at Kya. "You... of what century is the Arundel Castle?"

Kya looked nervous but slowly gave the correct answer.

"Correct...." the teacher said, and then started in on more castles from England.

Kya blushed and worked more at taking notes

Once class was over, Maxwell stood up and gather his things, and smiled at her. "Where to next?"

Kya looked down at his schedule and said.

"Great... I have a class just across from that...."

Kya smiled shyly. "Okay...which way?"

Maxwell smiled. "This way, Kya..." he said guiding her to the next classroom.

Kya followed

He stopped them other a classroom. "I'm in the room just across the hall..."

"She" nodded. "Thank you for everything."

"See you after class?" he asked.

Kya nodded with a shy smile.

Maxwell smiled back, and then kissed 'her' cheek. "Until after class..." he said and then headed into the other classroom.

Kya blushed and headed into 'her' class

The teacher was standing in the front of the class. "Everyone please take your seats...."

"Kya" or Ryuki sat in his seat ready to take notes

The teacher began to talk about finance and the economics.

He took notes

"Kya... what is the difference between micro and macro economicz...."

"Micro is focused on the smaller details as and works from the grassroots up where as macro focuses on the overal picture...right?" He said trying to make it sound like he was a little unsure. He didn't want to come across as too much of a brain or the other kids might get jealous or stay away from him.

"Thast is correct..." the teacher said before continueing with the class.

He continued to take notes

When class was over, all the students started to get up to leave or were leaving. At the door way she saw Maxwell standing there.

He gathered his things and started to leave the class room. At the door he 'accidentally' tripped and dropped his school supplies. "Oh no...."He went to pick them up.

Maxwell moved over to her, and started to help her pick up her things. "Are you alright...?"

he fiegned a blush and nodded. "Yes...I just tripped. Thank you."

Maxwell nodded with a smile. "You're welcome, Kya..."

Username (or number or email):


2010-09-14 [Silver Moon]: you didn't post for my chars

2010-09-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: I have to go.... I have work.... please comment WOlf so that I can see this.... or Silver or Amathya.... post.... Thanks

2010-09-17 [Cheshire Wolf]: No problem, talk to you when you come back ^^

2010-09-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: Wolf.... I'll post for yours and any other updates later... I have to go to work...

2010-09-30 [Cheshire Wolf]: Hey are you going to post tonight Gypsy?

2010-09-30 [Gypsy Mystik]: yes.... I was posting else where that I play

2010-09-30 [Cheshire Wolf]: oh ok wasnt sure sorry ^^

2010-10-03 [Cheshire Wolf]: Whose next?

2010-10-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: I have to post Wolf.... I just wasn't able to last night because I had work and then I was in my room cleaning the rest of the evening...

2010-10-03 [Cheshire Wolf]: oh thats fine no worries ^^ I just know sometimes you need us to comment to give you the link to here and all that stuff thats why I comment so much on here

2010-10-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: thats cool

2010-10-14 [Gypsy Mystik]: mew

2010-10-23 [Silver Moon]: haven't posted on my characters for ages...

2010-10-23 [Gypsy Mystik]: I have posted down there because we have been playing on the phone... sorry

2010-10-23 [Silver Moon]: it's ok I just miss some of these characters

2010-10-29 [Silver Moon]: Am I no longer in this game?

2010-10-29 [Gypsy Mystik]: are.... because of work and helping out here...sometimes I'm not able to finish all the posting....

2010-11-04 [Cheshire Wolf]: Going to post Gypsy?

2010-11-04 [Gypsy Mystik]: yes.... just been busy... lol

2010-11-10 [Cheshire Wolf]: Whose turn?

2010-11-11 [Gypsy Mystik]: It is my turn...but I have been soo busy...I'm sorry....

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