Page name: linoldbio8 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-07 10:07:32
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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I'm someone who makes snow angels in the winter,
experiences child-like joy at the changing of seasons,
loves thunder storms and clear azure sky and rainbows and sunrises and sunsets,
collects sea shells and bottles and dried flowers and autumn leaves,
burns a candle in a dark room and on the balcony while she paints during the night,
dreams of flying...

... writes and sings to keep her heart beating.


Linderel is... a comment whore. Let the world (and me!) know what I'm like in your eyes.

Meet a young earthling woman, a slightly eccentric character taking on a feline identity, looking at the world through gentle, saddened eyes.
"Hello. What is your story?"

I'm horrible at descriptions of myself, as many of us tend to be. But I'll try anyway, and at this point you're free to choose whether you wish to know a bit about me or not. Either way, I promise not to bite.

I only do that to my beloved mate.

I hail from the land of a thousand lakes. Don't know what that is? Well then, dig up that good ol' map o' yours, fix yer eyes on the cold, windy shores of northern Europe and look up Sweden.
Now move your gaze to the right a bit-- no, no, Russia is too far, get back!-- and there you are.

Finland, a small country full of weird people (speaking a funny language), polar bears and penguins. According to the legends anyway. Me, I've only mingled with the lunatics.

Lunatics... Yes, I suppose I am moon-crazy. I certainly love the sky, and it's not unknown for me to howl at the Sun's sister. If you want to put a label on me, then, why, I'm a treehugger, and come spring, you'll see me saving worms from the sidewalks. Talking to ladubugs after inviting them to travel on the tip of my finger. I'll catch butterflies wandered in a window or door and release them again.

There are some who say I'm mysterious. Perhaps I am, at that; I rarely talk much, and spend a lot of my time lost inside my own head. Honestly speaking, I'm a little bit of an enigma even to myself. I wear more than just one face, but one thing is certain. In the end, I'm a highly sensitive person. Words, environment, people's emotions, they effect me deeply. Although I know a monster resides within me, I've been told I am too kind at times. Everyone doesn't necessarily see that.

I'm an aesthete, a bibliophile, and addicted to knowledge. Fear my curiosity factor.
Hoarding dictionaries and history books is almost a hobby. There might also be reason to mention in big, bold letters that I am a perfectionist pertaining to language. Thus, frequent spelling and grammar naziness ensues.

Poet, writer, singer, photographer, painter, artisan; I acutely need the feel to create, and with a newly-found confidence am able to admit to being proud of my works. (Though I'm a great deal better with words than with a pencil or brush...) Feedback to any of my creative wikis, linked to on the section below, will be greatly appreciated.
Just as a side note, I greedily snatch any excuse to bind books. If you want a handbound notebook, customised especially for you, I'm willing to take commissions.

Now, the final words to describe me, the words that best crystallise who I am and yet are open for interpretation.

I am like an object made of glass.


Stuff for Lami
Blessings of the muse ł Coal black wings ł Lin's form practice ł Songbird's words
Picture perfect ł Gallerie

Finnish Poetry

Writing Contests
Myth Blending Contest
Slogan Contest

HSP United


<img:> <img:> <img:>

Mood plants, The Balloon Factory & Mood-Pets.

Elftown Graphics.
(Linderel's graphics.)


Featured poem of the whatever
being, once in a while, in Finnish

Behind cloth doors
barred windows
our palaces are built

from sand and pine needles
small stones and sea shells
shards of painted glass

our finest meals
served in many courses
of weed and grass and a dash of rice

we live like child kings
in this village filled with ghosts
of our families long gone

© me.


She's a songbird, forever enchanted by words and melodies,
captured in the flow, traveling within, flying on wings that beat to the rhythm of the earth's heart.


Beauty is everywhere. It just needs to be sensed.

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