Page name: Babies as we see them voting [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-03 19:51:32
Last author: Lady of Lore
Owner: Lady of Lore
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2027) Which Baby is the most un-cuddly? Vote for only One


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Number of voters: 43
a) 1.Drakifelian Royal Ladies<img:stuff/NatAlyDrak.jpg.gif>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

b) 2. Infant Princess of Drakifel<img:stuff/AlyDrak.jpg.gif>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

c) 3.Hatchling<img400*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

d) 4." baby hungry, feed me"
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

e) <img300*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

f) 5."Look what I found!"<img200*0:stuff/fairybabies.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [Cia_mar]

g) 6. "This is too big!"<img200*0:stuff/jitbabymousey.jpg>
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [VeraAda], [iippo]

h) 7.'Dumoas and Chath'<img400*0:>
Number of votes: 4 (9%) Voters: [Thistlewood], [dragonslammer], [Dragn], [geirrekr]

i) 8."'Newborn' ...centaur"<img400*0:stuff/Newborn%20copy.jpg>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

j) 9. "the babysitter"-they definitely have a unique perspective on e "how we see babies"<img400*0:stuff/cia%27s%20babysitter.jpg>
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [Jitter], [nokaredes]

k) 10.'little dragon human baby' ( I call him Yƻmo<img:>
Number of votes: 16 (37%) Voters: [moira hawthorne], [ZOMBIE x ZOMBIE], [toycar], [drummer 101], [deeterhi], [Chrysilla], [Asrun], [The Scarlet Pumpernickle], [Charybdis], [Vampire Akis], [Sunrose], [CherryBlonde], [Katie Staines], [Plunderbunny], [Elwyne], [It Was a Pleasure to Burn]

l) 11."taking a catnap"<img200*0:>
Number of votes: 6 (14%) Voters: [shotokan_gal], [Lothuriel], [Chaos Sun], [shirono], [SATAN229], [elwing]

m) 12."Changling child with fairie"<img400*0:>
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [merihevonen], [BlackDragon]

n) 13."Newborn Baby Dragon (with his gentle mammy)"<img415*0:stuff/D%3AGalimy%20drawingsdragon_egg2.jpg>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

o) 14."New born Kitten"<img:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

p) 15."Little Mermaid"<img500*0:stuff/lyramermaidnet.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [dayah]

q) 16."Demons"<img400*0:>
Number of votes: 4 (9%) Voters: [CelticDragon], [Doomedraptor], [beautiful _ darkness], [evil beavle]

r) 17.<img400*0:>
Number of votes: 3 (7%) Voters: [Dr.Mandarian], [Kyrinn], [Yuriona]

s) 18."the meeting of a little Catoblepas"<img600*0:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

t) 19."the meeting of a little Catoblepas at night"<img600*0:>
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [Tingis]

u) 20."its a baby, one eyed one horned flying people people eater"<img:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsAll%20UsersDocumentsjens%20folderbaby%20one%20eye.gif>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [nunt]

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2006-08-03 [Jitter]: Thank you cia ^_^

2006-08-04 [Dr.Mandarian]: Most un-cuddly... Would that rather be an honouring - or rather something bad? * is unsure *

2006-08-04 [Lady of Lore]: un cuddly would be the baby you don't want to snuggle with, you can still love just not want to have clinging on you all the time ^_^ It's an honouring of an originality that they decided not to stick entirely to the conventional baby ^_^

2006-08-04 [Dr.Mandarian]: * dragon baby makes pleased squeaking noise, suddenly feeling loved, still *

2006-08-04 [Dr.Mandarian]: Oh, and what is actually wrong with choice q) by the way? There is a link, but still no picture - at least on my screen! * wrinkles forehead *

2006-08-04 [Lady of Lore]: Oh! Thanks for pointing that out! ^_^ Fixed it

2006-08-07 [iippo]: I don't see an image in d ("Baby hungry, feed me") o.O

2006-08-07 [Lady of Lore]: odd i just noticed that.....fixing now.....thanks for pointing it out....

2006-08-07 [Lady of Lore]: there we go, verry sorry about that Daya!

2006-08-08 [Lerune]: Hmm...too many to choose from, impossible to choose only one, so I can't vote. =o(

2006-09-05 [Lady of Lore]: Voting for this poll will close on Wednsday Sept 6th

2006-09-18 [Cia_mar]: is it closed now? if so the status needs to be changed at art contests

2006-09-19 [Lady of Lore]: hmmm yes it needs to be closed, I'll get to it soon...I've been really sick these past few days though...infection in my I'll get to it soon, thanks for pointing that out to me...

2006-09-19 [moira hawthorne]: I hope you are feeling better!

2006-09-19 [Lady of Lore]: I hope so too soon...I woke up today and am worse off, been throwing up....hopefully it'll settle or I'll have to call my grandma to take me to the doctor, I'll keep ya posted...thanks for thinking of me ^ ^

2006-09-19 [moira hawthorne]: vomitying isnt good... do go see a docter!

2006-09-19 [Lady of Lore]: I will, i'm waiting for my sweetheart to get here to take me (i don't have a car but he does), thanks

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