Page name: FT-chapter Three:The Seer [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-07 05:33:36
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured|FT-Chapter Twelve:Deception

Chapter Three: The Seer

"Rosiel may be able to see ghosts in his dreams and normally, but so can I!" she cried in anger. "Why not me....why couldn't they have taken me instead..?" she moaned lightly, feeling guilty at turning her back on Rosiel in a horrible place like this. "I have to find him!"
"He'll come back, they won't hurt him." The little girl smiled at Angela. "My sister knows that, shes the one who told me. I can't really see them, but I hear them, that why Yumi told me, when the seer comes everything be better." She looked into Angela's concerned eyes. "They don't mean to hurt anyone, even the angry spirits don't mean it. Besides he's the seer, not you."
Angela grew angrier. "But if Yoko finds him..." She stopped. She didn't want to think of that. She turned around and hurried down to the other part of the room, grabbing the handle and pulling. The door was held shut by something, or someone. She started to hear laughter, malicious, insane laughter. She turned around, and the girl was gone. "Hello?" she called. She walked up to the middle of the room, where the fireplace was. Not seeing anyone, she turned to go.
As she walked, she hit something. She pointed the flashlight down, and saw a detached arm, then a head beside it. She screamed and sprang back, nearly tripping over the next body. They were everywhere in the room, bleeding. She stumbled over them quickly, backing herself into the middle of the room. She whipped around and froze. The boy in the blue kimono stood there, laughing. She stared at him in frozen horror.
Angela stepped away from him, falling against the wall. The boy looked at her. "Don't leave, sister....we're finally together again, after all of these years..." he whispered, coming towards her. She turned and ran to the other end of the room, grabbing the door and pulling on it. The teenaged boy stood directly behind her. "Don't go...don't leave me alone again..." he said quietly, sadly. She didn't listen, and slid the door open. He grabbed her arm. "STAY!!"
Her pupils dialated, but she got him off, getting through the door and shutting it. He did not follow. The vision hit her, stunning her. She saw the boy, walking through the halls of the temple, killing everyone he found, laughing. She could hear their screams, their cries. But then, she saw him try to leave the temple, but could not. He was a spirit, a trapped spirit, and could not leave the temple.....for now.
Angela snapped back to real life, breathing hard. She needed to find Rosiel.
The little girl looked at Angela worried. "I might be able to help find the seer, but you should know, they won't hurt the senkakusa, the seer, but they will hurt the kuro senkensha, the dark seer, which is you. Identies that are the same are rare on lost isle, especially to be one boy one girl, the boy is worshipped, the girl is killed. You have to be careful, I won't know what it like, not anymore. Since my identical passed, I lost my powers to see them..." The little girl looked at Angela. "Yumi was the one killed, but she shouldn't have been, all of them were victims of some kind, they need rest."
Angela looked at the girl, then sighed. "I won't let them," she said softly, turning on the flashlight and continuing past the small girl. She continued down a series of hallways, reflecting on what to do, or where Rosiel was. She finally stopped when she saw him turning the corner. "Rosiel?" she called. He did not turn to her, only kept walking. She hurried after him and stopped once down the hall from him. "Rosiel!"
Rosiel turned and looked at her. "I'm sorry...I have to go.." he muttered, opening the door he stood in front of and walking through it, the door closing behind him with a loud click. She hurried to the door and pulled on it, but it wouldn't budge. "Rosiel! Please, let me in!!"
She then noticed the lock on the door. The lock on the outside. How could Rosiel have opened the door if the lock was on the outside, and the key nowhere to be found?
Angela shook her head. There had to be another way in there, and a different way out than Yoko's room. She walked down a different path, keeping a steady hand on her flashlight.
The little girl hurried after her, her eyes on Angela. "They won't hurt the seer, why are you so worried. Even Ms. Yoko would never hurt the senkakusa, the senkakusa is far to precious to our culture." She heard a noise coming from the temple room and turned. "Someones in the temple, but it is always locked except to the seer and the high priests." The little girl started towards the temple room and found the door to be unlocked, she slowly slide the door open to find the temple in complete dissarray. Her twin was standing in the center, though she couldn't see her, looking around in confusion.
"Umi?" The spirit twin turned to look at her still living twin.
"Yumi?" Umi glanced around trying to figure out excatly where her sister's voice was coming from.
"Umi did you know the boy was the senkakusa?" Umi shook her head. "He went to the under chambers Umi, please find out why, you have gone there before. Even as a spirit all that were or are the kuro senkensha can not enter there. Only those who held the power of the senkakusha can follow the senkakusha of now into those chambers." The voice of Yumi told her twin sister. "I have to go now." Umi nodded and looked around the room to make sure no one was there.
"I will go to him Yumi, I will find the senkakusha and help him in his journey, it will be my last mission." Umi slowly made her way to the wall behind a statue of a god and slide open a small crawl like passage. The passageway slide downward, so Umi slide herself into the passageway feet first. She kept hold of the sliding wall and slowly slide it shut befoer puching herself into a descent, leaving Angela somewhere in the house above.
Angela continued down the hall she was in, looking around. There had to be a way to get to her brother....she couldn't let him be alone again. He never wanted to be without her. She continued down the hall until she saw a boy disappear through a door. She ran down in that direction, going through the door at the end. "Rosi-" she stopped short of her brother's name.
The boy in the blue kimono sat there, looking up at her. He smiled kindly at her. "I knew you'd come back, sister."
"No, I'm not your sister....I'm not," she said, turning to go, but the door was locked. The boy stood up, as though he was still living, and walked towards her. "I know you're upset...about father and I arguing over you. But, Tabitha, I don't want you to go through with the ritual. I know you told me, that you wanted me to do it with you....but now I can't. The priests say I'm not pure enough, and neither is father.'ll go down there and die amongst strangers," the boy said. He lay his hand on her shoulder, and Angela was thrown into a vision.
"Damien, I'm so sorry, but it must be done....the ritual must be performed," Tabitha said to her brother, holding his hands.
"NO! I won't let them kill you, I won't let them!" he cried, clinging to his sister's waist. "I love you, Tabitha."
Tabitha only smiled and ran her hand through her twin's raven hair. "I love you too...and I'll always be with you."

Angela staggered against the door, trying to regain her balance. She turned around and faced the boy. "We can be together, Tabitha....I don't want to be the seer any longer." He reached out to touch her again, but Angela slammed open the door and ran out and away from him. Stumbling along her path, she took several staircases down. She finally stopped when she heard crying nearby. She pointed her flashlight in the direction of the voice and followed it to a lattice, and inside the next room, crying, was Rosiel. He sat in the middle of the room, sobbing. "Rosiel!" she cried, grabbing the door and trying to open it. A large lock was on the door. She needed the key to get inside, but how did he get in?
"Do not be saddened young seer, no harm will come to you here." An elderly man emerged through the wall, he was a priest. Rosiel looked up at the old man, obviously scared, Yumi, who had met before was behind this spirit priests. She smiled and waved shyly. "Do not wave to him demon child!" The priest batted the little girl's hand down. Yumi quickley hid her hands in her yukata. The wall on the farside of Rosiel began to sift and Umi came into sight as she slide the wall open. "I found you." She said happily. She crawled out of the small space and walked over to Rosiel, taking his hand. "Come on this way." She pulled on Rosiel's hand until he stood and followed her. Umi pressed a stone that was hidden from Angela's view by the bars, and the wall opened into a passageway. "This way." Umi pulledd Rosiel to follow her, and he did willingly.
Angela saw Umi take Rosiel and suddenly disappear, but she also saw the priests standing there. Unsure of what to do, she backed away from the lattice, unsure of what the priests would do to her, being Rosiel's twin. "Lady Yoko." The priests bowed. Yoko was standing behind Angela, she had been following her for some time. "Lady yoko could you please show this young lady to the dark chambers." Yoko smiled vicously at Angela.
"Of course, anything to help with the ritual. Besides we can not have the kuro senkensha following the senkakusha." Yoko looked at Angela for a moment before raising the priestess staff she was holding in her hand and hitting Angela on the head with it, causing Angela to fall to the ground. Yoko turned to two men that were hidden in the shadows, take our guests to the dark chamber, the ritual will begin in due time.
Angela, though nearly unconscious, was too stunned to move when the two men grabbed her by the arms and pulled her to her feet. "No....stop..." she said pitifully, unsure of what was going on. Angela looked at the blurry form of Yoko. ""

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