[Yuriona]'s diary

1156536  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-01-06
Written:2013-01-06 02:42:25 (4467 days ago)

I lost my bestest girl friend ever [Kyrinn] November 30, 2012. :C I'm putting this here not to make myself or anyone else here sad but so I remember what the day meant for me and everyone who knew her..

Taken from her husband [Yr Wogg]'s FB page:

Christian Bradley

I received the call today at 3am from the Doctor at the hospital. Kristen took a turn for the worst, and he suggested that we should be there just in case. I awoke Mykael and we headed over to the hospital. She was still awake when we got there, and while she mumbled alot, she clearly told me that she loved
me. At about 4:30am, she started breathing regularly, and went to sleep. During the course of the day, we spoke to her and were by her side. Her mother and father were present as well. Friends came by as they could. She passed away at approximately 4:30pm today, surrounded by Friends and Family. I apologize for passing the information via facebook. I don't think I have the heart to inform all of our loving friends and family one at a time through email and phone calls. We love you all and thank you all for your support. Please keep us in your prayers while we grieve.

1109825  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-02-10
Written:2010-02-10 18:35:56 (5528 days ago)

Alrighty then... for those of you who care (or are just nosey about such things lol)::

As I mentioned way back when, I finally went and got some professional help to deal with some of my mental health issues that I've had for as long as I can remember. So I went to my family doc who once again diagnosed me with clinical depression, no surprise there. He then referred me to a counsellor in the Family Health unit in our area to help me figure out the other part of the puzzle that is me.

I've met with my counsellor Daphne twice now and she's an awesome lady. She also diagnosed me with adult attention deficit disorder, something she's been helping people with since the early 80s. So I know have a better understanding of another facet of who I am and why I am the way I am. Mind you the ADD is only another part of the whole but I've started medication this week to help with the symptoms and I'm really, really hopeful that it will work. Will the meds fix me? No but it is another positive step in my own personal healing process.

I still have a lot of childhood and emotional scars to work through as well as a life time of self loathing and guilt I have to learn to let go. I understand that and I'm finally looking forward to learning to do just that. I deserve to be happy just like everyone else. Not everything is my fault and feeling guilty for things won't help deal with the cause. I don't want to be sad without a recognizable reason any more, I don't want to deal with anxiety over scenarios that have very little probability of happening any more and I sure as hell don't want to scare or hurt my family with my ridiculous rages any more. I'm done.

Now before anyone else says something about this, I'm going to broach the subject myself. RANT START:: I do NOT consider my depression or my ADD to be the old 'GET OUT OF JAIL FREE' card that some do. Depression, ADD or my own scars might be at the heart of why I react a certain way or say something most wouldn't but when it all comes down to it, I am the one responsible for my actions and words. I DO acknowledge that what I say or do can/will hurt/offend/piss off people and I ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY for my actions. If I say something or do something, its because I believe it is my right to do so and not because the ADD made me.

Saying a treatable disorder or a drug made you do something is as ludicrous as a murderer claiming the gun made them kill. Yes, some disorders and drugs will cause actions the sufferer cannot always control but you know what? Its still not an excuse. It doesn't work in a court room when a defendant claims they aren't responsible because they were drunk, it doesn't work just because you have ADD or were on something. YOU were the one who did the deed so YOU are the one responsible for the consequences. As the saying goes: 'if you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime'. Everyone fucks up at some time in their life but there are very few who at least have the balls to admit it.
You might have to prove your case to me if I'm the dumbass who did/said something stupid/wrong/asinine/brutal/mean but I will accept responsibility for fucking up when all is said and done. Lord knows I've done it enough in the short time I've been on the planet and I'm pretty sure I'll do it again. That's just human nature and anyone who can't admit that is just deluding themselves.END RANT

So yeah, that's what's been up with me lately. I'm still in counselling and I know that this is still just the beginning of healing for me. I'm really looking forward to my future now and I'm ready to start liking myself too. I just want to thank those of you who have put up with me, listened to me, been there for me and waited on me over the years I've been on ET. THanks guys... we may not talk as much as we used to but I'm really glad I've gotten to know all of you and I still think about ya now and then:
[Acerbus] (lol)
[Calico Tiger]
and anybody else I've forgotten (and I'm sure there's a few since my memory sucks)

Thank you, love ya, hug ya... God bless, Spirits bless and good luck in all your endeavours.


1106735  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-01-10
Written:2010-01-10 18:45:37 (5559 days ago)
Next in thread: 1106738

Stolen from [Nioniel], [Kaimee] and [hanhepi]

1. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother & father's middle name)
Lynn Thomas

2. NASCAR NAME: (first name of your mother's dad, father's dad)
Grant Alphonse (O_o wha?)

3. STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)

4. DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Black Dragon

5. SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Ursula London

6. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink, add "THE" to the beginning)
The Red Sake (saw-key)

7. FLY NAME: (first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)

1105674  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-12-31
Written:2009-12-31 22:08:07 (5569 days ago)
Next in thread: 1105675

Heh... I think I found the perfect song dedication for someone here on Elftown who is rather near and dear to our hearts (yeah, sarcasm there). I think the lyrics are self explanatory really::



Circling your, circling your, circling your head,
Contemplating everything you ever said
Now I see the truth, I got doubt
A different motive in your eyes and now I’m out
See you later
I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold
See inside, inside of our heads (yeah)
Well now that’s over
I see your motives inside, decisions to hide

Back off I’ll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong we’re headstrong
Back off I’ll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong and this is not where you belong
I can’t give everything away
I won’t give everything away

Verse 2:
Conclusions manifest, your first impressions got to be your very best
I see you’re full of shit, and that’s alright
That’s how you play, I guess you’ll get through every night
Well now that’s over
I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold
See inside, inside of our heads (yeah)
Well now that’s over
I see your motives inside, decisions to hide


Verse 3:
I know, I know all about {x3}
I know, I know all about your motives inside, and your decision to hide


Happy Fucking New Year biatches! XD XD XD
1104436  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-12-17
Written:2009-12-17 23:47:51 (5582 days ago)
Next in thread: 1104438, 1105499

A recent excerpt from the resident nut job's public diary::

"Not knowing quite what to make of all of this, I needed to talk to someone about it, not to talk about Debby really, but to try and understand the real meaning if any there could be behind this. So I decided to talk to Yuriona about this, whom at the time, I believed to be a good friend and one that I could trust to voice my concerns with without it being broadcasted to others. Whether or not she has kept this conversation to herself, I don't know, and at this point, it no longer matters anyway. But in this MSN conversation is when she informed me that she was sorry that she hadn't warned me about the history between Hedda and Debby and she was sorry that I was the one that was the unfortunate one to be caught in between the two of them. She had always felt there was more going on between Hedda and Debby than meets the eye, and quite likely I was the object of Debby's jealousy, because Debby used to go around kissing Hedda's ass every chance she got. She had always felt that Debby had a thing for Hedda and likely didn't like the fact that Hedda 'might' also like someone else. She then suggested I take my concerns about the virus thingy to Hedda, which is what I did, and so since then, I have had this thrown in my face, by Hedda and by Debby."

God damn it... I knew I should have saved that MSN conversation. I really hate having to explain shit that Crazie_ladie has taken out of context and twisted to her own devices. Plus it was a conversation held so long ago that I don't remember exact details but I do know that I can shed some light on her insinuations.

"she informed me that she was sorry that she hadn't warned me about the history between Hedda and Debby" :I do recall mentioning rumours going around the council back in the days before [Sunrose] retired but there wasn't anything I could substantiate really other than [Hedda] and [Sunrose] appeared to be close.

"She had always felt there was more going on between Hedda and Debby than meets the eye, and quite likely I was the object of Debby's jealousy," :Yup I did. Past tense now and it was past tense when I mentioned my 'feeling' on the matter. Note that it says "felt" because it was a personal opinion on my part and that was it. No proof, no evidence, just heresay and conjecture on my part and not admissible in any court I know of.

"quite likely I was the object of Debby's jealousy," :Yup, I said that too though honestly I was patronizing her in the hopes of getting more information as to why she believed that [Hedda] was interested in her, Crazie_ladie and why she had gone nutso at fellow council members. This was also the same conversation I believe that she insisted that [Hedda] was rearranging the Mainstreet member images on Cathug into covert romantic messages to her. >_>

"because Debby used to go around kissing Hedda's ass every chance she got" :Yup I did say that and Sunny will remember that I felt that way because she and I ended up having a very long conversation about it. In fact, I apologized to Sunny for saying so as well as for assuming the wrong things about her and [Hedda] though I steered clear of questioning her about any romantic entanglements she may or may not have had with him since it just wasn't any of my business anyways.

"She had always felt that Debby had a thing for Hedda and likely didn't like the fact that Hedda 'might' also like someone else." :Again, playing along and fishing for information. Why? Because then I still considered Artsie a friend and I was concerned about her sudden plunge off of the deep end. I wanted to see if I could find the source of the issue or at the very least, try and offer reasonable explanations other than the screwed up stuff she was (and is) spewing.

"She then suggested I take my concerns about the virus thingy to Hedda, which is what I did, and so since then," :I did suggest that but that was after I told her that I did not for one second believe Sunny to be capable of doing such a thing out of malicious intent (as tempting as I'm sure it was) and tried to reason with her about the whole thing since such viruses are quite common. I told her to talk to Hedda directly in the hopes that he would set her straight about it and told Sunny about it too since I thought it was ignorant of Artsie to assume that it was done maliciously. I told Sunny because I felt that Sunny had a right to know what she was accused of so she could defend herself.

"I have had this thrown in my face, by Hedda and by Debby." :And I don't blame them one bit you stupid twat. If you're going to assume that there's some sort of grand conspiracy against you, you'd better be prepared for the consequences when the 'conspirators' find out about your paranoid delusions.

So yet again Crazie_ladie has managed to misconstrue any good I thought I was doing and twist it to her own devices. *rolls eyes* I would like to apologize to [Sunrose] and [Hedda] though for any trouble I may have inadvertently caused them by trying to be a friend to that wingnut. If in the off chance I did save the conversation (which I doubt), I'll be sure to post it in its entirety so you can read it yourselves. I may not always see eye to eye with either Sunny or Hedda but I can honestly say I respect them a hell of a lot more than that screwed up, self absorbed, bible thumping twit.

And for any of you who are a shared relation of Crazie_ladie and myself, I don't give a rat's ass if you show her this. I'm pretty sure she'll just go on about how I am just another puppet or Judas who's main goal is to further the ongoing plot to undermine her. Hell, she's already in the process of cleaning out such infidels from the Elf12 crew who dare to have an opinion that she doesn't approve of. I bet the only way she condones your continued 'relation' with me is for the purpose of information gathering so go ahead and let her know what I've said. It'll just make it that much more amusing when everything she's building up to blows up in her face. :P

 The logged in version 

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