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by popular demand, so there :P
2004-08-26 [the anonymus]: hmm... well liga... your wiki is starting to get bigger and better... congrats for this wanderfull idea that you had with this wiki...
2004-08-26 [liiga]: thanks. :)
2004-08-26 [the anonymus]: you are defenetly wealcomed...
2004-08-26 [liiga]: *long sigh* guess what i'm thinking, Andrei.
2004-08-26 [the anonymus]: ok... I'm sorry... really I am... I won't bother you again... sorry again... I didn't mean to offend...
2004-08-27 [liiga]: Aug 27 (well 28 for me), new addition: Facial Structures by [Farewell]. Yay!
2004-08-28 [liiga]: Aug 28 (very 28), another addition: Chain tutorial by [liiga].
2004-08-28 [liiga]: And another: Jewel tutorial by [liiga].
2004-08-31 [liiga]: Aug 31: new addition, Origami by Alex Barber in the external link section, courtesy of [, , , , , , , , ,]. Yay!
2004-09-07 [liiga]: Sept 7, new addition: Drawing Scales by [CelticDragon]. Yay!
2004-10-27 [liiga]: Oct 27, new addition: tree tutorial by yours truly. : >
2004-10-27 [Calico Tiger]: Yay! I've been hoping someone would do a good tree tutorial!
2004-10-27 [liiga]: ^^ For some reason tree tuts are all too rare. I've spent quite some time looking for one myself, with little to no luck.
2004-11-10 [liiga]: Nov 9 (10 for me), new addition: hair tutorial by [liiga]. (Really it's kinda simple, but what the hey.)
2004-11-10 [The 5 Elements]: hello
2004-11-10 [liiga]: Hi, [The 5 Elements].
2004-11-11 [The 5 Elements]: whats been happinen here
2004-11-11 [liiga]: Well people post tutorials that they find or create, and come and check out tutorials posted from others. Much as what is written on the page up there suggests. ;)
2004-11-11 [The 5 Elements]: tutorials on what?
2004-11-11 [liiga]: Drawing tutorials... How about you actually browse the wiki and the tutorials? It's not like the links are hidden. :P
2004-11-11 [The 5 Elements]: ok then
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