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2005-02-01 [All_Most PUNK]: No, you are probably right. Even as I was doing the update, I had a feeling I had seen it before. I'll change it tomorrow. Congratulation
2005-02-01 [All_Most PUNK]: Comments Exchange has been removed. Another wiki may (or not) replace it.
2005-02-01 [HiddenFire]: You're totally welcome. I could not, in good consience, have one of my wikis break the rules.
2005-02-01 [Cookieholic]: that one bloody rules ^_^
2005-02-01 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: heheheh, well, I should have nominated the Comment Exchange Members Tour instead then... ;)
2005-02-01 [HiddenFire]: That's an interesting thing to consider... Since the tour is part of the whole... Wiki-groups that are broken up into several pages raise the question of whether or not they are open for nomination if another page in the group has been nominated... Interesting question indeed.
2005-02-01 [Wes Foxx]: Im trying to nominate my wiki cluster as a whole, like they did with Anthro Lovers, all the little parts they talk about were seperate pages almost exactly like Order of Inari pages are
2005-02-03 [Lucy-Lou]: arent gunna do cutest girl award and stuff?
2005-02-03 [M_Sinner]: Well... If things continue at this rate, we might not have too much competition. Not that I'm complaining... Ok, I am! I want to see the cool wikis up here!!!
2005-02-03 [Wes Foxx]: hey ='( ~his wiki is saddened by that comment~
2005-02-04 [FireGypsy]: when does this end? Is there a specific deadline?
2005-02-04 [LonelyTylenol]: Usually around the fifteenth.
2005-02-04 [FireGypsy]: alrighty
2005-02-04 [M_Sinner]: No, wess!!! I think your wiki is great (I joined it after all) I was just commenting that I wanted to see *all* the good wikis... Lol. Hurray for healers!!! BTW, looks like the competition is picking up... darn. If we don't win this, does the year+a month rule still apply?
2005-02-04 [Yoruno]: Uhm... nope, if you don't win, you can try improving your wiki and nominate it next month. ^_^
2005-02-04 [M_Sinner]: Whoo-hoo!!!!! *raises his arms in joy, pouring pepsi all over his head*
2005-02-05 [Wes Foxx]: by next month we'll have started the Tournament, since for now the Tournament Registry is rather sad an empty as is our Order of Inari Fursonas ='(
2005-02-05 [M_Sinner]: Lol... no way am I signing up for the tourny... I want to get an idea of how you guys roleplay on there first... Lol. This isn't really the place to talk about this, so we can continue this conversation at OoInari... K? Srry, I just don't want to get in trouble...
2005-02-05 [Wes Foxx]: s'alright.
2005-02-05 [Fallen_Angel_247]: hello
2005-02-07 [M_Sinner]: Ummmm..... the Order of Inari is already up there.... but It's good enough to be listed twice!!!
2005-02-07 [Wes Foxx]: =D
2005-02-07 [All_Most PUNK]: Order of Inari has been moved, so both nominations are together. Please, if you want to support a nomination, make a comment, but don't add things or nominate it again. That won't make the wiki win, since it's not a ballot.
2005-02-12 [M_Sinner]: Whoo-hoo!!! Someone finally put spaces!!! Lol. I was wondering how long it would take until someone got annoyed...
2005-02-12 [M_Sinner]: Hrmmmm.... So much for the "no competition" that I saw at the begining of the month...
2005-02-14 [teptep]: hmmms no one nominated best of the best, oh well, no biggy.
2005-02-15 [M_Sinner]: Lol. Quid "The Best of the Best" est? Lol. Which one, might I ask? Why not nominate it yourself?
2005-02-15 [M_Sinner]: Grrrrrr..... I now have to beat out 15 of them with the BoA...........
2005-02-15 [All_Most PUNK]: Guess what? Nominations closed.
2005-02-15 [RavenTalon]: Yayyy!
2005-02-15 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: hey, a couple more months and I can re-nominate the comment exchange. heheheheh. It's grown a lot since last year anyway.. :D
2005-02-15 [RavenTalon]: lol!!
2005-02-15 [HiddenFire]: either august or november... I don't remember which one... I can't remember what exactly the rules state. *shrugs* and yes, we have grown quite considerably. I can't believe we're a year old allready! I may have to go back and see when we where created... that way we can have a birthday party! ^_^
2005-02-16 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: accually, i think a year will be up in april....
2005-02-16 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: yeah, it was featured last april, so we can nominate it agian in May
2005-02-17 [Wes Foxx]: ~crosses his fingers for the Order~ Maybe I can improove my chances by getting the story of its founding done before the voting is finished ><
2005-02-17 [Wavy101]: Unko
2005-02-17 [M_Sinner]: Here is not the place to talk!!! Lol.
2005-02-17 [Wes Foxx]: Xx nvm, not gonna happen, its turned into 8 stories XP
2005-02-17 [M_Sinner]: Have hope, friend!!!
2005-02-18 [HiddenFire]: oh... LOL, my memory is shot to hell... damn art school has liquified my brain and it drips from my ear in my sleep. May it is then. ^_^
2005-02-18 [RavenTalon]: Maybe we should stop blabbing!
2005-02-20 [M_Sinner]: I would have said a bunch of crazy, random stuff in response to that... but I will let the book of Amish speak for me... :)
2005-02-20 [Wes Foxx]: it reminds me of the book of armaments from monty python Oo anyhow. my wiki is more on topic since 'tis furry =P
2005-03-01 [Sylvia Rote]: do any of you know the password? i have a nomination i'd like to submit...
2005-03-01 [FireGypsy]: nominations are over.
2005-03-01 [Sylvia Rote]: over?! until when?!
2005-03-01 [FireGypsy]: untill nexyt month lol. They are judging and such right now.
2005-03-01 [Sylvia Rote]: oh ok...thank you ^_^
2005-03-01 [All_Most PUNK]: Soon it will be open again. But awards will be a little late this month (February was way too short :P)
2005-03-08 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations period open, and will stay that way till the 20, since we gave the awards late this month.
2005-03-08 [Wes Foxx]: hey, it actually won ^^ now those 60-some hours feel much less wasted =P
2005-03-08 [Balthizar]: who won?
2005-03-08 [Wes Foxx]: Order of Inari
2005-03-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: yay! Bob's Diner is an example!
2005-03-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: but still, no awards!
2005-03-09 [All_Most PUNK]: Think of it this way: your wiki gets to be displayed here every day, every month, at least for a couple months. That's more time than being in the awards.
2005-03-09 [Sagacious Turkey]: it still hasn't brought me any new members...
2005-03-09 [Wes Foxx]: maybe the wiki name isnt intriguing enough Oo most people wont seriously think its a diner, but if its not a place to serve food, they dunno what it is and everyones too lazy to see.
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: how about... in arabic! لاخلاطس يهىثق!
2005-03-10 [Wes Foxx]: what the?!? how did you do that? O_O
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: uh... magic? اش اش! سعؤنثقزز
2005-03-10 [Wes Foxx]: .,.
2005-03-10 [All_Most PUNK]: Btw, Turkey, if I see that you are spamming wikis or forums, I will delete the diner from the example and also I won't let you nominate it anymore. Is that clear?
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: I was suggesting it in arabic, not spamming it...
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: besides... I don't know how to use forums...
2005-03-10 [All_Most PUNK]: I didn't meant in this wiki. I don't care about this wiki. I meant in wikis of persons that may find it annoying.
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: I don't refur to it as "spamming"... more like "informing"...
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: it would be a shame to have a bunch of uninformed people running around! I feel I'm only doing my duty as a loyal member... j/k...
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: and whatever gave you this wild assumption that I, [Sagacious Turkey], was spamming?
2005-03-10 [All_Most PUNK]: Just life in general, Turkey.
2005-03-10 [LonelyTylenol]: From an objective point of view: Just don't do it. If someone else is shamelessly advertising, that's your opportunity to tell about it. Otherwise, don't randomly mention it. Unless something relevant brings it up...
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: to me, everything is relevant to spamming...
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: gimme a topic... I'll show you...
2005-03-10 [Wes Foxx]: finland
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: finland? I hear they have good food this time of year... or was that Bob's Diner...?
2005-03-10 [Wes Foxx]: lol, if your thought pattern runs that way, you need help =P
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: uh huh... gimme another topic...
2005-03-10 [Wes Foxx]: tooth decay OO
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: easy... eating at Bob's Diner will give you tooth decay... and possibly AIDS...
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: depends on what you order...
2005-03-10 [Wes Foxx]: exploding sock puppets (a classic random wes-ism)
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: after eating at Bob's Diner, you'll explode like one of those puppets... assuming the chickens don't get you first...
2005-03-10 [Wes Foxx]: dang you >< OPTICAL SWORDBELT
2005-03-10 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: See, folks... Bob's Diner is very open and easy to relate to ... just about any subject you can think of... No matter what! *Winks*
2005-03-10 [All_Most PUNK]: 2 things: 1) Why the fuck is everybody separating nominations with breaks? 2) Rogue groupies: I hope you don't expect me to give each one of you a guestbook message if the wiki is featured. Choose a representative or two! :P
2005-03-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: yup... what ol' archie said...
2005-03-10 [All_Most PUNK]: Ol' Archie?
2005-03-12 [jamesipoo]: Check out my wiki pplz^_^(='.'=)
2005-03-13 [M_Sinner]: Hurrah for Wikis!!!
2005-03-14 [Linn Scarlett]: indeed =)
2005-03-21 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations closed
2005-03-21 [Balthizar]: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
2005-03-21 [jamesipoo]: Oh cool^_^(='.'=)
2005-03-21 [bluefarie]: did my nomination make it???
2005-03-21 [Sagacious Turkey]: I can't wait till Bob's Diner wins... which I know it will... cause if it don't... *shakes his fist at the judges* j/k...
2005-03-21 [bluefarie]: o.o ....
2005-03-22 [Deadly Exposure]: Pudding Power! is going to win! not Bob's Diner lol o yeah up there it says 130+ memebers and we've actually grown to 170+ members now...
2005-03-22 [jamesipoo]: It doesnt matter how many members you have it matters at how helpful and great the wiki will become when the wiki does get big.
2005-03-22 [Sagacious Turkey]: Bob's Diner is popular on Cathug...
2005-03-22 [jamesipoo]: Cool
2005-03-22 [Wes Foxx]: both Mr.W&C and Turkey have it wrong. its not about numbers or popularity; its about quality and effort. thats why the Order of Inari made it into the last months the Wiki Awards! even though it was virtually unknown and only had 20 members
2005-03-22 [Sagacious Turkey]: ooo... *coughcheaterc
2005-03-22 [Deadly Exposure]: even still...
2005-04-10 [Balthizar]: wow...this place has been quiet
2005-04-10 [~Altopia~]: Balth you are meant to nominate my wiki!
2005-04-10 [Balthizar]: i would...if i could
2005-04-10 [~Altopia~]: What does that mean?
2005-04-10 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations open, will stay that way up to the 20/21, sorry about delay, new boss [Kaimee], me tarzan you elftowners.
2005-04-10 [~Altopia~]: *?*
2005-04-10 [All_Most PUNK]: What?
2005-04-11 [~Altopia~]: Balthizar.....
2005-04-11 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: heheheheh, one more month and then I can re-nominate the Comment Exchange! *evil laughter ensues*
2005-04-13 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: It could have been more interesting to try and take this one year time, to build another nice new wiki, instead of waititng for renominating the previous nice one!!! :P Don't you think so?
2005-04-14 [Sagacious Turkey]: no... that's just a waste of time...
2005-04-14 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: not to everyone!
2005-04-14 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: I don't know about that.. I mean the Comment Exchange has grown so much, even since I joined it earlier this year. Of course, it's having a little bit of a hrad time at the moment with the Wood having been down and everything, but it's grown very nicely and i think it deserves a re-nomination
2005-04-14 [Sagacious Turkey]: Bob's Diner is know elftownwide, but noooooooo... still only 60 members...
2005-04-15 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: Well, if it deserves it, it might just get it! :) You go nominate it when it's one year is over
2005-04-15 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: I intend to
2005-04-15 [A7X]: you guys are all overwieght
2005-04-16 [Ocean Dreaming]: Is that supposed to be an insult?
2005-04-16 [jamesipoo]: Guys all come down to Art Chat and check it out and join if you want to spend some time having fun and talking with other artists(='.'=)
2005-04-21 [imsdal]: hehe, yay ^^ my wiki is nominated! thanxies [Anti_Anti_Groups]!
2005-04-23 [Flamable_Sperm]: how do u nominate wikis...
2005-04-24 [Ocean Dreaming]: You read the page and follow the instructions?
2005-04-26 [LonelyTylenol]: Land of Make Believe has been well advertized. I don't know how anyone could resist that... Then again, I've never looked at the actual page...
2005-04-26 [*Night_Shade*]: Its an awesome RP, if my rp Half-Life doesn't win, I hope this one does ^-^
2005-04-26 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations closed
2005-04-26 [Duredhel]: Has it been a year since Realms of Lemire won an award? I want to know so I can nominate it again :), nope... not yet...
2005-05-13 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations open
2005-05-13 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations open till the 25 or so
2005-05-13 [dendrite.]: O.o did i do this right?
2005-05-13 [All_Most PUNK]: yes, you did.
2005-05-13 [dendrite.]: yay ^_^
2005-05-13 [dendrite.]: goood morning!!!
2005-05-13 [SpiralDragon]: morning!
2005-05-13 [3.00 x 10^8 Meters/Second]: Cajia=kool. and we need help, we haven't won a war yet. for everyone who's a warmongering, insane idiot such as myself, cajia is for you.
2005-05-14 [dendrite.]: _> nobody likes cajia its all about war...
2005-05-14 [dendrite.]: good morning spiral ^_^
2005-05-16 [SpiralDragon]: Thank you xSinx! ^_^ how are you?...
2005-05-17 [dendrite.]: ^_^ Im goods :P and yourself?!
2005-05-17 [Guano07]: can i nominate a wiki still?
2005-05-17 [dendrite.]: yup
2005-05-17 [Artemis Riddle]: my wikis!! thanx sistah!!!
2005-05-18 [Guano07]: so do i just edit page and put in the wiki i want?
2005-05-18 [dendrite.]: yup
2005-05-18 [Guano07]: thnx....i forgot how u make the wiki names green....can u give me a hand?
2005-05-18 [Wes Foxx]: {Wiki name@wiki} but use []
2005-05-18 [SpiralDragon]: ^_^
2005-05-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: how does i kow if a wiki have featured????
2005-05-20 [Yoruno]: You can check at the featured wiki archives...
2005-05-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok thanx fore the help^^
2005-05-25 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations closed
2005-06-17 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations period open till the 30. We'll see if we can start getting abck on track next month :P
2005-06-18 [Sagacious Turkey]: come on... Bob's Diner must win this time!
2005-06-19 [All_Most PUNK]: And take the mistic out of it?
2005-06-19 [Sagacious Turkey]: sure...
2005-06-20 [LonelyTylenol]: Why do people put their reasons in brackets? Am I the only person crazy enough to find it annoying? Seriously...
2005-06-20 [Yoruno]: I think it was just a typo. I've already fixed it.
2005-06-20 [LonelyTylenol]: Well, it's not like it's uncommon. I mean, there's at least one nomination every month that's like that... I don't know... Maybe it is a typo... People can ignore me...
2005-06-22 [LonelyTylenol]: Hasn't xenophobics already won an award?
2005-06-22 [ugursarac]: yeah i know but xnp team wiki is fixed...!!
2005-06-22 [Yoruno]: Sorry, Theo. You can only nominate that wiki again after one year has passed. ^_^
2005-06-23 [ugursarac]: ok yoruno... no problemm... "."
2005-06-23 [Zab]: should I write my name besides an added comment on why a wiki should have a reward?
2005-06-24 [Yumi Hikari]: What happens when you get the wiki award? What... award do you get to put on your wiki or in your house or something?
2005-06-29 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations closed
2005-07-20 [LonelyTylenol]: The name of the wiki will be put up on the wiki awards! page (or whatever it's titled) along with a description of why the judges chose it. Basically, you win publicity.
2005-08-01 [LonelyTylenol]: I love the reason for "war craft" Very useful, eh? NOT.
2005-08-06 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations closed
2005-08-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: Isn't this month over yet?! ...I've already made my excuse for next month...
2005-08-11 [All_Most PUNK]: will be soon
2005-08-11 [M_Sinner]: Gooooddd... I have a few wikis that are dying to win.
2005-08-11 [Sagacious Turkey]: they can't win if they're dead...
2005-08-12 [M_Sinner]: Good point.
2005-08-12 [Fearathress]: ya um and how do u and a wiki to the list
2005-08-12 [M_Sinner]: First of all, wiki nominations aren't open yet. Second of all, You do so by chosing "edit this page", and then fill out the little form they give you. To make a link to yur wiki, write (Your wiki name@wiki), except replace the perethesies with brackets [ ]. If you need further help, go to How do I?
2005-08-15 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations open. This time, they'll be open for a month, till the 15-09. Nominate!
2005-08-15 [Sagacious Turkey]: Oui, mon capitaine!
2005-08-15 [M_Sinner]: Ok. It shall be done.
2005-08-16 [M_Sinner]: Wait.. I (finally) looked at last months wiki awards... Erm... when did it change from 10 per month to eight?... I probably missed something...
2005-08-16 [Sagacious Turkey]: *looks at the awards* ...how do those stupid âne RPG wikis beat Bob's Diner everytime?! (pardon my French... *giggles*)
2005-08-17 [M_Sinner]: I don't know... You'd think they'd get tired of RPs after a while.
2005-08-19 [Raesha]: can i nominate a wiki?
2005-08-19 [Zab]: I would think so, yes...(not that I'm any boss here or anything..)
2005-08-19 [Yoruno]: Of course you can nominate a wiki [Raesha]. Everybody can. Just read the guidelines on top of the page and add your nominations.
2005-08-29 [M_Sinner]: Egregious Turkey... I like the word "egregious..." in Latin it means "great" but in english "terrible." Great fun.
2005-08-29 [Sagacious Turkey]: Uh huh... I'm goin' for the English version there, fella...
2005-09-03 [M_Sinner]: Score. We actually have enough wikis for the top ten... though none would be disqualified, granted...
2005-09-03 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...and there'd be no way I could lose this time!
2005-09-20 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations closed
2005-10-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...are you done yet?!
2005-10-14 [All_Most PUNK]: Nominations open
2005-10-14 [Sagacious Turkey]: Darn straight.
2005-10-14 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...hey... Pointed Sticks Lovers United got awarded and B's D didn't?! WHAT?!
2005-10-14 [Sagacious Turkey]: And yet, I still haven't gotten any new members...
2005-10-14 [Duredhel]: Uhm.. I have a question, one of my wikis was featured in the wiki awards during the Wiki Awards September - November 2004 period, seeing as it is October 2005, would I be able to nominate it again? or would I have to wait until november?
2005-10-14 [All_Most PUNK]: You can nominate it again.
Number of comments: 984
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