Page name: water photos, page 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-01-25 15:06:04
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Welcome to the next official Elftown Photograph Competition!! Finally, a contest for all you shutterbugs out there - and no drawings allowed!! Get your cameras, lenses, film and tripods ready folks because this one is for you!

Winners: Elftown Photograph Competition
- Fantastic Waters -

<news:[ET Photograph Competition@wiki] Winners!>

By [Ocean Soul]

By [Elmiira]
By [Truth . Beauty . Love]

All submissions:
Water Photos, page 1
Water Photos, page 2
Water Photos, page 3


Thank you to all that contributed!


Theme: Fantastic Waters...

Like all the great contests here, this one has a particular theme so no posting photos of your great Aunt Ethel or the neighbour's dog. This time around we want to see MORE CREATIVITY! And we are going to be a lot more picky about what we want to see in the entries.

Water, water everywhere... ok, since the public has spoken, our next theme will be be based on water. HOWEVER, we are not looking for photos of just pretty lakes or waterfalls. We want to see your photos of the homes of water type fantasy creatures: mermaids, fairies and water elementals. NO the creatures don't have to be in the image but we do want YOU to explain what creature you think lives there and why.


1. NO STEALING PHOTOS! Photographs must be taken by Elftowners and posted here by the original photographer. Which means, no matter how much you might like a particular image on somebody's house, you are not allowed to add it here. This includes random images from the net too. TAKE YOUR OWN DARN PHOTOS DON'T STEAL THEM AND TRY TO CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN! That makes me angry, very angry indeed.

2. JUST ONE ENTRY THIS TIME. Sorry guys, just one entry this time around. You only get one chance at this one folks let's make it count!! Please put forth your best effort and the best quality, i.e. no coffe stained, faded Kodachrome photos from the 1960's. Any such entry will be removed. Please keep in mind that it is possible that a photograph has the same title as another one. This is not against the rules as long as the photographers' names are clear.

3. NO PHOTOMANIPS! Sorry... While this is a photograph based competition, we will not be accepting photomanipulations for this particular contest. We want to see your photos of what best depicts the homes of water loving fantasy creatures, not the creatures themselves.

4. READ THE THEME! If you stick up a photo just because this is a photo competition, your entry will be removed without warning. ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT MEET THE THEME WILL BE REMOVED.

5. EXPLANATIONS ARE REQUIRED! We want to know why you think your photo is a good example of a fantasy creature's home as well as what lives there. Not only that but when and where the photo was taken is required as well.

6. SIZE LIMITATION: Since the chosen images will be featured on Main Street, all will be displayed at a maximum width of 300 pixels. If you would like to post the photo at the original size that's fine but please thumbnail it or ask someone to thumbnail it for you.

7. ALL IMAGES MUST BE UPLOADED TO ELFTOWN! Ask [Sunrose] for wiki-privs if you don't have them already: members who follow the uploading art rules and thus are not troublemakers, will be granted these privs. See advanced help for more information about privs.

8. SUBJECT MATTER: Since the winners will be featured on Mainstreet, images that depict graphic violence, pornography or other disturbing actions will not be accepted. Only photographs that fit the current theme will be allowed.

What will we be expecting? Creativity and lots of water environments perfect for all our water loving fantasy creatures.


November 01, 2005

How to post it here:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Don't forget to write its title and your user name. For example:

1. "Title" - [insert user name]
Image goes here
"Explanation, Date & Location"

Two Photographs will be chosen by the Council and the Assembly among all those presented.
The winners will receive the colored badge and the participants will receive the green version of it:

<img:img/new/shutterbug1.gif> <img:img/new/shutterbug2.gif>




31.Secret Haven - [Eriseith]
I took this photo, because I really love this place. I believe that Water Sprites,and/or Naiads, live here, because I think that a few salmon that grow up here stay their entire lives here entranced by the Water Sprites, and/or Naiads beauty. I believe that they actually stay in a little cave that not in the picture, but near that pool. The location of this photo is actually right behind my apartment building by about 50 feet, and a short walk up the creek. I took this photo 9/14/05.

32.A Hidden Retreat - [font]
This image was taken at Tullymore Forest Park in Northern Ireland. It could be very easy to imagine some small mythical creature (maybe even a Forest Gnome) finding a small cranny behind the white gushing waters of this mini fall. Using it as a home or a secret hide away, then climbing out into the lush greenery to pick some berries for a light lunch. Unless, of course there is a water sprite sitting there!
Tullymore Forest Park, Morne Mountains, N.Ireland - 5/5/05

33.A tiny mermaids- [Ishje]


i took this picture in 1998 in zwitzerland, this place looks so magical, that i have no doubt that there live tiny little mermaid's live there between the rocks,who eat other little water creaturs like little shrimps.the water has much power but they will not notice, becouse they live in the proteciton of the rocks.

34.Sea Creature - [Dil*]

Taken in a sight-seeing point in Mexico, Acapulco (2005 summer).
Once a couple sitting on this rocky cliff saw a sea dragon fly out of the ocean and into the sky. Ever since, curious passer-bys have wandered to this site to try to get a glimpse of this miracle. So many people in fact, they built a site seeing point here. The locals like to tell tourists 'the legend of the blue sea dragon'.

35. Raindrops on Roses [Tilanie]

Taken from my home yard 30. of june, 2005

"Can you see the mysterious light coming from inside the beads of water? There’s tiny shiny fairies, who live inside raindrops. Haven’t you heard of them?
Or perhaps you’ve heard about the strange folk, kind of fairies but not yet quite. They come out only when it’s raining, and play and dance on the silvery surface of the raindrops. They make works or art, by decorating flowers with the raindrops. Have you seen the one that made this? Haven’t you heard about them at all?"

36. Sprites In My Pool [Neon Tangerine]

Taken on September 19th, 2005 in my back yard, and the picture is of my pool.

This pool is horridly disgusting, and looks somewhat like a swamp... maybe cleaner. So, it is the best place for Mini water sprites to inhabit. They love swamps, but alot of the larger lizards or fantasy creatures have taken over most of them around here. They have pale green skin, and dark green hair. I never saw their eyes, but I'm sure they're green too.

37. "Water spirit" [Ocean Soul]


When I came to this place, there was a spirit like creature "hanging" over the water. It was very shiny and beautiful to watch in its floating movements. The light was breaking in its transparent body, reflecting colorful spots and sparkles all around. When I took out my camera in order to take a photo, it jumped into the water, giving it a mystical red color and splashing the water all over me :P
Taken in Germany, Harz mountains, at a lake called "Oderteich". The water comes right out of the moor, so that´s why it is red (no, I did not manipulate it!). It was taken on September 19th 2005.

38. muddy pool of the sad sad troll [Seany.]


this pic was taken today! the 20/09/05 at the top of my street in the north of england. I saw it and realised that there was a troll! Poor thing just sat there hiding in the water because he knew that his pond was no where near as impressive as some. so he cried... and i cried for him.

39. "The unknown creature" [Vëaneron]


Don't let the false calmness mistake you. The see-gulls are disturbed by an unknown creature and take off. The creature keeps all form of life away from this ocean waters for centurys... Note:The photo was taken as shown, no manipulation.
Taken 29th August 2005 at Costa da Caparica Beach

40. "My FaeryWaterGarden" [moira hawthorne]


Early morning of the 19th of Sept 2005. I had stayed awake all night. Sleep deprived and washing dishes I was sure I saw thru my kitchen window a small fae bathing in the fish pond; one of the many water features in my small garden. Maybe it was just the morning light hitting the water of this small marble stone and shell filled pond. Or maybe just maybe it was a my faery friend featured in my art having his morning bath.

41. Creepy Water - [Markk!]
21-9-2005 , In the morning.. Picture is taken in Holland.
I Think the angels will sleep at that place..

42. Hidden in the seas [shotokan_gal]


If you look closely you might see the sunlight reflecting off the waterdragon's scales, snoozing in the shallows, keeping cool on a hot summer day.

Taken July 2005 at Southend on Sea, England, from the pier.

43. Bubble Sprites [naru bloodwind]

This is a pic I took this morning in the nearby woods. Finally I managed to catch a bunch of bubble sprites with the camera. They live in our woods and are related to raindrops. but contrary to them they know more than falling. as you can see in this pic they are also able to float :)

44. Alaskan Water Dragon [Kyrinn]

Floating over this lake in a wet canoe at dusk gave me the distinct impression I was on someone else's territory.. Would not have been surprised to see a scaly tail or a pair of ice blue eyes looking at me like I was a meal. I hear this lake doesnt freeze completely over in the winter, either.. Taken July 4th, 2005 at Quartz Lake, just outside of Delta Junction, Alaska.

45. Leviathan's Waters by [Stephen]

Within this peaceful lake swims Leviathan, hidden by the freezing depths, and feasting upon the many ships lost on this lake. The horrible gales and the freezing rain are the doings of Leviathan, when he hungers for more of the ships. Taken September 20, 2005 at Lake Superior, Michigan.

46. Waves by [Aldalome]

I wasn’t really sure which creature lives here, and I can’t go back and ask them for they have made their home hard to reach. Surrounded by cliffs it is an ideal home for fairies, mermaids and a lot of other water creatures. It’s secluded and has many secret hiding places, humans can’t reach it; the rocks are too dangerous so getting near with a boat is too risky, and the tide is treacherous. That is why they can live in peace here. Only to be seen from above when standing on the cliff near Pointe du Van by the Baie de Douarnenez in Bretagne.
August 1 2005 at exactly 4pm.

47. Lake Opal by [Cat0132]

I believe this lake has mermaids with scales of opals to match the beautiful sunsets...

This was deffiantly the most breath-taking sunset I have ever seen in my life, Chop Point Maine, August 13 maybe 14 '05

48. [Skydancer] The Iron Troll of the Chattooga River
A bit south of Cashier's North Carolina there is an old road that going through the forest and across a mountain gap that was one of the first ways into the area. There is an old iron bridge that crosses the Chattooga river there, and if you catch it at just the right time, you might see the troll that lives under the bridge. There is no photomanipulation, no messing with the image. What you see is what the camera saw. Usually, depending on the water levels, the troll is hidden in the rivers white waters under the bridge, but not only in this case did I get to photograph the waters, but the Troll also. Ummm 2003? I use film so no time stamps and no digital dates on the image files.
Spirits Bless,

49.[*micky*] Where the water faeries live
<img300*0:>this picture is taken in belgium.
everyone has a water faerie. they live everywhere near or in the water where people are.
they love to ride,(if you can call it ride:P),on the back of a fish they often do races against eachtother. they also like to play with little kids and are there for you to rescue you if you can't swim. other then normal faeries they won't die if you say you don't believe in faeries. no....they like to make you soul forever young again but if that's so good........

50. [Kelaria] - "Dance of the Water Sprites"
It's obvious that water sprites were dancing all over this rose! Perhaps they were having a party while no one was looking. If you look closely you might just see a golden wing or two peaking out!
Taken: October 7th 2005 - on my back deck in Arlington, Virginia, USA

51. [nehirwen] a waterdragons house
it's a waterspout, I think that's the word..
I believe its a perfect save tower of water for a little waterdragon,
he can just circle in and out, but it's dangerous for creatures as humans etc.

taken 7/23/2003 2:10 pm, IJselmeer (the biggest lake of the Netherlands)

52. Mermaid Palace [multypersonality]
I think the title says it all... but i have to explain why mermaids live there, well this is the throne where the Mermaid Queen usually sits at the important feasts, the King sits opposite the Queen. Mermaids love having fish pets around them, they say it makes the ocean happier.
Taken during my summer vacation at Atlantis Hotel Nassau

53. [Fizban] - Hidden Secret
These cool waters conceal a hidden secret...nothing underlying the waters, but its the water itself. This hidden fall binds you too it when ingested. Harmless if left alone, but few would even think to drink such water. The few that have become addicted to it. Every time they come back and drink they change more and more, intill they cant live without water itself. They become Water-snared, morphed into a being that must rely upon water to stay alive,...scales, Fins, and when you get form gills, thats when your released from its call. You no longer have the insatiable drive to drink from the water, but you are bound to the water around you. Some say that Water fall was cursed by vengeful water pixies. Others say its the ghost of a lonely mermaid who had died there,...sad and lonely.

this pic was taken october 2nd 2005, in NY leeds

54. [thoughtfox] - Serpents' Lake
This vast lake in the centre of the rocky deserts of the east is home to a whole city of nagas, the powerful snake-lords...
taken 3 July 2005, from Mt Masada next to the Dead Sea, Israel

55.[Artemis Riddle] Gathering Raindrops
I spotted this out waking in the forest one day, and I found out that it was here the faeries was collecting the raindrops. they carry the leefs between them, with the drops on, so that they don't have to go down to the river, and risk to fall in. And the water looks prettier this way.
Photo taken in norway, on an old forest road, on oct. 2nd, 2005.

56. snowy river. [Lordterrex]
Kuskokwim river, aniak alaska. taken the morning of october 2nd, 2005.
there are little people that live here... they try to trick people in winter time... they steal children, and the children will be with them for like an hour, but it will really be hundreds of years. they usually come back naked, little people are bad for the most part, there about three feet tall, little tricky punks, kind of like goblins.. this is the river they live by.

57. Mountain Lake - [melperi]
A small lake in the mountains of Lappland. A Nymph lives in this lake. And if you stay over a night near the lake, when the moon is ful, you can see how she rises from the water and dances a sad dance.
I took this in this summer when i was hiking in Lappland. Of course the lake was even more beautiful in the nature but your imagination starts to run even when you look the photo.

58. Bedazzled Bathroom sink - [farawaygone]
This is my bathroom sink this only happens in the evenings, while I am lying in bed I can sometimes hear the music and laughter coming from the bathroom. I believe water faries live in my sink underneath the basin in a hidden cavity attatched to the pipes. They come out at night and celebrate, each and every morning I have to clean up the mess they create. They leave a lot of fairy dust behind as you can see, scattered around the basin.
I took this picture on 3/10/05. I secretly crept in and all the faries dissapeared when I turned on my torch.

59. Lake of Opal - [syagre]
In my mind, these waters are the reflection of the gaze of the Lady of Ice... At once being intent opalescent blue and crystal clear, one could wish for being drown in her eyes. The sweet temptation of her kiss makes forget her freezing embrace... just as touching the waters makes weariness fade away, until the cold paralyzes you.
Actual place : Lac d'Opale, Parc National des Pyrénées Occidentales, France, alt. 2320 m.
This picture was taken as I’ve been mountaineering for a few days with two good friends of mine (whom can be seen on the picture) last summer (taken on august the 4th). The colour intensity combined with such a tranparency is amazing... so fitting to the name ! One of the beautiful sights we had along our journey...

60. water into the mirror - [merlina]
this is picture is taken at 29-09-2005 (don't look at the date at the picture, the date on my camera isn't right)
I made this in a washbasin with a mirror, I believe that the creature that live here, is the creature that lives in all of us, it's the creature you see when you look in the mirror. and the way i made the picture it seems that the water goes straight through the mirror, like it's going into an other world.


Please edit the page adding the number of your artwork and a break-line...


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- Water Photos, Page 1
- Water Photos, Page 3
- ET Photograph Competition

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2005-10-04 [Kelaria]: who is suave?

2005-10-04 [nehirwen]: what is to be suave anyway?

2005-10-04 [moira hawthorne]: *bangs head on desk*

2005-10-04 [nehirwen]: O.o ...

2005-10-04 [Skydancer]: Definition of suave (adjective forms: suaver; suavest)

2005-10-04 [thoughtfox]: Definition of suave, according to Smoothly agreeable and courteous.

2005-10-04 [Skydancer]: Hmmm I see you cannot paste in two lines in comments.. shrug

2005-10-05 [thoughtfox]: aye, i tried to do so myself...

2005-10-05 [nehirwen]: ahh well, thank you both very much =)

2005-10-05 [multypersonality]: someone tried to erase the entire wiki page?!?!?! OoO!!! go guards!!!^nice to know you've banned that person!

2005-10-05 [merlina]: i tried to edit a picture...but now you only see the link...and not the picture.....what do have to change?

2005-10-05 [merlina]: never mind it already works ^_^

2005-10-05 [moira hawthorne]: merlina cool... mirrors are links.. check out # The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag (1959) by Robert A Heinlien

2005-10-14 [Fizban]: who do i talk to to get my pic up now?? >_<

2005-10-14 [Kelaria]: *sigh* go to page three -_-;;

2005-10-14 [Yuriona]: Actually [Fizban], just send me the information you would like posted and I will put your entry up here as we had discussed earlier. *sighs and shakes her head*

2005-10-14 [Fizban]: no no no -_-...i am well aware of that protocol so dont gimme any a that stuff ;) lols...i have a previous entry here on page 2...however i never put the pic up, the pic i wanted to use, was messed up so i needed to get a new i have a new one but the page is locked i forgot the person who controls them, but i should prolly just look on hte front page and that will tell me lols...

2005-10-14 [Yuriona]: O_o I'm the one who controls them remember?? I messaged you about it? *pokes [Fizban]*

2005-10-14 [Fizban]: yay, i forgot your name^_^ you were the person i was looking for ^_^ yay:) lols...i rememebre our discussion, just not yoru name >_<

2005-10-14 [Fizban]: well then i will do it tomarrow the pic is at my house, but i am too tired to think of a descrip for it and magic and such...

2005-10-14 [Fizban]: Thanks for putting up a name, i forgot to tell you what it was lols...

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