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2007-12-03 [Chrysilla]: No one said that fangs were mandatory! But all the pics you chose for the poll have pics, while there are here some images way better! You should've said you want fangs in the rules, so people don't work for hours for nothing!
2007-12-03 [Sunrose]: The rules state though that typical vampire images were wanted, one would have to immediately see that it's a vampire..
2007-12-03 [Chrysilla]: Okay, you moved away those that didn't look like vampires, why didn't you keep doing it? This way I could've known you want fangs, and add them, and have my work appreciated right now.
2007-12-03 [Artsieladie]: Upload a great looking photograph of a typical vampire or a realistically looking photo-manipula
I think here lies part of the problem, but I also think, that no matter how we word what we're looking for, there will still remain a certain amount of each individual's interpretation
2007-12-03 [Chrysilla]: I didn't say it was Sunny's fault, but as the staff already removed pics that didn't show vampires, they should have kept doing it, so that I could knew something was wrong about mine.
And rules say "great looking photograph" - don't tell me #17 for example is a great image...
2007-12-03 [Acronymous]: Another example of art being a subjective craft :) It is never easy to discard entries. In this case, measuring "vampyriness" according to objective criteria is not easy, but classifying entries according to subjective criteria can also be prone to error, or at least debate XD But it is always like that :) I know the crew does not judge based on personal bias, so what's done is done and it is no one's fault. I'll add huge fangs next time XD Or some flying atypical Alucard XD
2007-12-03 [Artsieladie]: I didn't say you did, but I just wanted it to be made clear. It wasn't pointed directly at you & I certainly apologize, if it seemed this way. I think there are some wrinkles that still need to be worked out in these photo sessions. :PP I will say that [Hedda] doesn't want anyone's efforts to go unnoticed or to be discarded, so there are &/or will be pages to accommodate everyone's contributions.
2007-12-03 [Hedda]: After speaking a little to [Chrysilla], I realize that in next contest we (as in everyone watching the contest, but firstly we contest bosses and helpers) should be more active with feedback to the submitters before going to the final. Here I tried to stay away as I was one of the submitters, which I guess was a little stupid as I still could help others. I'm just not that comfortable with telling people what they do wrong though.
2007-12-03 [Artsieladie]: This sounds good. :)
I'm just not that comfortable with telling people what they do wrong though.
Me, either!
2007-12-03 [Chrysilla]: I know the feeling, but I would have prefered being told in this context...
2007-12-03 [Artsieladie]: I think part of the problem lies in finding just the right words to say in the rules, so that there's not such a variance in their interpretation
2007-12-03 [Sunrose]: Argh, that is exactly what I bitched to you about last week [Hedda] ([477752 (Unknown or private posting)] & [477861 (Unknown or private posting)]).
We tried as best we could to sort out the entries by the 'typical vampire' rule, but you were the only one who really knew what kind of entries you wanted to see.
So you should realise that it's you who needs to be active here, we already were.
It's better to tell people what they did wrong before than after the deadline!
2007-12-04 [Mania Rage]: I shoulda made bigger fangs. XD
2007-12-08 [FetishFaerie]: Yes.. feedback before the poll was created would have been much appreciated. I've been waiting for months to see a poll created for voting, only to find that my image didn't make the cut. Rather dissappointing
2007-12-09 [Cia_mar]: sometimes i thing it would be neat to know the reasons why our pics dont make it... so that with the constructive critisism, we can improve for the next time.... i like feedback like that... other wise it is hard to know what to do to get better!
2007-12-12 [fire opal]: the teeth that haven't edited in what make are they?
you see out of all the ones i have tried in the past (and i have tried many different brands) i would deffinatley reconmend scarecrow fangs. check out www.vampfangs.
2007-12-13 [..majo..]: The teeth [skittels] used came from a store in Rotterdam called Black Widow....I have no idea of the brand or anything..,.I'
2007-12-13 [skittels]: nah I used the teeth I already had, I got them from a carnaval shop but I lost the little box so I have no idea wich brand it is...
2007-12-13 [..majo..]: Thanks for sorting that out sweety :P
2007-12-13 [fire opal]: hmm ok then well as i said i would happily reconmend the guys i named. their sevice is second to non and well the teeth are all in all cheap.
2009-02-15 [Mania Rage]: scarecrow is usually a popular brand that makes fake fangs in varied colors and sizes.
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