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Glamour photos, Page 1
Please see the rules on the main page:
ET photograph Competition
Winners: ET Photograph Competition - Glamour Photos
<news:[ET Photograph Competition@wiki] winners!>
Thank you to all that contributed!
How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:
1. "Title" - [
insert user name]
Image goes here
"Explanation, Date & Location"
There is a theme.
The theme of this contest is glamorous B&W portraits. Moviestars and starlets, glitter and glamour. Your own depiction of Hollywood's Golden Age.
Make sure the entries fit the theme, or they will be removed.
1. "Unadorned" - [
Elegy - gone]

28th of November 2006, in the evening. I don't know much about photography, nor about glamour, so I thought I'd stick with simple and rather try my hand at some fancy hair and make-up. Didn't work too well, but at least I've given it a shot. Taken in my room, up against a white wall.
2. "For all my fans" - [

Taken around 12:30pm, 1st December 2006 in my bedroom especially for the competition. An autographed picture for all my fans! ^_^"
Certificate of Authenticity:
3. "Vampo-glamour
ia" - [Vampire Akis]

Taken on 2nd December, in my boyfriend's sister's room around 3am. I hope they'll accept this one! ^^
4. "Roxanne" - [Avrora_Black]

Hmm....Model-me,the photo is taken in my room (the Christmas lights still hanging;) ), on the 7th January. I know I had previous entries,but I made new ones and I see them as more appropriate for here;) *Note:It's the angle of shooting that made me look that skinny*
"Sway me" - [Avrora_Black]

Same model, taken in my bathroom-the light there is really good...7th January again. By the way, on both photos I'm wearing a costume from a jazz dance I performed last year.I had forgotten it deep in the wardrobe,but when I found it,I though it looked glamorous in some way...:D Named after a song my Dean Martin.
5. [blu.nation]

mmeh, I like this one slightly better. x_x Taken on Jan. 17th.
Proof: (no real proof, very sry. i completely forgot. i put up a color version in place, hope that works.)

6. [Atayemi]
December 3rd, in the evening.
Well this is my third try..and if this one isn't acceptable, I'll keep trying I suppose. Anyways, I put a rose in my hair for a slight glamour effect and looked up some Marilyn Monroe pictures, and saw that she looks to the side sometimes like in this picture: not facing the camera. She looked quite natural yet glamourus and so hopefully this is too. It is a theme worth taking a risk to try. Though, it's hard. :P
B) [Atayemi]
'The Girl With The Golden Disc'

I wanted another go, so here I am again! I usually have my hair down so I put it up for a change, added some makeup and wore my new scarf which I had for Christmas. I had some old cd's which I found, so I thought why not use one of them? They're shiny! :D
7. [Yuriona]

Boy I hope this fits the theme. Ironic really if it doesn't. 
8. "Experimental Whore Number Two" - [Corazie]

05/12/2006 - 21.00
Model: [+♥+SAFFY+♥+]. It took a lot of shots to get the photo, but I think it's near perfect. Ever done the splits to get a magical photo?
9. "Rebellious Glamour" - [Nocternity S.]

Picture taken in my bedroom. December 8th.
"Lady in the Black Dress"

Picture taken in my bedroom. December 10th
10. "Diva" - [Teufelsweib]

Picture taken december the 9th. in my living room.
tried to make it look like an old picture, hope I succeeded! ^^;
oh, and I don't smoke (little but important detail!)
(note is stuck on my chin, I hope you can read it that I love elftown!)
11. [Diiwica]

Taken at my Dads home on december 11th at like 7 am.
12. "Pensive"and "Coy" - [Mirime]

Taken in an office, Dec. 10th, 2006 around 4pm.
13. "Getting dressed" - [Shjahjdahdvwa]

At house Dec.13th, 2006 at 3pm (Portugal time)
14. [~Lady Morgana~]

Taken on the 13th of December in my bedroom.
15. "Façade" - [Just.Kate]

Uh. Since I literally JUST now shot this, its 2:27am CST on December 14, 2006. o.O; This was shot in one corner of my very empty dining room. I usually use that blank wall as a huge projection screen for my mini-anime-conventions. But it makes a nice background for photos as well. ^^; Some of you with a keener eye might note that my make-up is NOT even. Yes, I did this on purpose, and yes, it ties in with the mask. I find that many Hollywood types wear a mask, and behind the façade of glitz and glamour, they are usually just like you and I, with families, friends, hobbies, and problems.
16. [Iuna]

Taken at December 9th in [Teufelsweib]’s livingroom.
17. "Daydream" and "Pearls" - [xerya]

Both taken on December 15th in my room. Many thanks to my gorgeous model [Linderel] ^_^
18. "I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art." - [toycar]

Taken on the 19th/20th December at around 4am, when crena decided that she didn’t feel all that much up to sleeping. With nothing but uplate gameshows on tv, with skimpy girls wearing bikinis, I decided to take photos of myself pretty much topless instead :) -note: I give credit to Madonna for the very fitting quote which I’ve chosen to title my work as xD
19. [Ilana]

Taken on Dec. 21st at about 9 in the morning in my bedroom with the webcam built into my computer.
20."How dare you! Fur is the latest fashion" - [Papa Don't Preach]
21.12.06, its not fur, dont worry, or even fake fur, just my magical scarf. it was taken in my bedroom
21. "Smile" - [irulan]

A simple shot, in my room, taken 12/20. [smakeupfx] helped with the glam.
22. "Longing" and "Anticipation"- [Lerune]

Um, taken in my room, specifically for this contest.
23. "Shy" - [Rook]

Taken in my bathroom on Dec 22, 2006. You don't get any closer to the Golden Age than falling updoes and pearls with red lipstick :}
Proof! -->
so sue me that it's not on paper. I didn't have any at the time ;P
24. "Untitled" - [werethylacine]

This was taken in my bedroom on the evening of December 23rd. I'm not happy with the unfocused areas, but this was still the best of many shots.
25. "Daydreaming" and "Not Another One!" - [Thistlewood]

Both were taken Dec 25th, 2006 in our livingroom. My model is my son [ferretmaster 92].
26. "Scruffy" and "Beautiful Darkness" - [Goodbye ET]

I wasn't too sure if these two fit the criterion, but I was thinking of the Hollywood glamour, and what was behind it. It's dirty and lonely. Yet those who are truly glamorous bring life and beauty into possible scene you can imagine-- thus, it's a beautiful darkness.
These pictures were taken in a bathroom in my house at 12:00 on December 29, 2006.
27. "Like beautiful French women" [banu]

01/01/2007 21.30
It was taken in my bedroom.
28. "Demure" and "Flirtatious" - [Sunrose]


Taken January 1st 2007
29. "A Hollywood Glimpse" - [Sunny Silverunicorn]

Taken 2nd of January 2007, around 5 pm. :)
30. "Classic Glamour" and "Thoughtful" - [Kelaria]

Taken January 6th 2007, around 9 pm at my parents' house in Virginia.
31. "Playing Classy" and "I'll Leave If You Really Want Me To" - [MissiMaLy]

Edited with new pics, including the proof. Taken on the 23rd of January, my house.
32.[Black Raven]~Removed
33."Stars in Becoming" and "Come and Get us... if you dare!" - [Faery]

Taken Friday January 5th, slightly before noon. The models are my sister, Chantal de Bellefeuille (Short hair) and my Cousin, Jeanne Castonguay (Long hair). Taken in Sepia mode with a CANON PowerShot S3 IS digital camera, edited in Photoshop Elements, January 24th.
And here come the proof pictures:

34. "kiss kiss" - [Teufelsweib]

took yesterday evening (8 January) in my bedroom, in front of my curtains to be precise ;)
le proof: 
note: edited the photo, is from the same day and shoot though
35. "looking sharp" - [Sahraminkukka]

Taken 9th of January, in the living room. I destroyed the wallpaper by putting pins on it to keep the cloth up, hope nobody notices... The hat is borrowed, unfortunately.
36. [elvenstarr]

"I'm gonna be a star"
January 10th, Drama room during lunchbreak. [Lady Annumundowen] is my model.

"Silent Contemplation"
January 10th, Lunch break in drama room. [Lady Annumundowen] is my model.
37. "Famous" - [Lady Chaos]

Photo taken 12th January 2007, late afternoon, in front of some curtains.
38. "risque" - [Elisha Kelly]

Taken tonight 23/01/07 at about 8.00pm in my room :P
39. "Basking" and "Ready for heaven" - [iippo]
Taken on the 1st of December 2006 after a mad shopping spree in a local charity shop (hence the dresses).

40. "Enter the star" and "Diva's smoke" - [MisLuck]
Token in january 11th if I remember now correct (the date is in the proof). Token in my little flat. I'm sitting in the bed and trying not to get anything around to pic but the wall.

41. "Epoque d'or" and "L´élégance de la fumée" - [Empee]

Taken on the 5th of January 2007 in my boyfriend's apartment ([Jeppe]). We used a bedsheet as background and two sources of light. (I finished editing it on the 16th).

Taken on the 9th of January also in [Jeppe]'s apartment. This time with a black sheet on his bedcouch. (Finished editing on the 16th).
And I don't really have elefantine hips, those are my knees ^_^
Proof Pictures:
On the second one I had already undressed when [Jeppe] reminded me of the proof picture, so it was taken right after the photoshooting, everything was still in its place.
42. "Wall Flower" - [H3_six]

Taken 17th of Jan by myself, on my couch with a bed sheet as a backdrop. It's a bit of a wistful/melancholy one. ) :
Proof picture:
43. "A Noble Glance" and "Martini Royal" - [Jeppe]

Both pictures were taken on the 8th of January in my apartment. I used a black cloth as background.
44. [*micky*]
a. Waiting.....

Taken 16 January in the livingroom.
b. See you.....

Taken this Christmas holiday!
The 2th of January in the hall.
45. "Do you smoke after sex? I don't know, I never looked." - [Saray]

Photo taken on the 19th of January. Glamour is a much harder subject than I thought it would be; doing pin-ups is much easier for me.
Proof photo: 
p.s. I took off my dress because I was freezing! But the picture was still taken on the same day!
46. "Private Dick" - [Trennas]

Photo taken on the 19th of January. It's not really a glamour photograph, but because those movies with private detectives were really hot at that time, I thought it would be cool to do something like that. Suits me better too; never been much for glamour ;)
Proof photo: 
47. "Here's lookin' at you kid" - [Delladreing]

Photo taken on the 20th of January (I know I know I cut it fine :P) taken in my upstairs living room. And yes I know you can see up my dress...well...they don't call it "the little black dress" for nothing.
48. "Glamour with a pup!" - [Nadie importante]

Ignore the date of the stupid camera, taken today 20th of January at around 10. uhm its the back of my door, my make-up, clothes and dog. Taken by me and my cam timer:P and the second pic is different dress and loose hair do:)
49. [Lothuriel]
My tribute to my childhood idol, Susan Hayward

Taken today, January 20, 2007 in my living room, sometime around 4:30 pm USEST, by my 9 year old daughter.
Proof 2: 
50. [moira hawthorne]
'When it was Glamourius to Smoke and Crossdress'

styled after Marlene Dietrich see glamour me
taken Dec 1st 2006 in my hallway between the bathroom and kitchen
taken Dec 1st 2006 in my hallway between the bathroom and kitchen
51. [BinaryPhoenix]
A) Las Vegas Glamour

Taken on my couch in the living room. 21st Jan 07
Model is me.
B) Contemplating the next heist

Taken in the living room, 21 Jan 07 in front opf a navy curtain
Model is my roommate / bestest friend
52. 'Do you mind?' and 'Shy and retiring?' - [sequeena_rae]

Both photos were taken on the 26th January (Last minute, I know :P). Of course, the model is myself ^^
53. 'Awaiting the rain' and 'Cold and Alone in Fur' - [Mercenes]

Both photos were taken on the 26th January, dans ma chambre, self-modelling of course.
54. "Captivated" and "Enthralled" - [Stray Kitty]

All pictures were taken on the 8th of December around 7am.
55. [Ruudje]
A)Tick-Tack Frankie, Tick-Tack... (cutscene from a maffia movie)

B)Sorry Frankie...but the Don has spoken

Own model, images taken by my father.

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