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The guards enforce the rules on Elftown, reprimand trouble makers and ban repeat offenders.

To report another member, please read the instructions on Report!


Elftown Guard Team

Town Guard


Town Guard Lieutenant

Town Guard Captain



(Webart by [Calico Tiger])

Please see Elftown - Rules & Uploading Art Rules to find out what Elftown's rules are.

If you wish to report someone please use the report function on member's houses, rather than messaging the Guards.

Please note that only the Lieutenants and the Captain can handle issues concerning harassment in messages.

[Hedda] should only be contacted regarding account issues.

Town Guard Veterans

Veterans#Guards: These are retired Town Guards.


Patrollers: Vigilantly report violations of the Uploading Art Rules to the Guards team.

Use the comment section for Guard related questions and issues only.


Go or return to:
-The wiki-index
-The Elftown Council
-The badge reward system
-The Uploading Art Rules
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2005-06-05 [Sana]: excuse me? sorry to intrude but I would like a favor? You see, I have been getting weirdos messaging me about where I live, my age, my family, and saying their single. and this time it was a 39 year old man. Would it be ok if someone puts a message above my house saying "This person does not want to cyber at all and doesnt want any more messages about it. If you, in anyway, go in that direction you will be banned or kicked out. you know something like that? Please I beg you

2005-06-05 [Ihsahn]: block those members and report them :)

2005-06-05 [Sunrose]: And such an SS often just challenges people to send you such messages..

2005-06-05 [nokaredes]: Can someone clarify something for me? Another Elftowner made me an animated GIF. Under the old rules, I could put it up in my house, but the new rules say I can't. Is that right?

2005-06-05 [curator angelus]: SS as in nazi, or in secert service?

2005-06-05 [Ihsahn]: animated gifs are not allowed unless you made them :)

2005-06-05 [nokaredes]: Okay, thanks.

2005-06-05 [Ihsahn]: its obvious its secret service comment

2005-06-06 [Walk By Faith .. Not By Sight]: Hey.. I was just wondering if you could all do me a favor. Would you put on my house that I don't want to cyber, give my msn out to just anyone.. and if they do then they will be reported? because I'm really sick of people asking me things like that...

2005-06-06 [irulan]: Read the above comments from [Ihsahn] & [Sunrose]. 

2005-06-07 [Yoruno]: Question: is it allowed to make a wiki where you can download music?

2005-06-07 [Calico Tiger]: Elftown is not a substitution for Napster :) We don't want to fill Elftown's hard drives with copyrighted music like that (those files are huge, and your pants can be sued right off of you). Now, if you were to create your own music (being a musician), that's one thing. But in that case, you really should check out Musmakers :)

2005-06-07 [Ultiem]: art sites usually accomodate the musicians too

2005-06-07 [Calico Tiger]: As I said, you really should check out Musmakers. Or I can just be ignored :P

2005-06-07 [Yoruno]: Ok... I'll go check that link! ^^ Thanks!

2005-06-07 [Ultiem]: i checked it out dont worry cali you are never ignored

2005-06-07 [I am here to help]: all right 2 of my friends and i have ogrinally made a wiki in ep i have thought that is might also do some good here in et besides what i have done, puting the name in my mood and posting it in the places that i think it goes, what else is there that i can do to get it know beacuse well if you take a look at my name and the wiki it would be good for people to know of this wiki now i know that there are places to go where they can get help but i have been to those places and none of them really work. If you could can you please tell me how else to get this wiki known thanks.

2005-06-07 [Ihsahn]: as I said On ep you advertise it, but not through the guards wiki ;)

2005-06-07 [I am here to help]: ohhh ok

2005-06-08 [TheEvilHat]: hows elf12 comin?

2005-06-08 [Ihsahn]: talk about that on the wiki elf12 ask questions their :)

2005-06-10 [ElizIvory]: How do I report someone who hacked into my acount and did not so nice things. The acount they hacked into was [Ego Diligo Tu] I created this acount so i can be on here peacfuly...

2005-06-10 [Sunrose]: Message [Hedda] about that.. :)

2005-06-10 [TheEvilHat]: [Deadlock jester] im just not really sure if he's breaking any rules or not, so i thought i would just ask someone elce

2005-06-10 [Ultiem]: nope he is clean

2005-06-10 [nokaredes]: No, it's [Asrun]'s picture in his drawing-slot, right?

2005-06-10 [Leara]: It's an image for ET graphics...though it's not supposed to be in his drawing or photo slot, it's supposed to be in his description.

2005-06-10 [Calico Tiger]: Btw, please don't start posting random people on this page and asking if they're breaking rules if you're not sure ;) That will end up being a lot of spam. If you believe someone is breaking the Uploading Art Rules, leave a report in their house to the guards :)

2005-06-10 [Ultiem]: nothing is wrong just picture placement


2005-06-10 [Calico Tiger]: The problem with Elftown Graphics in peoples' picture slots is that we end up with the image uploaded multiple times to Elftown when it's already uploaded to Elftown. We don't need that. Those images are supposed to go in your bio :D

2005-06-10 [Ultiem]: ah thanks cali ^_^

2005-06-10 [nokaredes]: Are we allowed to report people who are clone accounts of people with ETSS script on their house?

2005-06-10 [Ultiem]: see reports

2005-06-10 [Ihsahn]: no your not, it will be ignored guard can see clones through ip's ;)

2005-06-11 [Ultiem]: not exactly... you just need to be trustworthy and well.. worthy! :D

2005-06-11 [nokaredes]: Pfft. Quit spamming.

2005-06-11 [Ultiem]: random chat must be off the wiki please ^_^

2005-06-11 [Ultiem]: indeed they are quit spamming the wiki please

2005-06-11 [Ultiem]: what you are doing now, now stop

2005-06-11 [Lerune]: Turkey, just stop it. =oP You know full well what spamming is, you are just trying to crawl under [Ultiem]'s skin. ;o)  *shoos you away*

2005-06-11 [Ultiem]: thanks lerune.. How did you know what it was doing? lol

2005-06-11 [Sagacious Turkey]: "it"?!

2005-06-11 [Lerune]: He is very silly like that, and has been so for a while. =oP

2005-06-11 [Ultiem]: lol

2005-06-11 [Ihsahn]: well guards decide whats right here ;)

2005-06-11 [Ultiem]: i define spamming as filling the comment boxes with useless and otherwise unneeded trivia(randomness) if it isnt a guard matter that isnt a question or cry for help then you need to be in another chat wiki

2005-06-12 [Thunder Cid]: I need a grant for an official Elftown Wiki.

2005-06-12 [Ultiem]: what wiki is it

2005-06-12 [Ihsahn]: if it has something to do with elftown and the council sees it as fitting it will be made official, you should probably speak with the council

2005-06-12 [TheEvilHat]: Kornkids many many celebrity immages. Wiki Smash.

2005-06-12 [Ihsahn]: they are allowed on wikis only report it if its on some ones house ;) read the uploading art rules

2005-06-12 [djxmonster]: UAR's for wikis are different... celebs are allowed on wikis

2005-06-13 [TheEvilHat]: hmmmmm..... it never used to be like that... everything keeps changing :\

2005-06-13 [Ihsahn]: its always been like that :)

2005-06-13 [TheEvilHat]: -.-

2005-06-13 [Calico Tiger]: Please do not spam this page :)

2005-06-14 [Fashionably Restrained]: question. i hade this img on my house <> and it was deleted. wats wrong with it?

2005-06-14 [Fashionably Restrained]: well, anyway..

2005-06-14 [Sunrose]: Please ask the guard who deleted the image, because we can't see the image anymore..

2005-06-14 [Fashionably Restrained]: i dont know who deleted it. its still on the wiki Lost... though so u can look at it

2005-06-14 [djxmonster]: The image ( was deleted because it was animated. Read the UAR's for more info.

2005-06-14 [Fashionably Restrained]: so, u cant have anything that moves on ur house? only in wikis?

2005-06-14 [Sunrose]: And you can see who deleted it in the message that was sent to you about the deletion :) (thanks [djxmonster] ^_^) --- Unless you created it yourself. All other animated images are only allowed on wikis yes...

2005-06-14 [Zab]: or is it my own computer?

2005-06-14 [Sunrose]: I can see all of them.. >_>

2005-06-14 [djxmonster]: [Fashionably Restrained]: S-1. Animated images are not allowed in your house.EDIT: The only exception to this rule is non-annoying animated images made by you. // [Zab]: It's most likely your internet connection.

2005-06-14 [Zab]: Wierd..I´ll just hope for them to come back, then..thanks anyway.

2005-06-14 [Fashionably Restrained]: no message was sent with it, it was just deleted. thanx for clearing that up for me.

2005-06-14 [Zab]: Ok, thanks, [djxmonster] ^_^It´s fixed.

2005-06-14 [Leara]: Fire Fox 245, are those Kouga comics yours, or were they made by the owner of ?

2005-06-14 [Sunrose]: [Fashionably Restrained]: See this message that was sent to you [39885635@] (only you can see it if you click this). The first imagelink is the deleted image you meant and thus you were messaged about its deletion :)

2005-06-15 [Zab]: Could you please put such SS-sign above my house telling that I´m a female? I´m not sure it´ll help people from making mistakes *luagh*, but yet...It could be easier for those who actually looks there or have looked to know. I´ve tried to change my name a few times, but, well it just isn´t me then..Please do it?

2005-06-15 [Calico Tiger]: Errr.... no. That's not what the SS messages are for :) And labeling you as a female in such a message is only going to get you some very unwanted attention. Or if that's the kind of attention you actually want, that's also a bad reason for that message

2005-06-15 [Zab]: *sigh* Allright, I had to ask. Have a wonderful night..or day, whatever it is were you are.

2005-06-15 [Calico Tiger]: Heh, don't worry, btw. People think I'm a male most of the time as well ;) Regardless of whether it's in an SS message or in giant words in your bio, or in a line somewhere in the page, people simply won't notice it. They don't read. They just look at pictures :-/

2005-06-15 [Zab]: Hehe, I know it probably wouldn´t work, but there are a few who actually tries to check it before they answer a comment, and it takes very long time before they answer :/ And I wouldn´t care about the attention, or mistakes people do. It´s just irritating when it takes that long time.

2005-06-15 [Zab]: oh, and a question: Why do you put those messages on houses, when they gives the opposite effect? *just out of curiosity*

2005-06-16 [True, plain and simple]: We don't. Some guards have in the past, but it was decided that there's no reason to use them for pointless things on the whole..If certain guards wish to do that..Good for them, I guess.

2005-06-16 [Jay Ladlehaus]: It's a good way to flush out the stupid.

2005-06-16 [Spanakopida]: Sorry if this is not the place to be posting concerns, but I have a slight problem. I am the owner of the pro-pink army and I have gotten multiple reports of the small animated banner (<img:>) being removed from their houses by guards. I do not know if they are being removed because they are considered "annoying" as the uploading art rules state, or the guards do not realize that they are for a wiki, or as much as I hate to consider, because of personal bias. Is this banner in fact against the rules? And if not, could someone please explain to me why they are being removed from people's houses? Thank you.

2005-06-16 [djxmonster]: The banner is not allowed on houses as it is animated, which is why they were removed.

2005-06-16 [Spanakopida]: But the uploading art rules state "The only exception to this rule is non-annoying animated images made by you. Something that makes you look for the delete button is annoying.

This includes animations donated to Elftown Graphics and animated wiki-banners."

2005-06-16 [djxmonster]: That means animated wiki banners are included in "What is not allowed". YOU can use the image if YOU have created it.

2005-06-16 [Spanakopida]: Oooh. Okay, I understand. The wording is a little odd, I got confused.

2005-06-16 [djxmonster]: yeah... its a bit strange.... Maybe I'll go fix it :)

2005-06-17 [beckzo]: please may i become a guard? i have done well by elftown.

2005-06-17 [True, plain and simple]: No.

2005-06-17 [beckzo]: ok well just asking

2005-06-17 [blackshadows]: what will i need to do to become a guard and may i be one please?

2005-06-17 [djxmonster]: See Can I be a Guard?

2005-06-17 [Ocean Dreaming]: Before asking "May I become a Guard," please read the FAQ first. In other words, you start by checking whether your question isn't already answered elsewhere.

2005-06-17 [Calico Tiger]: Try reading this whole page, look at the links, and quit spamming with questions already answered at the top of the page. Any further "can I be a guard?" questions will be deleted

2005-06-18 [purplegirl1818]: ok i hyave a question, i had made a divider, and it followed all the rules, yet everyone of them were deleted, may i ask why?

2005-06-18 [Zab]: it´s hard to answer if you can´t show the divider...(coming from a non-guard)

2005-06-18 [Sunrose]: Most likely because you uploaded it to Elfpack..

2005-06-18 [purplegirl1818]: i would be able to if it werent deleted, after i uploaded it i deleted it from my computer

2005-06-18 [Shreya]: It was deleted probably because you don't even seem like the same person on Elfpack.

2005-06-18 [purplegirl1818]: o ok... ummm so what do i do?

2005-06-18 [Sunrose]: If you really made it, upload it to elftown. If you didn't, then don't upload it at all and choose a divider from elftown graphics :)

2005-06-18 [Ihsahn]: the only problem is she didn't make it notice on ethe elfpack divider says 1020_1108036606 the 1020 is the member number from the url the member on elfpack is 17 not 14....... just thought I would add that in

2005-06-19 [Sunrose]: That's what [Shreya] and myself already pointed out >.>

2005-06-19 [Leara]: Image of a 13yr old bend over, showing her cleavage and bra advertising her bra size...Allowed or to be reported? I feel like a pedaphile just from having seen it. >.>

2005-06-19 [djxmonster]: Report it and we'll check it out

2005-06-19 [Leara]: watch your wording there buddy. :P 'we'll check it out' doesn't seem to go after a cleavage comment. O.O

2005-06-19 [djxmonster]: Yeah... I thought about that... :P

2005-06-19 [Ultiem]: warped comments everywhere ^_^

2005-06-19 [Ihsahn]: well of course just some advice, flaming a wiki isn't going to get you any were you could try a more diplomatic solution and actually talk to one of the guards if you honestly beleive something unfair was done to you

2005-06-19 [MorbidMommy86]: okay i guess i will

2005-06-19 [Surreal Atrocities]: honestly alot of stuff was done to me that was unfair...and why the fuck would i wanna talk to any guard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-06-19 [MorbidMommy86]: sorry..i am out of the station

2005-06-19 [MorbidMommy86]: i wont bother you so dont bother me

2005-06-19 [Ihsahn]: because you might be suprised at the fact some of them might be fair ;) if not all of them you just need to try ;)

2005-06-19 [Surreal Atrocities]: try try you say?????what is the real meaning of that word?do any of you even now?i would supppose not!!!!!!!!your all so young anyway!!and you say that some of them might be people should work on all of them being fair!!!!!!!!so FUCK YOU!!!!!

2005-06-19 [djxmonster]: [Surreal Atrocities]: One more comment like that and I will ban you. I removed your images so if you have a problem, talk to me

2005-06-19 [Surreal Atrocities]: why the fuck do i wanna talk to you??????

2005-06-19 [Ihsahn]: no need to yell ;) yet you do not know untill you try =p if you don't like what they are doing then attempt to see what is wrong and also read the uploading art rules as for the swearing is that really needed to get a point across? can we be civilized adults, i understand you might be angry but think ;)

2005-06-19 [djxmonster]: I'm the Guard that you should deal with as I removed your pictures.

2005-06-19 [Surreal Atrocities]: what do you think your all big and bad cuz your saying oh i am the guard that you should deal with as i removed your pictures.............what do you think people are going to think you kewl now since you announced must be one lonley fuck!!!!!!!!

2005-06-19 [Shreya]: I think xmonster just means that since he was the one who deleted your images, you could try asking him what was wrong with them.There's no need to get rude.

2005-06-19 [djxmonster]: [Surreal Atrocities]: Further comments like that from you will be deleted

2005-06-19 [Surreal Atrocities]: i will be deleted????deleted from what?elftown?

2005-06-19 [djxmonster]: No... your comments will be deleted if they contain profanity or the likes

2005-06-19 [Surreal Atrocities]: the likes???????the likes of what??

2005-06-19 [djxmonster]: Ok, I'm tired of crowding this wiki, message me or another Guard with your problems.

2005-06-19 [MorbidMommy86]: *pouts* i have a problem i am serious

2005-06-19 [djxmonster]: What's wrong?

2005-06-19 [MorbidMommy86]: okay i never sent anyone to the gaurds i need help so how does the gaurd thing work

2005-06-19 [djxmonster]: There is a button on each house that says something to the effect of "Report this member to the Guards"... click that and make a report :)

2005-06-19 [MorbidMommy86]: okaoy will i remain annomus

2005-06-19 [Shreya]: Yes

2005-06-19 [MorbidMommy86]: okay thanks..

2005-06-19 [MorbidMommy86]: i told this person i wont send him to the gaurds if he dont leave me lone can you put a message over my house saying this memeber dont cyber?

2005-06-19 [pixish]: If he doesnt leave you alone, you can just block him and then report him to the guards O__O

2005-06-19 [Za0 Zejala]: [something you dont know] <------- porn on this house, letting the guards know

2005-06-19 [Ocean Dreaming]: [Za0 Zejala], please use the report button to report members, instead of the Guards page. Nothing to see on that house, btw.

2005-06-21 [Janouk]: Could someone check if [welcome to camp fuck you] isn't a clone house? This member has only been here for one day, but started insulting emediately, which makes me think it might be a clone. It sends messages around saying you're fat. (Which actually makes me laugh, but I'm sure this is not what Elftown is for ^^)

2005-06-21 [shotokan_gal]: Ah... you're not the only one getting these messages [Janouk]. At this rate hopefully the creature'll be banned, I've already written a report on him, and encourage others to if they're getting such messages.

2005-06-21 [Ultiem]: any user that shows up to insult is badly reflecting the stupidity of the owner...-_-

2005-06-21 [Janouk]: I first wrote a report but decided not to send it because the member just arrived here today...But if he continues I'll write a report as well.

2005-06-21 [shotokan_gal]: If the member just arrived and immedietly starts insulting people (I was one of the first people on his 'last visited' list) then that's even more reason to report them in my opinion. They just joined to cause havoc and insult, and for no valid reason at all. (I'm not a guard though so I don't have the last word, maybe one could help us out here?)

2005-06-21 [Ultiem]: if thats the case he has a first class ticket to banned land if he continues me thinks

2005-06-21 [Sunrose]: I banned the member and several clones that were just here to insult others :(

2005-06-21 [Ultiem]: its what they chose to have happen, their choice to be banned.

2005-06-21 [someelf]: I have a quiestion. I have drawings... And I've been pretty artistic with thing's and such. But my artistic side is a bit.. Let's just use the word 'naked'. But, do I need a request on that or something? Like a warning untop of my house? o.O *Blinks awaiting*

2005-06-21 [Ultiem]: i dont draw but maybe you do

2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: [someelf]: It deosn't look like you need one :)

2005-06-21 [Leara]: I'm thinking she didn't put them up yet because she wants to know about the warnings first. :P

2005-06-21 [Sunrose]: General note: Please let Guards answer questions on this wiki. Answering questions for us mostly means we will have to correct you, confirm or add to what you said. Other times the comments made are just not needed and considered somewhat random. We don't want this wiki to get cramped with false, obsolete or random comments. 99% of the questions here can only be answered by Guards. General questions not meant for Guards can be answered (if you know the answer!) or directed to the right place/person, but please refrain from answering questions that are obviously directed at the Guards. Thank you.

2005-06-21 [Sunrose]: I think [Leara] is probably right, so [someelf] it depends on if your drawings can be considered artistic nudity. If so then you can request a comment on your house warning people about it. If it is more like porn then it isn't allowed on your house at all... :)

2005-06-21 [someelf]: It is artistic nudity.. And yes I didn't put it up yet.. 'Cause of I was affraid of doing something againts the rules, which I obey o.x' Sort of o.o And it's abosolutly no porn. x.x Should I send you some pictures of my drawing's. I didn't scan them yet. Cause of I didn't knew they weren't allowed yet. o.o I think that was it o.o

2005-06-21 [someelf]: (Sorry I didn't answer earlier. Forgot to watch the wiki.)

2005-06-21 [Sunrose]: I'll put up a notice in your house in advance and you can warn us when you put it up to reassure you they are okay :)

2005-06-21 [Sana]: pardon my intrution but user [ninja_252] asked me to cyber without regards to my diary entry or your warning up above. It sickens me how people dont pay attention. can you please fix this problem thankyou.

2005-06-22 [Noadi]: Could I please get an artistic nudity warning for my house. I want to put up some nude figure studies that I've been working on and I'd rather not until I have a warning up for those who are uncomfortable with artistic nudity.

2005-06-22 [Alkor]: HEY, a gaurd removed this image ( <img:> ) Is this breaking the rules? Cause, I found it here on this site in the banner link or where ever..I had this divider in my house for like 8 months or whatever..

2005-06-22 [djxmonster]: [Noadi]: I'll put one up for you // [Alkor]: That divider was most likely removed because it's linked to some other page and could be considered a "random Image"

2005-06-22 [Alkor]: Well, can I use it with the gaurds permission?

2005-06-22 [djxmonster]: Where did you find it?

2005-06-22 [Adnama]: We've already discussed this. No. -- And he told me he found it in Elftown Graphics in the dividers section. I looked. It wasn't there. :P

2005-06-22 [poisoned romance]: I saw on some peoples sites that you put a banner above it stating that they were not interested in "cybering" and "using webcam and msn". I was wondering if those were open to the public...?

2005-06-22 [Nita]: Open to the public? In what way?

2005-06-22 [someelf]: Thank you [Sunrose].

2005-06-24 [tuff ghost]: Can I get a comment above my house? Any comment, please. It may even be about me being on the verge of being BANNED! *Hopes to fufill her lifelong dream of having a guard comment*

2005-06-24 [Calico Tiger]: No, that's not the point to the comments ;)

2005-06-24 [tuff ghost]: But...But... Oh, PLEASE?! I want a comment SO badly!

2005-06-24 [Malnu]: And this isn't a place to hold conversations either...just if you really need help.

2005-06-24 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Could someone put a message in my house saying I am NOT into cybering... to many people ask me too and I am tired of it... I have kid.. jeez... could someon please???

2005-06-27 [Fashionably Restrained]: does this image break the rules? <img:>

2005-06-27 [Nita]: How did you make it?

2005-06-27 [Fashionably Restrained]: what?

2005-06-27 [Alkor]: How did you make that banner?

2005-06-27 [Fashionably Restrained]: oh, a friend sent me the fox and i put the words on

2005-06-27 [Goodbye ET]: <img:> This image/ divider belongs to [RaineDrop] She asked people to get permission before using it.....heh

2005-06-27 [Sunrose]: Did she also create it? Because as far as I know that divider comes from the net and that means it's not allowed on houses.

2005-06-28 [Zab]: Do I need one of those artistic nudity signs if I have this in my house?

2005-06-28 [peura]: Zab: No. There's no reason to have the sign unless you get a lot of messages like "Eww, gross! I can see the fairy's butt!" and are bothered by it.

2005-06-28 [Zab]: ok. just wanted to know before I showed it^_^

2005-06-28 [Ultiem]: its a nice pic though ^_^

2005-06-28 [Fashionably Restrained]: so is my banner allowed?

2005-06-28 [Sunrose]: Your friend sent you the image right? How did he/she get it?

2005-06-28 [Fashionably Restrained]: made it

2005-06-28 [Sunrose]: I assume that means you have permission to use it, so yes you can use it as a wikibanner :)

2005-06-28 [Fashionably Restrained]: thank u

2005-06-28 [someelf]: I got the scanner and my first nude picture is up.. And still thanks [Sunrose].

2005-06-30 [curator angelus]: is it ok if i put up links to music?

2005-06-30 [Fashionably Restrained]: are images like this allowed? <img:>

2005-06-30 [Zab]: eh..if you have made them or have permittion from the artist to use them.(I´m not a guard, just tries to help..)

2005-07-01 [curator angelus]: any guards on duty?

2005-07-01 [Malnu]: Elftown Graphics has authorized images that you can use, as they were provided by the artists for general use. But it must have been made by the Artist to be allowed in Elftown Graphics.

2005-07-01 [Malnu]: long as you are only linking to the website it should be alright. Just don't place images from the site to be visible on your house.

2005-07-02 [curator angelus]: i won't, its only a link

2005-07-03 [SlumDumb89]: i need a guard to message me please!!!

2005-07-03 [SlumDumb89]: A.S.A.P

2005-07-03 [Nita]: Alright...

2005-07-03 [Malnu]: about?

2005-07-04 [pinktigereyes18]: i want to become a town guard

2005-07-04 [Ocean Dreaming]: Before asking "May I become a Guard," please read the FAQ first. It's advised you read the page before you ask about joining something. It's usually explained. ^-^

2005-07-04 [Fashionably Restrained]: yeah, this was sent to me by a friend here on ET

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