Page name: Artsieladie-Donor_Of_Funds [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-01-29 18:10:45
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Sub-page to: Elftown-Contributions_By_Artsieladie</center>

[Artsieladie]: Donated in names of 21 members; "full" donor privs:

The members' names are:
<img:> ~ [Akayume]
<img:> ~ [Artsieladie]
<img:> ~ [Atayemi]
<img:> ~ [bluefarie]
<img:> ~ [Charybdis]
<img:> ~ [Dark Side of the Moon]
<img:> ~ [Feasting on Needles]
<img:> ~ [Fire-n-Ash]
<img:> ~ [Fizban]
<img:> ~ [gruffybear]
<img:> ~ [Hedda]*
<img:> ~ [hidden_nightmare]
<img:> ~ [Iske]
<img:> ~ [Leelo]
<img:> ~ [Linderel]
<img:> ~ [Morningstar Rising]
<img:> ~ [nehirwen]
<img:> ~ [windowframe]
<img:> ~ [True, plain and simple]
<img:> ~ [xido]
<img:> ~ [Zab]

* ~ I donated for/to [Hedda] (and Lilo), several times and MORE than the amount equivalent to the "full"
donor amount. I didn't give money in [Hedda]'s name for the reason of full donor privs, obviously, but be-
cause I wanted him to know that HE was appreciated, too. ...And HE sooooooo generously in turn showed
HIS appreciation towards me, too! ..Just in the "opposite" way. Bless him!

Also, please see: Donors of Funds.


Each person I have donated for I was and still am glad I did so, in spite of what has transpired here. If I didn't
want to have done it, I wouldn't have. My donations were a token of appreciated acknowledgement to/for those
whom I believed (and still do) to either truly love and appreciate being a member here, those that have majorly
contributed to/for this site, and/or both. Not only did I donate for each person to have "full" donor privs, but I
also donated extra for each, to help offset money lost in the exchange of monies, for I didn't want [Hedda] to
lose out in the transaction. I also requested of [Hedda] each time, to keep my donating anonymous, which he
did, so I do thank him for this.


Please note the date I last sent Hedda money, which was strictly indicated "FOR him and Lilo": 2008-12-15. Now
for those of you that can, go look in the forum where HE, NOT THE REST OF THE CREW, gave me a bloody hard
time about my Elftown Dreamers' Contest, which was JUST AFTER he received it; the very same contest he also
instigated others in the crew to take over the ownership of, when he addressed the crew in the forum immediately
following HIS banning action of me for DOING NOTHING WRONG, his own statement! (I have a copy of this posting.)

However, I will say this, now that I look back and I've learned a little bit more about him, I think I wounded his
pride, certainly NOT my intention, but I had read in a few places where he had stated he did not have any money
for Christmas. So knowing how this feels, I sent him the money I had received for doing artwork for someone,
because I didn't want him to have a Christmas without any money. Apparently or perhaps, he later felt or realised
something differently, and so he sent me this, which is the ONLY time he has ever sent me any Christmas wishes:

Along with: "Thank you for your generous donation!"

So, [Hedda] isn't an all bad person nor do I believe he is; actually far, far from it. I just want him to be accountable
for that which he has done wrong, to tell me why, and to explain his mixed signals, which will be revealed, should I
have to bring out my "show and tell". If the truth be told from my perspective, there is much about [Hedda] that I
do like and admire and I do believe there is much more about why he began his "I spying" on me in the first place,
which would not totally excuse his behaviour, but would shed some much needed light for the purpose to help me
understand things better from his perspective.


For other donations to and contributions [Artsieladie] made for Elftown, please refer back to the main page:



Related Elftown Links:
<img:> ~ Badgers
<img:> ~ Builders
<img:> ~ Christmas Painters
<img:> ~ Christmas Poets
<img:> ~ Donors of Art
<img:> ~ Donors of Funds
<img:> ~ Donors of Writing
<img:> ~ Elftown Creature Marathon
<img:> ~ Elftown Graphics
<img:> ~ Halloween Painters
<img:> ~ Halloween Poets
<img:> ~ Historians
<img:> ~ Inspectors
<img:> ~ Master Poets
<img:> ~ Millipedes
<img:> ~ Photographers
<img:> ~ Saint Valentine Painters
<img:> ~ Saint Valentine Poets


Related [Artsieladie] Links:

      On Elftown:                                 

<img:> ~ Artsieladie
<img:> ~ Elftown_Art_Gallery_Of_Artsie_ladie
<img:> ~ Elftown-Contributions_By_Artsieladie
<img:> ~ Elftown-Graphics_By_Artsie_ladie
<img:> ~ Elftown_Photo_Album_Of_Artsie_ladie
<img:> ~ Elftown_Poetic_Library_Of_Artsie_ladie
<img:> ~ Elftown_Prose_Library_Of_Artsie_ladie
<img:> ~ Elftown_Wiki_Index-Artsie_ladie

      Other Websites:                      

<img:> ~
<img:> ~
<img:> ~
<img:> ~
<img:> ~
<img:> ~
<img:> ~
<img:> ~


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May God Bless You and Have a Great Day!

May the love of God always touch and live within your heart!

<i>By [Artsieladie]

All creativity on this site created by yours truly is copyrighted to [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly.
It may NOT be used without my expressed, written permission. To contact yours truly:

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