Page name: Danielis [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-06-03 02:45:40
Last author: Danboo
Owner: Danboo
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<img://>curtesty of [Duredhel]

User Name: [Danboo]

Character name: Danielis Steeaka Mageaus

Mutant Name: Surge

Abilities/powers: Electrical conduit
Power Knowledge: He directs electricity and static electricity, can process and control, "read" and manipulate an electrical appliance(such as a computer, ipod, record player, or even a simple toaster), and within his body send minor signals which can increase or decrease bodily functions such as an adrenaline rush, or lower his heart rate(however he must use an outside source for this power). He however cannot actually generate electricity, he must use a nearby source and thus he can sense where it is. However his bane is magnetism, a strong enough magnet can render him dizzy and queasy, if powerful enough, it can knock him out and thus he can also sense these too.
Detriments: if the strain to use his powers is overwhelming he could go into shock or have an epileptic episode, especially if he is under magnetic strain.

Sex: Male

Age: 16

General appearance:
 Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
 Weight: 124 lbs. (skinny but sinewy)
 Eyes: Dark Slade/Grey almost to the point of blackness and have little flakes of yellow and at time will gleam a yellow shade
 Hair: Black down past his shoulder, usually parted or put in a ponytail.

Additional appearance: On the inside of his right arm it looks like most of the skin was ripped away, all over the inside of his mouth is scarred and on his inner lips some of these scars are visible, and one long, deep scar going diagonally down his back, from his left shoulder down to and past his right butt cheek (details :P) and several little ones on his legs.

Personality: Usually very quiet and secretive. Even when he walks, it's almost like he's sneaking around. He is bashful, so he rarely stumbles or does anything that will result in attention to himself. If bored, he will zone out quicker than you heard of. He isn't religious due to his bad past. He is very astute to things and notices stuff not many other people would pick up on, but isn't willing to let others know. He is very loyal to his friends once he trusts you but it's very hard to gain his trust, and he is very cordial-flirty to girls once he gets to know them. He has a very high patience but certain things automatically make him "snap" and will usually verbally chew that person out.

Naturally academically smart, very artistic, though he can't play any instruments, including drums, to save his life. He can read lips no matter what as long as he can see the person's lips, knows conversational sign language (ASL), and extremely flexible(double-jointed).(He is known as a savant)

Place of birth: Houston, Texas
Weapon(s) of choice: Hand to hand (Goju-Ryu based) or the Deadly O-Dachi, he is a unrivaled prodigy in this preferred weapon of his.
Medical information: No records known
Brief History: Born on a cold dark night in December, his mother died giving birth to him, the people there never noticed the flickering lights when he started crying...

He was enrolled in a Mixed Martial Arts school at the age of 7 til he was 15, went to a private school until he was 9 and got transferred to a school for the academically gifted, he went to many Karate and Chambara tournaments and got many medals and trophies for a variety of stuff such as: Kata, fighting, 1 on 2, 2 on 2, 1 minute fights, and sword-fighting. He basically competed in every event he could.

He was brought up harshly from his Dad and Step-mother, they disowned his brother and he was not to acknowledge him or have any contact. They treated him like a failure and often beat Danielis who ran away when school ended after his 16th birthday to his brother who welcomed him in with open arms.

No one knows what happened at his brothers house but resulted in someone murdering his brother and him getting the horrendous scar down his back and the acknowledgment of his powers, the place was found in smoldering ruins. He was then quickly found by Professor Xavier and here we are...

Relatives: One known one, his brother Terryn
(he doesn't speak of his dad or mom)

How long your character has been in the mansion: Never

Relation's Chart

0- I don't know you
1- You Are Annoying!
5- You're ok.
10- So uh... wanna get some lunch sometime?(or your a really close friend)

Characters        Codename    Ratings
Zane E. Lewis       Dartz     0
Derek Rae Schwierking   Rodent     0
Nikoli Kael Gallagher   Age      0
Danielis         Surge     10
Virgil Hawkins      Smokey     0
Daniela Morgan Shield 0
Shade Shade 0
Camille Anderson     Hawkeye    0
Light Arely Tilar Impulse 0
Shana Grace Tilar Ambiance 0
Adrianne Wagner      Blink     0
Mihir Proudclaw Atsila 0
Kyle Bedlington Vitriol 0
Valerie K. Sprouse Snapdragon 0
Laurel Stutten      Midnight    0
Magnolia Cassabella    Reaper     0
Nathan White       Entropy    0
Everett Rowels      Echo      0
Elizabeth Charms Flame 0
Michael Moonfrost Grizzly 0
Squid           Squid     0
Lynn Sickert       Ice      0
Korvka Shostakovich Axis 0
Vladimir Shostakovich Invalesco 0
Justin Alphar       Warp      0
Kaider Getalahan Cord 0
Teena MacTormin Glissade 0
Endelyn Hagan       Blade     0

Room I Am Currently Housed In:
Dormitory 369

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2009-11-04 [Veltzeh]: Looks good to me. I'll only nitpick about grammar: there are some spelling issues and punctuation could be clearer (many commas could be replaced with periods for example). ;)
Of course I could fix that too if you don't mind and look it over afterward.

2009-11-05 [Danboo]: i think i corrected it

2009-11-05 [Veltzeh]: Yep. :) The two last paragraphs/sentences of the brief history could still use a few more periods...

2009-11-05 [Danboo]: lol not much to do :P

2009-11-26 [Duredhel]: Why is Virgil's relation chart in Danielis' page? O,o

2009-11-26 [Danboo]: cause i'm too hyper and not enough of sleep

2009-12-14 [Duredhel]: <img200*0:stuff/aj/48479/1260766161.jpg> 2 more to go.

2009-12-15 [Danboo]: oh wow... pretty damn close

2011-05-25 [Figgy]: Umm... Okay, this seems like it could be kinda fun in regards to this kid being HELL on Earth for Light. Buuut, his power needs to be narrowed down. I get him being able to control electricity and stuff, but I don't see him housing it in his body, or sending body signals, or reading it, really. Maybe he could FEEL it coming from something.

2011-05-25 [Danboo]: well, i'm at a crossroad, whether to change his powers to techo-electrokinesis, power over appliances, and i meant like how the brain controls the amount of power your muscles has, that i can forcefully apply more power through electrical synapses. I agree on the housing properties though, like i said it was old and i'm still retouching it.

2011-05-25 [Danboo]: and another option, changing his powers to a completely different type, an "antidote" type

2011-05-25 [Danboo]: also i'm prolly changing his name, maybe techno or something

2011-05-26 [Danboo]: or surge..

2011-06-02 [Figgy]: Surge. Go with surge.

2011-06-03 [Danboo]: lol i liked that one too

2011-06-03 [XxTsomexX]: :D Welcome newbie!! :D lol well the character at least

2011-06-03 [Danboo]: lol thanks, i look forward to having fun with him bwahahaha

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