Page name: Miscellaneous [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-19 06:17:43
Last author: BarleySinger
Owner: shudson
# of watchers: 35
Fans: 0
D20: 4
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Elftown Things

The Crisis CenterIf you need help and you have tried everything come here

lost if you just don't know where to go become a lost member

The Hall of Fame
Where the names of the Illustrious Citizens are engraved in Golden Letters for their Contributions to Elftown.

<img:lilo_di3.JPG> Ask-Lilo
This is Elftown's answer to Woodwork's Klimpen's corner, but harder, faster and bitchier.

The elftown_chronicles are up!!!
Feel free to edit its pages and especially for grammar, spellings and events. It is supposed to be a summary of the history of Elftown... ^_^

The Town Herald
Find out about the town's Newspaper and how you can be a part of it ;)

Here you can add information about your private forum and whom to contact to be added to the forum.

Elftown Stuff
Here you can post your postcards and graphics for everyone to use!

Compete against your fellow Elftowners to be able to show off your skills publicly on Elftown.

The Letter Shop
Send secret letters across Elftown to fellow Elftowners, You can send letters as a secret admirer or as an anonymous person.


Elfwood Things

A page about Elfwood merchandise

The Official Elfwood eZine pokes a twig into Elftown. What do we want for the next issue? What can you do for us? (Updated: 16th October) Woodworks October issue is out!



Unions created by members for members.



Interests 2

Pages for discussing specific interests (including religion, anime, poetry and music), sharing tips and ideas, etc.


Plugs and Praise

Pages for asking for comments, giving comments, etc.


Elftown Academy

Learn or teach various subjects in the Elftown Academy.


Very Miscellaneous and Very Miscellaneous 2

Miscellaneous miscellanous pages :-)


Go or return to:
-The wiki-index
-The help index

Username (or number or email):


2003-02-04 [peura]: Reordered a bit and added some stuff from the community page and the index page...

2003-02-20 [Shalazzar]: little reorder to the unions... honestly, the halflings united before the elves... :)

2003-02-26 [Elisandra]: got rid of a community house that didn't belong here.

2003-02-28 [Elisandra]: Naerisyl, do not put your house back here again. It belongs in the community pages.

2003-04-15 [Arctik]: school

2003-05-23 [seafairy]: help

2003-06-16 [wiccanmaiden]: dont forget to close your tags ppl... as in for every < b > you need a < /b >

2003-07-03 [Kim_Lundin]: I'm new here, how do you put Wiki pages under Unions?

2003-07-25 [spiritee]: go join my PLUSHIE CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2003-07-27 [Amedyr]: Say I wanted to make a fan club... where should I make it? Under 'Interests' on this page? Or somewhere else?

2003-07-27 [Elisandra]: yes.

2003-07-27 [Amedyr]: I take it it's under Interests, then. :)

2003-08-15 [Sundrop]: Would 'Taking over the world' be considered a common interest? ._.;; *sweatdrop*

2003-08-17 [shudson]: [Elisandra] and I will be tidying up this page

2003-09-05 [Rya]: To Sundrop: I'd most certainly hope not....

2003-09-09 [Avaz]: removed Art Contest section from Games wiki, added it here.

2003-09-15 [Tal Anduril]:

Hey People! Help Save the Tree, Please.

Go to save my oak and add your name to the list.

2003-10-26 [skicheat]: w00t ....every body check out make yourself up

2003-10-29 [DarkJenni]: hello everyone!!

2003-10-29 [Icarius]: *Pokes the Reflections of Light and Darkness link.* I didn't put that up there...

2003-11-05 [E-chan]: Lol, love, Rose put it up there O.o;;;

2003-11-14 [themnax]: where can i sign up to oppose the tyranny of pseudo-conservatism?

2003-11-19 [NIGHTSHADE]: Hello people

2003-11-27 [KjK]: ....weeee!!!?

2003-12-19 [lady nytmare]: How do i start a wiki, being as thick and neanderthalesqe as i am, I cannot figure it out...

2003-12-19 [Nita]: Go read the wiki_intro or something like that... :)

2003-12-19 [lady nytmare]: oh, hi You always see me at my stupidest!

2003-12-19 [Nita]: Nah... I've seen worse ;)

2003-12-21 [shaynie67]: does anyone here know how to get to the Guild of Pagans?

2003-12-21 [Canthlian]: Ok, who broke the HTML?

2003-12-26 [Chel.]: can you change your character once you've picked it?

2003-12-27 [Trajic Rabbit]: can we post links to our wiki up there..? i mean, we are or arent allowed to add them in ourselves..?

2003-12-27 [Elisandra]: Did a little more cleaning up.

2004-01-05 [Cougar]: hey could someone help a poor confused kitty

2004-01-09 [cath]: Where'd the Art Contests go *confused*

2004-01-09 [Elisandra]: Anything that was a "subcategory" of one of the main headings is now on a page. It's probably in the very misc. page.

2004-01-24 [SimpleEuph]: I have a new wiki page set up for people who are interested in how to draw anime.

2004-01-24 [SimpleEuph]: It is still in the beginnings, but I am looking for people who are interested in helping out

2004-01-24 [SimpleEuph]: There is also a contest in the makings as well

2004-01-24 [SimpleEuph]: please check it out! Anime Mania Please bare with me, I am still trying to filter through my messages

2004-01-30 [your moms a whore]: lol

2004-02-02 [Aashild]: Anyone there?

2004-02-02 [Aashild]: I LOVE manga!!!

2004-02-07 [Ehecatzin]: I'll check it out, and by the way, hello everybody :D

2004-02-11 [Wild~Fire]: anyone know if there are any writing competitions on Elftown?

2004-02-12 [Psychobilly666]: Wow dude, I have no idea what I'm doing here...

2004-02-12 [Psychobilly666]: OH! Now I know, I'm looking for somebody thats name is Onyx.

2004-02-12 [Mysterious Jessie]: hey new at this..wat do i do?

2004-02-12 [Wild~Fire]: hey Mysterious Jessie

2004-02-12 [Mysterious Jessie]: heyy wild~fire...whats up?

2004-02-12 [Wild~Fire]: nuttin' much. you?

2004-02-12 [Nita]: Um... Why don't you guys send each other some messages or something? ;)

2004-02-12 [Mysterious Jessie]: nita what if we dont want to?

2004-02-13 [Nita]: Then people will start to hate you eventually :P

2004-02-13 [farfala]: oh my where the art contest go....._.

2004-02-13 [cath]: Thanks Elisandra :)

2004-02-13 [Mysterious Jessie]: Hey. Any one want to talk to me? I'm really bored and I don't know how to tell stories. So I'm waiting for this gurl to get back to me on that question I asked her!

2004-02-15 [redmage]: where the heck did the library go?!

2004-02-15 [Mysterious Jessie]: Redmage, they changed everything around!...

2004-02-19 [Missing Her]: if anybody out there is even a little preppy, go to wiki page "preppy" i just created it and we need more peeps

2004-02-25 [MiNi BeAr NaKeD 369]: hey

2004-02-25 [MiNi BeAr NaKeD 369]: i rly have no idea what im doin...can anyone help?

2004-02-25 [Nita]: Go to the forum called "Elftown, newbie questions"... Or read some help pages :)

2004-03-02 [Black Star]: there is a new wiki people: the pippin fanclub

2004-03-02 [noodles]: where is the wiki search box?!

2004-03-03 [Nita]: We don't have one... yet :/

2004-03-03 [noodles]: oh.......never mind (",)

2004-03-09 [Augury]: um.. that union belongs in unions. YOU ARE GETTING MOVED!

2004-03-09 [Chel.]: Check out my Fashion Art Contest although it's over you can vote for your fave at....<poll:15689>

2004-03-12 [deletethme]: sup folks

2004-03-19 [Thalier]: hi

2004-03-23 [honoroll]: hello

2004-03-30 [FleetingShadow]: i have decided to place an advertisement in the comment area for my newest wiki. It is a RP about fantasy-ish stuff, read the page and decide if you are interested. The RP starts after i get about 6 or 7 people ready to play. thanks, and at least check it out and offer criticism and the like! ~ Alex. Broken Reality

2004-04-06 [Nita]: Moved elftown cafe 4.0 to Tavern Street... :)

2004-04-10 [Cute*Pixie]: if i blocked a member can he still look at my house?

2004-04-10 [Cute*Pixie]: IS ANYONE THERE?

2004-04-15 [Hiro Kitaki]: ?

2004-04-17 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: How do u start ur own union or whatever?{message me back please}

2004-04-18 [Dorkmuncher]: What are some good wiki boards

2004-04-20 [The Wandering Minstrel]: i want a leprechaun friend

2004-04-21 [gofcukurself]: A Pippin fan club? where?? :-D.. (no, we is not obsessed with Billy Boyd or Orlando Bloom or whatever, but we loves LotR and speaks in Gollumese)

2004-04-21 [zoombie]: hello?

2004-04-21 [Thalier]: i LOVE orlando, and aragorn. they rule, i am like addicted to LOTR i am word perfect in them and my room is plastered with posters, seriously, you can't even see the walls, lol. i've worn out the tape cos' i've watched it too much, well at least i've still got the DVD!

2004-04-28 [SANSA]: I Love Aragon and Arwen,Frodo and Gandalf are cool to and I am Majorly addicted to LOTR

2004-04-30 [eyes of frost]: i dont know how to make a wiki just dumb. if someone would help me i would love it. also where do I post my poetry just for people to read it? on the wiki page right? darn im new and dont know anything. well if anyone can help it would be really appreciated. thanks:)

2004-05-01 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Hey eyes of frost i started a wiki that might help its For the bored just click it here and there are links that can help

2004-05-12 [eyes of frost]: ok i got my wiki page up....its my story, whoever would like to read it go ahead, and please comment on what you read.. the girl

2004-05-22 [Punk_Rock_Mosher]: join the cyber shack!!! wiki!!!!

2004-05-25 [kamaria]: im bored ~_~

2004-05-26 [Mitsune]: Harry Potter Art Contest ladies and gentlemen... is awaiting more submissions...!

2004-06-01 [My Plague]: slipknot rule!!!!

2004-06-01 [kamaria]: IM SOO BORED

2004-06-05 [Ailil Mac Mata]: why

2004-06-05 [kamaria]: i dont know....scary british people were hitting on me yesterday, i felt very violated

2004-06-06 [Ailil Mac Mata]: ah.

2004-06-07 [kamaria]: yeah really, i dunno, british ppl are scary (no offense)

2004-06-08 [The Last Laugh]: i like their accents and stuff..I want to know how to start a poll...Im lost!!

2004-06-08 [kamaria]: lol, dont b lost, its not easy being lost, but its easy to get there

2004-06-08 [The Last Laugh]: soo true!!

2004-06-09 [Carol Lynn]: Someone fix the Union page!! I tried but it sent me back to the main page!

2004-06-09 [Ailil Mac Mata]: none taken

2004-06-09 [kamaria]: im soo bored.

2004-06-09 [Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses]: blah :)

2004-06-09 [vaso_phoenix]: how do you make your own wiki

2004-06-10 [kamaria]: no idea

2004-06-11 [Carol Lynn]: good greif go find the help pages...

2004-06-12 [Ailil Mac Mata]: EF FEW few OOOOOO

2004-06-15 [kamaria]: oo?oo?

2004-06-21 [Rhynnea]: hey I started a wiki page, its name's Slovenija, go check it out! or even better, go to Slovenija/english page. oh, and a question - how do you make a link?

2004-06-29 [Honeybunny and Honeybear]: can someone tell me how to make a wiki page?

2004-06-30 [Ailil Mac Mata]: i asked a freind

2004-07-02 [Kaimee]: Incase anyones interested, the Town Herald Poetry Corner is open again and looking for poetry for our next issue :)

2004-07-02 [Ailil Mac Mata]: kool

2004-07-10 [Hero of Time]: I just put up my born in August wiki in very miscioulanious

2004-07-17 [skiman]: I am sooooo cool. I will probably be banned within the next ten minutes. Yay! This place sucks anyways

2004-07-18 [Ailil Mac Mata]: this place dont suck

2004-07-19 [kamaria]: like sux tho :)

2004-07-19 [All_Most PUNK]: And Skiman got it right on the first try!!! He's so smart, the little banned guy.

2004-07-21 [Amanar]: this wiki is sad and empty: Lion King

2004-08-25 [Augury]: Hey. This wiki is to protest those flashes where things jump out and spook you for the rest of the day. Safe Link

2004-09-30 [kamaria]: ?hmmm ok then

2004-10-01 [Ailil Mac Mata]: i dont get scared

2004-10-01 [kamaria]: r u fearless?

2004-10-01 [Ailil Mac Mata]: yeah why?

2004-10-04 [kamaria]: just wondering

2004-10-04 [IluvLegolas63]: ur not even afraid of imagination? Especially urs... Is there one thing u love that u couldn't stand losing? U could be afraid of that.

2004-10-05 [kamaria]: ya i go with what they said, u have to be afraid of something

2004-10-06 [Monni]: Every one come to my house check out my pic then rate it on my poll...PLEAASSEE

2004-10-06 [kamaria]: ok :)

2004-10-14 [Zere]: onions!!! oops, thats unions oh well. ONIONS!!!

2004-10-14 [kamaria]: ewww onions r sick shit

2004-10-16 [Ailil Mac Mata]: pah!

2004-10-19 [kamaria]: pfffffffffff

2004-10-25 [kamaria]: *pokes everyone in the stomach and runs away* hahhahah!!!! i win!!!!

2004-10-25 [..Nightmare..]: *pokes Kamaria silly person*

2004-10-25 [..Nightmare..]: foamy will kill you in your sleep

2004-10-25 [kamaria]: u jack ass!!!! u shall die!!!!

2004-10-26 [..Nightmare..]: Kamaria the squirells going to get you in science class tomorrow

2004-10-27 [kamaria]: no no they will not...fuck u...*slaps u and runs* stupid bitch!!

2004-10-27 [Nita]: [celebapril], please find a suitable sub-category for your pages :)

2004-10-27 [kamaria]: sub catergory? wtf is that?????? its code!!!! the government has found me!!!! quick everyone hide!!!! *hides under a chair* they will never find me with this clever disguise ;)

2004-10-30 [Ailil Mac Mata]: ye of little faith shall die!

2004-10-30 [kamaria]: i heard something about little faiyth....hmmmmwonder what that guy is talking about.....ohh well DONT CARE!

2004-10-31 [awesome brunett chick 89]: you should care about faith most of the time it's what you should have.

2004-10-31 [kamaria]: when did weget onto a topic of so confused....

2004-11-01 [kamaria]: hmmmmmm

2004-11-12 [Aidan Ryuko]: o.O why does it say genies under competitions

2004-11-12 [kamaria]: what? genies? ohhhh 3 majic wishes yay

2004-12-22 [jeana.]: hi ppl

2004-12-23 [kamaria]: hello

2005-01-10 [artfultoffee]: Hey everyone

2005-01-13 [Monkie101]: Happy Happy Joy Joy

2005-01-14 [kamaria]: lol okkkkaaaaay

2005-01-16 [Ailil Mac Mata]: 0.o

2005-01-18 [kamaria]: ???

2005-01-19 [Charybdis]: Fixed a small typo (space before poetry.)

2005-01-19 [kamaria]: ????

2005-01-29 [kamaria]: hmmm ah yes

2005-02-05 [lady.crimson]: so many intelectual conversations...

2005-03-22 [xlovinaredheadx]: hello

2005-03-29 [angel17]: hey what's up

2005-03-29 [kamaria]: dick all

2005-03-30 [angel17]: hey what's up

2005-06-06 [sister of charity]: hey

2005-06-07 [kamaria]: dying of boredom

2005-06-17 [Ailil Mac Mata]: ???

2005-07-01 [eyes of frost]: I have a question: Does anyone know the name of the wiki for black listed wiki pages?

2005-07-01 [kamaria]: no clue

2005-07-02 [eyes of frost]: hrm....

2005-07-12 [cheesecake]: No idea but go to <poll:54127> ...if you're curious and a little bored

2005-07-19 [Blood Moon Wolf]: hello no clue either

2005-08-01 [P I R A T E]: hey wats this all bout im conffused

2005-08-05 [kamaria]: banana

2005-08-11 [Cougar]: o.o;;; i don't know where man's guide to women should go! <p.p>

2005-08-13 [Ailil Mac Mata]: i bought a strange lookin sword

2005-09-04 [Redneck Country Girl]: Hello

2005-09-19 [Bmountain]: hi

2005-10-30 [elfy13495]: wasup

2005-10-30 [elfy13495]: anyone talking or what?

2005-11-02 [kamaria]: hmmmmm ahh yes the pinapple it is evil

2005-11-02 [Ailil Mac Mata]: *runs in circles for no reason*

2005-11-03 [kamaria]: BANANA! *chases u with a rubber band*

2005-11-10 [Ba'alzamon]: hi Dangerous Ventures

2005-11-19 [bitch4lifelikeu]: or shall i say i luvVvVvVvVv boys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-11-21 [kamaria]: thaaaaaatttssss gooooodddddd i hope ur not lezzzzz

2005-11-21 [Ailil Mac Mata]: what........the.........frigg?

2005-11-21 [kamaria]: some [erson just came on and was like "i luvvuvuvuvuvvv boys" or was that a guy...shit now i have to investigate

2005-11-21 [Ailil Mac Mata]: 0____o?

2005-11-21 [kamaria]: BANANA

2005-11-21 [Ailil Mac Mata]: AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

2005-11-21 [NightTheOwl]: The Letter Shop- check it out ^_^ make a letter too i'm kind of desperate >.<

2005-11-22 [irulan]: Since The Letter Shop isn't an official wiki, it should really be moved to one of the subcategories and not listed directly on this page.

2005-11-22 [NightTheOwl]: Well I talked to [Hedda] and said he can make it one and sure might be useful in the future and he also said to put it in the wiki index on Miscellaneous which is this page

2006-03-31 [hottybaby90]: Hey everyone!!

2006-04-14 [NightTheOwl]: [hottybaby90] this page isn't to chat and spam!

2006-07-06 [angel_of_love66]: hey people hows it going?

2007-06-06 [Cassius]: everyone join elftown elders!

2008-04-02 [kanashii-shinzo]: I don't know how to get into the role play pages some one help me?

2008-04-18 [emonotgoth]: is any1 there? im so bored right now and my teacher has blocked my inbox :'(

Number of comments: 199
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Elftown - Wiki, forums, community and friendship.