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The guards enforce the rules on Elftown, reprimand trouble makers and ban repeat offenders.

To report another member, please read the instructions on Report!


Elftown Guard Team

Town Guard


Town Guard Lieutenant

Town Guard Captain



(Webart by [Calico Tiger])

Please see Elftown - Rules & Uploading Art Rules to find out what Elftown's rules are.

If you wish to report someone please use the report function on member's houses, rather than messaging the Guards.

Please note that only the Lieutenants and the Captain can handle issues concerning harassment in messages.

[Hedda] should only be contacted regarding account issues.

Town Guard Veterans

Veterans#Guards: These are retired Town Guards.


Patrollers: Vigilantly report violations of the Uploading Art Rules to the Guards team.

Use the comment section for Guard related questions and issues only.


Go or return to:
-The wiki-index
-The Elftown Council
-The badge reward system
-The Uploading Art Rules
-The help index

Username (or number or email):


2005-10-17 [Leara]: Everytime something is removed, a message is sent. Those messages are warnings, from what I can see, she got enough of them to know the images she uploaded were not allowed.

2005-10-17 [BlackTearsCry]: yeah but she asked if she could have it in her pic place  and she did not knw the rules  she is a complete dummie 

2005-10-17 [Leara]: A link to the Uploading Art Rules is also sent with every warning. :P

2005-10-18 [Sunrose]: [hommie_4_life] did not ask that, she just uploaded new illegal art after getting one very clear last warning and then she also sent insulting messages to a Guard. That's 2 very good reasons to ban her.

2005-10-18 [Kirikale]: :( No one answered my question.

2005-10-18 [Sunrose]: The issue is not artistic nudity at whole, but bare female breasts (including those of minors). For nudity a warning will always be required. As for the decision on breasts, as far as I know there has not been made a decision yet which explains why your question wasn't answered :)

2005-10-18 [Kirikale]: Ah... thank you. ^_^

2005-10-18 [Sunrose]: The Uploading Art Rules have been adjusted, take a look :)

2005-10-18 [Balla C]: tell me y we cant get pics from the internet beside cause u said

2005-10-18 [djxmonster]: Because ET if for artists and the likes... not just any moron who post a picture because they think it's pretty

2005-10-19 [dragonflye]: plus there are issues involving copyrights and the like.

2005-10-20 [peacefrog]: Hello, gaurds. I am supposed to tell you when a really freaking annoying chain letter that threatens to kill my parents and give me bad luck in my love life comes along? :)

2005-10-20 [peacefrog]: [Mr. Stiffness] sent it to me...

2005-10-20 [djxmonster]: In the future, please leave a report on the members house

2005-10-20 [Particle Girl]: Quick question: Do song lyrics count as copyrighted work?

2005-10-20 [Sunrose]: Songlyrics are copyrighted yes, but they are not (yet) in the rules. Preferred still is that you do not fill your house with endless lyrics. You can just as well copy the link to it :)

2005-10-21 [swabloo]: my friend [Rosie.] has had her house coppied by [.Rosie.] withought her permission...

2005-10-21 [Particle Girl]: Thanks. :D 

2005-10-21 [raza]: erhm, someone try to steal my identity, and i want to know what to do. I send a report at the guards, but i think it's something really strange, and i want to be sure that it is enough. This person took my name put a * at the end, and then, copied my bio and message me saying he was me! i'm scared. This person is [raza*].

2005-10-24 [lraina]: um..may i have wiki-privs so i can upload pics for like the contest and things?

2005-10-24 [Sunrose]: You already have them, now at least :)

2005-10-24 [NightTheOwl]: OMG I was almost going to put animated art in my house

2005-10-24 [Sunrose]: No offense, but why are you writing that here? :)

2005-10-29 [Meridotahma]: Just letting someone out there know that [Mortified Penguin] is up to his old antics of randomly insulting people on wikis. He recently began bugging a friend of mine, [Kitsune Arashi], on own of her wikis. Either someone ban him or give him a good recap of the rules-- thanks.

2005-10-29 [Meridotahma]: You came on and without reason called her a "stupid, little wench." There is no reason for that sort of behaviour.

2005-10-29 [Leara]: Please leave a report on the offending members page instead of argueing here.

2005-11-03 [Alkor]: I was wondering if you can un-ban [:Alkor:], because he has been gone for 260 days and I think he desserved his leason. Even though that same person is myself. Please?

2005-11-04 [~BaBy~_~FaCE~]: how do i become one?

2005-11-04 [Angelic nightmares]: Read FAQ

2005-11-06 [Hedda]: Also see apply to the crew.

2005-11-10 [nokaredes]: Should houses like [inukasha] be reported?

2005-11-10 [dragonflye]: I don't see why.

2005-11-10 [nokaredes]: She says "This is an account that I made when I was banned." I was just wondering if the Guards would want to know about that, or something...because I am not sure if they would care or not...

2005-11-10 [Sunrose]: She's not banned anymore and clone houses are not against the rules, though discouraged. It should only be reported if she were still banned and created a clone house to get online while being banned :)

2005-11-11 [Alkor]: Can [:Alkor:] become unbanned?

2005-11-11 [Calico Tiger]: No. You do not need a clone house to fill with items that violate the Uploading Art Rules when you seem to have issues with it with your main house as well. You say he's "learned his lesson"? Yet both houses have a very long history of problems with the rules. Be glad you still have [Alkor] :)

2005-11-13 [ketsu]: I got a chain message from [Calli Bear], just reporting..

2005-11-13 [Furr]: Report the member at his or hers page. There is a button for it, up at the top of the house.

2005-11-13 [Heartless_Angel]: If there is a member that is pratically yelling at you for advice that was given and was requested and then got a message from are you allowed to report the person? Especially if the person cant seem to get it into their head that reports are suppose to be for things like harrasment, image or photo reports, theift of pictures, or violation of rules?

2005-11-13 [Paz]: If that person harassing you then yes, you can report them. Reports are supposed to be used for violatations of teh UAR, harassments, theft and etc. If they continuously harass you about what you told them then you can report them for harassment. 

2005-11-13 [Heartless_Angel]: They have been...I have gotten a few different ones including a threat from pratcially at wits end and near the end of being civil with the person. All several of us did was tell him what he was doing is against the rules and he yells at me...and is continuously doing it

2005-11-13 [Paz]: Yes, you can report if he has threatened you and if you've asked him to stop and he has continued. Report him for harassment and whatever rule he broke.

2005-11-13 [Heartless_Angel]: Thank you first time ive ever had a new person do this too me for just trying to be civil.

2005-11-13 [Paz]: You did the right thing, telling him that he was breaking the rules. 

2005-11-13 [Heartless_Angel]: Thank you for your time for listening to me I hope I never have to write one of these kinds again

2005-11-13 [Heartless_Angel]: ...Last question if there are four of us telling him he broke a rule but he only starts yelling at one is that bad?

2005-11-14 [Paz]: It's still harassment either way, the person he is yelling at (which I believe is you) should be the one to report him. Him yelling at any of you is bad, so report him :)

2005-11-14 [Heartless_Angel]: Thank you!! Ive already written the report. Thank you for taking the time and effort for listening to me and replying

2005-11-14 [Paz]: That's what many of us are here for (and I'm not a guard either, just so you know ;) Just here to aid the common man)

2005-11-14 [Calico Tiger]: While we do appreciate others helping out, please let the Guards answer so that we do not have to make corrections or reply that "yes, this person is correct" and so on. Again, help is appreciated! But on the guards page, it's generally best and preferred if the guards answer :) In this case, yes, the answer appears to be correct.

2005-11-14 [Jay Ladlehaus]: There's always official chat if you're looking to help others.

2005-11-14 [Paz]: okay, sorry about that :(

2005-11-15 [Angelic nightmares]: Is is against the rules to have a picture of a dead wrestlers on your house? Cause if it is, I can take it down.

2005-11-15 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Yes, dead wrestlers still qualify as celebrities, so you would need to remove the image. A full list of rules regarding images can be found at the uploading art rules.

2005-11-15 [NightTheOwl]: Umm.. I wanted to know if I can use a report on myself to let people know that I will not accept messages starting with "Hi and simple stufff" please

2005-11-15 [djxmonster]: Nope, just put a note in your house

2005-11-16 [NightTheOwl]: ok than thanks anyways

2005-11-18 [NightTheOwl]: I'm working on a wiki (The Letter Shop) and the <pre> text won't work what do I do? I already ended it with </pre>

2005-11-18 [peura]: Phoenix of Darkness: You're still missing a </pre> after "How Does The Letter Shop Work".

2005-11-19 [Heartless_Angel]: I am sorry to trouble you again but if a memeber messages you with a hello and you reply back only to get a rather nasty swear word back what am I to do?

2005-11-19 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Block the person and send a report to the guards referencing the message number.

2005-11-19 [Heartless_Angel]: Thank you very much I shall do so

2005-11-19 [Tashy©]: [hey, please dont delete my banner i made! thnks xx]

2005-11-19 [Sunrose]: Make sure it doesn't contain celebrities and doesn't break any other one of the Uploading Art Rules and it won't be deleted.

2005-11-20 [Paz]: Okay, I have been asked by two different people in the course of two days asking for me to cyber with them. Could I please have a report thing at the top of my page saying that I'm tired of being asked and that I'll report anyone who asks. Also, can I report the two who asked? Or do I have to wait until they harssed me enough?

2005-11-20 [Angelic nightmares]: You can report them now. And you can also block them, so you wont receive any messages from them.

2005-11-20 [Paz]: okay, thank you. 

2005-11-20 [Calico Tiger]: Once again, as was stated before, Please allow the Guards to answer questions on this page that are directed at the guards (and afterall, we assume they're directed at the guards if they're asked here). It is appreciated that you wish to help, but do not answer questions for us. Especially ones that deal with harassment :) And now, I must correct what was said by Midnight Wolf.... See next post....

2005-11-20 [Calico Tiger]: Generally, we don't wish for you to report people that ask you to cyber. There is no rule against that. Politely tell them you're not interested and to not message you again about it. If they do so again, then they're harassing you, and that's reportable. Now, if they sent a crude message such as "ur so hot i wan 2 lik ur <enter some body part here (unless it's a foot, I mean really, let's not be silly about what we're reporting people for)>" and so on, then feel free to report the person. We will not put a message at the top of your house saying you're not interested in cybering. That generally encourages people to send the opposite in messages. You can just put it in your bio :)

2005-11-20 [Calico Tiger]: Now, remember, however, that's not to say you can't report someone for asking you to cyber. Some people actually send out a ton of messages to a bunch of different people at once, thus spamming Elftown in general with cyber requests. And when we find out about those, we warn the member to stop it :)

2005-11-20 [Angelic nightmares]: Is there any way you can get [xXTwilightXRose Xx] to stop coming to my page. I've already got her on block, but I'm tired of her always coming to my page.

2005-11-20 [Paz]: Alright, I reported the two of them already >.> and blocked them... I'm just sick of it and I post that don't wish to cyber in my house.

2005-11-23 [Rayeen]: Whom do I need to speak with about getting a message warning to my house?

2005-11-23 [Sunrose]: What kind of message?

2005-11-25 [NightTheOwl]: WOOHOO Go Guards I really like your jobs! ^-^

2005-11-25 [out of ere]: can i join?

2005-11-25 [LadyMoon]: FAQ.

2005-11-26 [RiddleRose]: can i have a 99 priv? i hate having to upload pictures to my house to get them an address... thanks so muchf or your time!  :)

2005-11-26 [Sunrose]: Fixed :)

2005-11-26 [RiddleRose]: thank you thank you!! 'tis marvelous! XD

2005-11-28 [xx // Fayt L.e.i.n.g.o.d \\ xx]: ok can someone do me a favour?

2005-11-29 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Not until you tell us what it is.

2005-11-30 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ok i gotta a problem with [andy000]. she keeps sending me this message over and over. 'u r gay." can you do summin bout it?

2005-11-30 [Leara]: Leave a report on her house page by clicking 'report member to guards'. :P

2005-11-30 [Charybdis]: You can also block her, if she continues to send you messages like that one.

2005-12-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: is there any chance of "coolpoints" coming to Elftown as well?

2005-12-02 [Leara]: I don't see the point on a fantasy/artist community for such a thing. I hope not.

2005-12-04 [.Beautiful Dirt.]: Question: How come [light.]'s IP is banned again?To my best knowlage, she is innocent (unless she's being a bitch behind my back), but it says she "just arrived and started sending random insults" She didn't do that. Her IP has been banned several times, purely by accident (I think) and she rarely acts up on elftown.

2005-12-04 [True, plain and simple]: Someone else from that place had been banned before. She should be able to log in from there now that I gave her an antiban.

2005-12-04 [out of ere]: how come my ip is band, it was my freinds doing, yet i have to pay, i would be grateful if you would lift the block and i will asure you it wont happen again

2005-12-05 [Paz]: I was wondering if I could possibly have priv 94 because I would like to upload word document files to a certain wiki where I post my story. If it is no trouble that is :)

2005-12-05 [xx // Fayt L.e.i.n.g.o.d \\ xx]: hello? anyone here? major problem...

2005-12-05 [out of ere]: how come my ip is band, it was my freinds doing, yet i have to pay, i would be grateful if you would lift the block and i will asure you it wont happen again

2005-12-05 [Lerune]: There is no real "block" on your IP, evidently. It seems you fall under the new application requirements, meaning that any account from your IP has to be approved. We have to do this now because of the increasing number of troublemakers from certain IP adresses. It's nothing personal, and it won't be lifted.

2005-12-05 [Paz]: (not a guard and I know i'm not allowed to post but I must say...) [xx // Fayt L.e.i.n.g.o.d \\ xx] please state the problem or it cannot be solved. [out of ere] If you IP is banned how are you on?

2005-12-05 [Lerune]: [Paz], if you promise to only use your super powers for good and never for evil, I will help you out. ;o)

2005-12-05 [Paz]: I solemly swear to use my super powers for good and never ever for the forces of evil ;) The help will be very much appreciated

2005-12-05 [out of ere]: then why cant i eithir make any new accounts on elftown or elfpack, i know it says my ip address is blocked and i would like you or someone of higher authority to remove the ip ban, thankyou

2005-12-05 [Ihsahn]: she just said it will not be removed, you have to make a application to join now

2005-12-05 [Paz]: I cannot help you because I do not have the ability to ban or un-ban, also I do not know what the terms of the ban were in the first place, sorry but I must leave this to the illustrious guards XD

2005-12-05 [Paz]: If you are an aol member, you must apply to get a new account... I think that's how it goes

2005-12-05 [shotokan_gal]: [out of ere] - you don't need more than one account anyway so stop complaining. And if you'd care to scroll further up the page, [Lerune] is about the highest authority you're going to get on this page, being the Guard captain ;)

2005-12-05 [Paz]: Oh yes, thank you for the 94 priv ;)

2005-12-05 [xx // Fayt L.e.i.n.g.o.d \\ xx]: ok my gf has been hacked and her being stupid she never put her e-mail on Elftown, her username is [;RagDoll:x] could you verify what the password is or something?

2005-12-05 [Lerune]: Send me her email in a message and I will add it for her so she can access her own password.

2005-12-07 [Angel of Ice]: Where would I go to ask about getting a message put at the top of my house? A message like the artistic nudity warnings, only for not recieving messages telling me I'm hot and asking if I have any instant message services. (If that makes sense..)

2005-12-07 [Paz]: here :)

2005-12-07 [Angel of Ice]: Ah, quick response time, lol. Do I have to specify what I want it to say or anything like that?

2005-12-07 [True, plain and simple]: We don't write those messages (ones about people not messaging you) anymore for various reasons.

2005-12-07 [Angel of Ice]: Darn. Oh well I guess. Thanks, though.

2005-12-07 [Paz]: You must have a good reason for asking one posted or it will not be posted, so yes you have to specify or no one will have a clue what you want

2005-12-07 [Angel of Ice]: I just want those horny 13 year olds to stop sending me messages with nothing but "ur hott" or "wanna cyber." It's driving me crazy and is really getting on my nerves.

2005-12-07 [Calico Tiger]: Once again, [Paz], it's appreciated that you wish to help, but do not answer for the guards, please. Any further ones will simply be deleted as I've asked several times before :)

2005-12-08 [Flisky]: It is possible to get a message placed on the top of my house stating that I do not cyber and will report those who try it with me?

2005-12-08 [Calico Tiger]: No :) Write it in your bio. If they're not going to read your bio, they're not going to read the message at the top of your house either. A good way to get people to read your bio is to not fill it with a ton of questionaires, or other things that they have to pick through :)

2005-12-08 [Flisky]: I don't have any questionairres, and only the things I really want on my house are there...I really can't delete them...I just think that most people don't actually bother to read them..

2005-12-08 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: I would suggest putting it in big bold letters at the very top of your bio

2005-12-08 [Flisky]: suggestion noted and taken

2005-12-14 [David the Good]: I was wanting to upload a gif file to ET and was told "You have to have priv. 99 to do that. Then you upload them through wikis. Ask the guards to get the privs." So could you get the privs? LOL

2005-12-14 [David the Good]: whatever they are.

2005-12-14 [Dr. Octogator]: hello people.. i was wondering ..., how do u become a guard? i would like to be one... or a member of the elftown secret service.

2005-12-14 [shotokan_gal]: Showing you've actually read this page would be a good start. See the faq.

2005-12-14 [David the Good]: Could someone tell me about privs if it isnt a problem

2005-12-14 [David the Good]: thank you.

2005-12-15 [someelf]: I made a ASCII image by myself. And I wonder if I can put it up, it's not that big o.o' >.> o.o

2005-12-15 [shotokan_gal]: Self-made non-annoying (i.e. reasonably sized) ASCII is allowed on the house of the creator, though it might be an idea to state it's self-made underneath to stop a guard deleting it :)

2005-12-15 [someelf]: o.o Okej but I guess since it's named 'Elfy' wait I'll send it to ya, so you understand ^__^'

2005-12-19 [David the Good]: I was wondering how I could aquire Priv. 99

2005-12-19 [shotokan_gal]: Getting a better grasp of the uploading art rules would help - I just had to remove something from your house. We don't want rule-breaking images uploaded to the wiki any more than we want them in houses.

2005-12-19 [David the Good]: And I plan on read them but these arent for personal use but rather for contests.

2005-12-19 [shotokan_gal]: What's not 'personal' about entering contests :P And we have no assurance that you won't abuse them, judging by the record on your house. Read the uploading art rules and maybe when you've followed them for a while your request can be reconsidered.

2005-12-19 [-tsukasa-]: I have a question for the people here. If you would be so kind to awnser it, please. "Can I still become a quard if I once broke the uploading art rules but still work very hardly to maintain, contain and support Elftown?"

2005-12-19 [Sunrose]: It can happen yes, I am an example of that myself :)

2005-12-19 [Ultiem]: how do you contain elftown -tsukasa-?

2005-12-20 [-tsukasa-]: that you keep elftown under decent control and not under a group of rebelions(if that could happen with [Hedda] and [Sunrose] here

2005-12-20 [Nita]: Um... Rebellions don't work that well on the Internet. But thanks for caring ;)

2005-12-20 [-tsukasa-]: No problem. Just like to think about the worst case scenario

2005-12-22 [TwiztidYoshi03]: sorry guards ... I dont mean to break the Uploading Art Rules... but the last time the other guard said it was ok for me to have it up.. so I'm sorry and I'll take all pictures down... then I dont have to worry... thanks tho for your time... :P

2005-12-27 [Paz]: Question: If someone has taken art that wasn't done by them but on the page where they posted it they said it was done by someone else, could I still report them. I asked the person if they had permission to have the image from the real artist and they never replied. So even though I am unsure about whether or not they have permission is it okay to report?

2005-12-27 [Nita]: Well, go ahead and report it. We won't yell at you for that even if ey has permission :)

2005-12-29 [Paz]: okay, thank you :)

2005-12-30 [little miss cutie katie]: he started it by saying i am anerixic which i am not

2005-12-30 [Sunrose]: Stop lying, you were reported twice and neither of those members said anything about you being anorexic.

2005-12-31 [-tsukasa-]: I have 2 little questions. Is it possible to let the Elftown secret service remove comments above your house (and if possible on what occasions). and 2 can you report a message that just says HI or wanna chat without further replies

2005-12-31 [-tsukasa-]: owyeah and onother one. Are song lyrics copies art too (I think so cause it's kind of a poem of the artist/writer)

2005-12-31 [Sunrose]: It depends on what it says and what it was put there for. // Sending a 'hi'/'wanna chat'-message does not violate any rules :) // Song lyrics are copyrighted yes :)

2006-01-01 [Paz]: Is it considered copyrighting if someone takes a picture from elfwood and doesn't give credit?

2006-01-01 [Sunrose]: Better question would be if it violates the Uploading Art Rules, since even your own art is copyrighted but that copyright belongs to you ;) // Using images not created by you or for you violate the UAR, unless it is an Elftown Graphic or wikibanner (and both of those may not contain random images taken from the internet or stolen from another artist). So yes, using an image from Elfwood violates the UAR if the member did not create it him/herself :)

2006-01-01 [Paz]: okay, thank you. It turns out she removed the image though :)

2006-01-02 [Crimson]: "Sometimes we make mistakes and delete something that should have been allowed. Do not make a big deal about it. Reply to the guard who deleted your image (you got a message explaining why the image was deleted) and explain briefly why the image should be allowed and everything will be fine." - this isn't exactly true...sometimes the guard will bs a reason why they removed it. Oh and "This image was removed because it violates the Uploading Art Rules." is a really, really crappy reason. When you ask which rule, you usually get a "go read the rules".

2006-01-02 [stuffAEAmade]: Sometimes it depends on which guard you ask, and if they've been dealing with stupid people all day. I get snappy after that... >.>

2006-01-02 [Sunrose]: Oh, you mean when your boyfriend [edeadda] uploaded images of Rammstein (back in June) and the band DeadStar Assembly (the first image contains the bandmembers, the second image contains at least the logo of which I doubt very much was created by him)? Your boyfriend was explained (in messages [48980349@] and [48980370@]) why they were removed and it states very clearly in the rules: all images in your house must be made by you or for you. Images of celebrities must have you in the image with them. The logo used in the last image is the logo of the same band. If after that explanation you still keep asking about the reason of removal you will get a shorter answer,

2006-01-02 [Sunrose]: because you apparantly are not able to understand what was said to you before. Suggesting for you to read the rules is therefor actually a pretty good idea, since you obviously do not know them very well. IF by any chance you somehow DID create something using your own images abiding by the UAR, proof will be required. In any case I suggest next time you refrain from sending things like [52807982@].

2006-01-04 [boy of the year]: can sombody teach me how to be a guard plz anybodyplz

2006-01-04 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Of course, [boy of the year]. I can teach you. Step #1: Read FAQ.

2006-01-04 [boy of the year]: i read it what do i do now can you message me at my house thank you

2006-01-04 [True, plain and simple]: You didn't read it very well then.

2006-01-04 [dragonflye]: Q: Can I be a town guard? Please!!!   A: See apply to the crew! Don't even try if you're new and haven't proven yourself. And don't give up just because you haven't been picked for one year! This is Elftown, not stress-town and we want people with patience.   Elftown crew members are chosen from people who send nice reports, or write smart things in the forums. From there guards are picked.

2006-01-04 [dragonflye]: All you gotta do is apply to the crew and prove yourself. That's what it says in plain english.

2006-01-06 [Crimson]: When he uploaded the Rammstein images I hadn't had time to tell him there were rules to the place, and when he first put up the DSA pics - I was told they were okay because the band gives permission to any and all fanart to be created of them, using their images and logos. And the links are a mite shitty seeing as they dump me back in my own box.  But as was stated in other messages, this place is going to shit. Elfwood did, and now this place is - I only hang around for the two or three people worth talking to, seeing as my art is seen now as too "violent" and "morbid" for either EW or ET. 

2006-01-06 [Sunrose]: The links can only be read by [edeadda] obviously, because it are his messages not yours. The rules here have changed months ago and it was announced in the news. The rules were inspired by Elftown artists who requested stricter rules on the usage of unoriginal art. Elftown is after all about art, preferably art you made completely by yourself. After that rulechange we have given members time to remove illegal art before we actually started to remove things. The rules about violent and morbid images have always been there. Complaining about EW's rules here is also pretty pointless, because this is ElfTown.

2006-01-06 [Sunrose]: It is NOT ok for you to send an insult to a Guard and claim we were in the wrong, when it was your boyfriend who violated our rather clearly stated rules. If you don't like it here anymore, then you are free to leave. There are plenty of other websites where you can host your images.

2006-01-07 [Crimson]: Yeah, why not try to give the people who haven't been on in months some time, eh? And when you've been gone for so long that the news on Main Street has changed, you can't bitch about someone not being aware of it - especially since the pages don't even open there anywhere. Also, almost all art is something someone else is done...and if you're "inspired" by something someone else has really can't be said that you "made it completely by yourself" - and if someone's entire world is music, how are pics, that the band gave permission to use copyrighted images for, not having anything to do with that person? Never did get an answer for that one either. 

2006-01-07 [Crimson]: Define insult. btw "it are his messages"? Nice English usage there. And yes, there are other websites, but they are either ridden with rules like Elfwood, or a bitch to upload things on like DeviantArt or mostly just a place for storage, like Photobucket.

2006-01-07 [Calico Tiger]: "Define insult" "Just letting you know - you really need to work on your wolves' proportions and look in general - because the one you have up looks like shit." Constructive criticism is always welcome. Insults are not :) Perhaps you'd be happier over on Elfpack.

2006-01-07 [Gluttony]: one's happier on elfpack... *shivers at the thought*...

2006-01-07 [Sunrose]: If we leave images up that violate the rules for everyone to see, just because the member has been away, it will only lead to more illegal images. Other members will point at your boyfriends house and ask why his images are allowed and theirs are not for instance. / If you haven't been on Elftown for a while, it is your own responsibility to catch up with older news (and when you click Mainstreet, you will be confronted with all the old newsitems). / If you made an image from scratch it will be allowed by Elftowns rules and considered 'completely made by you' even if it was inspired by something else. / Never was it said that the images didn't have anything to do with you.

2006-01-07 [Sunrose]: Your boyfriend used celebrity images and other material that wasn't made by him, THAT was why they were removed. / I don't see how my perfectly fine English has anything to do with the issue. Again you are just pissed about the rules and turn to attempts to insult me. // The rules or uploadingissues on other websites are not our problem. Don't like it here? Then get out already instead of bitching on this page and insulting our members! As said, Elfpack sounds just perfect for you.

2006-01-07 [Lerune]: I would remind any and all people that English is not the spoken language the whole world over, so many people on ET speak English as a second on even third or fourth language. Try to be a bit more understanding. Sunrose, as well as others, speaks English far better than most American teenagers. ;o)

2006-01-07 [Gluttony]: Most... not all...

2006-01-07 [Sunrose]: Thanks [Lerune] *^^* / Eh yes, that is what 'most' means [Gluttony]..

2006-01-07 [Lerune]: That is what I said. =oP

2006-01-07 [Gluttony]: I know... just restating with emphasis... it's a hobby of mine...

2006-01-07 [Lerune]: =oP

2006-01-10 [swabloo]: can you restore lost data? like if some idiot deleted everything on a wiki page, can you bring it all back?

2006-01-10 [someelf]: yes o.o you can look on your right side of the page under the relationlist and under wiki search, by a wiki page theres some white box with info who has last written in it, and also "previous page" on it.. look; <img100*0:>

2006-01-10 [shotokan_gal]: Yes :) See CNETG9 (or a guard can do it if you give us the wiki name). It's also a good idea to report members who do that sort of thing, if you haven't already.

2006-01-10 [swabloo]: oh, it's not my wiki, it's one i joined... someone deleted all the data, but on his house it says he's already banned..

2006-01-10 [swabloo]: the pages are zelda members and zelda art

2006-01-10 [someelf]: tried to help ^^

2006-01-10 [Sunrose]: [shotokan_gal] fixed them now ;)

2006-01-10 [swabloo]: thankyou n.n

2006-01-14 [Paz]: Am I allowed to report someone who has a wiki banner that breaks the rules in their house? Even if they weren't the creator?

2006-01-14 [nokaredes]: I usually go to the wiki, and then find the owner, and report the banner at the owner's house...

2006-01-14 [pixish]: Yes, you can report the banners :)

2006-01-14 [Paz]: Okay, thank you :)

2006-01-14 [Sunrose]: And the procedure [nokaredes] described is the correct one :)

2006-01-14 [Paz]: Good, I reported the creator of the banners as well :) 

2006-01-14 [Sunrose]: Reporting the creator suffices when the banner was uploaded to Elftown; when we delete it from the source it will be deleted everywhere the link was used :)

2006-01-15 [The goth lord]: gards are all judging people by their religion!

2006-01-15 [stuffAEAmade]: No, we do not.

2006-01-15 [Paul Doyle]: o__O

2006-01-15 [-tsukasa-]: Well, that's a statement :P But I think they don't

2006-01-15 [Gluttony]: Yeah... they don't judge by religion... only race...

2006-01-15 [True, plain and simple]: Uh, we don't judge anyone by anything. If you break the rules, it's your own fault for being a dumbass. It's as simple as that. The fact that people have selective reading isn't our problem.

2006-01-15 [Paz]: Are screenshots from places like Gaia online allowed? :P I came across a member who has one uploaded. 

2006-01-15 [stuffAEAmade]: The avatars aren't so I assume the same would apply to screenshots. Correct me if I'm wrong.

2006-01-15 [Paz]: should I just go ahead and make a report anyways? (I'm nervous for reporting anything but ASCII images)

2006-01-15 [stuffAEAmade]: Go ahead. :)

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