Page name: Guards [Logged in view] [RSS]
2020-08-13 11:20:39
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Owner: Anonymous
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The guards enforce the rules on Elftown, reprimand trouble makers and ban repeat offenders.

To report another member, please read the instructions on Report!


Elftown Guard Team

Town Guard


Town Guard Lieutenant

Town Guard Captain



(Webart by [Calico Tiger])

Please see Elftown - Rules & Uploading Art Rules to find out what Elftown's rules are.

If you wish to report someone please use the report function on member's houses, rather than messaging the Guards.

Please note that only the Lieutenants and the Captain can handle issues concerning harassment in messages.

[Hedda] should only be contacted regarding account issues.

Town Guard Veterans

Veterans#Guards: These are retired Town Guards.


Patrollers: Vigilantly report violations of the Uploading Art Rules to the Guards team.

Use the comment section for Guard related questions and issues only.


Go or return to:
-The wiki-index
-The Elftown Council
-The badge reward system
-The Uploading Art Rules
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2005-08-11 [Fashionably Restrained]: he's some member here. all i know is his name is Andrew Korp (i don't know if that is his username or his real name)

2005-08-11 [Sunrose]: [gnarkill] seems to hate him too and [babidoll] has his name somewhere in her description (I couldn't find where). Other than that, that name is not used here by anyone anywhere... >.>

2005-08-11 [ally]: in [babidoll]' s bio: LAST PERSON WHO + Said they were going to kill you:Andrew Korp... . She mustn't like him either :p

2005-08-11 [Sunrose]: Or at least he didn't like her =P

2005-08-11 [ally]: you may delete this comment because it can be conidered as random chat but: I don't like her either for putting that name on the bottom of her page so I had to read all the crap before I eventually found it (and it doesn't even say who the guy is)

2005-08-11 [Sunrose]: It says nowhere who it is, so there is not really someone for us to protect against them >.>

2005-08-11 [Fashionably Restrained]: :( maybe an interigation? (lol)

2005-08-11 [Zab]: May I just ask which ways you can ban people?

2005-08-11 [Calico Tiger]: If the person who it is made about complains about it, we'll take care of it. In the meantime, it could just be someone they go to school with or any other number of things :)

2005-08-12 [Fashionably Restrained]: umm, ok then..

2005-08-12 [Zab]: Anyone who can answer my question above? I'm just curious, if you don't want me to know just say so.. :)

2005-08-12 [Ihsahn]: it is something not discussed with non guards I do not know either( it is that secret they don't tell me what it is )

2005-08-12 [Zab]: Ok. thanks.

2005-08-12 [Alice in Darkland]: I have a problem, ppl are constantly asking me if i have messengers and i specifically said that i didn't. Is there a way i can have a secret comment stating to tell ppl to stop asking?

2005-08-12 [Rach♥]: how do u get your writing a different colour when doing your descriptions?

2005-08-12 [Alice in Darkland]: its only if you donate

2005-08-13 [Calico Tiger]: Daisy, just tell them you're not interested. A sign up in your house will just encourage people to do the opposite.

2005-08-14 [Alice in Darkland]: someone took my pic off saying it's not me and it is.

2005-08-14 [Leara]: When a guard deletes something, I'd suggest not uploading it again until you can prove to the guard that removed it, that it does belong to you.

2005-08-14 [Alice in Darkland]: i can prove it though,thats the thing.

2005-08-14 [Sunrose]: Then prove it first, before putting it up again :)

2005-08-15 [Zab]: Hi. I know you often say no to SS-signs, but I would be really happy if I had one saying that I don't have msn. Maybe that would stop some of the annoying messages I get, and at least I could be sure that they knew it...

2005-08-15 [djxmonster]: As stated earlier: just tell them you're not interested. A sign up in your house will just encourage people to do the opposite.

2005-08-15 [Zab]: I do tell them that, but they don't exactly read the description, and I'd like to use my ''mood'' to say funnier things. When I have written it in my mood I don't get half as much messages. That's why I think it would help.

2005-08-15 [Zab]: I'm not trying to argue with you guys, I'm just asking for some help. But nevermind, I should've knewd it was pointless, at least this time. Bye, have a nice time.

2005-08-16 [Fashionably Restrained]: remember when i said something about korp haters united? i found out who andrew korp is. his name is [~♥IM \YOUR/{SICK LITTLE SUICIDE}♥~]    

2005-08-16 [Sunrose]: And he objects against said wiki? (Just asking :)

2005-08-18 [Alice in Darkland]: how do i prove it's me?

2005-08-18 [Sunrose]: Make another picture of you, with you holding a piece of paper that says 'I love Elftown!' :)

2005-08-18 [Lerune]: And considering that the last picture you had up that you said was of yourself was actually from a Victoria's Secret catalogue, you'll understand our trust issues in this case. ;o)

2005-08-19 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: I would like to report [:)(:], for being an asshole and destorying of other's work on purpose. He's wiped the Japan Lovers clean and replaced it with only things that an asshole would say. >.< I can fix the page easily myself. Don't worry. But I'm reporting him just the same. ((excuse my bad organization... I'm not too keen on people like that disrespecting rules and making people waste the Gaurd's time. It's not right.))

2005-08-19 [True, plain and simple]: I already took care of that member. Next time there is a problem, please send in a report using the 'Send report to guards' button in the offending members house, thanks!

2005-08-19 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: Yes, I understand. Thank you for your time.

2005-08-19 [True, plain and simple]: No problem. ;)

2005-08-21 [hounddog11]: glosticks and glitter is being an asshole

2005-08-21 [Sunrose]: Report the member with the 'Send report to Guards' button, please :)

2005-08-21 [Alice in Darkland]: lol that victoria's secret thing was a joke,i'll admit to that.

2005-08-24 [missjudith]: well I now i sated the whole thing.I just dont want him near me

2005-08-26 [beckzo]: thanks for helping me with [alistair] [Sunrose] :)

2005-08-28 [curator angelus]: why do we always go right to our message screen when we sign in?

2005-08-28 [Sunrose]: Read [313406] :)

2005-08-29 [beautiful _ darkness]: I thought that I might want to tell you about Death Lovers Thier banner the one on the main page they did not have premisson to use or alter in anyway the link of the image is ....

2005-08-29 [Sunrose]: Thank you for reporting :)

2005-08-31 [Particle Girl]: I'd like to bring S.K.K We Hate Her! to the attention of the guards.

2005-08-31 [Sunrose]: Taken care of, thanks for reporting :)

2005-08-31 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: WE H8 EMOS - This really needs checked out. The member they have used in their banner has not given his permission.

2005-08-31 [Sunrose]: Who is the member they used in their banner?

2005-08-31 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: Erm.. i'll try and find out his username.

2005-08-31 [Sunrose]: Thank you, I've messaged that member to ask if the creator of the banner had permission. Most likely not though, but doesn't hurt to ask :)

2005-08-31 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: Thanks! Bless him.

2005-08-31 [empty_account]: help! my account was deleted! like, i didn't think there was a way of being deleted, but it was! and my EP house was hacked into, and my email address was deleted, and my photobucket account! and my Fictionpress account, and my Myspace account! this guy that was harassing me on here said he was going to doo al this, and he did! help help help!

2005-08-31 [Sunrose]: I think you mean your description was deleted. Who was the member that did that: you should report that member with a Guardreport :)

2005-08-31 [Janouk]: I thought Rainedrop made another account because someone made her old one missing by changing the name of the original account?

2005-08-31 [empty_account]: no, my WHOLE screenname was deleted! i logged in as my cat and searched for "rainedrop" and it said no memmber existed...i just made this RaineDrop now...with my friend's email address since i don't have one anymore...i lost all my friend relations, all my wikis, everything...i don't know, he keeps making new house and changing their names so i can't find him...he deleted, like, every account i have...on EP even

2005-08-31 [empty_account]: what is my "new" screenname of my old account?

2005-08-31 [Sunrose]: It wasn't deleted, your name was changed into 'bye bye bye 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 KABOOM'

2005-08-31 [empty_account]: thank you sunrose...but do you know who messed with it? like, the IP or something?

2005-08-31 [Sunrose]: Seems to be the one you reported. I will fix it now.

2005-08-31 [RaineDrop]: *tears* they both have been doing this, now *every* site i belong to is messed up...not just here....*sobs*

2005-08-31 [Calico Tiger]: Make sure you run spybot or some other anti-spyware stuff on your computer. Also, make sure you never ever let your computer save your passwords :) And if a site asks if you want to auto-log in when you visit, say no. Most of the time you should be alright, but when things like this happen, it's good to be extra cautious. Also make sure your passwords are something you can remember, but not easy to hack

2005-09-01 [*priestess kikyo*]: hi do you know how i can get pics up in polls, how i can change the backround of wikis,or where i can post wanted adds?

2005-09-01 [*priestess kikyo*]: sorry if this is taking up space, but this was the only place i could get straight answers

2005-09-01 [Sunrose]: Please refer your questions to Help or the Town Guides :)

2005-09-01 [*priestess kikyo*]: okay thank you ^-^

2005-09-03 [Juiced]: umm if i find a pic that i like can i put it up even if i found it from elfpack

2005-09-03 [Ocean Dreaming]: Not unless it follows the Uploading Art Rules. From the sound of it, the answer is 'no', though. Not only are images you find somewhere random and unrelated to you, they're copyrighted and allowing them puts both Elftown and the user at legal risk.

2005-09-03 [Juiced]: thank u *bows* i aprceate your help

2005-09-04 [beautiful _ darkness]: I thought that I would report that one of the images at Death Lovers Banners is stolen this image is from

2005-09-04 [Sunrose]: Thank you, it's been taken care of :)

2005-09-05 [SerenityBug]: Not exactly sure if this belongs here.. But, I am being harrassed by [Alkor] he sent me a private message, I can post it if someone tells me how.

2005-09-05 [Alkor]: Bull craps, you harrassed me first. Yea, not really smart reporting somone to the gaurds after somone just started it. You harrassed me first. I harrassed you back. I just dont let it slide but I admited the harrassing but you started this whole thing.

2005-09-05 [SerenityBug]: *sigh* Help?

2005-09-05 [beautiful _ darkness]: how about this sultion you both just put eachother on ignore thats part the reason it is there

2005-09-05 [Alkor]: Im gladly to do so. But, in the icp sucks, tell them to quit freakin harrassing me and what-not. Im sick of it. Im trying to stop but all they do is keep pushing it.

2005-09-05 [beautiful _ darkness]: stop going there then

2005-09-05 [ally]: Ok first of all this is not the place to fight these things out. You can put the harassements in messages to a stop by blocking eachother.

2005-09-05 [SerenityBug]: I looked for it when he messaged me, but I didn't see it so I assumed that there was none. Where can I find it at?

2005-09-05 [beautiful _ darkness]: top of page

2005-09-05 [ally]: It's in the lower left corner of each page. It looks like this: block

2005-09-05 [SerenityBug]: Thank you.

2005-09-05 [doom trooper]: Can I be a guard?

2005-09-05 [peura]: [doom trooper]: Have you read the FAQ?

2005-09-05 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: We H8 EMOS "The banner of this wiki has been deleted, because the person on the picture did not give permission for it to be used. Guards" Guess what? The banners back..

2005-09-05 [Sunrose]: Where? It's not on the wiki (if you see it on the wiki: press refresh)

2005-09-05 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: That's wierd, it's still there when i press refresh over and over..

2005-09-05 [Sunrose]: Press F5 (when you are on the wiki).

2005-09-05 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: It's still there.. this is strange..

2005-09-05 [Sunrose]: I deleted the image, so it shouldn't show up..maybe your computer is still showing you a cached version even though you refreshed >.>

2005-09-05 [horny lil bitch]: can i have a warning for artistic nudity on my house please

2005-09-05 [Spanakopida]: You don't even have any artistic nudity in your house.

2005-09-05 [horny lil bitch]: i am waiting for a waring note in my house

2005-09-05 [True, plain and simple]: Since I have a feeling you don't understand the concept of 'artistic nudity', then no.

2005-09-06 [horny lil bitch]: i do, i am a topless model and want to display my art and want a warning for it

2005-09-06 [djxmonster]: So put it in a wiki

2005-09-06 [Calico Tiger]: And do not upload it to Elftown. Understand, when you have a user name like yours, and your house is full of cybering stuff and stolen images, it does not give the impression that you actually understand what "artistic nudity" means. It does not mean "Do me" images o_O

2005-09-06 [horny lil bitch]: please i think its art, i do model shoots and its art

2005-09-06 [Calico Tiger]: The wiki link has been deleted from this page. Do not advertise porn in our public pages

2005-09-06 [horny lil bitch]: it is not porn, does that mean i can keep the wiki

2005-09-06 [horny lil bitch]: and the pictures in it

2005-09-06 [Calico Tiger]: Porn is not artistic nudity. Do not spam this page or any other page about it. The answer is "No" you may not have an "artistic nudity" warning on your porn images.

2005-09-06 [horny lil bitch]: yeah, i will just put on the page where the link is, warning, artistic nudity past this point

2005-09-07 [Alkor]: Its not porn. If she models topless, its considered art. You see people here in ET with "artistic Nudity" that are topless and they are posing for it. Why cannt she?

2005-09-07 [Lerune]: As I arrived after the wiki link was deleted, I cannot make a competely factual statement, but I can speak on my behalf, and I think most of the Guards will agree with me that the intent of an image like this one: is vastly different compared to what [horny lil bitch] wants to display. =o)

2005-09-07 [Yoruno]: Question: Is it a warning next to the wiki link enough as to make it... uhm... let's say, legal? I mean, if it says Warning: nudity, can it be then displayed in a public wiki?

2005-09-07 [horny lil bitch]: thank you people

2005-09-07 [djxmonster]: [Alkor]: Just because someone poses topless doesn't make it art. If it has any sexual intent, we can consider it porn

2005-09-07 [horny lil bitch]: but it is art, i get told how to model and people take photo, what about people who draw people naked, is that not art, im doing the same but with photos

2005-09-07 [djxmonster]: Just because you call it "modeling" doesn't make it art. We can't say if it's art or not unless we actually see the picture(s) in question. People who draw must follow the same rules

2005-09-07 [Calico Tiger]: Two women licking a dildo is not artistic nudity. Now quit with the spamming about wanting to post your stolen porn. Further posts will be deleted.

2005-09-07 [~Vash~]: There's a difference between "advertizing for sex with the intention of making men horny" and "artistic nudity." Besides, if they simply tell you how to model and they take a picture of it, it's not art. You're simply doing what you've been told to do. You can't honestly take a class photo of yourself from a yearbook and call it art..

2005-09-08 [Alkor]: I never said all the topless modles were Art. Look at playboy with the single wemon (meant tby theresekves). They have clothes on (some) that are possing topless. You saying that is nudity? What [Lerune] posted (the link) is porn/art. The person is nude so its considered nudity. (being a smartass here)

2005-09-08 [~Vash~]: 1.) I didn't mention nudity. And 2.) The blunt point being: (And I'll say it once again...) It's not being used as "art." It's advertizing for sex with the intention of making men horney and having them drool over the picture of the scantilly-clad (or nude..) woman on the screen. Which, oh! By the way: You can get in contact with this woman! Gee, how convinient!..... 0_o;; HELLO?? *Nocknock* It's called suggestive advertizement. Did the name [horny lil bitch] by chance give you any clue as to what the true intentions of her "art" were? X___x

2005-09-08 [Death's Die-Ary]: I really have a problem, i'm beginning to get messages from my bf's friends. They continue to message me with messages containing the relationship between my bf and i. How can i get them to stop? i've tried telling them to leave my bf's business and mine alone,once i get rid of one of his friends,another one comes along.

2005-09-08 [djxmonster]: Warn them a final time, then report the members who don't stop

2005-09-08 [Death's Die-Ary]: i have and they don't care,[Angelic nightmares] is still messaging me after many times i've told her to leave me alone,but then of course she's going to deny it.

2005-09-08 [True, plain and simple]: Why don't you just use the block button?

2005-09-09 [another brick in the wall]: um, I was woundering if what I have in my house is appropreate, since it deprives the privilage obtained by donateing. I did wake it all my own though. I'm just making sure.

2005-09-09 [another brick in the wall]: I noticed that 3 guard like figures check my house like 15 min. ago. If your woundreing how I did it, I wrote it out in Microsoft Word then copied sections to paint and took a little piece form to make the back round.

2005-09-09 [peura]: Those are ok, [another brick in the wall]. There are no rules against having images that consist of text ;-)

2005-09-10 [another brick in the wall]: thanks.

2005-09-12 [doggiepog6]: Can a guard put up a thing on my page that says that i will not cyber w/ anyone?

2005-09-12 [djxmonster]: They can.... but most likely won't

2005-09-12 [xx // Fayt L.e.i.n.g.o.d \\ xx]: so I take it people need to ask very, very nicely for something like that then?

2005-09-12 [djxmonster]: Well, the problem with creating a SS message saying not to send cyber requests (or whatever) is that it is likely to cause you to get more requests by dumber people

2005-09-12 [xx // Fayt L.e.i.n.g.o.d \\ xx]: hmm I believe you're right.

2005-09-13 [Calico Tiger]: And that's not what those messages are up there for. People can use their bio for it (people who are going to bother reading anything will read that. Otherwise they're not likely to read the SS message either). Or they can send in a reply saying they're not interested and put the person on block if they so wish

2005-09-13 [xx // Fayt L.e.i.n.g.o.d \\ xx]: another good and valid point

2005-09-14 [Death's Die-Ary]: well how come some ppl have it and some don't even though they still block and/or tell them their not intrested?

2005-09-14 [Calico Tiger]: Because those people managed to get a guard to do it for them before it was decided that those were just getting silly and out-of-hand :)

2005-09-15 [Angelic nightmares]: I was thinking about putting one of my drawings that contain nudity, up in my house, some time within the next few days. And I was wondering if it was pobbile, if I could get a message saying my house contains nudity. That way, I don't have younger kids looking at it, and then I get in trouble for it.

2005-09-15 [~Vash~]: XP Wow...did we not just get through talking about this?

2005-09-16 [Furr]: I think the warnings against artistic nuditry is a wee bit different from the messages about not wanting cybrsecks and such.

2005-09-16 [Angelic nightmares]: I know it different, and i'm sorry...I just wanted some sort of warning that those kind of drawings were gonna be on my house....

2005-09-16 [Furr]: Oh, didn't imply a warning against artistic nudity was bad. I'd rather see such, than those do not cyber with me messages on top of the houses.

2005-09-16 [hanhepi]: you really dont need a warning to put up artistic nudity. as long as its just a nude, and not drawn porn. (and drawn porn wouldnt be allowed even with a warning.) if you are really worried about it warping the minds of children, put it on a wiki instead of your house.

2005-09-16 [Angelic nightmares]: Nothing like sex right?

2005-09-16 [Calico Tiger]: Correct :) Sex, sexual acts, etc... The statue of David is artistic nudity. Naughty Tentacle hentai is porn ^_^

2005-09-16 [Angelic nightmares]: So just a cartoon standing around in the nude, is ok right?

2005-09-16 [Calico Tiger]: It should be fine. If all else fails and you have a question, upload it and ask :D

2005-09-16 [Angelic nightmares]: Kay.....gonna have my mum help me scan it into the computer tonight, and then I'll upload it, and come back here....see if its ok

2005-09-16 [hanhepi]: if your mom doesnt look at it and smack you, chances are its artistic nudity.

2005-09-17 [Angelic nightmares]: No....she's seen it before....and I got glared at....

2005-09-17 [madcool]: hey how r u today i have a ?4 u can i please please please be a Guard please?

2005-09-17 [madcool]: or how can i be a Guard?

2005-09-17 [Leara]: Please read the FAQ, or the top of the page before asking such questions.

2005-09-17 [Sunrose]: And please don't chat on this page: it will be deleted. :)

2005-09-17 [Thunder Cid]: I just would like to say thanks for banning [Capt. Drunk]. He and I have had many of fights on his racial behavior and I even tried to help him by asking him to remove the flag. To the guard who got him thank you.

2005-09-18 [{Fallen Angel}Broken Black Angel Wings]: How does someone get unbanned?

2005-09-18 [Sagacious Turkey]: Depends on what they were banned for...

2005-09-18 [{Fallen Angel}Broken Black Angel Wings]: They were banned for violating uploading the art rules

2005-09-18 [Calico Tiger]: Generally it depends on how many times they were warned, their reactions, have they been banned before, etc... Sometimes it's permanent, sometimes (if they're lucky), it's only temporary

2005-09-18 [Alkor]: [Thunder Cid], just cause somone has a "racist" flag in there house don't mean the gaurds remove it. If you don't like it, then don't look in house. If you 2 have been fighting and wouldn't stopped, you should have clicked the "Ignore" button instead. :)

2005-09-18 [Sunrose]: And by that I end the discussion that may or may not have started between [Alkor] and [Thunder Cid]: you can use private messages for this.. More comments will be deleted :)

2005-09-22 [Alkor]: Can a gaurd go to the icp sucks and tell [nameless, again] to remove my picture? He didn't give permission to take it from my house and post it in the wiki.

2005-09-22 [pixish]: you should go to that member's house and make a report with all of the details :)

2005-09-24 [code red269]: im the guy that u took his asscl watever thing do u like totaly take them or r they in a file if so i woyuld like them back if posible if not o well

2005-09-24 [Sunrose]: ASCII-art gets totally removed..

2005-09-26 [Angelic nightmares]: Is it seriously possible to ban someone from a wiki page?

2005-09-26 [Sagacious Turkey]: Yes... if it's their wiki they can do anything they want... didn't you hear me the first time?!

2005-09-26 [Hedda]: Technically, you can only make a wiki-page closed (connect a forum to it, or password-protect the page), but not only exclude someone. If you could, that would only result in more houses made by trouble-makers.

2005-09-27 [Angelic nightmares]: Ok. Thanks.

2005-09-29 [BarleySinger]: what is with this "10 image limit" on the house page. I use very small images as a substitute for using a HR or as a bullet at the start of a line. THey make my page a LOT nicer to look at. I went to add one new badge I was given to my page and had to remove a bunch of pretty (very small) images that take almost no time to load. I like my substitute horizontal rule image, and my little bullets. I know that lots of big images are a problem but geeze, cant the php code compute the size of the images or something and allow nice little things that make the page more readable? I made mine before this image <img:stuff/2237_wiki_help_9y7vcgcflr5.jpg> existed and they look nice.

2005-09-29 [hanhepi]: check out nonimages the images there do not count tward the limit. :) (however, i cant answer the part about the php code. i'd have to know what a php code was first.)

2005-10-02 [kerry555]: Hedda and guards, I am reporting a user by the name of [purple man], which I have recently been getting rather disgusting comments and messages. He has sent me messages regarding my sexuality, as such as this: 1) Bitch are you a faget (received at 2005-10-02 02:10:32) and 2) WELL BITCH YOU LOOK LIKE YOU WANT SOME MEAT,TO BAD IM NOT THE ONE TO GIVE IT TO YOU . (received at 2005-10-02 02:19:33) In which I responded to these as just denying it (if you read my page, it says that my preferred sex is the opposite sex)If you could please do something about it, it would be greatly appreciated. 

2005-10-02 [Akurei_Kitsune]: If you just report the person on their page, using the 'report button' above their name, including the messages and such, the Guards will take care of it. If he continues to send you harrassing messages, just click the 'block' button at the bottom of his house.

2005-10-02 [NightTheOwl]: So how do you join in the Guards or Patrollers

2005-10-02 [Charybdis]: Reading the FAQ, as it says above the comments box, would be a good start.

2005-10-03 [Mortified Penguin]: Despite my frequent requests, the infestation of 'wolves', so to speak, refuse to leave my wiki, Bob's Diner. Could you so kindly ask them to leave...?

2005-10-03 [Mortified Penguin]: ...these 'wolves' are [Angelic nightmares], [Beo-Wulf], and [xXTwilightXRose Xx]...

2005-10-04 [Ladywood]: How do we become guards. I've been intrested since I joined!

2005-10-04 [stuffAEAmade]: Start by reading the FAQ. :)

2005-10-06 [Angelic nightmares]: I took the advice of [Rennie] and made my own diner, (pirates palace) and I rather [Mortified Penguin] not make and comments on it....thank you!

2005-10-06 [Sagacious Turkey]: You know... you're supposed to report someone after they've done something...

2005-10-06 [Ladywood]: Also Wolf Pirate, there is a message at the top of his page you should check out...

2005-10-07 [Angelic nightmares]: Is there anyway possible to see who all watching a wiki page?

2005-10-07 [Charybdis]: No, there isn't.

2005-10-07 [Sunrose]: You could try and ask who is watching though.. :)

2005-10-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...and while we're on the subject... could one of you lovely guards ask [Angelic nightmares] to either rephrase or remove the "news" part of pirates palace...?

2005-10-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: It is very misleading... it makes it look as though we've been on there before and 'violated' it. <img:>

2005-10-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...I, personally, don't want such a reputation.

2005-10-07 [Angelic nightmares]: Will you please get over it. You and him don't want me at Bob's diner, and I rather you guys not be at my diner.

2005-10-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: Please don't post unnecessary comments on this wiki. Try official chat! ;)

2005-10-07 [Jay Ladlehaus]: that goes for both of you.

2005-10-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: Heeey... I have a legitimate problem there!

2005-10-07 [Jay Ladlehaus]: it's been noted

2005-10-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: Okey dokey, pokey.

2005-10-08 [Calico Tiger]: I fail to see why this is a guards problem. If you don't want eachother on eachother's diner pages, just don't go to eachother's diner pages and the problem is solved. Or is a parent telling you all to go to your corners really neccessary? o_O Please quit with the bickering on this page, btw.

2005-10-08 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...that has nothing to do with what I said up there! ...but nevermind now... sheesh... you'd think you people'd read...

2005-10-08 [Calico Tiger]: I don't see the problem. They're not slandering you or calling you goat-humpers or other names... They're simply saying that you're not allowed there and to send a report if you show up

2005-10-09 [Hand vom Verdammten]: boy I sure like you people :)

2005-10-09 [Hand vom Verdammten]: Thanks fur makin Elftown a better place!

2005-10-11 [Charybdis]: Reading the FAQ is a good start...

2005-10-12 [body of pointless scars]: unban kicking gandhi plz

2005-10-12 [Sunrose]: No, he has been banned for harassment. And since you look a lot like a clone you may get banned too if you don't stop sending insults and asking Guards to unban [kicking gandhi] :)

2005-10-14 [NightTheOwl]: so if we see an ASCII art we report it immediately or give a warning first

2005-10-14 [Charybdis]: Either one. If you feel like being nice, or if you think the member will listen to you, then you can send a warning first if you want to, and then a report if s/he doesn't do anything about it. As long as the ASCII is removed somehow in the end. :)

2005-10-15 [Calico Tiger]: Be aware, however, that if you send warnings or ask someone to remove something, you're likely to get some very rude responses in return. You'll get many thank-yous and other types, but you'll get plenty of assholes swearing at you too ;)

2005-10-17 [Kirikale]: So, what's the verdict? That breasts wiki seems pointless- the argument keeps going around in circles. Are we, or are we not still allowed to have artistic nudity on our house pages? Is a warning header at the top of the page required for houses containing artistic nudity? Just curious.

2005-10-17 [BlackTearsCry]: can i say somthin on behalf of hommie_4_life  she asked if she could have it as a pic but u did not even answer u just banned it if u just said no she would have tooken it off

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