Page name: The Andorian Chronicles [Exported view] [RSS]
2020-07-09 01:29:12
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
# of watchers: 2
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Glaeron <-- Main page for anything in Baerlon and or Andor

To Sildea <-- Traveling to Sildea or from

Sildea <-- The country, and the only truly made city the capital city

Asper's Prison <-- Inside of Aspers mind

Pachuca <-- In the country known as Pachucca

disciples of soth <-- Anything to do with the bad guys
Disciples of Soth XV <-- Current bad guy page
Venir <-- Lash and his ploys

Valusia <-- Lily's Adventuers
Valusia XXIV <-- Lily's current Story

The Stolen Child <-- Conner's Adventures
The Stolen Child IX <-- Conner's current Story

Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.1 <-- Conner getting back Xeph
Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.2
Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.3
Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.4
Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.5 <-- current Story

Held within is the story of all the Hero's that came from Andor. Those Hero's who proved time and again that one race is not above all others but that the compassion and bravery of a few souls can often times save the world from great evil. That honor and pride are things that should be used but not coveted and that Bravery and inner strength, love and above all else faith should rule our lives.

A list and link to all the chapters we've gathered up to this point.

Ravenwood Estates 1

Chapter One:
Alehial Ravenwood deals with the problems in home and household and even in the kingdom, while all the children have their own struggles in the Ravenwood Estate. Between husband and children. Between loves and losses. Alehial has to reconnect with who she is supposed to be and leave behind the woman everyone expects her to be, or desires her to be.

Ravenwood Estates 2

Chapter Two:
The family splits into two groups. One to go to Sildea and gather the young children left in the safety of the ancestral home of the elves Sildea, a week and a half journey at best. The other half mostly the best warriors and those women who cannot travel due to pregnancy stay at home and deal with the unresolved issues of the kingdom and home.

Ravenwood Estates 3

Chapter Three:
With the four pregnant women at home with the best warriors left behind to protect them but the main family still journeying to Sildea we watch how they get on together and how Asper will react to the suddenly emptied house. Always the problem child... even Giving the Dwarven woman whose pregnancy is filled with pain a hard time. Everyones tempers are short and mediators are few and far between in the house now.

Ravenwood Estates 4

Chapter Four:
In this chapter we finally follow the adventures of Cybil Damodred and Mathius Ravenwood on a simple mission to gather information. The mission turns out not to be so simple after all and as things are slowly being revealed Cybil is being pushed into a role most uncomfertable that oddly enough brings her so much closer to her beloved Mathius.

Ravenwood Estates 5

Chapter Five:
Once again following the Ravenwood caravan to Sildea, we find that even though family is something that you will always have sometimes... IT's harder to bear with then one could ever imagine... and on the other hand... being reunited with it... can be one of the best things you ever experience. Such is the truth for three out of four ravenwoods in the caravan.

Ravenwood Estates 6

Chapter Six:
Asper is in Danger and Lily plays with fire in this chapter. Some dangerous people have gotten loose and are playing tricks... dangerous and even deadly tricks in the mind of Asper the half drow and the wife of the ever powerful Darryl Ravenwood. While Lily is still smitten with the older Gerard, of which she can see no reason past ehr girlish crush he has carefully harbored.

Ravenwood Estates 7

Chapter Seven:
WE are back in Pachucca with Cybil and her troubles keeping up her many facades and her courage to face the ordeals put ahead of her. Even with Mathius there to support her and to help her deal with the changes Cybil begins to loose her grap on how to handle their particular situation. She fids several truths she wishes she never had and she finds truths in which she wished she'd found so much earlier before as well.

Ravenwood Estates 8

Chapter Eight:
BAck at the Ravenwood Estates things have calmed down again and once again the mood of the house changes. It's up to those left behind to calm and sooth the tempers and emotions of the women not completely in control of themselves. Asper begins to settle a little and the whole house notices. It is a strange turn of events and Aspers life never seems to get easier, nor the life of any around her.

Ravenwood Estates 9

Chapter Nine:
Flint and Lyriel continued to struggle and fight each other and their own feelings. Conflictions run high between then and the others in the caravan feel the tension of it around them. They are not the only ones feeling a tension as it seems Alehial is now paranoid of the threat of Galin and he is the root of her unrest in the days of late.

Ravenwood Estates 10

Chapter Ten:
Cybil learns more of her host Helene but the day to meet the Matron has come at last. Not only that but Mathius is attacked at the home of Helene, with confusion and suspicion running high in Pachucca Cybil still struggles to food those around her into beleiving the stories she had told and the half truths she had been using this entire time.

Ravenwood Estates 11

Chapter Eleven:
In Sildea Many of the children are learning hard lessons. Orissa a young sorceress, and her non magically talented sister Samantha are causing havoc and mayhem, enough so that even they are afraid of what is happening because of them. Thankfully the whole family is there to help, even if no one is an adult and the girls make a quick but deep attatchment to their maid assigned to them while they stay with their grandmother.

Ravenwood Estates 12

Chapter Twelve:
In which though much of this chapter we see the domestic lives of many of our hero's. Alehial is once again forced with keeping secrets and more worries to carry. Lily too was hiding a secret of her own. Then an attack on the house. Foreworned by the enemy himself, followed by the begining of Asper's labor a week long process to take place.

Ravenwood Estates 13

Chapter thirteen:
The twins are outside of the walls, and the seige upon Sildea has begun. On their journey to Sildea Lyriel and Flint learn more about each other and who they are away from the family. Meanwhile the twins face a very prominent threat with only their nanny to protect them.

Ravenwood Estates 14

Chapter fourteen:

Ravenwood Estates 15

Chapter fifteen:

Ravenwood Estates 16

Chapter sixteen:

Ravenwood Estates 17

Chapter seventeen:

Ravenwood Estates 18

Chapter eighteen:

Ravenwood Estates 19

Chapter nineteen:

Ravenwood Estates 20

Chapter twenty:
The Family is finally reunited with each other in Baerlon, and everyone begins to settle in once more to life as they knew it. sort of.

Ravenwood Estates 21

Chapter twenty one:

Ravenwood Estates 22

Chapter twenty two:

Ravenwood Estates 23

Chapter twenty three:

Ravenwood Estates 24

Chapter twenty four:

Ravenwood Estates 25

Chapter twenty five:

Ravenwood Estates 26

Ravenwood Estates 27

Ravenwood Estates 28

Ravenwood Estates 29

Ravewnood Estates 30

Glaeron <-- Main page for anything in Baerlon and or Andor

To Sildea <-- Traveling to Sildea or from

Sildea <-- The country, and the only truly made city the capital city

Asper's Prison <-- Inside of Aspers mind

Pachuca <-- In the country known as Pachucca

disciples of soth <-- Anything to do with the bad guys
Disciples of Soth XV <-- Current bad guy page
Venir <-- Lash and his ploys

Valusia <-- Lily's Adventures
Valusia XXIV <-- Lily's current adventures

The Stolen Child <-- Conner's Adventures
The Stolen Child IX <-- Conner's current Story

Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.1 <-- Conner getting back Xeph
Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.2
Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.3
Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.4
Andor: All Over A Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.5 <-- Current Story

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2010-12-29 [Sheamus Finn]: Don't forget "Sildea"

2011-04-15 [Nuktae-tal]: what do you think of the new layout for the archive page?

2011-04-15 [Sheamus Finn]: It looks really nice

2011-04-15 [Nuktae-tal]: Better then before?

2011-04-15 [Sheamus Finn]: Some, it still is really well organized

2011-05-18 [Nuktae-tal]: I'll more then likely change it again later

2011-09-14 [Nuktae-tal]: Okay cleaned up a little and put up a new chapter cleaned up Glearon, so we have more room to post.

2017-04-11 [Nuktae-tal]: just cleaning things and updating things and making things look nice lol.

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