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The guards enforce the rules on Elftown, reprimand trouble makers and ban repeat offenders.

To report another member, please read the instructions on Report!


Elftown Guard Team

Town Guard


Town Guard Lieutenant

Town Guard Captain



(Webart by [Calico Tiger])

Please see Elftown - Rules & Uploading Art Rules to find out what Elftown's rules are.

If you wish to report someone please use the report function on member's houses, rather than messaging the Guards.

Please note that only the Lieutenants and the Captain can handle issues concerning harassment in messages.

[Hedda] should only be contacted regarding account issues.

Town Guard Veterans

Veterans#Guards: These are retired Town Guards.


Patrollers: Vigilantly report violations of the Uploading Art Rules to the Guards team.

Use the comment section for Guard related questions and issues only.


Go or return to:
-The wiki-index
-The Elftown Council
-The badge reward system
-The Uploading Art Rules
-The help index

Username (or number or email):


2006-11-07 [shotokan_gal]: They're not automatically destroyed no. If a wiki (a hate wiki for example) was the reason the member was banned, then it may have it's old versions deleted.

2006-11-07 [Angelic nightmares]: the reason I asked, [Jackiegirl] was banned for being a fake member, and the only wiki I was watching of his/hers said access was denied. Which is I was asking, if a member got banned, if the wikis they created got "banned" as well

2006-11-07 [shotokan_gal]: The wiki was probably forum protected because the pictures of her shown there were fake, and were requested to be completely removed by the real owner.

2006-11-07 [Angelic nightmares]: So if I got banned, {which will hopefully never happen} my wikis will still be open right?

2006-11-07 [Ocean Soul]: Yes.

2006-11-07 [Angelic nightmares]: Ok. Thanks.

2006-11-08 [5thwitch]: ok!

2006-11-09 [-dot-]: if someone forgot their username, how would you go about getting it?

2006-11-09 [Nita]: Ask them what was written in their description and use the search form? Or, if another member uses the same computer, we could find the lost account through that member.

2006-11-09 [Ocean Soul]: ..or by their name, email address, date of birth...

2006-11-09 [Beo-Wulf]: I am not here to fight. But [-dot-] needs to stop. I did not take his name at all. I have this name because I have it on other websites. He needs to stop copying other people on Elftown

2006-11-09 [Sunrose]: I don't see any harassment from him about your username in the messages between the two of you. When you two spoke to each other, both of you had different names.

2006-11-09 [Beo-Wulf]: he does now...

2006-11-09 [Sunrose]: There are still no Elftown messages about it, and he changed his name.
So I have no idea what you're talking about.

2006-11-10 [-dot-]: Sunrose, [Beo-Wulf] is obsessed with trying to do anything he can to hurt me, simply because I am dating his ex-gf and wont allow him to hurt her anymore. I apologize if it bugs you, I'm not a bad person. I've done nothing to him that I can see, lately. His life revolves around me and my gf... I guess he's just upset cuz my life doesn't revolve around him.

2006-11-10 [Beo-Wulf]: I am not obsessed with you. Why would I want to hurt you. I dont care if you are dating my ex gf. You can have her. But this is not the wiki to bitch. If you have a problem send me a message 

2006-11-10 [Sunrose]: From what I gather, messages aren't the right place either: Both of you need to simply cut it out and leave each other alone. More comments about it will be deleted.

2006-11-14 [Angelic nightmares]: Yes its me again...I was wondering if there was a way to delete a forum?

2006-11-14 [Hedda]: [Angelic nightmares]: If you kick out everyone from the forum, it's not accessable anymore... Same as deletion. Don't start by kicking out yourself though...

2006-11-14 [Angelic nightmares]: Thanks [Hedda] So once everyones kicked out, lastly kick myself out?

2006-11-14 [Ocean Soul]: Once everyone's kicked out the forum will be dead anyway. Doesn't matter then, whether or not you also kick yourself out.

2006-11-14 [Angelic nightmares]: Ok. Thanks.

2006-11-14 [Arwen Elf Friend]: I'd like to request a "No Cybering" banner in my house. Can you help me with this?

2006-11-14 [Sunrose]: You can write it in your description, we don't put up SS-comments for this purpose anymore :)

2006-11-15 [Hedda]: And there just aren't much cybering-members left here. They have gone to Elfpack and Fake most of them.

2006-11-18 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: I'm glad for that!!! Anyway, i had a question. I was wanting to know how many reports you have to send to the Guards to get a Partroller's Badge. I would like one some day, I love ET, I like making reports.

2006-11-18 [Teufelsweib]: besides making reports, it's also an importance that you make the impression of someone who makes the reports for the sake of Elftown, and not for the badge. else you'll have a patroller who only makes reports til he gets the badge, and then stops.

2006-11-19 [Hedda]: [Sunrose] checks the number of reports now and then. But it's not only the number that matters, but also if they are good.

2006-11-19 [Hedda]: Or... actually: [Sunrose] tells me to check the number of reports, now and then ;)

2006-11-19 [Ultiem]: you can check The badge reward system (if correct) for the number you need as [Hedda] said they need to be good but [Sunrose] hates people competing against eachother so dont do that either just my experience on the matter

2006-11-19 [Sunrose]: Err don't say things on my behalf please. Reporting and badges are not about my personal preferences. If someone made enough good reports they will receive the badge because they earned it.
As for my personal preferences, I dislike it when members just do stuff to get the badges. Trying to make a competition out of who reported the most members also completely misses the point of reporting.
I don't think that that is what this member is doing though, that was you actually.

2006-11-19 [Nita]: And if you really want to help, stop acting like we're just parts of some abstract system that you have to "game" to get what you want. We're real living people trying to make Elftown as good as possible. Gah, sometimes I wish we never started this badging thing at all. It seems to give some people the wrong sort of motivation :/

2006-11-20 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: Thanks for your help guys.... No, I'm not reporting just for the badge, nor am I competing, because I don't even know how many reports I've made, I was just wondering about this that's all, I didn't mean to upset you Nita.

2006-11-20 [Sunrose]: Don't take it personally, it's just that most members ask this question for certain reasons. As [Nita] said it, they seem to have the wrong motivation. But if you don't, then don't worry about it :)

2006-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: What exactly would I have to do, to get wiki Privs?

2006-11-22 [Sunrose]: It's more about what you shouldn't do: Not violate the Uploading Art Rules :)
You have a couple of reports on your house, some from last summer. You won't get privs until you've proven you won't violate the rules: Please ask for the privs again in 4 months :)

2006-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: What rules did I violate?

2006-11-22 [Sunrose]: The Uploading Art Rules: You uploaded images to Elftown before that were not created by or especially for you.
You should know this, because you've received messages from Guards about the image deletions..

2006-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: Then how am I supposed to resubmit the image in my poll, back into a contest, without the privs?

2006-11-22 [Sunrose]: You can upload images to your house.

2006-11-26 [Zombiie Natiion]: hey im from elfpack and i need help.. my account has kicked me out and i cant get back in. my username is [KandyKaine]on there.. erm i havnt done anything wrong and its saying all of a sudden that my username doesnt exist but my friend can reach it from his computer if someone could possibly message me or something ill give them the password so they can help sort it id be very greatful x

2006-11-26 [Sunrose]: If your friend can reach it, then you're doing something wrong.
Don't send your password out to other members unless you know they're Guards.

2006-11-26 [Zombiie Natiion]: well obviously.. im not just guna give out my password willy nilly lol! but dont worry people its been sorted!! thanks anyway

2006-12-04 [Kirikale]: Okay, so I haven't been on here in awhile, and I go to change some of my personal information... and then the system makes me change my password, which I've had for like the FOUR years I've been a member. WTH? I dunno why I'm informing you this... it just bothers me that I had to change my password because it is "too common." Ugh. 

2006-12-04 [Calico Tiger]: It's to protect you and your account from being hacked. If a lot of other people have the same password, then it's more likely that someone can figure out what it is or get into your account through various methods. I don't know why people would dislike us protecting their accounts <img:44166_1164145147.gif>

2006-12-04 [Ocean Soul]: It does look like people like their accounts unsecure and hackable ;)

2006-12-04 [Kirikale]: It isn't that I want my account to be "hackable," it is the point that I've had the same password for so long that remembering a new one is going to be difficult. 

2006-12-04 [Savien]: It's unbelievable how many people have the same passwords. o.O

2006-12-04 [iippo]: It's not that people don't like being protected, it's that people don't like being patronised, and "it's for your own good" is pretty much the most patronising you can get. The objective is good, the means to go about it isn't as good. But it's done, people will deal.

2006-12-04 [shotokan_gal]: The simplest thing is usually to add some numbers and symbols to your current password. This makes it more secure, and shouldn't be so hard to remember since you're not changing it to something completely different.

2006-12-04 [Sunrose]: I think that is your perception [iippo], I don't see it or mean it that way at all.
The only way to make sure that 8500 active members create safe passwords is by making sure they can't use unsafe ones. This way, that granted can be inconvenient for some, is the most effective and efficient way to make Elftown safer.
Most members, and this included me, don't know how unsafe their passwords are and how crackers go about cracking them.
Having a safe password is not just for your own protection, but also for the protection of Elftown against crackers who will use these houses to cause problems... . And this has actually happened in the past.

2006-12-06 [NamelessMerc]: Personally I like the new password system. I haven't changed mine since I joined, and last week I had to because I wanted to update. Granted I lost the changes, it wasn't all that bad and now I have a password that most of the people I know can't guess...


2006-12-08 [Anomynous]: That's kinda like saying... why bother locking the door if the crooks are going to break it down anyway?

Whatever... my question was: how many users have to have the same password for it to be considered 'unsafe'. Because I just made a few changes in me house and was quite surprised to see I hadn't been asked to change the password.

2006-12-08 [Sunrose]: I believe 3 :)

2006-12-08 [Error_Optik]: VERY GOOD ;)

2006-12-09 [Nita]: Gah, hit the CapsLock already. Typing in all caps makes you look even more incompetent than you are.

2006-12-09 [Ocean Soul]: Stop the chatter already. Go to another wiki, like Now for example. Thanks. (Further nonsense messages, specially CapsLock'ed ones, will get deleted!)

2006-12-21 [Lord Dog]: How can I get a general Nude art ahead, not interested in cybering et al warning on my house?

2006-12-21 [Sunrose]: We don't write such SS-comments anymore, it's best to just write it in your description :)

2006-12-27 [Wulf Skjaldr]: Sounds like there needs to be a notice like:"*ahem* Attention, attention please, there are no further acceptances for "No cyber" warnings in member houses." ^_^ Or not.

2006-12-27 [Sunrose]: It's not a new thing, people just keep asking...

2006-12-27 [iippo]: They've seen such SS-comments in people's houses (from back when they were still given) and want one too. :/ People should stop wanting other people's things :P

2006-12-27 [Ocean Soul]: *wants [iippo]'s stuff* >>

2006-12-27 [Vampire Akis]: Goodmorning, guards. I'm intenting to post a drawing containing artistic nudity in my dexcription. May I please have a comment on the top of my house? (like this one 'This house may contain artistic nudity. Don't look at it if you may be offended. And, please, don't report it.
', I don't want something big.) ;)

2006-12-27 [Sunrose]: I assume you are 18+..your house doesn't say :)

2006-12-28 [de Morte]: I'd also like one of those warnings, and yes I'm 18.

2006-12-28 [Sunrose]: I hope you understand that it will make members approach you, whom you may not want around (I see you have a 'I will not cyber'-warning in your description, but putting nudity of yourself or paintings on your house is of course going to draw such people towards you).

2006-12-28 [de Morte]: I understand.

2006-12-28 [Vampire Akis]: Sunrose, why being 18 is a problem?

2006-12-28 [irulan]: In some countries, being under 18 is considered a minor, and Elftown does not encourage nor support posting nudes of minors.

2006-12-28 [Vampire Akis]: lol I know, but what I'm asking is, why would that matter? I want to post a drawing. And I'm not 18 after all... May I have the warning please?

2006-12-28 [Sunrose]: Because as a minor you may not have nudity on your house, whether it is a picture of you or a drawing.
Edit: True says I have it wrong, so I will put a warning on your house for artistic nudity drawings :)

2006-12-28 [inserting name here]: Why did you guards ban [insert name here] she wasn't being mean, only [getlost] was

2006-12-28 [Sunrose]: Thanks for letting us know your other clonehouse :)
To address your question, [insert name here] wrote a random insulting/offensive message to another member yesterday (despite being warned by me before about such messages) and wrote a bunch of crap on the Daily Poem.

2006-12-29 [inserting name here]: Clonehouse? dude, shes my friend, shes like my twin, my sister! Clonehouse? Wait, I think I know why she has been sending messages for. Shes on some sort of meds and when she doesnt take them, she gets bitchy. I'll send her an email to apoligize

2006-12-29 [Sunrose]: Then why do you keep saying you are [insert name here], such as in message [65968303@]?
2 Houses of yours were banned, because you are abusive towards people through messages and wikis, despite having been warned before.
I suggest you start behaving properly (which means you are to stop making up ridiculous lies) and stop having your friends message me/other Guards, or I will ban this house as well.

2006-12-29 [inserting name here]: 2 of my houses were banned, that's not true

2006-12-29 [inserting name here]: There's this one that I share with my best bud Melissa, who by the way lives with me now, and the other one [insert name here]. Now tell me what the third one is? I wasn't being ride on my account of [insert name here]. So please don't make lies.

2006-12-29 [Sunrose]: [insert name here] and [getlost], there is a message where [getlost] states she is [insert name here]. You have stated you are [insert name here]. That makes you all the same member.
[insert name here] sent an insult to another member on the 27th.
I am not putting this up for discussion, technically your current house should be banned as well. I will do so if you continue to lie.

2006-12-29 [inserting name here]: What am I suppose to do if someone says I look like a man? Take it? And besides, I'm sorry. I take medications and I haven't for a few weeks and when this happens, I get bitchy. I'm sorry.

2006-12-29 [Sunrose]: That person had never messaged you before. Aside from that, you are all 3 accounts and on [getlost] you have been abusing many many members randomly.

Even if that were true, we have to protect the other members against your abusive behaviour.

2006-12-29 [inserting name here]: Whatever, I'm over this, I swear I won't be mean anymore. I'll keep my mouth shut

2006-12-29 [inserting name here]: I'm not that person, I have one account, and one I share. The person who is [getlost] is an ennemy of mine. She goes to my school. And that picture that is there? It's another member

2006-12-29 [Sunrose]: As I said before, in messages you confirmed that [insert name here] and [getlost] are the same person.
Further comments about this will be deleted.

2006-12-29 [inserting name here]: Sure, why not, I'll message you then, how's that?

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: hello i dont know whether to report some one or not "he" didnt come out with it properly but he was hinting on something abusive but i dont know whether anything can be done from it? help? xxx

2007-01-08 [Sunrose]: Do you have the message number? :)

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: ermm :s is that the letter number or the comment to number :S im pretty thick lol

2007-01-08 [Sunrose]: The letternumber :) If you could write it like this, that would be great: [letternumber@]

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: [Letter number@66163268] i asked them about why they said this as they are usually nice over msn and they said some one hacked their account and they do that regulary but im not sure and then their is another message i will get that one aswell for u

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: [Letternumber@66163268]

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: still got confuzzled :( :S

2007-01-08 [Sunrose]: Like this [66163268@] ;)

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: [66163439@]

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: ahh got it now told you i was a bit slow them are really the only 2 it happened a few months ago as his account gets hacked he says but im sure a few others got the same sort off messages off him

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: aswell as me i think it was yesterday or day before

2007-01-08 [Sunrose]: I have warned him in the past, he has been banned now :)

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: oh okies thank you :) xxx

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: will he know its me who reported him? i dont mind if he does just incase his mates start harrassing me for it thats all

2007-01-08 [Sunrose]: Only if he reads the comments here, but since he's banned and all, that might be problematic ;)
And you were not the only one to report him anyhow :)

2007-01-08 [Rach♥]: oh ok thanks xxx :) least its sorted now :)

2007-01-08 [Sunrose]: No problem :)

2007-01-09 [de Morte]: Excuse me, but I believe my question was... lost in the debate on copied houses.

2007-01-09 [Sunrose]: Sorry! I've given you a nudity warning now :)

2007-01-09 [de Morte]: Thank you!

2007-01-12 [Lily~]: Could someone please remove the message above [SimpleEuph]'s house? She is no longer property of [Izyin]...

2007-01-12 [Sunrose]: She ought to request the removal herself :)

2007-01-12 [Lily~]: the thing is.. she can't.. she passed away dec. 19... she is property of the angels and heaven.. but not him..

2007-01-12 [Sunrose]: We don't generally change the houses of deceased members, she requested that SS-comment herself at that time and it doesn't hurt anyone being there :)

2007-01-12 [Lily~]: your wrong about that.. thanks anyways.. later

2007-01-12 [Sylvia Rote]: I'm curious; are houses REQUIRED to have a warnin gif they post artistic nudity, or is it just a vanity thing?

2007-01-12 [Sunrose]: It's required, because not everyone wants to be confronted with it. So we post a warning, as to allow those people to move on before seeing it :)

2007-01-12 [Sylvia Rote]: Ahh! I thought as much, but wanted to be sure. Thank you ^.^

2007-01-12 [Linderel]: I might actually need one too, sooner or later. o_O

2007-01-12 [Sunrose]: :O! Well, whenever you need it it is only a request away ;)

2007-01-12 [Sylvia Rote]: May I have one as well, please? I just finished a picture that will need one.

2007-01-12 [Sunrose]: Fixed :)

2007-01-12 [Sylvia Rote]: Oooo...Thanks

2007-01-13 [Calico Tiger]: Dammit, it's now required? :O But but... I liked putting up nekkid drawings without being saddled with a label *cries and shakes a fist in the air* Curse you, Snoopy! You should prolly add one to my house as well then, hehe.

2007-01-13 [Nita]: I thought we just put those comments on the houses that people reported too often, to make them realize that nudity is not against the rules... :P

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: Many houses get such an SS before that happens, and also on their own request.
From how things have went, it seems more to me that it has become required to have one when you're displaying nudity.
I could of course be wrong.

2007-01-13 [Nita]: Well, calling it "required" seems like shifting the burden towards the artists to me... and that might contradict our official stance that there's nothing bad about nudity. After all, not everyone wants to be confronted with violence, depictions of tragic events or even photos of babies - but we aren't planning to make warnings "required" for those things anytime soon, are we?

2007-01-13 [Sylvia Rote]: I had kind of thought it was becoming a vanity thing for a few people to get attention, but I can see why it should be required for nude images.

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: We have put warnings on houses for violence as well.
Even if it is required, I'd still consider it their responsibility to get a warning. They however can't get one without us, whether we require for them to have one or not.
I don't see how adding an SS-comment signals to members that we think nudity is bad. If we really thought that, it wouldn't be there.

2007-01-13 [Nita]: If the warnings are required, the artists who draw nudity are in fact inconvenienced just because they draw nudity. Why should we treat them differently for that if we think nudity is OK?

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: What I actually had in mind was photographic nudity, the majority of people asking for a warning here do it for that medium.

2007-01-13 [iippo]: I thought the "...and don't report it to the guards" meant that it's considered OK. If an artist puts up nudity and doesn't have a warning, they risk getting reported by someone who isn't fine with nudity. But not everyone minds the risk of being reported, if they, say, only put the occasional nude up, not all the time. I for one would rather be told "you've been reported about nudity and we would put a note on your house" to which I could reply "no I don't want a note" and take the nudity to a wiki. But then again, I already do that.

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: Indeed, the wording of the SS indicates to me that it is considered OK and those who have a problem with it are told to move on.
The artists probably don't mind being reported (how would they know about it?), but for the Guards these reports are not about actual offences. So we would rather not have them use the feature for it.

2007-01-17 [Sylvia Rote]: Letter number: 66418528
From: [maxumus] (bored as hell)
To: [Sylvia Rote] (Winter= Cold Toilet seat= Sucks)
Sent mail 2007-01-17 07:12:28
Never read before

hey sexy wanna cyber

Ok, this ass just sent me this, and I want to kill him, but I can't do that legally, so I shall leave it to you guys.

2007-01-17 [Nita]: You want to kill him for asking a question? That's interesting... Or is it because of his atrocious grammar? ;)

2007-01-17 [Sylvia Rote]: He asked me to cyber!! first off i'm engaged, second i have never met the guy, third it says in my house "don't ask me to cyber", and finally, he's 16!!

2007-01-17 [Wulf Skjaldr]: I think Nita was making a joke Sylvia. -_-

2007-01-17 [Sylvia Rote]: Oh I'm sorry. But wasn't yelling at her; I'm just letting off steam about what happened. ~growls~

2007-01-17 [Wulf Skjaldr]: I'm sure she understands ^_^

2007-01-17 [Sylvia Rote]: Now I feel bad about that...

2007-01-18 [True, plain and simple]: To [Sylvia Rote] : We suggest that you block that member, naturally. If they bother too many people, then we'll see what we can do about them. :)

Also, [Nita] didn't mind the comment, so you don't have to worry about it. ;)

2007-01-18 [Sylvia Rote]: Thanks, and I did block him, but now he's at least on record. And again sorry to Nita.

2007-01-23 [Nioniel]: why was Cinbuzar banned? we used to talk all of the time and he seemed like he was okay. I didn't personally know him, but he was super-sweet and always friendly. Just wondering.

2007-01-23 [Calico Tiger]: He was trying to scam money out of Elftowners with those "my village has gold-rich soil, send us money, my dad is village chief" type messages. We don't accept money-scammers like that in Elftown. We may not be able to stop all the email like that that goes around the internet, but we can stop it here :)

2007-01-25 [dead~spirit]: Uh.. I might get reported soon for "Harrassment" against a wiki, so I am just apologising for who ever has to answer that report. It is a long story, and i was not trying to harrass, I don't think I picked on anyone who was a member, I just said that the person they thought was dead, was actually alive. I also believe I am a member of that wiki, or atleast used to be.. so please do not bann me for this, I had to set things right. I knew the kid better then most of the people in that wiki did... and like I said, it is a long story.

Again, sorry for the troubles, I know you people are very busy..

2007-01-25 [The Metallic Princess 'ra]: alright, i know the rules and i'm not trying to break them i'm just curious as to why it is that i cant host a picture on my page of a harp seal. yes it was taken from the internet. but underneath it i displayed the website that it was from and the reason i had it on my site. i donate to which is where the picture was from, and i had full permission from the members of to display the picture, to help promote the website and make people aware that in canada the government is passing a law saying that the culling of seals is necessary for the sale of their fur! i know it was against the rules but i didnt think it was bad! sorry!

2007-01-25 [Hedda]: Sorry, but can't give you permission to use the image on Elftown. You need permission both from them and from ELftown.

We have the rule of no copied images because we find it annoying to look at a lot of the same images that you can see all across Internet here too.

If you want to promote something in a very good way that doesn't disturb the other Elftowners, then make a wiki-page about it and put a link to the wiki-page in your mood. On the wiki-page you can put almost what ever free images you want.

2007-01-27 [Alastair]: Two thingies.
You may remove the secret service warning from my page, since I removed my ASCII art Gray Fox.
Also, do you find the GIF animation I made annoying? It's in my description.

2007-01-27 [Sunrose]: Fixed SS.

2007-02-07 [trexor]: erinbabe mesaged me that i had offensive art on my house and would I would like to see if its possible to just put a warnining at the top of my page like they do for nudity

2007-02-07 [Sunrose]: Why do you want that image on your house?

2007-02-07 [trexor]: because i drew it and it represents my soul. I am not trying to piss off jews or any thing it is a religous symbol in many religions. Do you think you can help me.

2007-02-07 [Sunrose]: How does it represent your soul?

2007-02-07 [trexor]: have you seen the picture? and the answer to the question is as i said in the picture descripition it represented me in seventh grade. I was an angry kid and still am about some things. but it represents me. And as to my first question is it possible to get a warning on my house.

2007-02-07 [Sunrose]: Yes I have, the picture nor your answer actually answer my question.
You're staying rather vague on how it represents you.

Generally no we don't allow Swastika's. Most of the depictions of Swastika's we find are related to Nazism (and we do not tolerate racism). Plus creating an image of a Swastika just means you copied a symbol, which doesn't require a lot of artistic ability. It would just be a way to get around the rules.
The Nazi Swastika by the way is a very specific version of the Swastika, which doesn't have any other meaning than being related to Nazism.
You might want to research that:

2007-02-07 [trexor]: the same with the pentagram and many christans would find that offensive but peoplehave those every where and i am not a nazi. As far as the nazi swastika even then the design of it varied there were some with crooked arms and others faced the opposite direction it all depended.

2007-02-07 [Sunrose]: And again you did not answer my question, let me spell it out for you:
H-O-W  D-O-E-S  T-H-E   I-M-A-G-E  R-E-P-R-E-S-E-N-T  Y-O-U????

2007-02-08 [trexor]: Because at the time i was trying to choose between christianity and the occult. the cross you see is a poor represnetation of the fylfot cross (as depicted in the 6th edition of the golden dawn (published by llewellyn publications) the fylfot cross which also uses a 5X5 grid pattern. I am also willing to explain the meaning of the fylfot cross. And it also represents the cross upon which christ was crucifed because i felt that i also was being punished without crime.I reversed the Fylfot cross the active priciple (the sun) as reflected through the twelve signs of the zodiac... By reversing the sign it was my intent to represent the passive principle (which has been associated with negative force) in order to further represent my negative feelings.

I dont believe i need to go into this further... this symbol has been along long before the nazis and it is not my intention to promote racisim.

i would like these comments removed when all this is cleared up

2007-02-08 [Calico Tiger]: I'm afraid you'll need to find something less racist to represent and define your soul :) We allow many things in Elftown, and many beliefs. And allow very much in the way of images. But Racist images are not allowed. I fail to see (in your image) how it's representing the original definition of the swastica before the Nazis snagged it.

2007-02-08 [Angelic nightmares]: Can I just say something right quick?

Every religion has its own symbol. Christians have the Cross and Wiccans/Pagans have the Pentagram/Pentacle. I honestly don't see or understand how one can compare Christianity and Paganism to Nazi's. And the Swastika looks very much like the symbol used by Hitler. And I'm sure is shown, several people would be offended by it.

Guards, feel free to delete this message if you want.

2007-02-08 [Ocean Soul]: I think that the swastika's a symbol of hinduism or something. A very positive and powerful symbol in it's origin. The point for me is, that the positive, religious swastika is not related to pain and destructiveness, whereas the nazi swastika very much is related to that.

2007-02-08 [Angelic nightmares]: Yeah, the wiki pedia thing that [Sunrose] posted, was talking about the Hinduism part of the symbol, like you stated, but at the same time, alot of people associate that symbol/image with Hitler.

2007-02-08 [sequeena_rae]: It's only associated with Hitler when the legs (arg, I mean the pointy things on the end >.> I don't know the name :P) are facing the other way, but I don't think many people know that...So it would be seen as offensive.

2007-02-08 [Ocean Soul]: Because he used it for his own purposes. Symbols can have more than just one meaning. And when one meaning is something really bad, that doesn't mean for the whole thing to be generally forbidden.

2007-02-08 [trexor]: i just warning on my house so anyone who is offended by things that look like and basicaly are swastikas wont have to look and see it (the fylfot is from britian.) i am not trying to offend anyone one of my best friends is a jew and he is not offended. It is not my intention to offend any one and i wasnt a warning to try and avoid that outcome. but to me it is a religous symbol not one of hate. go to here and look at the definition.

link to picture
as you can see it is in the same format as the nazi one except the direction which i changed as i explained above with the some of the hermetic principles but i would be willing to flip it horizantally.

2007-02-08 [Wulf Skjaldr]: It can face either way to create Odin's sunwheel. Hitler robbed it from germanic pre-christian religion to inspire his troops as the "ubermensch". So the entire Asatru community pays for 6 years of war and genocide that they had nothing to do with, by losing one of our most revered symbols to a similar 'hate anything that looks nazi' fever.

But as Murphy said, 'Life isn't fair.'

2007-02-08 [Wulf Skjaldr]: Not that this is Elftown's fault. It's the mob mentality of humanity.

2007-02-09 [Calico Tiger]: We tend to take most of the symbols in context of the image, not just the symbol itself. It helps if people saw the image before jumping to conclusions that the guards are going with a mob mentality, hehe :D It's not very religious ;)

2007-02-09 [Wulf Skjaldr]: Oh I'm not Calico ;)
I'd already checked out the image, and I'm not disagreeing with you, it's about as religious as atheism.

I was just giving off a great sigh to the vastness of the universe that the majority of people scream "nazi" as soon as they see any swastika-like symbol. That comment wasn't directed at the guards, but at humans in general, who tend to launch fireballs at anything that might be perceived as an enemy. Which is a totally common and sound decision based on evolutionary processes. But it doesn't do a whole lot for tolerance. Therefore anyone with any kind of authority has to take a CYA position and calculate whether the flak they will take is worth putting up with in the name of equality. In this case the answer is obvious. *eye roll*

It's just ironic how people who scream for tolerance and acceptance are the first to censor anything that sounds german as 'nazi'. Which is rather a problem where I'm from.

2007-02-09 [Lerune]: I wish I had answers to help with this situation, but I don't. Having read all the comments and refrained from comments of my own until now, I can say this: expression is a wonderful thing, and when one needs to express a certain emotion or point of view, we consider this site a very artistic site and we try to be tolerant of different views and whatnot. However, that being said, I am sure everyone realizes there is a limit to what is acceptable and what is not. Living in the Southern United States, I see Confederate flags often -- and it is not always intended to be a symbol of hate or racism, it is often considered a symbol of "southern Pride" as the symbol on the flag itself is the Southern Cross. Even so, when people SEE that flag, they associate it with hate and white supremacy, and there is nothing that can be done to change peoples' perceptions in that way. The same can be said of the swastika -- whatever the "artist" intends as the message behind the image, it is still directly affected or even impaired by how the viewer receives it...and in both cases, it is not received well.

In short, sadly, it doesn't matter as much what you want to express with such imagery, it matters what is ACTUALLY perceived by the viewers. On a site with such diverse cultures, all coming together to benefit one another as a pseudo-community, it is not only respectful not to display such images, but as moderators, we feel it is necessary.

2007-02-12 [trexor]: yes that is why i want an explanatiuon and warning on my house and a revised picture without being th cross being reversed i've never had complaints about it and i think with a proper explanation people wont find it any more offensive then a pentagram or any other religous symbol

2007-02-12 [Alastair]: I want a picture of Hugh Laurie in my house because it represents my soul.

2007-02-12 [trexor]: <img:44166_1164145171.gif> *chuckle* ya but that is against the rules. mine isnt unless it is offensive which it is not

2007-02-12 [True, plain and simple]: To [trexor]: We will not be placing a warning on your house. You're more than welcome to put the image on a wiki-page as was suggested by the guard who removed the image in the first place, but you are not currently permitted to display it on your house. While you've made it clear that you do not agree with this policy, this is the decision that has been made, so I'm afraid that you'll have to live with it.

Thank you.

2007-02-13 [Once upon a dream]: I would like to request an artistic nudity warning. I don't have any art posted in my house yet, but I have the intention of putting some up quite soon.

2007-02-14 [-dot-]: "On a site with such diverse cultures, all coming together to benefit one another as a pseudo-community"

Then should it not be that such an image be allowed as to not show favoritism towards one culture or another? Isn't that kinda being racist/descrimintory to block such images. We can't display images of Confederate battle flags? I should be censored from being proud of my heritage but any "african american" can gladly be proud of his/hers? That in itself is racist and detrimental to a community at whole.

2007-02-14 [Calico Tiger]: Racist images (ie, hate against a race) and similar stuff are not allowed here. End of discussion.

2007-02-22 [Lady Lucifer]: I need a sign telling visitors that my home may have Nudity and i was told to ask here. So...can i?

2007-02-24 [dead~spirit]: Is there a way for me to view deleted messeges of mine?

2007-02-24 [Killopkie]: Nope. Unless you just now deleted it, and in the same window. In that case, you can just press back. Other than that, no.

2007-02-25 [Lady Lucifer]: I now have artistic nudity in my home, can i get a sign now?

2007-02-25 [stuffAEAmade]: Done. :)

2007-02-25 [Lady Lucifer]: Thank you!

2007-02-25 [stuffAEAmade]: You're welcome.

2007-02-27 [Sunrose]: No.

2007-02-27 [Calico Tiger]: The answer is no. Do not spam us any further. Any further discussion will be deleted.

2007-02-28 [dead~spirit]: I wish for you guys to speak to one of your guards, and tell her to be a little more careful next time, I realize mistakes happen, so I thought I would bring it here to tell you..[LadyMoon] has deleted a GIF banner I created, and I do not see a rule against it in the rule book. I am not challenging your authority, I just want a little respect when it comes to my artwork here..

2007-03-01 [sleepyscotty]: is there any way to unban angel of death14 ...please, c'mon, she really wants to get back on here, man! Is there anything i can do so she could get back on here?

2007-03-01 [Nita]: [dead~spirit] - I believe the banner was deleted because it was annoyingly animated, not because it wasn't yours.

2007-03-01 [Nita]: [sleepyscotty] - message [Sunrose], perhaps she'll consider it.

2007-03-01 [dead~spirit]: WTF, so you guys just deleted it because "You didn't like it?" come on... I made that.. can't you cut me a little slack? seriously, come on..

2007-03-01 [True, plain and simple]: No, it was deleted because it was annoying, and annoying animated gifs, even own-made ones, are against the rules. The constant, quick flashing is the issue, not the fact that it's animated.

2007-03-02 [Calico Tiger]: Quoting the rules on Uploading Art Rules:
S-1. Animated images are not allowed in your house.
This includes animations donated to Elftown Graphics and animated wiki-banners.

The only exception to this rule is non-annoying animated images made by you. Something that makes you look for the delete button is annoying.

Animated images can be removed by the guards without warning.

Of specific note to you, [dead~spirit], is the last two lines in that rule.

2007-03-02 [Calico Tiger]: To add to that, I've seen animated images in your house that were fine. They were nicely done, rather subtle, not annoying to the eyes :) But the one in question was, like [True, plain and simple] said. Constant, quick flashes.

2007-03-02 [dead~spirit]: Ok, well I guess I must have not seen that rule. I will check with you guys for nw on before I ake a new banner I guess.

2007-03-03 [Titanium Tiger]: ok I have a question Im not sure on how to get a comment on my house the ones that are about ( THis maycontain artistic nudety do not look if your offended ) thing !!

2007-03-03 [Teufelsweib]: you ask them here and the guards decide whether you'll get one or not :) but since you're not older than 18, I doubt if you'll get one..

2007-03-04 [Paz]: Question: Why can't people under 18 draw artistic nudity and post it? :/ I've seen younger people with the warning for artistic nudity (unless I'm reading something incorrectly)
Isn't that 18 rule just for members who have some need to display risque images of themselves?

2007-03-04 [Teufelsweib]: could be, I just know someone before was asked is she was older than 18 ^_^;;

2007-03-05 [Calico Tiger]: The age issue only really applies if it's photos of themselves :) Drawing are fine in that regard :D

2007-03-05 [Teufelsweib]: oooh, ok! nevermind what I said then!

2007-03-05 [Angelic nightmares]: Quick question...if someone "draws" custom my little poines, and if someone else paints symbols on to my little ponies, is the second person "stealing" the first person's idea?

2007-03-05 [iippo]: Making custom My Little Ponies is not an original idea by anyone in ET - it's so done. You can find some awesomely gorgeous ones if you just google for them (I recall seeing a Borg-pony which was fantastic!)
In essence both are fanart of the My Little Ponies.

2007-03-06 [Calico Tiger]: If person 2 takes person 1's image and paints a symbol on to the pony, yes. It's stealing. Unless person 2 did the image completely themselves (it's their own fanart that they drew totally). Editing someone else's image is not acceptable (unless the person also happens to be, for example, a member of Elftown and they gave permission for the image to be added to, etc...). To add to what [iippo] said :D

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