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The guards enforce the rules on Elftown, reprimand trouble makers and ban repeat offenders.

To report another member, please read the instructions on Report!


Elftown Guard Team

Town Guard


Town Guard Lieutenant

Town Guard Captain



(Webart by [Calico Tiger])

Please see Elftown - Rules & Uploading Art Rules to find out what Elftown's rules are.

If you wish to report someone please use the report function on member's houses, rather than messaging the Guards.

Please note that only the Lieutenants and the Captain can handle issues concerning harassment in messages.

[Hedda] should only be contacted regarding account issues.

Town Guard Veterans

Veterans#Guards: These are retired Town Guards.


Patrollers: Vigilantly report violations of the Uploading Art Rules to the Guards team.

Use the comment section for Guard related questions and issues only.


Go or return to:
-The wiki-index
-The Elftown Council
-The badge reward system
-The Uploading Art Rules
-The help index

Username (or number or email):


2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: I was told names but I kinda have a bit of a crappy memory.

2006-08-09 [Sunrose]: Well, come back some time when you remember them :)

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Oh and I do apologize for the argueing, I'm a bit hot headed...I think thats in my profile...

2006-08-09 [Sunrose]: Apology accepted, but maybe you should work on that a bit :/

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Yeah. If you'll exuse me I'll take my leave.*bows*

2006-08-10 [Xeroh Kanoe]: [iOWNelftown BITCHES!!] is the one. He did a drawing of Link from LoZ. He doesnt remember the guard but he should be able to find it. I just confermed it was him.

2006-08-10 [Sunrose]: There's no drawing of Link from LoZ removed from his house.
That image is still in his drawingslot uploads: <URL:img/drawing/176526_1148033236.jpg>

2006-08-10 [iOWNelftown BITCHES!!]: yeah, it is still in my drawing thing. but i had it posted on my house. as the drawing directly under my picture(the pic that says afi). it was taken down twice.

2006-08-10 [Sunrose]: If you posted the Link-image in the comment underneath your picture- or drawingslot and the picture/drawing gets deleted, the comment you made obviously vanishes too.
That doesn't mean that the image itself was deleted. You can simply go to your drawingupload, copy the url again and put the image in your description.

2006-08-10 [iOWNelftown BITCHES!!]: i'm not trying to start an argument or anything.
i just can't figure out why it was taken down twice.

2006-08-10 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: Tell the name of the guard.

2006-08-10 [Sunrose]: I just explained above to you how that happened. It was never deleted, otherwise it wouldn't be in your drawingupload history anymore and the URL I gave would've stopped working :)
Just copy the url <URL:img/drawing/176526_1148033236.jpg> and put the image in your description. That's a better place to put it than in the picture- or drawingslot comment :)

2006-08-10 [iOWNelftown BITCHES!!]: nah, it's fine. well thanks for explaining.
oh and btw, those picture on ocean soul's profile
are wicked.

2006-08-10 [Ocean Soul]: Mh.. wicked?

2006-08-10 [iOWNelftown BITCHES!!]: wicked as in awesome

2006-08-13 [de Morte]: Hello there! I was wondering if you could put a warning on my page?

2006-08-13 [Sunrose]: What kind of warning?

2006-08-14 [de Morte]: A warning to those who go to my page that if I find them interesting I may end up stalking them O.o

2006-08-14 [ally]: Nice ^^ but we don't give away those kind of warnings. If everyone would have their own warning, no one would notice them anymore and they'd lose their purpose.

2006-08-14 [de Morte]: okies then... thanks anyways

2006-08-14 [Beo-Wulf]: I want [-dot-]
To stop...First he took my name from Elfpack.
And now he put my banner in his house
What does it take for him to stop?

2006-08-14 [xXTwilightXRose Xx]: Thank you For your Help

2006-08-14 [True, plain and simple]: Please report these members using the Report button in their house, and selecting the applicable reason. This will ensure that each of your problems is dealt with in a timely fashion. Thank you.

2006-08-14 [kittygirl1017]: hello! How can I get priv 99s? [Zab] sent me here, so I can make transparent gifs. :)

2006-08-14 [Nita]: I would be more willing to help you if you didn't lie about your location :)

2006-08-15 [Vampire Akis]: Can I have a moving banner for my wiki?

2006-08-15 [Ihsahn]: look in Elftown graphics dear.

2006-08-15 [shotokan_gal]: You can on the wiki page, but members of the wiki can't put the animated banner on their houses. (It'll be removed unless they were the maker)

2006-08-15 [Sunrose]: Elftown Graphics has little to do with that question (even if the answer can be derived from it).
You can create an animated banner, but you can only post it on your own house. Animations are only allowed on houses if they are selfmade. Thus other members wouldn't be allowed to use your banner on their house..

2006-08-15 [Vampire Akis]: and what about other moving things? it says that you'd make them non moving. right?

2006-08-15 [shotokan_gal]: Other moving things? You might have to be more clear. If you upload an animated picture to your house drawing or photo slots it should make it non-animated yes, if that's what you mean.

2006-08-15 [Vampire Akis]: yes I know....I mean an animated pic in my description.

2006-08-15 [shotokan_gal]: If you made the animation yourself, and it's non-annoying (not really flashy for example) then it's allowed. If not, then it's not.

2006-08-15 [Sunrose]: Only on your own house though :)

2006-08-16 [Vampire Akis]: oh ok thank you. *bows and leaves*

2006-08-17 [Angelic nightmares]: I thought animed/moving pictures werent allowed though. Unless I've gone daffy and always thought they werent allowed.

2006-08-17 [Nita]: Well, they aren't. Unless they're a) made entirely by you AND b) completely non-annoying :)

2006-08-17 [Angelic nightmares]: So if for example, one person finds a simple moving graphic annoying, the owner has to remove it?

2006-08-17 [Sunrose]: No, that is up to us to judge. As the Uploading Art Rules say: 'Something that makes you look for the delete button is annoying.'

2006-08-17 [Anomynous]: I always did find that to be rather ambiguous...

2006-08-17 [Sunrose]: Surely, if you have a better way to define what we mean, you're welcome to suggest it.
Either way, we don't take the deletion of such images that lightly. If one of us finds an image annoying, it's discussed amongst the whole team. Annoying usually refers to huge images, those that are really flashy or blindingly coloured with neon.

2006-08-17 [Anomynous]: I don't get it... why does everyone think I've something against the rules here?
And no, for the record, I don't have a better way to define it.

2006-08-17 [Sunrose]: Why do you perceive my answer as an attack, when I'm simply answering? You're reading into things now.

2006-08-17 [Ocean Soul]: Nobody thinks that you're against the rules.
This discussion (about the rules being clear or kind of open for interpretation) is just something that comes up every now and then.

2006-08-17 [Vampire Akis]: question: whatif someone cybers in a wiki?

2006-08-17 [NamelessMerc]: If it's a public wiki then they're breaking a rule.

2006-08-17 [Nita]: What rule?

2006-08-17 [Vampire Akis]: yeah but he created the wiki. that means he breaks the rule? whatif I want to cyber with him? then what?

2006-08-17 [Ultiem]: wouldnt be advisable if everyone can see it normally

2006-08-17 [Vampire Akis]: hmmmmm........ ok...... I hope you won't bann me for that. *bows* thank you dear guards

2006-08-17 [Ultiem]: not a guard just slightly knowledgable

2006-08-17 [Vampire Akis]: oh... thank you anyway.

2006-08-17 [Angelic nightmares]: So, if a normal elftowner, brought a animed image to just one guards attetnion, they you all would discuss it, and then a majority of the vote would win right?

2006-08-17 [Nita]: No, we don't set up a poll for every image. Usually it's pretty clear and there's not much discussion, but if we can't agree, [Hedda] gets to decide.

2006-08-17 [Angelic nightmares]: I didnt mean a poll. I meant, every guard looks at it, and they all decide if its annoying or not. And if a majority of the guards say its annoying, its removed

2006-08-17 [True, plain and simple]: Taking a vote is considered a poll...Case in point, that normally doesn't happen. The people we appoint as guards understand the general guidelines, and are able to make informed decisions themselves. If they have some doubt, it's brought up for discussion, and if that doesn't solve the issue [Hedda] decides.

2006-08-17 [Nita]: No, not every guard looks at it. As I just explained, if there is disagreement that can't be solved by discussion, the final decision is made not by voting, but by the person who owns the site and decides how the rules should be interpreted.

2006-08-17 [Angelic nightmares]: So, if one guard finds the image annoying, then its removed?

2006-08-17 [iippo]: More like "if one guard finds an annoying animation, it will be removed." the definition of annoying is the same with all the guards, so it's not an individual taste -thing.

2006-08-17 [Nita]: Only if [Hedda] is that one Guard :)

2006-08-17 [Sunrose]: I'll ask again what [Calico Tiger] has asked many times before: Please don't answer questions directed at Guards, let Guards answer them. Thanks :)

2006-08-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Just a question....this one has nothing to do with images. Can you really get in trouble for going to a persons house? On here I mean

2006-08-18 [Ocean Soul]: Going to a person's house and doing.. nothing? I don't see how that could get you into trouble.

2006-08-18 [Angelic nightmares]: I aint talkin about that. I just wanted to know if you could get in trouble for visiting a persons house. And if there was something wrong wtih watching this persons house cause you find it interesting.

2006-08-18 [Ocean Soul]: The content of a house is something that the member owning the house wants to expose and show the world. If the member does not want someone to know certain things, then not making them public is the key. You can watch anyone's house and visit as often as you wish. No, it can not get you in trouble.

2006-08-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Thanks [Ocean Soul] Thats what I wanted to know.

2006-08-19 [Moonlit Serenade]: Just a question on pictures. I know you have a rule agaisnt images of self-mutilation. But what about images of drug use? Not like, "We were stoned in this picture, lolz," but an image actually showing people lighting up and smoking drugs?

2006-08-19 [Sunrose]: There's no rule against it :)

2006-08-19 [Moonlit Serenade]: All right. Was just wondering. Thank you much.

2006-08-20 [Socalrider58]: can i be come a guard??

2006-08-20 [shotokan_gal]: If you read the page you'll know the answer to that question.

2006-08-21 [Vampire Akis]: how does someone get on the main page?

2006-08-21 [pixish]: It depends on where you mean :)
Some people donate money to Elftown and their picture can be displayed there, or they might get the honour of being a Featured Member - of which the details are at that wiki ;p

2006-08-21 [Vampire Akis]: ah no. there are some ppl on the right part of ET. and I was told that my pic was there. you know what i mean? not the donors in the middle. the pics on the right.

2006-08-21 [pixish]: They just show up randomly :)

2006-08-21 [Vampire Akis]: aw cool thanks!

2006-08-22 [Vampire Akis]: what's the fan art?

2006-08-22 [Paz]: Fan art is when someone draws an image of a cartoon character or character from a movie :) Like say, drawing a picture of Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean. It's art that is yours but the character or setting isn't. It's allowed here as long as the member drew the actual art itself.

2006-08-22 [Vampire Akis]: oh ok thanks. cos I saw it in a warning... thank you bye. *bows and leaves flying*

2006-08-26 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Who controlls the main sever that runs elftown?

2006-08-26 [Ihsahn]: [Hedda]

2006-08-26 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Thank you.

2006-08-31 [Anomynous]: Begging your pardon, but roaming through Elftown I've noticed a little thing that I, personally, find annoying... people having tons of images put up in the descriptions of their photos and/or drawings.
I read through the UAR's and found nothing on the subject, should there not be a rule against it? I just feel that, if there are two slots for uploading images, then two images it should be.

2006-08-31 [Teufelsweib]: yes, there are rules against it. the maximum of images in your description is 10 and the amount of lines that you can put beneath your photo and drawing is also limited, but I can't recall the exact ammount.
those people perhaps are Donantes, then you're not limited to an amount of images in your description.

2006-08-31 [Sunrose]: [Teufelsweib]: That's not an actual rule. Elftown will simply not allow you to submit more than 10 images in your description and a certain amount of lines.
Unless as you said you are a donor of funds OR if your house exceeded those limits before they were installed. In that cass you can't change your house until you adjust it to the limits.
I was under the impression that images below the photo- and drawingslot were limited too.
[Anomynous]: If there is a house that has too many images in the photo- or drawingslot description, it can be reported. Say 5 or so, but I haven't discussed that number so it might change.

2006-08-31 [Anomynous]: Yes, I know of the limit of images in your description... but I meant in the description of your picture/drawing. There may be a line limit, but each of those lines could well be another image, and that's what I found annoying.
I might be the only one, but I had to voice my opinion on this.
And I didn't see anything about it in Uploading Art Rules that's why I came here.

2006-08-31 [Sunrose]: See above ;)

2006-08-31 [Anomynous]: Aye, aye :)
Thank you both for your time!

2006-09-04 [Xeroh Kanoe]: I need some help. I banned a person named [Tristin Blade] from my wiki, I even set the veiwable by forum members only thing but he still seems to be able to get past it.

2006-09-04 [True, plain and simple]: Which wiki-page?

2006-09-04 [Sunrose]: When did you make it viewable by forummembers only?

2006-09-04 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Not long ago...mabey a week tops.

2006-09-04 [Sunrose]: And you didn't invite him to the forum (perhaps accidentally)? (just making sure)

2006-09-04 [Xeroh Kanoe]: I cheked it like five times after the comment he made recently.

2006-09-04 [Sunrose]: You made a lot of wikichanges, that seem to have been done to the wikisettings (considering there are no textual changes to be seen). What did you change then?

2006-09-04 [Xeroh Kanoe]: When I looked the first time he commented me after creating the forum I checked it and stuck a password on it then the most seconed most current I looked at the forum list and it didnt say his name and so I put a password ont the wiki page itself, most recent change was me just checking it again and adding some more of my friends.

2006-09-04 [Sunrose]: You only need to add a password to a forum if you want to make a link to it somewhere, so people can click it and join :)
I'll ask [Hedda] to check this out.. :)

2006-09-04 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Thank you. When I first came here I was only told the bad now I relize you are very helpful, my respect for all guards has grown.

2006-09-04 [Sunrose]: Well, it works a bit like karma. If you contribute to Elftown in a positive way and treat people with respect, you will be treated likewise. If you violate the rules and generally cause problems, you'll most likely get reprimanded for it or kicked out if needed :)
Of course every Guard is his/her own person and not everyone can always get along on a personal level, but if you ask for help nicely then there's always someone willing to lend a hand :)

2006-09-04 [Hedda]: [Tristin Blade] is a member of the forum <forum:secret forum> that is connected to shadows domain so that's the reason he can read it.

2006-09-04 [jsun]: SO, when I come across a page that has entirely nothing to do with fantasy and it appears that they don't even have an interest in fantasy, could I justly send them a message expressing my quarry with them being a part of elftown or is this considered harrassment?

2006-09-04 [pixish]: yes that is considered harrassment. They're not hurting you :p

2006-09-04 [jsun]: dang :) It sure would help taking Elftown back

2006-09-04 [Sunrose]: From what? Elftown has always been open to hangrounds, as long as they don't cause problems.. :)
You could approach them and ask if you could see their art, encourage them to get more involved with art. Though if they decline, you'll have to accept that :)
This method though will most likely have a better effect than approaching them with hostility :/

2006-09-04 [jsun]: That's a good way of going about it [Sunrose]. I hadn't intended on being rude, I meant to state that they should become involved in the many wikis that make this a fantasy community rather than simply listing favorite bands. But, if I write anything at all, I'll follow your guidelines. I like that and thanks for the answers you two

2006-09-06 [Viking]: I forgot to remove myself from this wiki (and others) when I left the crew...

2006-09-06 [Viking]: Thanks [ally]!

2006-09-07 [Vampire Akis]: <img:stuff/BOOakis.gif.psd>
it doesn't show up! help me..... :( please.

2006-09-07 [iippo]: The ending of the file is -psd - photoshop document, browsers don't support those. When I put in a separate window, my browser asked whether I want to open it in Photoshop itself, which I did and it works. The file has two layers - didn't you save it as a gif before uploading? Or did you upload the .psd by accident?

2006-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Is there anything I can do if someone has the name I want and havent logged on in like...1200 days?

2006-09-08 [Sunrose]: You could request [Hedda] if you could have the name. Generally he dislikes that though, it disables that person to ever come back..

2006-09-08 [Vampire Akis]: iippo, when I created the picture it became a psd. Idk why though.

2006-09-08 [iippo]: Created the picture in Photoshop, or created = uploaded to ET? I dunno why it is uploaded as a psd, either, since the file also has .gif in it... All I can assume that you had the file as .psd on your computer, uploaded that and tried to name it .gif but that didn't go right since the file was .psd. The file itself clearly is a Photoshop -document, because it has two layers: the image and the text on its own. If you open the psd-file in Photoshop, and choose "Save for web" (from the file -menu), you can save it as a gif, jpg or png, which are all web-friendly formats.

2006-09-08 [Vampire Akis]: created the picture IN photoshop. thanks.

2006-09-08 [iippo]: Photoshop's default format to save in is .psd, that's the only format that keeps layers (as far as I know, but I haven't experimented with all the less-known formats).

2006-09-09 [Vampire Akis]: okay

2006-09-09 [NightTheOwl]: Excuse me, but I got a chain message from [Dark Necromancer] its messager number 63192208 but I don't know how to make it a link to the message.

2006-09-09 [shotokan_gal]: For future reference, a message link is: [63192208@]. But as you've already written a report here, it'll be dealt with when one of the message-reading guards gets to it :)

2006-09-09 [Sunrose]: would be better if the report was done on the house :P

2006-09-09 [shotokan_gal]: Gah, I meant there was a report on the house already when I checked. Bad wording!

2006-09-09 [Sunrose]: Oh x)

2006-09-14 [Xeroh Kanoe]: How can I get multiple owners for a wiki? (I'm just full of questions arnt I^.^)

2006-09-14 [Paz]: You can't :) Only one member may actually "own" the wiki page. However, you can password protect it and only give certain members the password (the ones you want to co-own the wiki with)... so basically all of you can own it that way.
Unfortunately there is no way to have multiple have their name up in the page owner slot :) If you want to leave the page editable by anyone, then you can designate 'mods' of the wiki, etc. Who watch over it as much as they can with you. 

2006-09-14 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Kay thanks. ^.^

2006-09-16 [Vampire Akis]: how do I link a poll?

2006-09-16 [Paz]: <poll:poll number> | Ex. <poll:1> ;)

2006-09-16 [Vampire Akis]: thanks! ^^

2006-09-17 [Vampire Akis]: how do we make a poll appear on a wiki?

2006-09-17 [Zab]: You can write <wikipoll> , <voting> or <multivoting> depending on what kind of poll you want. Then submit changes and after that, you'll see the poll and can put a question and answers in it.

2006-09-17 [Vampire Akis]: like how? I mean let's say that I want <poll:1> to appear there. what do i write?

2006-09-17 [Zab]: You can't add an already existing poll to a new page. (at least I couldn't when I tried). You can only link to it like you did in your comment.
But if you want a new poll on a wiki, you write what I told you could write in the comment above.
A <wikipoll> is the same type of poll you have in your house.
In a <voting> you can see the names of those who take the poll
and a <multivoting> allows people to vote for more than one answer in the poll.

2006-09-17 [Vampire Akis]: ok thanks! ^^ lemme try

2006-09-17 [Vampire Akis]: <poll:72394> ok here's the poll. can you please do what you mean here?: zab helps akis with the poll

2006-09-17 [True, plain and simple]: You have to create a new poll to put on a wiki-page, like [Zab] said. See poll how-to.

2006-09-22 [Rosanegra]: [C====3] has been sending me harrassing messages. I checked his house, and it said he was blocked, but not for how long it has been blocked. Is it possible he could be getting around the block? He says he's been harrassing people for three days now, and no one's stood up to him.

2006-09-22 [Sunrose]: No it's not possible, he sent those before he was banned :)

2006-09-23 [Rosanegra]: Thanks. I really appreciate you keeping this community a safe place.

2006-09-23 [Erykun]: is it possable to get an artistic nudity warning on my house?

2006-09-24 [Sunrose]: Depends on the type of artistic nudity, does it include photographs of you?

2006-09-24 [Vampire Akis]: <poll:72394> why can't people vote on this poll?

2006-09-24 [shotokan_gal]: Because it's currently inactive. The owner has control over it.

2006-09-24 [Vampire Akis]: thanks

2006-09-28 [Nuit Darksin]: Is there anyway we can get the guards rules and regulations. Like the things they can and cannot do?

2006-09-28 [Sunrose]: What Guards are allowed to do and not do?
The Uploading Art Rules apply to them and they apply them to others. Thus they have the power to delete illegal images, remove falsely chosen languages, delete wikicomments, delete inappropriate/repetitive/ meaningless forumpostings and of course ban members. Some have the power to delete wikis.
They aren't allowed to remove things that aren't against the rules, or ban members that didn't deserve it.
If something along those lines happens, [Hedda] should be addressed about it and he'll make a final judgement.
Perhaps though you have a more specific question?

2006-09-28 [Teufelsweib]: perhaps she meant something like privs, where you can see what guards can do compared to, for example, normal members...

2006-09-29 [dElEtEd aCcOuNt GoAwAy!!]: [the space between a blink and a tear] this person has a tatoo pic that i konw from searching on line that its copy written..

2006-09-29 [Sunrose]: It seems that he used the image to actually have it tattoed on his back..

2006-09-29 [dElEtEd aCcOuNt GoAwAy!!]: Oh ok well I thought that it was...Ok sorry for that

2006-09-29 [Teufelsweib]: yeah, he copied the tattoo that was printed on the back of Francis Dolarhyde in the movie Red Dragon.
but as [Sunrose] said, seems that he copied it from the movie on his back... O_o

2006-10-08 [badhgirl]: I'm planning on putting artistic nudity on my homepage, should I contact a guard directly to have a warning placed on my site?

2006-10-08 [ally]: Fixed.

2006-10-08 [Vampire Akis]: Can you please put a poll on this wiki? katie's super wiki

2006-10-08 [Sunrose]: What do you mean? (It's an empty wiki btw)

2006-10-08 [Vampire Akis]: lol I know Rosy, put a poll there. Can you do that? Anything. Just put a poll there. xenophobics have a poll there

2006-10-08 [Sunrose]: Read poll how-to ;)

2006-10-12 [Vampire Akis]: ^^"  Now I can't upload a transparent pic. :-'( *cries*

2006-10-12 [Atayemi]: You need priv 99 for that. :P

2006-10-12 [Vampire Akis]: oh heck!

2006-10-12 [sequeena_rae]: You can ask [Charybdis] or [Sunrose] for priv 99 which will allow you to upload from wikis :)

2006-10-14 [TwiztidYoshi03]: This person [~stephanie~], has been sending messages that she is a town guard... Is this true?

I don't think so.

2006-10-14 [Ocean Soul]: No she is not a Guard.
All Guards are listed on this wiki; everyone not listed is not a Guard.

2006-10-14 [TwiztidYoshi03]: Thank you.

2006-10-15 [Vampire Akis]: Question: I have a picture on photoshop which I want to edit. I want to write some words on it, but ET doesn't seem to let me do it. Why is that? And what do I have to do to fix it?

2006-10-15 [Sunrose]: How do you mean 'edit'? What exactly do you do, and what does Elftown do then?

2006-10-15 [Vampire Akis]: I opened my picture on photoshop ok? Now I edited by typing something on the picture. But I don't think that Elftown will let me put it up. Am I right?

2006-10-15 [Sunrose]: You'd need to save the image as a jpg or gif, with the text. And then upload it to Elftown again.

2006-10-15 [Vampire Akis]: let me try and I'll inform you again ok?

2006-10-15 [Vampire Akis]: That is not an image. I got 289464 bytes containing this data:
1 0 obj
/Type /Catalog
/Pages 2 0 R >>
3 0 obj
/Creator(Adobe Photoshop 6.0)
/C (and so on)

It doesn't work

2006-10-15 [Sunrose]: What type of file did you try to upload? You can't upload a .psd file..

2006-10-15 [Vampire Akis]: But the gif option was not available. Anyway I think I can do it. Thanks Rosy

2006-10-15 [iippo]: I maybe late, but when saving your image in photoshop, go to File -> Save for web and then select whether you want it to be a gif, png or jpg.

2006-10-15 [Vampire Akis]: :O Fixed.

2006-10-15 [Sunrose]: Strange, I don't have to do that O_o

2006-10-15 [iippo]: Yeah, you don't have to, you can use 'save' and choose the filetype. But it's there as a tool when you need to save something specifically for internet use, and it's the clearest thing in existence. *shuts up now* :P

2006-10-15 [Vampire Akis]: Well I used 'save as'

2006-10-17 [livvy666]: i want to delete my page on elftown i dont want it any more

2006-10-17 [Ocean Soul]: You can delete all the information and stop logging in. But you can't delete your whole account from Elftown.

2006-10-27 [Angelic nightmares]: I'm going to say this as calmly as possible. If I get a little rude, I apologize, and I will try to watch my language. I signed in to Elftown today, to see an image that took me hours to draw, and hd posted on my house for a while now, missing. I searched my drawings/photo folder thing, and still didn't find the image.

I checked my messages, and got a message from a guard. I will not be saying his/her name. In the message, they said my drawing was porn. At first glance it might have seen that way. It wasnt drawn that way. Its in no way shape or form, porn.

I have said image in my poll. This has also been there for a while. With a very simple question, "Would you say this is art or porn?" With a total of 91 votes so far, 71 Elftowners said art. While only 21 said porn.

What I want to know is, why would it still be removed, when a majority of people say its art? My house has the SSC for artist nudity, and my image is still removed. How is this fair?

2006-10-27 [Calico Tiger]: I removed it. It was porn. Not artistic nudity.

2006-10-27 [Ocean Soul]: Artistic nudity means, that a person or more persons in an image are partly or completely naked to serve the purpose of adding to the image (e.g. if you have an image about a nature elf or something, it's alright to have the elf naked because jeans or t-shirt would probably disturb the balance of the image).
When you show a sexual action though, that clearly has to be called porn. It has nothing to do with artistic nudity.

2006-10-27 [Angelic nightmares]: So this would be porn? Since they just got done having sex?

2006-10-27 [Ocean Soul]: You're not showing sexual action in that image ergo it's not porn. I would say.

2006-10-27 [Angelic nightmares]: The other image wasn't porn either. I was there as I drew it. I know what went through my mind. And them having sex never once popped into my head. The blanket is there to add mystery. Never once when I drew it, did I have the intentions of them having sex.

2006-10-27 [Ocean Soul]: Well, the viewer is not able to read your mind and know what you thought when you drew it. The first is porn, because it very clearly looks like they're just having sex. The second one is not, because you can't see if they just had sex or are going to have sex or whatever. There'S a difference between having a story in mind that goes with the image and the image itself.

2006-10-27 [Angelic nightmares]: But the same image is in my poll, and almost everyone who voted, said it was Art.

2006-10-27 [Ocean Soul]: A poll's not going to change the fact that on Elftown this image is called porn and therefore can not be displayed in your house.
End of discussion here.

2006-10-30 [alu]: Excuse me, but I was wondering if someone (meaning a Guard of course) Could put an Artistic Nudity Warning on my ET page. I don't remeber if I already have one or not, because I can not see it, but if there isn't one, would you please put a warning on it? Nothing big, just enough so ET users know there is Artistic Nudity on my ET page.^^"

2006-10-30 [True, plain and simple]: Which image(s) do you think warrants an artistic nudity warning?

2006-10-31 [alu]: I do not have any up yet. Soon I will be posting some images that will have Artistic Nudity in them, but I didn't want to post them untill I had a warning or something.

2006-10-31 [True, plain and simple]: You have a warning above your house now.

2006-10-31 [alu]: Thank you. :D

2006-11-04 [Engwannuniel]: Uhm. Dear guards. :) I reported a member for repeatedly sending me long and annoying hi-messages (not just "hi", but hhhhhhiiiiiihihihihhhiiiiii-type of thing), and I was wondering if I can delete the messages from my inbox now and if anything has been done?

2006-11-04 [Nita]: Sure, don't worry, we can read deleted messages too :) And she was warned. She's been warned for other things before, so we'll have to ban her if she keeps acting like that.

2006-11-04 [Thellra]: Hey, can i get an Artistic Nudity flag in on my house?

2006-11-04 [Sunrose]: What kind of artistic nudity do you plan on uploading? :)

2006-11-05 [Engwannuniel]: Oh, okay. I didn't know that. Thank you. :)

2006-11-05 [5thwitch]: hello! I'm partecipating to a contest with a comic which contains nudity One step up, I've put a warning for susceptibles and <18. I just wanted you to know. thanks for your work.

2006-11-05 [Sunrose]: Maybe the warning should also be placed on one step up-the story, before they can see the images further down.
(People clicking the link from here won't see any warning)

2006-11-07 [Angelic nightmares]: I'm a terror and I dont give up I know. But if a member is banned, do the wikis they created destroyed too? or at least put in a forum, where access is denied?

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