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2020-08-13 11:20:39
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The guards enforce the rules on Elftown, reprimand trouble makers and ban repeat offenders.

To report another member, please read the instructions on Report!


Elftown Guard Team

Town Guard


Town Guard Lieutenant

Town Guard Captain



(Webart by [Calico Tiger])

Please see Elftown - Rules & Uploading Art Rules to find out what Elftown's rules are.

If you wish to report someone please use the report function on member's houses, rather than messaging the Guards.

Please note that only the Lieutenants and the Captain can handle issues concerning harassment in messages.

[Hedda] should only be contacted regarding account issues.

Town Guard Veterans

Veterans#Guards: These are retired Town Guards.


Patrollers: Vigilantly report violations of the Uploading Art Rules to the Guards team.

Use the comment section for Guard related questions and issues only.


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-The wiki-index
-The Elftown Council
-The badge reward system
-The Uploading Art Rules
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2006-04-09 [Furr]: Apologising for misdeeds is moot and pointless. You did something deliberately. Therefore, there is no such thing as an apology that will work. It is similar to a criminal, who gets off the hook, because he apologises for beating people up/stealing people's things.

2006-04-13 [Blakkduv]: can [Asrun] have a warning for artistic nudity? i dont want a report to ban her, just one of those. and sorry for your time

2006-04-13 [FAE]: Can I have an artistic nudity warning in my house? I want to post some of my older work.

2006-04-14 [Savien]: Done.

2006-04-22 [Cthulhu.]: My fair guards I come to you with a problem. Someone has hacked into my elftown account and changed a bunch of things. They got my elftown by hacking my MSN account to. I have a fair idea who they are, but I'm not sure. They took over [light.] and I would kindly like it back please. I put alot of work into that house and I'm not going to let it go to waste. With love, Cricket <3

2006-04-23 [Angelic nightmares]: I'm not sure if its allowed or not, but [TheTearofSiren] has a nude picture on her house. Its of her and her child. And a little disgusting. I dont think that a picture that that needs to be up here, considering we have members as young as 9 on here.

2006-04-23 [Calico Tiger]: There is absolutely nothing wrong with the image. Unless, for some reason, you find bare arms and baby chests pornographic. And if that's the case, you have more issues than we wish to deal with o_O Again, there is nothing wrong with the image. Nothing naughty is happening in the image and not a single thing is shown in the image except bare arms and shoulders.

2006-04-23 [Cthulhu.]: I've noticed I'm being ignored. I HAVE A PROBLEM HERE! My elftown was HACKED. And this person is changing stuff on my house. My old one, [light.]. Would you atleast ban that account? I don't want my friends to think it was me. Even thought I've informed most of them that it is, infact, not me.

2006-04-23 [Calico Tiger]: You're not being ignored. A report was left in the house in question (next time, that's something you should really do. Leave a report in the house and list the type as "stolen account". You don't have to this time, I've already done so, however). Now you just wait for the guard who takes care of that to get to it :)

2006-04-23 [Angelic nightmares]: The United Goverment, in some states, consider a babies chest pornographic. I'm ont tryin to press my coment ealier, I'm just saying

2006-04-23 [Cthulhu.]: Thank you for the help. The person who stole my account is starting to send messages out too. ><

2006-04-24 [nokaredes]: In that house, [TheTearofSiren], you can see the baby's lower parts, too...

2006-04-24 [Cthulhu.]: You know, I'm still waiting for someone to take care of my stolen house, because they're now running ramage on Us beautiful people

2006-04-24 [Calico Tiger]: Naked babies aren't porn. Drop it. If you're getting off on baby images, you don't belong here....

2006-04-24 [toycar]: I'm not sure if this is the right way about going about this...:S But may I be able to request a warning of nekkid pictureness on my page. Although I am rather incompetent at drawing privates, so maybe a ‘beware disfigured nude art’ would be more appropriate :P But indeed, I would make me muchly happy, but im at all in no rush, so whenever someones got a little time on their hands. Thanks :)

2006-04-24 [Sunrose]: Fixed :)

2006-04-24 [fullstop]: :D

2006-04-24 [toycar]: ah thanks heaps :)

2006-04-25 [TheEvilHat]: your all a buncha fuckheads, bann me

2006-04-25 [jsun]: heh, I guess when a donor of funds requests to be banned he gets what he wants :)  (in reference to TheEvilHat)

2006-04-25 [Sunrose]: It seems something rather strange came over him...if he was hacked or whatever then banning the account would still be the solution, so that nothing bad can happen to it. An email can be sent to Elftown's mail about any problems...

2006-04-27 [ravenlock]: this is freakin confusing

2006-04-28 [dragonflye]: What is so confusing?

2006-05-01 [Angelic nightmares]: Alright, thats it! [dumbassc] just asked me to cyber. Is there anyway, I can get a SSC on my house, saying that I DONT cyber?

2006-05-01 [de Morte]: Hello guards! I do need help with a problem on here. I have had quite a few people on here ask me to cyber and I have reported the ones who have asked, but with the frequency and numbers that have asked (somewere around 20+ I believe) I REALLY would appreciate it if someone would put a warning on my page saying something kind of like "this member does not cyber and will report you to the guards if you ask"

2006-05-02 [Sunrose]: How long has the notice about cybering been in your description? It seems big enough and more effective than when we write it in your SS-comment. When we give you that warning, they might still message you for cyber anyway..

2006-05-02 [de Morte]: it's been there... for a few months but they still keep asking...

2006-05-02 [Sunrose]: But what makes you think they will pay more attention to a small SS than they would to those huge letters in your description? :)

2006-05-02 [de Morte]: well as i see it in there thoughts, the one in my description is a challenge to them of sorts, but if there was an official SS on my page then they could see it as was it is.

2006-05-02 [Sunrose]: I think the same goes for an SS-comment actually as has been proven in the past. And no offense to you, but you do realise you show a lot of yourself in your picture? I think that's all they are really looking at, whether we put an SS there or not. It would not be much different in real life...

2006-05-02 [de Morte]: well that picture is pretty recent and even with pictures that only show my face i would still get people messaging me

2006-05-02 [Sunrose]: Some of your pictures don't only show your face actually. And I only see 5 reports you have made since september 05, 3 of which have been made the past month most likely after uploading your current image...

2006-05-02 [de Morte]: i've had that pic for about a week...

2006-05-02 [Sunrose]: Then my comment still goes for 2 reports you have made. We have already dealt with those who have messaged you, an SS-comment won't make any difference. And that would be the final word on that.

2006-05-02 [NamelessMerc]: Damnit why not just put the no cyber comment below your picture, or in the first line of your description? How many horny cyber-people are likely to read all the way down to that notice?

2006-05-02 [zoloftzantac]: or just not have sexy pics of yourself in your underware, that might help ...

2006-05-03 [NamelessMerc]: That too o.0;

2006-05-04 [Calico Tiger]: This wiki is not for chatting :) Please keep it to guard issues. Tackle and hug people via messages, other wiki pages, or the appropriate forums ;)

2006-05-07 [Wulf Skjaldr]: A question? If you had an image deleted, is that it? No more punishments? Penalties? Etc.

2006-05-07 [stuffAEAmade]: Only if you were to break the rules on a regular basis. :3

2006-05-07 [Wulf Skjaldr]: Ok, great. I guess I've just gotten used to paying fines in Morrowind, and wanted to get anything I had to take care of out of the way.

2006-05-07 [stuffAEAmade]: Just make sure that you know and understand the uploading art rules. :3

2006-05-07 [Wulf Skjaldr]: I do, now. I just read them. I guess I knew they were there before, but I never read them. I just went by common sense. I guess I'll read those little "Terms of Sevice" now.

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Is this porn? o.o <-- Mine but yeah. If it is I won't upload it on my house >_> Or if it would make people embaressed even through that's pretty hard to make people embaressed these days >_>

2006-05-09 [Calico Tiger]: If that's a vibrator (or anything else, for that matter) that she's putting up in herself, then yes. It's porn ;) If she's just naked and blushing, it's not really porn. Just my opinion! Should hear what the others say too. Kinda borderline XD

2006-05-09 [someelf]: She's just naked and blushing ^^ And no no viberator ^^' >_< XD *Grins and awaits for the others* :3 ^^

2006-05-09 [Jay Ladlehaus]: *concurs*

2006-05-09 [someelf]: What's that supposed to mean..? o.o *Excuses herself of lack of braincells.*

2006-05-09 [Calico Tiger]: It means he agrees :)

2006-05-09 [someelf]: Oh ^^ Thanks I suppose ^^' *grins*

2006-05-09 [Nita]: Well, I'm not sure fingers are less erotic than vibrators, but oh well... :P

2006-05-09 [someelf]: XD She actuely was trying to hide her thing >_> But it didn't turn out that well huh? XD

2006-05-09 [ally]: Fine with me then .. allthough i also tought she was touching herself

2006-05-10 [Paz]: I have a question, if some one has a photo of something like a poster or a TV show that they didn't create is it allowed? Such as someone has a picture of a TV show that they took but they didn't create the show? :)

2006-05-10 [Paz]: and would this be considered too violent =P:

2006-05-10 [General Jelly Jiggler]: I see nothing wrong with it... and I am a guard! ...of... my root beer...

2006-05-10 [Paz]: Neither of you two are guards (and I don't want to sound mean) but I would rather have answers from the guards not opinions from people who are not guards, thank you :P

2006-05-10 [Paz]: (Sorry if I come here a lot but I wish not to make bad reports :P) Would this image or words be considered reportable or just a general annoyance?:

2006-05-10 [ally]: First question: no. Unless the member is featured in it.// I removed the picture. It's not too bad but since that member probably won't return there's no need to disturb other people with it.

2006-05-10 [ally]: That's just annoying ...

2006-05-10 [Paz]: Okay :) Thank you. Meh... I just thought the word used was a tad too crude but oh well...

2006-05-10 [ally]: Words are word. As long as no one in particular is meant then who would feel insulted by it?

2006-05-10 [Paz]: It might be directed at someone but it doesn't say :/ So I think it's now just a general annoyance. I just didn't know if the content was allowed (then again people type it in their house's anyways >.>)

2006-05-10 [Sunrose]: It is directed at the Elftown Guards :P

2006-05-10 [Paz]: Ah, it is XD!

2006-05-11 [someelf]: ...So I can put it up? o.o

2006-05-16 [Fire Panther]: who do I need to speak to about getting the ability to upload images to a Wiki that was I was given ownership of?

2006-05-16 [Charybdis]: Guards, generally, so this is the right place to ask :)

2006-05-16 [Fire Panther]: oh good :) For once I'm in the right place :)

2006-05-16 [ally]: fixed. :P

2006-05-17 [malcolm scott]: im not a jack ass im just very oppinionated.

2006-05-17 [Sunrose]: Huge comment was deleted and you have been banned :)

2006-05-17 [Erekosen]: Is there any chance I could have an SS banner on my house? I'm sick of cyber-messages and hi-mails. Thank-you.

2006-05-17 [Sunrose]: We don't add such SS-comments, because reality has shown they don't make any difference :)

2006-05-17 [Ultiem]: could block those who send them if you want

2006-05-17 [Sunrose]: You're still here, so I assume you are talking about another house of yours?

2006-05-21 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: Good day. May I have the uploading art privledge so that I can enter the Design the Guard Uniform contest?

2006-05-21 [Sunrose]: Done! :)

2006-05-21 [Kshatriya Karahatay]: And thank you again!!

2006-05-26 [Paz]: Is this image considered against the rules or just idiotic: (The positioning depicted is all I'm really wondering about XD)

2006-05-26 [Calico Tiger]: Well, other than looking very silly, I don't see anything wrong :)

2006-05-26 [Paz]: Okay :P Tiz all I was wondering about

2006-05-29 [Wulf Skjaldr]: Curious, and not to be a whistleblower, but is this image a rulebreaker?

2006-05-29 [True, plain and simple]: Yes. Screenshots from movies, video games, and other similar sources are not allowed.

2006-05-29 [Wulf Skjaldr]: Ok well, there you go then. ^_^

2006-05-30 [Saiyuki Nano]: how do you become a guard

2006-05-30 [Paz]: Read the FAQ :P and make tons, and tons of good reports 

2006-05-30 [Nita]: No, that's how you become a Patroller :P

2006-05-30 [Paz]: Oh, I'm sorry! XD

2006-05-31 [NightTheOwl]: To become a guard don't you first start off as a patroller then you go rising into a guard?

2006-05-31 [Nita]: Sometimes, yes. But not necessarily :)

2006-06-01 [DMaturi]: Might I have a Artistic Nudity Warning for my house?

2006-06-01 [Sunrose]: Fixed :)

2006-06-02 [The Bohemian Pixie]: May a please have a artistic nudity banner for my house too please?

2006-06-02 [All_Most PUNK]: Fixed :) *ish a Sunrose copycat*

2006-06-02 [Sunrose]: :P

2006-06-06 [DMaturi]: o.O

2006-06-06 [moonscale]: I would like to request priv 99. 

2006-06-06 [Nita]: Fixed :) *follows the trend*

2006-06-06 [Sunrose]: You know I actually copied 'Fixed!' from [Hedda]? :P I just added the smiley-thing :p You can never trust my statements to be my own :o xD

2006-06-06 [Nita]: We're an army of Hedda-clones! :o </random silly comment>

2006-06-07 [moonscale]: Thank you

2006-06-09 [Paz]: would images like this one suffice as illegal screenshots: ?

2006-06-09 [Ihsahn]: I do not beleive so considering it looks as though the member made it and it is not of a game or anything copyrighted.

2006-06-09 [Noexistantanymo]: *coughs* Microsoft Words and Windows XP are copyrighted..

2006-06-09 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Yes they are, but the screenshot in question is neither from a game, movie, nor other form of entertainment media.

2006-06-10 [Noexistantanymo]: And the difference? Last time i checked Microsoft windows were more expensive than any game or movie on the market >.> (Note; I don't want to start a fuzz, I just want to know the difference ^^)

2006-06-10 [Nita]: The price has nothing to do with it :P Well, Microsoft does have an attribution policy for screenshots: . By the way, what's the purpose of that screenshot?

2006-06-10 [iippo]: Just a side-note, a lot of people screenshot their work in Photoshop when they want to give a sneak peak or show their progress... Hell, all the tutorials are riddled with screenshots of programs - I see no difference with them and this Word-thing. It seems like a study-thing (maybe they needed to show that graphic to a friend to explain the formula or something), and I think it's fantastic that someone uses ET for useful Real Life stuff (work, studies).

2006-06-10 [Paz]: Only tutorials with screenshots are usually in wikis where they're allowed XP I just want to know if it's against the screenshot rules or not.... (no intent on starting an argument)

2006-06-10 [Sunrose]: Microsoft would allow this screenshot if it had a note saying "Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation." // As for Elftown, I think a screenshot of an artprogram or Word are different from videoscreenshots or the likes. I think we should allow screenshots like this one.

2006-06-10 [Paz]: Good :P That clears everything up, thank you!

2006-06-10 [Sunrose]: (Another Guard might come here and disagree with me though, maybe wait a little for a final word on this ;)

2006-06-10 [Paz]: Alright then :P

2006-06-10 [someelf]: It's not for me, but I wanred to ask if my friend [Elwyne] could get a wiki uploader for art, because when she normal uploads it, all the detail dissapears and I think that's sad so I hope she get's it ^_^ Considering I can't give it her myself I ask you o.o She would love it ^_^

2006-06-10 [Sunrose]: She already has it, I'll send her an explanation on how to use it :)

2006-06-10 [someelf]: Ohh I didn't knew she had ^^ *Blushes* Sorry ^^

2006-06-10 [Sunrose]: No worries :)

2006-06-10 [someelf]: Thanks anyway :D

2006-06-11 [Trueno]: Why are Elfpack, Writersco, MusMakers and the other Heddate-sites unreachable now?

2006-06-11 [someelf]: Look at [Hedda]'s diary, it'll explain it all :)

2006-06-14 [curator angelus]: is elfpack down again?

2006-06-14 [someelf]: No? It is online and working.

2006-06-14 [iippo]: All Krill-sites and even ET was down for a very short moment just a little while ago (404-ing). There was an alarm message about it.

2006-06-14 [curator angelus]: ya i saw that, what was that about? hey also it seems to keep reverting to thing i did like 30 minutes ago, like i ended relations with this one chick and like 5 minutes earlier she should up on my list again

2006-06-15 [Saiyuki Nano]: can i get a warning on my house that say i dont cyber?people keep askin me to cyber and i keep telling them no and thay dont listean

2006-06-15 [Ultiem]: they will still do it even with the warning

2006-06-15 [Saiyuki Nano]: oh okay i'm just tired of it

2006-06-18 [-dot-]: Was just wondering if the 'sexually explicit' content on baby blue's office was allowed? I forgot where to make a report at, so forgive me if I didn't do that.

2006-06-19 [-dot-]: they deleted it, or someone deleted it since I posted that.. [xXTwilightXRose Xx] was describing performing 'oral sex' on [Beo-Wulf]

2006-06-19 [Saiyuki Nano]: hay were do i get a safe zone badge

2006-06-19 [shotokan_gal]: Safe zone, or Safe Zone Supporters for the badge specifically ;)

2006-06-27 [Tawnee.]: You know how people have little comments from the elftown secret service.. how can i request to get one of those on my page?

2006-06-28 [Xeroh Kanoe]: You guys deleted somthing I made!!

2006-06-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Just wanted you to know, I moved all the RP pages for the Ambrosia to a private forum. So you'll be getting no more messages from me, about that. But you will still get ones, about people uploading illegal art

2006-06-28 [Xeroh Kanoe]: I made it and you guys deleted it!!!Why!?!?!?!

2006-06-28 [Xeroh Kanoe]: And you might want to check out [lord obsidians] house...

2006-06-28 [Sunrose]: [Tawnee.]: You can only request for a warning about artistic nudity, you can do that here. // [Xeroh Kanoe]: What was deleted that was yours? And what about [Tristin Blade]'s house?

2006-06-29 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Guard message. And Why did you people delete that it was from a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-06-29 [Ultiem]: mightve been a UAR breaker before your friend gave it to you

2006-06-29 [Xeroh Kanoe]: My friend dosnt have an elftown.

2006-06-29 [Sunrose]: [Xeroh Kanoe]: What is your friends real name?

2006-06-29 [shirono]: umm... if I reported someone would they know that it was me who did it?

2006-06-29 [Calico Tiger]: Not unless you told them :)

2006-06-30 [shirono]: ok thanks...

2006-06-30 [Beo-Wulf]: I have a queastion....I want to know why [LadyMoon] took off the banner of the Safe Zone off my page?

2006-06-30 [Sunrose]: I checked all images she removed, the Safe Zone banner is not amongst those images.

2006-06-30 [Beo-Wulf]: ok

2006-06-30 [Tawnee.]: ever since i put that new badge up on my page... ive gotten even more messages..

2006-07-03 [Peace_Turtles]: May I please have a warning on top of my page for artistic nudity?

2006-07-03 [Sunrose]: Artistic nudity is not allowed for minors (18-), your house states you are 16..

2006-07-04 [dendrite.]: the wiki the suicide hotline,has three images in violation of the Uploading Art Rules,I know for a fact that these images weren't created by any member of that wiki.The 3 images belong to Deviant Art ,and apparently an artist has had a problem with his images being stolen before,their friends of mine and I've already contacted them about this I gave the owner of the wiki a chance to take it down last night until I came to the guards about it

2006-07-04 [Sunrose]: Which 3 images, there are far more than that..

2006-07-04 [dendrite.]: actually there are 4 ,the first 2 belong to VirusSx,and the two images of the girl with the gun belong to virgin-stock on DA

2006-07-05 [Do.Jie]: Um Sry to inturupt any thing but the bann of sparda was a mistake i logged on his account when i was angry with him and sent chain messages i also insulted some people and diffrent stuff so umm is it possible for him to get back on ?

2006-07-05 [Calico Tiger]: People, once again, it's nice that you wish to help, but please do not answer for the guards unless you are one. We do not with people mistaking non-guards for guards and then getting incorrect answers or them having to go through a proxy to get a hold of us :)

2006-07-08 [Paz]: (typo fix here :P) On the description of what Lieutenants can do, it should be "They can read messages and...." instead of just the "Can" :P

2006-07-08 [Sunrose]: How is a missing word a typo? :P

2006-07-08 [Paz]: Oh, sorry >.> Writing late at night doesn't do one well

2006-07-11 [NightTheOwl]: *:.)•°¹¤¯¶xº~¤~ºx¶¯¹°•(.:*((.:*( ••°It ToOk Me By°•• )*:.))*:.) •CoMPlEtE SuPrIsE• (.:*((.:*( •×WhEn My HeaRtו )*:.))*:.)•ºGoT LoSt In hisº• (.:*((.:*(ºº•°••°•EyEz•°••°•ºº )*:.))*:.) HeS NoT aLl I WaS (.:*((.:*( ••LoOkIn' FoR•• )*:.))*:.)BuT HeS AlL i WaNt (.:*((.:*(°AnD So MuCh MoRe°)*:.))*:.)•°¹¤¯¶xº~¤~º¢Xº¤ø,¸¸,ø                  Is this considered ASCII art?

2006-07-11 [Sunrose]: Yes, but don't go hunt for those kinds of things. Only report them if you happen to come across it :)

2006-07-11 [Furr]: ASCII art is more wellknown as images of something, consisting of symbols. Like, 0's and 1's, creating a rough black&white picture of something.

2006-07-11 [Sunrose]: ASCII Art is creating art with symbols on your keyboard, so it can be anything really. Even emoticons. However, the rules are mainly about the type of ASCII Art you describe :)

2006-07-11 [NightTheOwl]: Well i got the ASCII from somebodies house and I reported it because it came with a lot more tht i've seen around here!

2006-07-11 [Sunrose]: Okay, thanks :)

2006-07-12 [NightTheOwl]: oh i was also going to ask that as a secret comment you can put that I'll be willing to help anyone?

2006-07-12 [Sunrose]: We now only use SS-comments for artistic nudity and when someone has been banned. But you can of course write that in your description :)

2006-07-12 [NightTheOwl]: ok :)

2006-07-13 [Stephen]: Awww... Poor Runey. :(

2006-07-13 [Sunrose]: She'll come back when she has more time again :)

2006-07-13 [Stephen]: Ah, that's good to know! :D

2006-07-17 [Asalli_Angel]: So artistic nudity is only allowed for those which house states they are over 18?

2006-07-17 [Nita]: Um, no. Nude, almost nude and sexually provocative photos of the member are not allowed is ey is younger than 18.

2006-07-17 [Nita]: (As fas as I know, anyway.)

2006-07-17 [iippo]: 2006-07-03 Sunrose: Artistic nudity is not allowed for minors (18-), your house states you are 16.. 

2006-07-17 [Nita]: Strange in-context-only wording, I guess. "Almost nude and nude images of minors and pictures of self mutilation are not allowed anywhere on Elftown. Non-pornographic nudity is allowed provided no minors are involved. Elftown is a site for all ages, so keep it tasteful. You can request Artistic Nudity Warnings if you want to post nudity in your house." - from the rules.

2006-07-17 [iippo]: Context: [Peace_Turtles] asked if they could get an artistic nudity warning on the top of the house. :/

2006-07-17 [Nita]: Well, there are no drawings in her house, so what [Sunrose] said is right in this context :P

2006-07-17 [Sunrose]: I wrote it like that, because from what I could see she requested that warning for nudity pictures of herself. Some of the ones that are up now are actually not allowed, I think..

2006-07-21 [Tadriendra]: Uhm.. Is there a possibilyty for me being a guard?


2006-07-26 [shotokan_gal]: Random comments from [iOWNelftown BITCHES!!] and [Night Prowler] have been removed - any more of that and expect to face a ban.

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: You know...I once reported someone...and nothing was a legitiment report so I see no reason why it was ignored...

2006-08-09 [True, plain and simple]: How do you know nothing happened?

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: First off he would have told me about it. Seconed it was ban worthy.

2006-08-09 [True, plain and simple]: Username?

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Doesnt matter now...

2006-08-09 [True, plain and simple]: Then I have no reason to believe that it wasn't handled in the proper manner. We don't "ignore" reports, so perhaps you saw the issue in an incorrect light (based on the rules).

2006-08-09 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: It doesnt matter because he had me hack into the account and delet all of it and change the password.

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Hey I didnt have you do it, you got sick and tired of his spamming and did it yourself.

2006-08-09 [Nita]: [Xeroh Kanoe]: The only member you've reported has been warned by [Nightshadow]. I wonder why you think it was ban worthy.

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: If you people think your so smart who did I report then?

2006-08-09 [Sunrose]: Sent: 2006-06-28 00:23:45 / On: [Tristin Blade] / Text: Spamming.
He neglected to tell you about [60435413@], a message from [Nightshadow] that only he can read.

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Look...I'll admit it I'm activly againts the guards. And its not just because of the uploading art rules. Its because some guards are snobs.

2006-08-09 [Sunrose]: More like an image was deleted from your house and you're a bit upset about it.

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: No like I said some of you guys are snobs and you should know good and well, sunrose.

2006-08-09 [Sunrose]: Some comments were deleted: this is not the place to attack one another.
[Xeroh Kanoe]: None of the Guards have treated you unfairly. You even wanted a friendship with me.
The banning of Turkey was justified based on his own behaviour. The wiki was taken over to ensure he won't use it wrongfully. Since you don't know of the history, you can't judge whether power was abused or not.

2006-08-09 [NamelessMerc]: Apologies for the arguing >.<;

2006-08-09 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Sunrose, I whole heartedly agree with you, but some of the guards do abuse there powers. Some of the guards have deleted drawings just because they think the owner cant draw that good. It hasnt happend to me, seconed hand accounts.

2006-08-09 [Sunrose]: I'll only take that as an official complaint if you have an actual example. We can't do anything about vague stories about 'something' that happened to 'someone' 'sometime'.

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