Halloween Art 06, Page 1
Please see the rules on the main page:
Halloween Art Competition
Winners: Halloween 2006
<news:[Halloween Art Competition@wiki] winners!>
Thank you to all that contributed!
This Competition Is Closed
How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:
1. [
insert user name] - "Title"
There is a theme:
Things That Go Bump in the Night. A Halloween contest where people show the traditional childhood fears of monsters in the closet, under the bed, etc.
Make sure the entries fit the theme, or they will be removed.
Entry Removed Image does not fite the theme of Things That Go Bump in the Night. A Halloween contest where people show the
traditional childhood fears of monsters in the closet, under the bed, etc.
2. [
banu] -
'Genie in The Lamp'

The genie was my the biggest fear when I was a child...Well, genies are still my fear because I have listened to lots of stories about genies and in Turkey We believe that some of those stories are REAL!!!
3. [
Elegy - gone] -
'Ode to Big Brothers'

Because my big brother always chased away the mummies from my closet.
4. [
Atayemi] -
'Along Came A Spider'

I made this because it is what I am most afraid of, and spiders are usually associated with Halloween! Aren't they? O.o
5. [
Artemis Riddle]
'Gabriel the Savage'

The scary seaghoul pirate from a norwegian childrens book, who made me afrai of the wather at night from the age of 4.
6. [

Based on a nightmare I used to have when I was little.
7. [
Nocternity S.] -
'Death is waiting'

Since i was little i went to too many graveyards, i always used to imagine death looking at me...
The all powerful Midori] "Snack time"
9. [
sexi_babe] "skeleton"
10. [
darcam] "Fire Demon"

Inspired by a fear of the woods as a kid.
Entry Removed Image does not fite the theme of Things That Go Bump in the Night. A Halloween contest where people show the
traditional childhood fears of monsters in the closet, under the bed, etc.
bluefarie] "The Soul Eater!"

I had a chill last night & this is what I imagined that was behind me.
13. [
Zab] "Just a beast under your bed"

Made in Photoshop and Open Canvas. I just like cute monsters..
Removed: Entry violates Rule No. 2
- drawings must be new. That means you may not submit a drawing you have made before this contest or one that was submitted to another contest already.
15. [
Entry Removed Image does not fite the theme of
Things That Go Bump in the Night. A Halloween contest where people show the traditional childhood fears of monsters in the closet, under the bed, etc.
18. [
EmeraldGrizzly]'s "Original Horrors"

Spawned from a reaccurring dream I used to 'ave of the original Wolfman, Frankenstein's Monster, and Dracula coming after me from the Full Moon at midnight. When I watch their movies my hair still stands on end...
19. [
windgirl] "Compilation of my Childhood Fears"

It's basically everything I feared as a kid starting with the sadistic porcelain doll who was fascinated with knives to the ghosts i saw falling down windows, and so on.
20. [
999999999227747 3734] "Ghost witch"
21. [
Tynuka-Rhytishy] "Boogeyman"
22. Deleted because it wasn't scary enough.
23. [
Vampire Akis] "The Purple Eyed" Monster lurking in the dark.
24. [
jonnasodak] "The reaper is gonna get you"
25. [
moira hawthorne] 'Window fear'

The spooky tree outside my bedroom window cast a shadow that traveled around my room and over my bed on my bedroom walls whenever a car passed by on our road! I was terrified that that shadow would reach down and grab me to pull me out of my bed and home.
26. [
cap'n sharkbait - the sword test dummy] "But daddy, what about the monsters?, Dont be silly, theres no such thing as monsters"
27. [
Stray Kitty] Who's Afraid Of The Dark?
28. [
Levoton] - "Peeking" - I guess we all know him.
29. [
Orgasmo] - Sleep Tight
30. [
Morningstar Rising] - Ghoul At My Window
Mom] - Hiding Monsters...in the closet,under the bed,outside the window?
akhirah] - When you think your alone in your bed.
Entry Removed Image does not fite the theme of Things That Go Bump in the Night. A Halloween contest where people show the
traditional childhood fears of monsters in the closet, under the bed, etc.
34. [
Lady Chaos] - Red Eyes
35. [
Artsieladie] - When I was a kid, we had some woods close to our house. I loved to play in them by day, but at night, you couldn't get me anywhere near them, for I thought that there was where the ghosts, demons & spirits were summoned to start their nightly prowling! This is that summons of things that go bump in the night!
Entry Removed Image does not fite the theme of Things That Go Bump in the Night. A Halloween contest where people show the
traditional childhood fears of monsters in the closet, under the bed, etc.
37. [
Yncke] - The monster that doesn't respect the safe haven that is the blanket over your head.
38. [
amrazon] - The Closet
Slumber, slumber, I wish to sleep
but the void in my closet is dark and deep.
Sleep fails my soul with my eyes wide shut,
they come to torment, to grind and cut.
My flesh intact they cannot effect,
but my heart and my sanity play things they direct.
They toy and taught, they brag and spoil,
my body all raggedy, trembles and coils.
I lie like a lamb, useless in my blight
waiting and praying for night to be light.
Day will conquer and the torment shall cease,
until ebony blankets the world with its sheath. Written by Aimee Villalobos
39. Took it down because of the rules and I did not want to break any rules. :)
40. [
Perplexity] - Afraid of My Own Shadow
Why was the bathroom soooooo much farther away from the bedroom when it was dark? And why was there always a monster between me and it?
41. [
Bente] - "Watch your back - others are doing as well"
When I was alone in the dark, I always got the feeling that someone was staring at me...and I still do.
42. [
iippo] - "The monsters at home"
And the worst part is that mum can't save you from them...
43. [
The Scarlet Pumpernickle] "Don't be scared Teddy..."
Incorperation of a fears of the dark, spiders, cobwebs, and my own personal fear of the potato bin. *shudders* Always hated having to go down to the basement..to put my hand in that bin. I swear the spiders were that big.
44. [
WestFactor] - Teddy heard something
45. [
Sahraminkukka] - "The monster took my doll" The monster in the closet took the girl's doll.
46. [
Ssapzyne Del'Armgo] - "Gotcha"
This was one of my biggest childhood fears; I would always end up vaulting onto my bed to avoid this guy!
47. [
skittels] - "Silent Scream"
Vampires always do well on halloweens eve
48. [
BinaryPhoenix] ~ Took it off, apparently it broke the rules.
I'll try and come up with a better entry. ^_^
49. [
Sunny Silverunicorn] ~ "Fear-sum"
50. [
Dirty DaVinci] "Tempt me not"
Imagine having one of your fears tap your window with treats. What would you need to be tempted with to open the window?
Eveilber] "When the clock stricks 12"
52. [
Mekashef] "The King of Underbed"
53. [
fire_stone] "A Monster Has Escaped"
This monster has torn through his chains and come out from under my bed.
54. [
Diiwica] "Peak-a-Boo"
55. [
5thwitch] "halloween card"
This Competition Is Closed
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Halloween Art Competition