Page name: Guards [Logged in view] [RSS]
2020-08-13 11:20:39
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The guards enforce the rules on Elftown, reprimand trouble makers and ban repeat offenders.

To report another member, please read the instructions on Report!


Elftown Guard Team

Town Guard


Town Guard Lieutenant

Town Guard Captain



(Webart by [Calico Tiger])

Please see Elftown - Rules & Uploading Art Rules to find out what Elftown's rules are.

If you wish to report someone please use the report function on member's houses, rather than messaging the Guards.

Please note that only the Lieutenants and the Captain can handle issues concerning harassment in messages.

[Hedda] should only be contacted regarding account issues.

Town Guard Veterans

Veterans#Guards: These are retired Town Guards.


Patrollers: Vigilantly report violations of the Uploading Art Rules to the Guards team.

Use the comment section for Guard related questions and issues only.


Go or return to:
-The wiki-index
-The Elftown Council
-The badge reward system
-The Uploading Art Rules
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Username (or number or email):


2006-01-15 [-tsukasa-]: I have gaia too :P

2006-01-15 [Paz]: Okay, thank you :)

2006-01-16 [Legato_Lives]: HI :)

2006-01-16 [Legato_Lives]: Can I Apply To Become A Guard I Read The FAQ So Can I Tryout :)

2006-01-16 [Sunrose]: See apply to the crew :)

2006-01-16 [Legato_Lives]: Thank u again Sunrose

2006-01-17 [Paz]: (I'm back with yet another question, sorry) If someone has two things that are against the UAR (ex. one ASCII and one animation) Do I just report one of them and the other just gets caught? Or do I report both in seperate reports?

2006-01-17 [True, plain and simple]: You can just mention it all in one report, really..Just listing the report type as whatever you see first should be fine.

2006-01-17 [Paz]: thanks :)

2006-01-20 [Galatea]: A quick question, I have a situation about a banned person and I was wondering if a guard would be willing to message me privately about the matter? I just need to ask a few questions. Thank you.

2006-01-20 [Sunrose]: Which member? Then the Guard who did the banning can answer the questions :)

2006-01-20 [NamelessMerc]: Is a wiki that encourages people to harass people unsuitable? its a wiki!! encourages people to link 'chavs' to it through messages and get responses from it.

2006-01-20 [Sunrose]: Does it name Elftown members somewhere they want be harassed?

2006-01-20 [NamelessMerc]: Does it what? Sorry, I'm still half asleep.

2006-01-20 [Sunrose]: Does its a wiki!! tell people to harass specific Elftown members?

2006-01-20 [NamelessMerc]: No, it encourages them to find new members to add to it's list elftown chavs and then to send them a message to try and get them to respond. Those replies are posted on chav replies

2006-01-20 [Sunrose]: Yes, so it tries to get Elftowners to harass other Elftowners. I will take care of it, thanks for the report :)

2006-01-20 [NamelessMerc]: No problem.

2006-01-20 [Galatea]: [BloodLust~*~] was the member I was referring to.

2006-01-20 [Sunrose]: I banned that member, you can ask me about it :)

2006-01-20 [Galatea]: Ok, thanks sunrose, I am going to message you privately about that, ok?

2006-01-20 [Sunrose]: Sure :)

2006-01-23 [living_dead_girl]: ok.....cani file a complaint against someone who is using a line from one of my poems on her profile.......can that be considered stolen art...i have asked her to take it off and she refuses....?

2006-01-23 [Sunrose]: You can make a report. Explain exactly what was stolen. It is difficult though to prove that you wrote it :(

2006-01-25 [free account]: hello everyone. i moved here from EP and i am very pleased with the work that you all are doing! i have quite a few large annoyances at EP, and it just seems like i fit in better here. thanks a LOT!

2006-01-25 [Ihsahn]: It seems you have developed a new fan club called fuckthebitcheyguards it is nice for laughs

2006-01-25 [Paul Doyle]: *chuckle* I'm going to watch that one, though there's no way in hell I'll comment on that one ^_^

2006-01-25 [NamelessMerc]: Ah fudge. I just submitted a report on a vandalised wiki, but I spelled the name of the wiki wrong. Anything I can do?

2006-01-25 [Sunrose]: You can write here what the proper name is :)

2006-01-25 [NamelessMerc]: XD Fair enough, the real wiki is Land in the colluseum. It's only one letter out...

2006-01-25 [Sunrose]: Thanks :p

2006-01-25 [Kickers Livin Loud]: The guards are a bit Over Abusing their power, I have made all my pictures and have taken them unless it says otherwise. Sunrose and i have been through this but yet still The guards keep wanting to delete My "Marines" logo. I can show you all a logo that is made by the Marine Core. The logo on my page is mine and i dont apreciate it being deleted. Thanks

2006-01-25 [Angelic nightmares]: One of my drawings is up at [The Dragon Princess] Would that be considered artist nudity, or porn? Cause if its porn, I can have her take it done.

2006-01-25 [Sunrose]: [Kickers Livin Loud] I'm sorry, I didn't add a note to your house about the image. And as you can see the image just gives the impression of being stolen. We don't allow pictures of a poster either, so your image (as an edited picture you took of a badge) is a borderline case :( // [Angelic nightmares]: since the art wasn't done by or for your friend, your friend should not post it at all. She should upload something of her own :)

2006-01-25 [Angelic nightmares]: Even if I gave her permission to have it up there?

2006-01-25 [Ihsahn]: [Angelic nightmares] please read the Uploading art rules, animated gifs are not allowed

2006-01-25 [Galatea]: Quick question, was there a sort of screening process started for new applying members?

2006-01-25 [True, plain and simple]: Yes, for certain places that people use to access Elftown.

2006-01-25 [Galatea]: ahh,okay, thanks

2006-01-29 [Pounders♥]: hey, [christina ♥] is no longer banned but yall still have that thing above her name, can yall take it off or is juss gonna stay on there?

2006-01-29 [Sunrose]: How so is she no longer banned?

2006-02-02 [gone123]: umm where do i go to message the guards?

2006-02-02 [Sunrose]: Here would be fine, what is your question? :)

2006-02-02 [Galatea]: Question, for wikis the art rules apply to them as they do to people's houses right?

2006-02-02 [Sunrose]: Not completely actually. You can put most images on wikis as long as you didn't upload them to Elftown or claim they are your own. No violence or porn in public wikis or harassment of other Elftown members. I think that sums it up for the most part :)

2006-02-02 [Galatea]: Ahh, ok, thanks for the clarification! ^_^

2006-02-02 [Calico Tiger]: But as a suggestion, do not make a banner page on your wiki that contains a bunch of copyrighted images. Even if you tell members not to post those in their houses, wiki club members tend to not read and post them in their houses anyhow, thus getting the image removed for everyone. If you have a banner page, make sure each and every one follows the Uploading Art Rules to save yourself some heartburn XD

2006-02-03 [Galatea]: Ok, thanks again! ^_^

2006-02-04 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: Help!

2006-02-04 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: I know Y'all are here to inforce rules but do any of you smart, educated,beautiful gaurds know why Im not able to upload stuff made on photoshop?

2006-02-04 [Sunrose]: I don't know; What happens when you try: what does it say? What kind of file are you trying to upload? How big is the image? :)

2006-02-04 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: It doesn't say anything.The upload work.But when I got to my house all I see is a red X.There is one in my "drawing" box in my house right now.

2006-02-04 [Sunrose]: What kind of file are you trying to upload?

2006-02-04 [Zab]: It's a jpg. file and the sise is within the sizelimits in pixels at least. (I know I'm not supposed to answer, but I happend to know it after trying to help in PM :)

2006-02-04 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: *nods* yep, what she said

2006-02-04 [Sunrose]: I have no idea right now what the problem might be. Maybe ask [Hedda]? :)

2006-02-05 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: Um, okay

2006-02-05 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: Wont he get mad at me?

2006-02-05 [Sunrose]: Not if you are straight to the point. Just write down in short and very clearly what the problem is :)

2006-02-05 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: okay.....

2006-02-05 [Sunrose]: I can't guarantee his reply will be nice though, but as long as you don't take it personal you should be fine :)

2006-02-06 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: okay..........

2006-02-06 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: He said it wasnt jpg, but it is....

2006-02-06 [True, plain and simple]: How are you saving it as a jpeg image?

2006-02-06 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: File,Save as, format, JPEG(*.JPG,*JPEG,*.JPE]

2006-02-06 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: And if you click on the red box and click properties it says its Jpg

2006-02-09 [♥~*Dead-end* !Kid~♥]: Hey, i was wondering, is it againts the rules here, to make a wiki, and add people's usernames on it, and keep them on even when they ask for you to take their names off?

2006-02-09 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Which wiki are you referring to?

2006-02-09 [♥~*Dead-end* !Kid~♥]: Chix wikki someone added my name and refuses to take it off.

2006-02-09 [Sunrose]: Fixed :)

2006-02-09 [♥~*Dead-end* !Kid~♥]: Thankies so much ^_^

2006-02-11 [{*~Chelsea~*}]: hi hi ummmm that idiot Fate God ummmm emailed me saying yo yo u bitch and i really dont apprciate that so i blocked him but u know i went to his house to block him and i saw that if he emailed ppl wrongly that we should block him and report him so yea

2006-02-11 [Sunrose]: Eh, what is his membername?

2006-02-11 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: hmmm [*Slappy*]

2006-02-11 [Sunrose]: Last warning sent.

2006-02-12 [Pounders♥]: what i said before, [christina ♥] is no longer banned, i know that cuz she was on her name before cuz she deleted everything. but you still have that thing above her page that sayz she has been banned, i was wondering, can you take it off or is it on there for good?

2006-02-12 [True, plain and simple]: It'll stay on there for good. Just because she found some place she could log in from doesn't mean that I unbanned her, since I haven't.

2006-02-12 [Lonely Shadow Dragon]: *sigh* Hedda hasnt been very helpful.I give up....

2006-02-13 [Flisky]: One question...the little bunny I have at my it against the rules or not? I was told it was, then told it wasn't, and I want to know if I should take it down or not...

2006-02-13 [True, plain and simple]: To [Lonely Shadow Dragon] - Eh, blame your Photoshop! It apparently isn't saving the image correctly, since it contains encoding errors.

2006-02-13 [Sunrose]: [Flisky]: I don't see a bunny. I see a sort of chicken? If you made it it is allowed. If you didn't, it is not.

2006-02-13 [True, plain and simple]: To [Flisky] - What bunny are you talking about? I didn't see it, but maybe I missed it.

2006-02-13 [Flisky]: A chicken? Hmmm...well, when I first made it, it definately looked like a bunny...(It's down my house...I think..hold on, I'll check)

2006-02-13 [Flisky]: Okay, yeah, my little brother replaced it with my owl...he does that sometimes...still same thing as the bunny, though...I have a menagerie of little critters I first made on my graphing calculator...I was just wondering if they were okay to post or not...

2006-02-13 [True, plain and simple]: They're OK if you made them yourself. Otherwise they are not allowed.

2006-02-13 [Sunrose]: Only if you made them, which includes designing it not just typing it :)

2006-02-13 [Flisky]: The owl, bunny, cat, and teddy bear are all mine, designed during calc class on a graphing calculator...So, yeah, they're my designs....Thanks for clearing that up!

2006-02-13 [~Acidelf3~]: uh hey.. i still havnt gotten my badge for one of the poetry competions

2006-02-13 [True, plain and simple]: ...Which one?

2006-02-13 [jsun]: I would like to display artistic nudity in my house. I was wondering if perhaps I could get the warning message posted on my house though before I add the nudity. How do I go about getting this added?

2006-02-13 [Sunrose]: [jsun]: Fixed :)

2006-02-13 [Sunrose]: [~Acidelf3~]: Your question has been answered on Christmas Poetry 05, Page 1.

2006-02-13 [jsun]: Thanks [Sunrose]! You rock!

2006-02-13 [Sunrose]: Thanks *^_^*

2006-02-15 [Angelic nightmares]: Ok, I was just wondering, why so many guards are watching my house. Are you guys just waiting for me to slip up, so I can be banned?

2006-02-16 [{*~Chelsea~*}]: hi thx 4 fixxin my prob u guys ar realy kool

2006-02-17 [Kaimee]: That's ok :)

2006-02-20 [stl_guy09]: Ok I have a question. If a person has been banned in the past and made a new user name and then admitted they got banned in the past, could they be banned again? I have the message number and everything/

2006-02-20 [Mandis_chaos0969]: d demon is tarorizing lil kids and he gave my lil sister nightmares he asks u to play a game and when u get 2 the 3rd level and hit lose a really freaky and destubing picture comes.please band this member

2006-02-20 [Sunrose]: [stl_guy09]: Please message me about the issue and I'll take a look :) // [Mandis_chaos0969]: Please report this member by going to his house and using the button 'Report this member to the Guards'.

2006-02-20 [Zab]: Just a question; on top of this page it sais "Make a comment to this page if you want to report that someone is behaving badly, or ask what is OK." but when someone reports anything you just tell them to use the 'report to guards'-button. I just thougt it was a bit odd, do you want reports here or not? :)

2006-02-20 [Sunrose]: When it is a question whether it should be reported or not, but not a report itself. When a report is done in the commentsection here it isn't saved unless the Guard includes a quote or something.. . I will change the page :)

2006-02-20 [Zab]: Hehe, alright. Thanks :)

2006-02-27 [Blakkduv]: can some one report me for having bad spelling at a wiki comment box

2006-02-27 [Ultiem]: ...i dont think seems stupid to do that

2006-02-28 [Blakkduv]: thank you!!! it seems ppl will do anything to treat people badly.

2006-02-28 [xXTwilightXRose Xx]: Is there any way you can get [-dot-] to stop coming to my page. I've already got him on block, but I'm tired of him always coming to my page.

2006-02-28 [Calico Tiger]: It does no harm if a person visits your house and there are no rules against it. Should he harass you via your guestbook or find some way to message you around the block, then feel free to report him. Otherwise, just ignore your last visitors box :)

2006-02-28 [xXTwilightXRose Xx]: He had like Vist my guessbook and Have say thing know i ha Delete them but still come back Every Day Just see if any thing had Change in my House and know he a Boyfriend to some one that I don't like there. I'm Try to Ignore him But he keep come back to my House I'm sick and tired of him come to it!

2006-02-28 [light.]: Uhh.. I have a slight request. I don't know if you guy's will do it for me, but I have a habit of expressing my feelings, and most people don't like those. And I'd like to maybe have a warning on my house about "this member likes to express her feelings, strongly" because I don't really want hate mail..

2006-02-28 [Sunrose]: How do you mean 'expressing my feelings' exactly? And why wouldn't a warning in your description about it suffice?

2006-02-28 [light.]: Well, an example of my feelings would be my rant page. The Diary Rant . And no one reads my house because it looks just like another "emo" childs house.

2006-02-28 [Sunrose]: If people harass you for it then you should report them. I can understand the people who were named in point 7 having objections though, you should remove their names.  // What makes you think they won't also ignore the SS-comment? :)

2006-02-28 [light.]: Because most people actually look at those since they're at the very top. And yes, I'll go remove the nights post-haist. I'm going to work on that rant anyway

2006-02-28 [Sunrose]: You're mistaken though, often when people have an SS-comment like you are requesting they only get more problems..

2006-02-28 [light.]: Like what?

2006-02-28 [Sunrose]: Getting more messages they don't want instead of less for instance.

2006-02-28 [light.]: I'm prepared to handle that

2006-02-28 [Sunrose]: But what would be the use of an SS-comment that doesn't work? Exactly: none. So no, just report anyone who harasses you.

2006-02-28 [light.]: Bleh.. okay...

2006-03-04 [Pounders♥]: but [christina ♥] is unbanned. she was on her name from her house. so she has to be unbanned. but you did answer my question

2006-03-04 [True, plain and simple]: She was not unbanned. Just because she found some not-banned place to log in from doesn't mean that she was allowed to. The notice above her house will not be taken down, because she is not unbanned.

2006-03-04 [zoloftzantac]: ummm, what are you talking about anyways? [christina ♥] was last seen 47 days ago ...

2006-03-05 [WatchTower33]: my friend [RiddleRose] suggested that i ask here for a 99 priv. Having this would save me alot of trouble. ^^ If its posible may i have the priv, Thanks

2006-03-06 [ArcticTofu]: hi, none of the et guards were present so I just leave it here: [killarydaclown] is displaying drugs in his house. I don´t think this should be allowed. those are pictures that truely need to be checked on thought they may not ... a violation to your precious upload rules

2006-03-06 [ally]: Better to write a report than posting it here. Those pictures actually don't violate the uploading art rules

2006-03-06 [Sunrose]: [WatchTower33]: You have a few image-violations recorded on your house and I'm wondering if all the images in <URL:img/drawing/47604_1134343117.jpg> are made by you....?

2006-03-06 [WatchTower33]: yes those pictures were all taken by me this summer in Wahington DC no one else has it in their house if this is a problem then I am sorry.

2006-03-06 [sexi soph]: hello.. can i ask you somethink please when will [KELLYY] be alowed back on elftown or is she baned for ever ?

2006-03-06 [MoRoxy]: yes, i have the same question for [draculas_child], she's been banned for uploading art rules

2006-03-06 [Blakkduv]: shikon i saw one of those pics on a wiki i saw ran by not you

2006-03-07 [WatchTower33]: what wiki i made that banner about america

2006-03-07 [WatchTower33]: all those pictures i took this summer! if you saw it on a wiki someone stole it from me because i gave it to no one

2006-03-07 [Charybdis]: The one on the top left doesn't look like a photo...

2006-03-07 [WatchTower33]: it is! it is the top of the capital building! It just in the background! I TOOK ALL THOSE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID NOT STEAL THEM!! I MADE THAT BANNER WHEN I WAS VERY ANGERY AT SOMEONE! I TOOK ALL THOSE PICTURES!

2006-03-07 [Paz]: Top left Dani, not right. [Charybdis] is talking about the black and white one of some soldiers. 

2006-03-07 [Sunrose]: And please stop writing in capitols >_< It is better if you can explain yourself in a more calm manner..

2006-03-07 [Sunrose]: [KELLYY] has been unbanned, [draculas_child] has received many warnings before being banned and will not be let back on Elftown. I suggest to go to as it seems more suitable :)

2006-03-07 [Keyta]: um..Elftown is blocked at my house but not anywhere else. alot of people come over to my house and use elftown so i need to find out why i can't get on at my says to blame [draculas_child] but she tryed to get on at my house and now even i can't get on. I'm confused?

2006-03-07 [Sunrose]: That's because [draculas_child] has been banned, best would be to tell me which friends are trying to log in from your house (you should be able to log in already).

2006-03-08 [ally]: You now have priv 99.

2006-03-08 [Charybdis]: Thank you :)

2006-03-08 [Calico Tiger]: Please understand, [WatchTower33], most of our members just yoink images from the internet and claim that they're theirs (it's fun to discover someone has stolen your own art and is claiming to be the artist. Or your DM (and real life friend)'s artwork ;) ). We appreciate you having patience and showing us the originals. It helps out a ton!

2006-03-09 [* im fo sure radd *]: no i think im the one who actualy knows what had happen because uit happened to me not you if you got any of that info from him then he is lieing because i told the truth he didnt i know that he wasnt telling to the truth b/c like i said i know wut had happened i was there and i was the person it happened to than you very much commet about [centour24] from [* im fo sure radd *]

2006-03-09 [Sunrose]: I read the messages the two of you sent to each other, so I know exactly who said what. You told him to go away, he then finally left you alone, you went back to him (and complained about another girl being on his house [53721928@] instead of you, whereafter you said you 'thought about him and you' and told him to break up with the other girl because 'he would look cuter with you' [53722072@]) and he asked you what you wanted, then suddenly you wanted him to go away again. So if anyone should be bothered, it would be him, since you can't make up your mind! Just block him now if you do not wish to talk to him anymore, like I told you to do in the message I sent.

2006-03-12 [Islene the night spirit]: Can I have a level 99 priv please? :) It would really help, thank you

2006-03-12 [Savien]: I'll look into it.

2006-03-12 [Angelic nightmares]: What is a level 99 priv?

2006-03-12 [Sunrose]: Member Privileges ;)

2006-03-12 [DMX#1]: how do i become a guard

2006-03-12 [Sunrose]: Apply to the crew, make good reports and hope you get selected eventually..

2006-03-14 [hotty11]: hey how can i become a guard

2006-03-14 [shotokan_gal]: Read the comment immediately above yours, and don't ask silly questions before reading the page.

2006-03-14 [Angelic nightmares]: I was wondering, if it was at all possible to get a warning on my house about it contianing artitic nudity. I've got a new drawing that I want to upload. But I was wondering if I could get the warning first

2006-03-15 [Angelic nightmares]: I've put a few of my drawings in my house, (The ones that were mentioned in the above comment). I was told to come back here and ask for an SS comment on my house

2006-03-15 [Sunrose]: Fixed :)

2006-03-15 [jsun]: I watch the comments here and I always come by to see what our guards are doing. Had alot to read recently and I just wanted to extend my thanks to the guards for their excellent work. Extra kudos to Sunrose who seems to always be all over it :)

2006-03-15 [Sunrose]: Thanks [jsun]! *^_^*

2006-03-15 [Angelic nightmares]: I've been informed about the ss comment on my house, and I just wanted to say Thanks!

2006-03-16 [ur stalker]: sorry

2006-03-16 [zoloftzantac]: Of course it's there, [Sunrose]'s word is golden ;)

2006-03-17 [Blakkduv]: yup yup!

2006-03-18 [andreasprouse_me]: what was deleted

2006-03-18 [Jay Ladlehaus]: [andreasprouse_me] - moving to messages.

2006-03-30 [Paz]: Question: Would a picture (drawn) of a disemboweled person be considered a reportable matter? This is the image: <>. I am just wondering so mistakes do not occur.

2006-03-30 [Sunrose]: The rules do say that images depicting extreme violence are not allowed, but I think this particular image isn't exactly extreme violence. Don't know what the others think... :)

2006-03-30 [ally]: If it was drawn better I wouldn't allow it. But now it doesn't bother me.

2006-03-30 [Paz]: Alright then :) I'll keep it in mind for a better drawn image, thank you :P

2006-03-30 [Melindo]: ive been on elftown for years now and thought it was time to give something back, so im on my way to becoming an elftown patroller and a good friend [Paul Doyle] tells me you guys and i quote "not too shy about giving their two-bits' worth :)" so could you please check my house ive read all of the rules over and over and understand them all. so maybe u guys could give help me out with your support to becoming a patroller thankyou for your time

2006-03-30 [Shreya]: Just start reporting...

2006-03-30 [Melindo]: thankyou for a quick responce [Shreya] i will ;)

2006-03-31 [gaither babe]: Ok I am highly ANNOYED at the moment seeing as I just wrote a LONG letter to my Best friend because we are going through some things right now. And I just spent a good while writing it. I wrote alot of things I don't think I could remember at the moment that mean alot to me. And when I went to send it, it said that I needed to log back in. I had hoped it still sent it. OF COURSE NOT!!!! I am literally crying because thats how much it meant to me that she got it. And now she never will. How can I get it back?

2006-03-31 [Shreya]: I changed the time before automatically logging out from 5 mins to 2 hours for you , you can set it higher if you want [gaither babe]. Just edit your personal information, the option is there.

2006-04-01 [Gregg111]: it isn me i think someone knoes my password

2006-04-01 [Sunrose]: Then change your password so that it doesn't happen again.

2006-04-02 [someelf]: Umm my friend Sarah said that I can download pictures/drawings up from of my computer upon a wiki, is that true? o_O

2006-04-02 [someelf]: And if so, can I get it? o.o

2006-04-02 [Sunrose]: Uhm on Elfpack yes, I don't believe the zip-upload feature has been put onto Elftown yet...

2006-04-02 [Zab]: (I think it's priv 99 she wants ;)

2006-04-02 [someelf]: Yeps What Zabs said ^^

2006-04-02 [Sunrose]: Oh! fixed :p

2006-04-02 [someelf]: What do you mean? o.o

2006-04-02 [Zab]: That you have priv 99 and can upload images on wikis. :) Ask me in a PM and I'll tell you more, elfy, no need to take it on this page :)

2006-04-02 [Sunrose]: I sent an explanation message :P

2006-04-02 [someelf]: Ohh I saw, and I didn't understood >.> and okej Zabs. Thanks you both ^^

2006-04-02 [Zab]: The reason why I shouldn't involve in this page..XD *never learns* Sorry, I'll go again :)

2006-04-02 [Sunrose]: You read my message and didn't understand anything it said? O_O

2006-04-02 [someelf]: c.c Some I did ^^ Just not everything ._. Hej I'm a girl of *coughes* 10 years old >.>.<.<

2006-04-02 [Sunrose]: But why did you not ask me anything then?? I don't mind [Zab] explaining, but if my message doesn't make any sense then I would like to know...otherwise apparantly sending it is kind of useless...

2006-04-02 [someelf]: Sorry!! ;_; I thought I would've understand, at least I tried already a couple of times x.x *sniffs*

2006-04-02 [Sunrose]: What goes wrong? What happens?

2006-04-02 [someelf]: I am trying on here Eloise's 'Latest' Drawings Number To

2006-04-02 [Sunrose]: That doesn't show me what goes wrong. You have to tell me what you see when you try to upload... :)

2006-04-02 [someelf]: ohh.. wait a minute.. *goes back to wiki*

2006-04-02 [someelf]: OMG i found out!! :D:D:D

2006-04-02 [Sunrose]: Yay! ^_^

2006-04-02 [someelf]: Thank you thank you!! *Obeys*

2006-04-07 [gaither babe]: Thank you So much. Because its so hard to write a long personal letter and then have it completely erased cause it took more than 5 minutes to write. I really appreciate it.

2006-04-08 [FuckXcore]: can {kimy} come back on to this site she can not apologize because she can not get back on to do it please !!!!!

2006-04-08 [Calico Tiger]: It seems to me that [kimy] had a habit of sending out insulting messages to people for the hell of it. And sealed her coffin when one of those people was a guard. What's she sorry for? Being an asshat to Elftown in general or just for being dumb enough to do it to a guard and thus getting caught?

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